net.liftweb.http.HtmlProperties.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package http
import net.liftweb.common._
import scala.xml.{Node, NodeSeq, Elem}
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import{Writer, InputStream}
* This trait encapsulates the various choices related to
* parsing and emitting HTML/XHTML
trait HtmlProperties {
* When we emit the HTML, what DocType will be emitted
def docType: Box[String]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* docType property changed
def setDocType(newDocType: () => Box[String]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = newDocType()
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* When we output the HTML, what encoding will be emitted
def encoding: Box[String]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* encoding property changed
def setEncoding(newEncoding: () => Box[String]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = newEncoding()
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* For XHTML, the Encoding appears before the
* DocType, except if you're writing to IE6,
* so, rather than having a hard-coded calculation
* we allow the calculation to be done here.
def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* htmlOutputHeader property changed
def setHtmlOutputHeader(newHeader: () => Box[String]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def htmlOutputHeader = newHeader()
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* What's the content type that should be put in the
* response header?
def contentType: Box[String]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* contentType property changed
def setContentType(newContentType: () => Box[String]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = newContentType()
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* How are we parsing incoming files into a NodeSeq?
* This will likely point to either PCDataXmlParser.apply or
* Html5.parse
def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* htmlParser property changed
def setHtmlParser(newParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = newParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* Given a NodeSeq and a Writer, convert the output
* to the writer.
def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* htmlWriter property changed
def setHtmlWriter(newWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = newWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* Are there HTML5 forms support?
def html5FormsSupport: Boolean
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* html5FormsSupport property changed
def setHtml5FormsSupport(newFormsSupport: Boolean) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = newFormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* What is the maximum number of open HTTP
* requests.
def maxOpenRequests: Int
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* maxOpenRequests property changed
def setMaxOpenRequests(maxOpen: Int) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = maxOpen
def userAgent = old.userAgent
* What's the UserAgent that was used to create
* this HtmlChoice
def userAgent: Box[String]
* Creates a new instance of HtmlProperties with the
* userAgent property changed
def setUserAgent(newUA: Box[String]) = {
val old = this
new HtmlProperties {
def docType = old.docType
def encoding = old.encoding
def contentType = old.contentType
def htmlOutputHeader = old.htmlOutputHeader
def htmlParser = old.htmlParser
def htmlWriter = old.htmlWriter
def html5FormsSupport = old.html5FormsSupport
def maxOpenRequests = old.maxOpenRequests
def userAgent = newUA
* This set of properties is based on Lift's current XHTML support
final case class OldHtmlProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
* If you want to change the DocType header, override this method rather than using
* setDocType.
def docType: Box[String] = {
if (S.skipDocType) {
} else if (S.getDocType._1) {
} else {
def encoding: Box[String] =
Full(LiftRules.calculateXmlHeader(null, , contentType))
def contentType: Box[String] = {
val req = S.request
val accept = req.flatMap(_.accepts)
val key = req -> accept
if (LiftRules.determineContentType.isDefinedAt(key)) {
} else {
def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq] = PCDataXmlParser.apply _
def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
(n: Node, w: Writer) => {
val sb = new StringBuilder(64000)
AltXML.toXML(n, scala.xml.TopScope,
sb, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend,
def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] =
(docType -> encoding) match {
case (Full(dt), Full(enc)) if dt.length > 0 && enc.length > 0 =>
if (LiftRules.calcIE6ForResponse() && LiftRules.flipDocTypeForIE6) {
Full(dt.trim + "\n" + enc.trim + "\n")
} else {
Full(enc.trim + "\n" + dt.trim + "\n")
case (Full(dt), _) if dt.length > 0 => Full(dt.trim + "\n")
case (_, Full(enc)) if enc.length > 0=> Full(enc.trim + "\n")
case _ => Empty
val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6
val maxOpenRequests: Int =
LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)
* If you're going to use HTML5, then this is the set of properties
* to use
final case class Html5Properties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
def docType: Box[String] = Full("")
def encoding: Box[String] = Empty
def contentType: Box[String] = {
Full("text/html; charset=utf-8")
def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[Elem] = Html5.parse _
def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
Html5.write(_, _, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend)
def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] = + "\n")
val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6
val maxOpenRequests: Int =
LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)
* If you're going to use HTML5 out, but
* want XHTML in (so you can have mixed case snippet tags
* and you don't get the Html5 parsers obnoxious table behavior),
* then this is the set of properties
* to use
final case class XHtmlInHtml5OutProperties(userAgent: Box[String]) extends HtmlProperties {
def docType: Box[String] = Full("")
def encoding: Box[String] = Empty
def contentType: Box[String] = {
Full("text/html; charset=utf-8")
def htmlParser: InputStream => Box[NodeSeq] = PCDataXmlParser.apply _
def htmlWriter: (Node, Writer) => Unit =
Html5.write(_, _, false, !LiftRules.convertToEntity.vend)
def htmlOutputHeader: Box[String] = + "\n")
val html5FormsSupport: Boolean = {
val r = S.request openOr Req.nil
r.isSafari5 || r.isFirefox36 || r.isFirefox40 ||
r.isChrome5 || r.isChrome6
val maxOpenRequests: Int =
LiftRules.maxConcurrentRequests.vend(S.request openOr Req.nil)