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i18n.lift-core_hu.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
invalid.email.address = Hib\u00e1s e-mail c\u00edm
password.must.be.set = A jelsz\u00f3 k\u00f6tlez\u0151
password.too.short = A jelsz\u00f3 t\u00fal r\u00f6vid
passwords.do.not.match = A jelszavak nem egyeznek meg
number.required = A numeric value must be provided
ajax.error=The server cannot be contacted at this time
invalid.zip.code = Helytelen ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00f3sz\u00e1m
invalid.postal.code = Helytelen ir\u00e1ny\u00edt\u00f3sz\u00e1m
unique.email.address = Az e-mail c\u00edm egyedi kell legyen
must.be.logged.in = Be kell legyen jelentkezve
already.logged.in = m\u00e1r be van jelentkezve. K\u00e9rem jelentkezzen ki el\u0151sz\u00f6r.
login = Bel\u00e9p\u00e9s
logout = Kil\u00e9p\u00e9s
log.in = Bejelentkez\u00e9s
log.out = Kijelentkez\u00e9s
sign.up = Feliratkoz\u00e1s
logged.in = Bejelentkezve
logout.first = K\u00e1rem jelentkezzen ki el\u0151sz\u00f6r.
lost.password = Elvesz\u00edtett jelsz\u00f3
reset.password = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s
change.password = Jelsz\u00f3 v\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1s
password.changed = Jelsz\u00f3 megv\u00e1ltoztatva
edit.user = Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s
validate.user = Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 ellen\u00f6rz\u00e9s
edit.profile = Profil szerkeszt\u00e9s
sign.up.confirmation = Feliratkoz\u00e1si meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9s
sign.up.message = \u00d6n feliratkozott. Egy meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9si uzenetet fogunk k\u00fcldeni \u00f6nnek.
welcome = \u00dcdv\u00f6z\u00f6lj\u00fck
account.validated = Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3neve ellen\u0151rizve
invalid.validation.link = Az ellen\u00f6rz\u0151 link helytelen
account.validation.error = Az \u00f6n felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3neve m\u00e9g nem volt ellen\u00f6rizve. K\u00e9rem ellen\u0151rizze a postal\u00e1d\u00e1j\u00e1t az ellen\u00f6rz\u0151 link \u00e9rdek\u00e9ben.
invalid.credentials = Helytelen felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3n\u00e9v/jelsz\u00f3
enter.email = K\u00e9rem \u00edrja be az e-mail cim\u00e9t. Egy \u00fczenetet fogunk k\u00fcldeni egy linkkel, amivel vissza\u00e1ll\u00edthatja a jelszav\u00e1t
email.address = E-mail C\u00edm
reset.password.confirmation = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si meger\u0151s\u00edt\u00e9s
dear = Tisztelt
click.reset.link = Klikkeljen a linkre a jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s \u00e9rdek\u00e9ben
thank.you = K\u00f6sz\u00f6nj\u00fck
reset.password.request = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si k\u00e9r\u00e9s
password.reset.email.sent = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1si e-mail elk\u00fcldve
account.validation.resent = Felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3 ellen\u00f6rz\u00e9se \u00fajra elk\u00fcldve
email.address.not.found = Az e-mail cim nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3
send.it = Elk\u00fcldve
reset.your.password = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1s
enter.your.new.password = K\u00e9rem az \u00faj jelsz\u00f3t
repeat.your.new.password = K\u00e9rem az \u00faj jelsz\u00f3t (ism\u00e9tl\u00e9s)
set.password = Jelsz\u00f3 m\u00f3dos\u00edt\u00e1s
password.link.invalid = Jelsz\u00f3 vissza\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00f3 link helytelen
wrong.old.password = A r\u00e9gi jelsz\u00f3 nem helyes
old.password = R\u00e9gi jelsz\u00f3
new.password = \u00daj jelsz\u00f3
repeat.password = \u00daj jelsz\u00f3 (ism\u00e9tl\u00e9s)
edit = Szerkeszt\u00e9s
change = Megv\u00e1ltoztat\u00e1s
password = Jelsz\u00f3
recover.password = Jelsz\u00f3 visszaszerz\u00e9s
profile.updated = A profilja meg lett v\u00e1ltoztatva
male = F\u00e9rfi
female = N\u0151
locale = Locale
time.zone = Time Zone
msg.notice = Megjegyz\u00e9s
msg.warning = Figyelmeztet\u00e9s
msg.error = Hiba
country_1 = Amerikai Egyes\u00fclt \u00c1llamok
country_2 = Afganiszt\u00e1n
country_3 = Alb\u00e1nia
country_4 = Alg\u00e9ria
country_5 = Andorra
country_6 = Angola
country_7 = Antigua \u00e9s Barbuda
country_8 = Argent\u00edna
country_9 = \u00d6rm\u00e9nyorsz\u00e1g
country_10 = Ausztr\u00e1lia
country_11 = Ausztria
country_12 = Azerbajdzs\u00e1n
country_13 = Bahama-szigetek
country_14 = Bahrein
country_15 = Banglades
country_16 = Barbados
country_17 = Feh\u00e9roroszorsz\u00e1g
country_18 = Belgium
country_19 = Belize
country_20 = Benin
country_21 = Bhut\u00e1n
country_22 = Bol\u00edvia
country_23 = Bosznia-Hercegovina
country_24 = Botswana
country_25 = Braz\u00edlia
country_26 = Brunei
country_27 = Bulg\u00e1ria
country_28 = Burkina Faso
country_29 = Burundi
country_30 = Kambodzsa
country_31 = Kamerun
country_32 = Kanada
country_33 = Z\u00f6ld-foki K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_34 = K\u00f6z\u00e9p-afrikai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_35 = Cs\u00e1d
country_36 = Chile
country_37 = K\u00ednai N\u00e9pk\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_38 = Kolumbia
country_39 = Comore-szigetek
country_40 = Kong\u00f3i Demokratikus K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g (Congo Kinshasa)
country_41 = Kong\u00f3i K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g (Congo Brazzaville)
country_42 = Costa Rica
country_43 = Elef\u00e1ntcsontpart
country_44 = Horv\u00e1torsz\u00e1g
country_45 = Kuba
country_46 = Ciprus
country_47 = Csehorsz\u00e1g
country_48 = D\u00e1nia
country_49 = Dzsibuti
country_50 = Dominikai K\u00f6z\u00f6ss\u00e9g
country_51 = Dominikai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_52 = Ecuadori K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_53 = Egyiptom
country_54 = Salvadori K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_55 = Egyenl\u00edt\u0151i-Guinea
country_56 = Eritrea
country_57 = \u00c9sztorsz\u00e1g
country_58 = Eti\u00f3pia
country_59 = Fidzsi-szigetek
country_60 = Finnorsz\u00e1g
country_61 = Franciaorsz\u00e1g
country_62 = Gabon
country_63 = Gambia
country_64 = Gr\u00fazia
country_65 = N\u00e9metorsz\u00e1g
country_66 = Gh\u00e1na
country_67 = G\u00f6r\u00f6gorsz\u00e1g
country_68 = Grenada
country_69 = Guatemalai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_70 = Guinea
country_71 = Bissau-Guinea
country_72 = Guyana
country_73 = Haiti K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_74 = Hondurasi K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_75 = Magyarorsz\u00e1g
country_76 = Izland
country_77 = India
country_78 = Indon\u00e9zia
country_79 = Ir\u00e1n
country_80 = Irak
country_81 = \u00cdrorsz\u00e1g
country_82 = Izrael
country_83 = Olaszorsz\u00e1g
country_84 = Jamaika
country_85 = Jap\u00e1n
country_86 = Jord\u00e1nia
country_87 = Kazahszt\u00e1n
country_88 = Kenya
country_89 = Kiribati
country_90 = Koreai N\u00e9pi Demokratikus K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g (\u00c9szak-Korea)
country_91 = Koreai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g (D\u00e9l-Korea)
country_92 = Kuvait
country_93 = Kirgiziszt\u00e1n
country_94 = Laosz
country_95 = Lettorsz\u00e1g
country_96 = Libanon
country_97 = Lesoth\u00f3i Kir\u00e1lys\u00e1g
country_98 = Lib\u00e9ria
country_99 = L\u00edbia
country_100 = Liechtenstein
country_101 = Litv\u00e1nia
country_102 = Luxemburg
country_103 = Maced\u00f3nia
country_104 = Madagaszk\u00e1r
country_105 = Malawi K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_106 = Malajzia
country_107 = Mald\u00edv-szigetek
country_108 = Mali
country_109 = M\u00e1lta
country_110 = Marshall-szigetek
country_111 = Maurit\u00e1nia
country_112 = Mauritius
country_113 = Mexik\u00f3
country_114 = Mikron\u00e9zia
country_115 = Moldovai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_116 = Monaco
country_117 = Mong\u00f3lia
country_118 = Montenegr\u00f3
country_119 = Marokk\u00f3
country_120 = Mozambik
country_121 = Mianmar (Burma)
country_122 = Nam\u00edbia
country_123 = Nauru
country_124 = Nep\u00e1l
country_125 = Hollandia
country_126 = \u00daj-Z\u00e9land
country_127 = Nicaragua
country_128 = Niger
country_129 = Nig\u00e9ria
country_130 = Norv\u00e9gia
country_131 = Om\u00e1n
country_132 = Pakiszt\u00e1n
country_133 = Palau
country_134 = Panama
country_135 = P\u00e1pua \u00daj-Guinea
country_136 = Paraguay
country_137 = Peru
country_138 = F\u00fcl\u00f6p-szigetek
country_139 = Lengyelorsz\u00e1g
country_140 = Portug\u00e1lia
country_141 = Katar
country_142 = Rom\u00e1nia
country_143 = Oroszorsz\u00e1g
country_144 = Ruanda
country_145 = Saint Kitts \u00e9s Nevis
country_146 = Saint Lucia
country_147 = Saint Vincent \u00e9s a Grenadine-szigetek
country_148 = Szamoa
country_149 = San Marino K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_150 = S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 \u00e9s Pr\u00edncipe
country_151 = Sza\u00fad-Ar\u00e1bia
country_152 = Szeneg\u00e1l
country_153 = Szerbia
country_154 = Seychelle-szigetek
country_155 = Sierra Leone
country_156 = Szingap\u00far
country_157 = Szlov\u00e1kia
country_158 = Szlov\u00e9nia
country_159 = Salamon-szigetek
country_160 = Szom\u00e1lia
country_161 = D\u00e9l-afrikai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_162 = Spanyolorsz\u00e1g
country_163 = Sr\u00ed Lanka
country_164 = Szud\u00e1n
country_165 = Suriname K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g
country_166 = Szv\u00e1zif\u00f6ld
country_167 = Sv\u00e9dorsz\u00e1g
country_168 = Sv\u00e1jc
country_169 = Sz\u00edria
country_170 = T\u00e1dzsikiszt\u00e1n
country_171 = Tanz\u00e1nia
country_172 = Thaif\u00f6ld
country_173 = Kelet-Timor
country_174 = Togo
country_175 = Tonga
country_176 = Trinidad \u00e9s Tobago
country_177 = Tun\u00e9zia
country_178 = T\u00f6r\u00f6korsz\u00e1g
country_179 = T\u00fcrkmeniszt\u00e1n
country_180 = Tuvalu
country_181 = Uganda
country_182 = Ukrajna
country_183 = Egyes\u00fclt Arab Em\u00edrs\u00e9gek
country_184 = Egyes\u00fclt Kir\u00e1lys\u00e1g
country_185 = Uruguay
country_186 = \u00dczbegiszt\u00e1n
country_187 = Vanuatu
country_188 = Vatik\u00e1n
country_189 = Venezuela
country_190 = Vietn\u00e1m
country_191 = Jemen
country_192 = Zambia
country_193 = Zimbabwe
country_194 = Abh\u00e1zia
country_195 = K\u00ednai K\u00f6zt\u00e1rsas\u00e1g (Tajvan)
country_196 = Hegyi-Karabah
country_197 = \u00c9szak-Ciprus
country_198 = Dnyeszter-mell\u00e9k (Transznisztria)
country_199 = Szom\u00e1lif\u00f6ld
country_200 = D\u00e9l-Osz\u00e9tia
country_201 = Ashmore- \u00e9s Cartier-szigetek
country_202 = Kar\u00e1csony-sziget
country_203 = K\u00f3kusz (Keeling)-szigetek
country_204 = Korall tengeri-szigetek
country_205 = Heard-sziget \u00e9s McDonald-szigetek
country_206 = Norfolk-sziget
country_207 = \u00daj-Kaled\u00f3nia
country_208 = Francia Polin\u00e9zia
country_209 = Mayotte
country_210 = Saint Barth\u00e9lemy
country_211 = Saint Martin
country_212 = Saint-Pierre \u00e9s Miquelon
country_213 = Wallis and Futuna
country_214 = Francia d\u00e9li \u00e9s antarktiszi ter\u00fcletek
country_215 = Clipperton-sziget
country_216 = Bouvet-sziget
country_217 = Cook-szigetek
country_218 = Niue
country_219 = Tokelau-szigetek
country_220 = Guernsey
country_221 = Man
country_222 = Jersey
country_223 = Anguilla
country_224 = Bermuda
country_225 = Brit Indiai-\u00f3ce\u00e1ni Ter\u00fclet
country_226 = Akrot\u00edri \u00e9s Dek\u00e9lia
country_227 = Brit Virgin-szigetek
country_228 = Kajm\u00e1n-szigetek
country_229 = Falkland-szigetek (Malvinas)
country_230 = Gibralt\u00e1r
country_231 = Montserrat
country_232 = Pitcairn-szigetek
country_233 = Szent Ilona
country_234 = D\u00e9li-Georgia \u00e9s D\u00e9li-Sandwich-szigetek
country_235 = Turks- \u00e9s Caicos-szigete
country_236 = \u00c9szaki-Mariana-szigetek
country_237 = Puerto Rico
country_238 = Amerikai Szamoa
country_239 = Baker-sziget
country_240 = Guam
country_241 = Howland-sziget
country_242 = Jarvis-sziget
country_243 = Johnston-atoll
country_244 = Kingman-z\u00e1tony
country_245 = Midway-szigetek
country_246 = Navassa-sziget
country_247 = Palmyra-atoll
country_248 = Amerikai Virgin-szigetek
country_249 = Wake-sziget
country_250 = Hongkong
country_251 = Maka\u00f3
country_252 = Fer\u00f6er-szigetek
country_253 = Gr\u00f6nland
country_254 = Francia Guyana
country_255 = Guadeloupe
country_256 = Martinique
country_257 = R\u00e9union
country_258 = Aland
country_259 = Aruba
country_260 = Holland Antill\u00e1k
country_261 = Spitzberg\u00e1k
country_262 = Ascension-sziget
country_263 = Tristan da Cunha
country_264 = Antarktisz
country_265 = Koszov\u00f3
country_266 = Palesztina (G\u00e1zai-\u00f6vezet \u00e9s Nyugati Part)
country_267 = Nyugat-Szahara
country_268 = Ausztr\u00e1l Antarktiszi Ter\u00fclet
country_269 = Ross Dependency
country_270 = I. P\u00e9ter-sziget
country_271 = Maud kir\u00e1lyn\u00e9 f\u00f6ld
country_272 = Brit Antarktiszi Ter\u00fclet
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