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i18n.lift-core_sv.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# (c) 2011 STTS S\u00f6dermalms talteknologiservice (http://stts.se)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
invalid.email.address = Ogiltig epostadress
password.must.be.set = L\u00f6senord \u00e4r obligatoriskt
password.too.short = F\u00f6r kort l\u00f6senord
passwords.do.not.match = L\u00f6senorden \u00e4r olika
number.required = Ett numeriskt v\u00e4rde m\u00e5ste anges
ajax.error=Servern kan inte kontaktas just nu
invalid.zip.code = Ogiltig ZIP-kod
invalid.postal.code = Ogiltigt postnummer
unique.email.address = Epostadressen m\u00e5ste vara unik
must.be.logged.in = Du m\u00e5ste vara inloggad
already.logged.in = \u00e4r redan inloggad. Logga ut f\u00f6rst.
login = Logga in
logout = Logga ut
log.in = Logga in
log.out = Logga ut
sign.up = Skapa konto
logged.in = Inloggad
logout.first = Logga ut f\u00f6rst.
lost.password = Gl\u00f6mt l\u00f6senord
reset.password = \u00c5terst\u00e4ll l\u00f6senord
change.password = Byt l\u00f6senord
password.changed = L\u00f6senordet har uppdaterats
edit.user = Redigera anv\u00e4ndare
validate.user = Bekr\u00e4fta anv\u00e4ndare
edit.profile = Redigera profil
sign.up.confirmation = Kontobekr\u00e4ftelse
sign.up.message = Du har skapat ett konto. En bekr\u00e4ftelse kommer att skickas till din epostadress.
sign.up.validation.link=Klicka h\u00e4r f\u00f6r att bekr\u00e4fta registreringen:
welcome = V\u00e4lkommen
account.validated = Kontot \u00e4r bekr\u00e4ftat
invalid.validation.link = L\u00e4nken f\u00f6r kontobekr\u00e4ftelse \u00e4r ogiltig
account.validation.error = Ditt konto \u00e4r inte bekr\u00e4ftat. Kolla din epost efter ett meddelande om kontobekr\u00e4ftelse
invalid.credentials = Ogiltigt anv\u00e4ndarnamn/l\u00f6senord
enter.email = Fyll i din epostadress s\u00e5 mailar vi en l\u00e4nk f\u00f6r att \u00e5terst\u00e4lla l\u00f6senordet
email.address = Epostadress
reset.password.confirmation = Bekr\u00e4fta \u00e5terst\u00e4llning av l\u00f6senord
dear = Hej
click.reset.link = Klicka h\u00e4r f\u00f6r att \u00e5terst\u00e4lla ditt l\u00f6senord
thank.you = Tack
reset.password.request = Beg\u00e4ran om att \u00e5terst\u00e4lla l\u00f6senord
password.reset.email.sent = Epostmeddelande f\u00f6r l\u00f6senords\u00e5terst\u00e4llning skickat
account.validation.resent = Skickat nytt epostmeddelande f\u00f6r kontobekr\u00e4ftelse
email.address.not.found = Epostadressen finns inte registrerad
send.it = Skicka
reset.your.password = \u00c5terst\u00e4ll l\u00f6senord
enter.your.new.password = Ange nytt l\u00f6senord
repeat.your.new.password = Ange nytt l\u00f6senord (igen)
set.password = Spara l\u00f6senord
password.link.invalid = Ogiltig l\u00e4nk f\u00f6r \u00e5terst\u00e4llning av l\u00f6senord
wrong.old.password = Felaktigt l\u00f6senord
old.password = Tidigare l\u00f6senord
new.password = Nytt l\u00f6senord
repeat.password = Nytt l\u00f6senord (igen)
repeat = Upprepa
edit = Redigera
cancel = Avbryt
ok = OK
change = \u00c4ndra
password = L\u00f6senord
recover.password = Gl\u00f6mt l\u00f6senord
profile.updated = Din profil har uppdaterats
male = Man
female = Kvinna
first.name = F\u00f6rnamn
last.name = Efternamn
locale = Spr\u00e5k
time.zone = Tidszon
msg.notice = Information
msg.warning = Varning
msg.error = Fel
crudify.menu.view.displayName=Visa %s
crudify.menu.edit.displayName=Redigera %s
crudify.menu.delete.displayName=Radera %s
paginator.norecords = Det finns inga poster att visa
paginator.displayingrecords = Visar %s-%s av %s
# Country names
country_1 = USA
country_2 = Afghanistan
country_3 = Albanien
country_4 = Algeriet
country_5 = Andorra
country_6 = Angola
country_7 = Antigua och Barbuda
country_8 = Argentina
country_9 = Armenien
country_10 = Australien
country_11 = \u00d6sterrike
country_12 = Azerbajdzjan
country_13 = Bahamas
country_14 = Bahrain
country_15 = Bangladesh
country_16 = Barbados
country_17 = Vitryssland
country_18 = Belgien
country_19 = Belize
country_20 = Benin
country_21 = Bhutan
country_22 = Bolivia
country_23 = Bosnien och Herzegovina
country_24 = Botswana
country_25 = Brasilien
country_26 = Brunei
country_27 = Bulgarien
country_28 = Burkina Faso
country_29 = Burundi
country_30 = Kambodja
country_31 = Kamerun
country_32 = Kanada
country_33 = Kap Verde
country_34 = Centralafrikanska republiken
country_35 = Tchad
country_36 = Chile
country_37 = Kina (Folkrepubliken Kina)
country_38 = Colombia
country_39 = Komorerna
country_40 = Demokratiska republiken Kongo (Kongo-Kinshasa)
country_41 = Kongo-Brazzaville (Republiken Kongo)
country_42 = Costa Rica
country_43 = Elfenbenskusten
country_44 = Kroatien
country_45 = Kuba
country_46 = Cypern
country_47 = Tjeckien
country_48 = Danmark
country_49 = Djibouti
country_50 = Dominica
country_51 = Dominikanska republiken
country_52 = Ecuador
country_53 = Egypten
country_54 = El Salvador
country_55 = Ekvatorialguinea
country_56 = Eritrea
country_57 = Estland
country_58 = Etiopien
country_59 = Fiji
country_60 = Finland
country_61 = Frankrike
country_62 = Gabon
country_63 = Gambia
country_64 = Georgien
country_65 = Tyskland
country_66 = Ghana
country_67 = Grekland
country_68 = Grenada
country_69 = Guatemala
country_70 = Guinea
country_71 = Guinea-Bissau
country_72 = Guyana
country_73 = Haiti
country_74 = Honduras
country_75 = Ungern
country_76 = Island
country_77 = Indien
country_78 = Indonesien
country_79 = Iran
country_80 = Irak
country_81 = Irland
country_82 = Israel
country_83 = Italien
country_84 = Jamaica
country_85 = Japan
country_86 = Jordanien
country_87 = Kazakstan
country_88 = Kenya
country_89 = Kiribati
country_90 = Demokratiska folkrepubliken Korea (Nordkorea)
country_91 = Republiken Korea (Sydkorea)
country_92 = Kuwait
country_93 = Kirgizistan
country_94 = Laos
country_95 = Lettland
country_96 = Libanon
country_97 = Lesotho
country_98 = Liberia
country_99 = Libyen
country_100 = Liechtenstein
country_101 = Litauen
country_102 = Luxemburg
country_103 = Makedonien
country_104 = Madagaskar
country_105 = Malawi
country_106 = Malaysia
country_107 = Maldiverna
country_108 = Mali
country_109 = Malta
country_110 = Marshall\u00f6arna
country_111 = Mauretanien
country_112 = Mauritius
country_113 = Mexiko
country_114 = Mikronesien
country_115 = Moldavien
country_116 = Monaco
country_117 = Mongoliet
country_118 = Montenegro
country_119 = Marocko
country_120 = Mo\u00e7ambique
country_121 = Myanmar (Burma)
country_122 = Namibia
country_123 = Nauru
country_124 = Nepal
country_125 = Nederl\u00e4nderna
country_126 = Nya Zeeland
country_127 = Nicaragua
country_128 = Niger
country_129 = Nigeria
country_130 = Norge
country_131 = Oman
country_132 = Pakistan
country_133 = Palau
country_134 = Panama
country_135 = Papua Nya Guinea
country_136 = Paraguay
country_137 = Peru
country_138 = Filippinerna
country_139 = Polen
country_140 = Portugal
country_141 = Qatar
country_142 = Rum\u00e4nien
country_143 = Ryssland
country_144 = Rwanda
country_145 = Saint Kitts och Nevis
country_146 = Saint Lucia
country_147 = Saint Vincent och Grenadinerna
country_148 = Samoa (Sj\u00e4lvst\u00e4ndiga staten Samoa)
country_149 = San Marino
country_150 = S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 och Pr\u00edncipe
country_151 = Saudiarabien
country_152 = Senegal
country_153 = Serbien
country_154 = Seychellerna
country_155 = Sierra Leone
country_156 = Singapore
country_157 = Slovakien
country_158 = Slovenien
country_159 = Solomon\u00f6arna
country_160 = Somalia
country_161 = Sydafrika
country_162 = Spanien
country_163 = Sri Lanka
country_164 = Sudan
country_165 = Surinam
country_166 = Swaziland
country_167 = Sverige
country_168 = Schweiz
country_169 = Syrien
country_170 = Tadzjikistan
country_171 = Tanzania
country_172 = Thailand
country_173 = \u00d6sttimor
country_174 = Togo
country_175 = Tonga
country_176 = Trinidad and Tobago
country_177 = Tunisien
country_178 = Turkiet
country_179 = Turkmenistan
country_180 = Tuvalu
country_181 = Uganda
country_182 = Ukraina
country_183 = F\u00f6renade Arabemiraten
country_184 = Storbritannien
country_185 = Uruguay
country_186 = Uzbekistan
country_187 = Vanuatu
country_188 = Vatikanstaten
country_189 = Venezuela
country_190 = Vietnam
country_191 = Yemen
country_192 = Zambia
country_193 = Zimbabwe
country_194 = Abchazien
country_195 = Taiwan (Republiken Kina)
country_196 = Nagorno-Karabach
country_197 = Nordcypern
country_198 = Transnistrien (Dnestriska Moldaviska Republiken)
country_199 = Somaliland
country_200 = Sydossetien
country_201 = Ashmore- och Cartier\u00f6arna
country_202 = Jul\u00f6n
country_203 = Kokos\u00f6arna
country_204 = Korallhavs\u00f6arna
country_205 = Heard- och McDonalds\u00f6arna
country_206 = Norfolk\u00f6n
country_207 = Nya Kaledonien
country_208 = Franska Polynesien
country_209 = Mayotte
country_210 = Saint-Barth\u00e9lemy
country_211 = Saint Martin
country_212 = Saint-Pierre och Miquelon
country_213 = Wallis- och Futuna\u00f6arna
country_214 = Franska sydliga och antarktiska omr\u00e5dena
country_215 = Clipperton\u00f6n
country_216 = Bouvet\u00f6n
country_217 = Cook\u00f6arna
country_218 = Niue
country_219 = Tokelau\u00f6arna
country_220 = Guernsey
country_221 = Isle of Man
country_222 = Jersey
country_223 = Anguilla
country_224 = Bermuda
country_225 = Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen
country_226 = Brittiska suver\u00e4na basomr\u00e5dena
country_227 = Brittiska jungru\u00f6arna
country_228 = Cayman\u00f6arna
country_229 = Falklands\u00f6arna
country_230 = Gibraltar
country_231 = Montserrat
country_232 = Pitcairn\u00f6arna
country_233 = Sankta Helena
country_234 = Sydgeorgien och Sydsandwich\u00f6arna
country_235 = Turks- och Caicos\u00f6arna
country_236 = Nordmarianerna
country_237 = Puerto Rico
country_238 = Amerikanska Samoa
country_239 = Baker\u00f6n
country_240 = Guam
country_241 = Howland\u00f6n
country_242 = Jarvis\u00f6n
country_243 = Johnston\u00f6n
country_244 = Kingmanrevet
country_245 = Midway\u00f6arna
country_246 = Navassa\u00f6arna
country_247 = Palmyraatollen
country_248 = Amerikanska jungfru\u00f6arna
country_249 = Wake\u00f6n
country_250 = Hongkong
country_251 = Macao
country_252 = F\u00e4r\u00f6arna
country_253 = Gr\u00f6nland
country_254 = Franska Guyana
country_255 = Guadeloupe
country_256 = Martinique
country_257 = R\u00e9union
country_258 = \u00c5land
country_259 = Aruba
country_260 = Nederl\u00e4ndska Antillerna
country_261 = Svalbard
country_262 = Ascension
country_263 = Tristan da Cunha
country_264 = Antarktis
country_265 = Kosovo
country_266 = Palestinska omr\u00e5dena (Gazaremsan och V\u00e4stbanken)
country_267 = V\u00e4stsahara
country_268 = Australiens antarktiska territorium
country_269 = Ross Dependency
country_270 = Peter I:s \u00f6
country_271 = Drottning Mauds land
country_272 = Brittiska antarktiska territoriet
# LiftScreen + Wizard
Next = N\u00e4sta
Previous = F\u00f6reg\u00e5ende
Finish = Slutf\u00f6r
Cancel = Avbryt
# Crudify
Create = Skapa
Save = Spara
Edit = Redigera
Delete = Radera
View = Visa
List = Lista
Created = Skapad #? 'Skapad', 'Skapat' or 'Skapade' depending on grammatical gender and number
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