net.liftweb.http.Templates.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package http
import common._
import java.util.Locale
import scala.xml._
import util._
import Helpers._
* Contains functions for obtaining templates
object Templates {
// Making this lazy to ensure it doesn't accidentally init before Boot completes in case someone touches this class.
private lazy val parsers = LiftRules.contentParsers.flatMap(parser => _ -> parser )
private def checkForLiftView(part: List[String], last: String, what: LiftRules.ViewDispatchPF): Box[NodeSeq] = {
if (what.isDefinedAt(part)) {
what(part) match {
case Right(lv) => if (lv.dispatch.isDefinedAt(last)) lv.dispatch(last)() else Empty
case _ => Empty
} else Empty
private def checkForFunc(whole: List[String], what: LiftRules.ViewDispatchPF): Box[NodeSeq] =
if (what.isDefinedAt(whole)) what(whole) match {
case Left(func) => func()
case _ => Empty
else Empty
private def findInViews(whole: List[String], part: List[String],
last: String,
what: List[LiftRules.ViewDispatchPF]): Box[NodeSeq] =
what match {
case Nil => Empty
case x :: xs =>
(checkForLiftView(part, last, x) or checkForFunc(whole, x)) match {
case Full(ret) => Full(ret)
case _ => findInViews(whole, part, last, xs)
private [http] def findTopLevelTemplate(places: List[String], locale: Locale, needAutoSurround: Boolean) = {
findRawTemplate0(places, locale, needAutoSurround).map(checkForContentId)
* Given a list of paths (e.g. List("foo", "index")),
* find the template. This method runs checkForContentId
* on any found templates. To get the raw template,
* use findRawTemplate
* @param places - the path to look in
* @return the template if it can be found
def apply(places: List[String]): Box[NodeSeq] =
apply(places, S.locale)
* Given a list of paths (e.g. List("foo", "index")),
* find the template. This method runs checkForContentId
* on any found templates. To get the raw template,
* use findRawTemplate
* @param places - the path to look in
* @param locale the locale of the template
* @return the template if it can be found
def apply(places: List[String], locale: Locale): Box[NodeSeq] =
findRawTemplate(places, locale).map(checkForContentId)
* Check to see if the template is marked designer friendly
* and lop off the stuff before the first surround
def checkForContentId(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
def df(in: MetaData): Option[PrefixedAttribute] = in match {
case Null => None
case p: PrefixedAttribute
if (p.pre == "l" || p.pre == "lift") &&
(p.key == "content_id") => Some(p)
case n => df(
in.flatMap {
case e: Elem if e.label == "html" => df(e.attributes)
case _ => None
}.flatMap {
md => Helpers.findId(in, md.value.text)
}.headOption orElse
in.flatMap {
case e: Elem if e.label == "html" =>
e.child.flatMap {
case e: Elem if e.label == "body" => {
e.attribute("data-lift-content-id") orElse
e.attribute("class").flatMap {
ns => {
val clz = ns.text.charSplit(' ')
clz.flatMap {
case s if s.startsWith("lift:content_id=") =>
case _ => None
case _ => None
case _ => None
}.flatMap {
id => Helpers.findId(in, id)
}.headOption getOrElse in
* Given a list of paths (e.g. List("foo", "index")),
* find the template.
* @param places - the path to look in
* @param locale - the locale of the template to search for
* @return the template if it can be found
def findRawTemplate(places: List[String], locale: Locale): Box[NodeSeq] = {
findRawTemplate0(places, locale, false)
private def findRawTemplate0(places: List[String], locale: Locale, needAutoSurround: Boolean): Box[NodeSeq] = {
From a Scala coding standpoint, this method is ugly. It's also a performance
hotspot that needed some tuning. I've made the code very imperative and
tried to make sure there are no anonymous functions created in this method.
The few extra lines of code and the marginal reduction in readibility should
yield better performance. Please don't change this method without chatting with
me first. Thanks! DPP
val resolver = LiftRules.externalTemplateResolver.vend()
val key = (locale, places)
if (resolver.isDefinedAt(key)) {
} else {
val lrCache = LiftRules.templateCache
val cache = if (lrCache.isDefined) lrCache.openOrThrowException("passes isDefined") else NoCache
val tr = cache.get(key)
if (tr.isDefined) tr
val part = places.dropRight(1)
val last = places.last
findInViews(places, part, last, LiftRules.viewDispatch.toList) match {
case Full(lv) =>
case _ =>
val pls = places.mkString("/", "/", "")
val se = parsers.iterator
val sl = List("_" + locale.toString, "_" + locale.getLanguage, "")
var found = false
var ret: NodeSeq = null
while (!found && se.hasNext) {
val (suffix, parser) =
val le = sl.iterator
while (!found && le.hasNext) {
val p =
val name = pls + p + (if (suffix.length > 0) "." + suffix else "")
import scala.xml.dtd.ValidationException
val xmlb = try {
LiftRules.doWithResource(name)(parser.parse) match {
case Full(seq) => seq
case _ => Empty
} catch {
case e: ValidationException if Props.devMode | Props.testMode =>
return Helpers.errorDiv(Error locating template: {name}
Message: {e.getMessage}
case e: ValidationException => Empty
if (xmlb.isDefined) {
found = true
val rawElems = xmlb.openOrThrowException("passes isDefined")
val possiblySurrounded = if(needAutoSurround) parser.surround(rawElems) else rawElems
ret = (cache(key) = possiblySurrounded)
} else if (xmlb.isInstanceOf[Failure] &&
(Props.devMode | Props.testMode)) {
val msg = xmlb.asInstanceOf[Failure].msg
val e = xmlb.asInstanceOf[Failure].exception
return Helpers.errorDiv(Error locating template: {name}
Message: {msg}
e match {
case Full(e) =>
case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
if (found) Full(ret)
else lookForClasses(places)
private def lookForClasses(places: List[String]): Box[NodeSeq] = {
val (controller, action) = places match {
case ctl :: act :: _ => (ctl, act)
case ctl :: _ => (ctl, "index")
case Nil => ("default_template", "index")
val trans = List[String => String](n => n, n => camelify(n))
val toTry = trans.flatMap(f => (LiftRules.buildPackage("view") ::: ("" :: Nil)).map(_ + "." + f(controller)))
first(toTry) {
clsName =>
try {
tryo(List(classOf[ClassNotFoundException]), Empty)(Class.forName(clsName).asInstanceOf[Class[AnyRef]]).flatMap {
c =>
(c.newInstance match {
case inst: InsecureLiftView => c.getMethod(action).invoke(inst)
case inst: LiftView if inst.dispatch.isDefinedAt(action) => inst.dispatch(action)()
case _ => Empty
}) match {
case null | Empty | None => Empty
case n: Group => Full(n)
case n: Elem => Full(n)
case s: NodeSeq => Full(s)
case Some(n: Group) => Full(n)
case Some(n: Elem) => Full(n)
case Some(n: NodeSeq) => Full(n)
case Some(SafeNodeSeq(n)) => Full(n)
case Full(n: Group) => Full(n)
case Full(n: Elem) => Full(n)
case Full(n: NodeSeq) => Full(n)
case Full(SafeNodeSeq(n)) => Full(n)
case _ => Empty
} catch {
case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException =>
throw ite.getCause
case e: NoClassDefFoundError => Empty
* Throw this exception if there's a catostrophic failure executing
* a snippet
class SnippetExecutionException(msg: String) extends SnippetFailureException(msg) {
def snippetFailure = LiftRules.SnippetFailures.ExecutionFailure
* An abstract exception that may be thrown during page rendering.
* The exception is caught and the appropriate report of a SnippetError
* is generated
abstract class SnippetFailureException(msg: String) extends LiftFlowOfControlException(msg) {
def snippetFailure: LiftRules.SnippetFailures.Value
def buildStackTrace: NodeSeq =
e => {
val cn = e.getClassName
cn.startsWith("net.liftweb.http") ||
cn.startsWith("net.liftweb.common") ||
}.filter {
e => {
val cn = e.getClassName
!cn.startsWith("java.lang") &&
e =>
class StateInStatelessException(msg: String) extends SnippetFailureException(msg) {
def snippetFailure: LiftRules.SnippetFailures.Value =
// FIXME Needed to due to,
// which causes existential types to be inferred for the generated
// unapply of a case class with a wildcard parameterized type.
// Ostensibly should be fixed in 2.12, which means we're a ways away
// from being able to remove this, though.
import scala.language.existentials
* Holds a pair of parameters
private case class ParamPair(v: Any, clz: Class[_])
* a trait that defines some ways of constructing an instance
private sealed trait ConstructorType
* A unit constructor... just pass in null
private final case class UnitConstructor(c: java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]) extends ConstructorType {
def makeOne[T]: T = c.newInstance().asInstanceOf[T]
* A parameter and session constructor
private final case class PAndSessionConstructor(c: java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]) extends ConstructorType {
def makeOne[T](p: Any, s: LiftSession): T =
c.newInstance(p.asInstanceOf[Object], s).asInstanceOf[T]
* A parameter constructor
private final case class PConstructor(c: java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]) extends ConstructorType {
def makeOne[T](p: Any): T =