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* Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package net.liftweb
package http
import scala.collection.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.xml._
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.http.js._
import JsCmds.Noop
import JE.{AnonFunc,Call,JsRaw}
import Helpers._
* Used to track state for LiftMerge's HTML normalization/merging process.
private[this] case class HtmlState(
htmlDescendant: Boolean = false, // any descendant of HTML
headChild: Boolean = false, // direct child of a HEAD in its proper place
bodyDescendant: Boolean = false, // any descendant of BODY
headInBodyChild: Boolean = false, // direct child of a HEAD/HEAD_* somewhere in BODY
tailInBodyChild: Boolean = false, // direct child of a TAIL somewhere in BODY
bodyChild: Boolean = false, // direct child of body
mergeHeadAndTail: Boolean // false if we're not doing head/tail merging
private[http] trait LiftMerge {
self: LiftSession =>
private def scriptUrl(scriptFile: String) = {
// Gather all page-specific JS into one JsCmd.
private[this] def assemblePageSpecificJavaScript(eventJs: JsCmd): JsCmd = {
val allJs =
LiftRules.javaScriptSettings.vend().map { settingsFn =>
}.toList ++
S.jsToAppend() ++
allJs.foldLeft(js.JsCmds.Noop)(_ & _)
private def pageScopedScriptFileWith(cmd: JsCmd) = {
pageScript(Full(JavaScriptResponse(cmd, Nil, Nil, 200)))
* Manages the merge phase of the rendering pipeline
def merge(xhtml: NodeSeq, req: Req): Node = {
val snippetHashs: HashMap[String, Box[NodeSeq]] =
val waitUntil = millis + LiftRules.lazySnippetTimeout.vend.millis
val stripComments: Boolean = LiftRules.stripComments.vend
def waitUntilSnippetsDone(): Unit ={
val myMillis = millis
snippetHashs.synchronized {
if (myMillis >= waitUntil || snippetHashs.isEmpty || !snippetHashs.values.iterator.contains(Empty)) ()
else {
snippetHashs.wait(waitUntil - myMillis)
val processedSnippets: Map[String, NodeSeq] = Map(snippetHashs.toList.flatMap {
case (name, Full(value)) => List((name, value))
case (name, f: Failure) => List((name, LiftRules.deferredSnippetFailure.vend(f)))
case (name, Empty) => List((name, LiftRules.deferredSnippetTimeout.vend))
case _ => Nil
}: _*)
val hasHtmlHeadAndBody: Boolean = xhtml.find {
case e: Elem if e.label == "html" =>
e.child.find {
case e: Elem if e.label == "head" => true
case _ => false
}.isDefined &&
e.child.find {
case e: Elem if e.label == "body" => true
case _ => false
case _ => false
var htmlElement =
var headElement =
var bodyElement =
val headChildren = new ListBuffer[Node]
val bodyChildren = new ListBuffer[Node]
val addlHead = new ListBuffer[Node]
addlHead ++= S.forHead()
val addlTail = new ListBuffer[Node]
addlTail ++= S.atEndOfBody()
val rewrite = URLRewriter.rewriteFunc
val contextPath: String = S.contextPath
def normalizeMergeAndExtractEvents(nodes: NodeSeq, startingState: HtmlState): NodesAndEventJs = {
val HtmlState(htmlDescendant, headChild, bodyDescendant, headInBodyChild, tailInBodyChild, _bodyChild, mergeHeadAndTail) = startingState
nodes.foldLeft(NodesAndEventJs(Vector[Node](), Noop)) {
case (soFar, node) =>
val childInfo =
node match {
case element: Elem if element.label == "html" && ! htmlDescendant =>
htmlElement = element
startingState.copy(htmlDescendant = true && mergeHeadAndTail)
case element: Elem if element.label == "head" && htmlDescendant && ! bodyDescendant =>
headElement = element
startingState.copy(headChild = true && mergeHeadAndTail)
case element: Elem if mergeHeadAndTail &&
(element.label == "head" ||
element.label.startsWith("head_")) &&
htmlDescendant &&
bodyDescendant =>
startingState.copy(headInBodyChild = true)
case element: Elem if mergeHeadAndTail &&
element.label == "tail" &&
htmlDescendant &&
bodyDescendant =>
startingState.copy(tailInBodyChild = true)
case element: Elem if element.label == "body" && htmlDescendant =>
bodyElement = element
startingState.copy(bodyDescendant = true && mergeHeadAndTail, bodyChild = true && mergeHeadAndTail)
case _ =>
startingState.copy(headChild = false, headInBodyChild = false, tailInBodyChild = false, bodyChild = false)
val bodyHead = childInfo.headInBodyChild && ! headInBodyChild
val bodyTail = childInfo.tailInBodyChild && ! tailInBodyChild
.normalizeNode(node, contextPath, stripComments, LiftRules.extractInlineJavaScript)
.map {
case normalized @ NodeAndEventJs(normalizedElement: Elem, _) =>
val normalizedChildren =
normalizeMergeAndExtractEvents(normalizedElement.child, childInfo)
normalizedElement.copy(child = normalizedChildren.nodes),
js = normalized.js & normalizedChildren.js
case other =>
.map { normalizedResults: NodeAndEventJs =>
node match {
case e: Elem if e.label == "node" &&
e.prefix == "lift_deferred" =>
val deferredNodes: Seq[NodesAndEventJs] = {
for {
idAttribute <- e.attributes("id").take(1)
id = idAttribute.text
nodes <- processedSnippets.get(id)
} yield {
normalizeMergeAndExtractEvents(nodes, startingState)
deferredNodes.foldLeft(soFar.append(normalizedResults))(_ append _)
case _ =>
if (headChild) {
headChildren ++= normalizedResults.node
} else if (headInBodyChild) {
addlHead ++= normalizedResults.node
} else if (tailInBodyChild) {
addlTail ++= normalizedResults.node
} else if (_bodyChild && ! bodyHead && ! bodyTail) {
bodyChildren ++= normalizedResults.node
if (bodyHead || bodyTail) {
} else {
} getOrElse {
if (!hasHtmlHeadAndBody) {
val NodesAndEventJs(fixedHtml, eventJs) =
normalizeMergeAndExtractEvents(xhtml, HtmlState(mergeHeadAndTail = false))
fixedHtml.collectFirst {
case e: Elem =>
val pageJs = assemblePageSpecificJavaScript(eventJs)
val pageJsElement =
e.copy(child = e.child.toSeq ++ pageJsElement)
} getOrElse {
} else {
val eventJs =
normalizeMergeAndExtractEvents(xhtml, HtmlState(mergeHeadAndTail = true)).js
val htmlKids = new ListBuffer[Node]
val nl = Text("\n")
node <- HeadHelper.removeHtmlDuplicates(addlHead.toList)
} {
headChildren += node
headChildren += nl
// Appends ajax script to body
if (LiftRules.autoIncludeAjaxCalc.vend().apply(this)) {
bodyChildren +=
bodyChildren += nl
val pageJs = assemblePageSpecificJavaScript(eventJs)
if (pageJs.toJsCmd.trim.nonEmpty) {
addlTail += pageScopedScriptFileWith(pageJs)
for {
node <- HeadHelper.removeHtmlDuplicates(addlTail.toList)
} bodyChildren += node
bodyChildren += nl
val autoIncludeComet = LiftRules.autoIncludeComet(this)
val bodyAttributes: List[(String, String)] =
if (stateful_? && (autoIncludeComet || LiftRules.enableLiftGC)) {
("data-lift-gc" -> RenderVersion.get) ::
if (autoIncludeComet) {
("data-lift-session-id" -> ( openOr "xx")) :: {
case CometVersionPair(guid, version) =>
(s"data-lift-comet-$guid" -> version.toString)
} else {
} else {
htmlKids += nl
htmlKids += headElement.copy(child = headChildren.toList)
htmlKids += nl
htmlKids += bodyAttributes.foldLeft(bodyElement.copy(child = bodyChildren.toList))(_ % _)
htmlKids += nl
val tmpRet = Elem(htmlElement.prefix, htmlElement.label, htmlElement.attributes, htmlElement.scope, htmlElement.minimizeEmpty, htmlKids.toList: _*)
val ret: Node = if (Props.devMode) {
LiftRules.xhtmlValidator.toList.flatMap(_(tmpRet)) match {
case Nil => tmpRet
case xs =>
import scala.xml.transform._
val errors: NodeSeq = =>
val rule = new RewriteRule {
override def transform(n: Node) = n match {
case e: Elem if e.label == "body" =>
e.copy(child = e.child ++ errors)
case x => super.transform(x)
(new RuleTransformer(rule)).transform(tmpRet)(0)
} else tmpRet