net.liftweb.http.js.jquery.JqJsCmds.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package http
package js
package jquery
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers
import net.liftweb.util.TimeHelpers
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.http.js.{JsExp, JE}
import JE._
import JsCmds._
* A singleton that vends various different functions for WiringUI support
object JqWiringSupport {
import js.JsCmds._
* Fade out the old value and fade in the new value
* using jQuery fast fade.
def fade: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
(id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
if (first) cmd
else {
val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
Run(sel+".fadeOut('fast', function() {"+
cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".fadeIn('fast');})")
* Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down.
def slideDown: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
(id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
if (first) cmd
else {
val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideDown('fast')")
* Hide the old value, set to new value and slide down.
def slideUp: (String, Boolean, JsCmd) => JsCmd = {
(id: String, first: Boolean, cmd: JsCmd) => {
if (first) cmd
else {
val sel = "jQuery('#'+"+id.encJs+")"
Run(sel+".hide(); "+cmd.toJsCmd+" "+sel+".slideUp('fast')")
* Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of
* functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser
* DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list.
def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Seq[T], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd =
calculateDeltas[T](Full(oldList), newList, id)(calcId, calcNodeSeq)
* Takes two sequences, the id of a containing component and a couple of
* functions and generates the jQuery-based JavaScript to update the browser
* DOM with the deltas between the old list and the new list.
* @param oldList -- the old list. If it is Empty, then it is treated as Nil
* @param newList -- the new version of the list of items
* @param id -- the id of the enclosing DOM node. Used for appending and inserting DOM nodes
* @param calcId -- given a T, calculate the id of the DOM node for the T
* @param calcNodeSeq -- given a T, calculate the DOM that represents the T
* @return the JsCmd that inserts, appends, removes, etc. the DOM so that
* the DOM represents the new List
def calculateDeltas[T](oldList: Box[Seq[T]], newList: Seq[T],id: String)(calcId: T => String, calcNodeSeq: T => NodeSeq): JsCmd = {, newList) {
case RemoveDelta(ci) => new JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+"+calcId(ci).encJs+").remove();"
case AppendDelta(ci) =>
new JsCmd {
val toJsCmd =
fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {
case InsertAtStartDelta(ci) =>
new JsCmd {
val toJsCmd =
fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {
case InsertAfterDelta(ci, prior) =>
new JsCmd {
val toJsCmd =
fixHtmlFunc("inline", calcNodeSeq(ci)) {
* Contains Scala JsExps for jQuery behaviors.
* These functions are meant to be combined using the ~> operator. For
* example:
* JqJE.Jq("button") ~> JqClick(AnonFunc(...))
* Documentation on the case classes themselves will point to the
* relevant jQuery documentation, if there is any.
object JqJE {
* Changes the scroll position of each matched element to its maximum.
case object JqScrollToBottom extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "each(function(i) {this.scrollTop=this.scrollHeight;})"
* Calls the jQuery click function with the parameter in exp.
* Used to set a click handler function (also see AnonFunc).
* See .
case class JqClick(exp: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "click(" + exp.toJsCmd + ")"
* Calls the jQuery attr function with the given key.
* Used to get the value of the given attribute.
* See .
case class JqGetAttr(key: String) extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ")"
* Calls the main jQuery (or $) function with the parameter in query.
* Used to get a set of elements to apply the other JqJE expressions to.
* See .
case class Jq(query: JsExp) extends JsExp {
override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(" + query.toJsCmd + ")"
* Calls the main jQuery (or $) function with "document". This returns
* the jQueryied document object (e.g., for calling ready()).
* See .
case object JqDoc extends JsExp {
override def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document)"
* For every passed tuple, executes the given JsCmd when the given
* Char is pressed by the user. Watches using the jQuery keypress
* function.
* See .
case class JqKeypress(what: (Char, JsCmd)*) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override def toJsCmd = "keypress(function(e) {" + {
case (chr, cmd) =>
"if (e.which == " + chr.toInt + ") {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "}"
}.mkString(" else \n") +
* A JQuery query for an element based on the id of the element
case class JqId(id: JsExp) extends JsExp {
override def toJsCmd = "jQuery('#'+" + id.toJsCmd + ")"
* Calls the jQuery attr function with the given key and the given value.
* Used to set the given attribute to the given value.
* See .
case class JqAttr(key: String, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "attr(" + key.encJs + ", " + value.toJsCmd + ")"
* Calls the jQuery append function with the given content.
* Used to append the given content to the matched elements.
* See .
case class JqAppend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd =
"append("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){a => a}+")"
* Calls the jQuery remove function.
* Used to remove the matched elements from the DOM.
* See .
case class JqRemove() extends JsExp with JsMember {
override def toJsCmd = "remove()"
* Calls the jQuery appendTo function with the given content.
* Used to wrap the matched elements in the given content.
* See .
case class JqAppendTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd =
"appendTo("+fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str}+ ")"
* Calls the jQuery prepend function with the given content.
* Used to prepend the given content to each matched element.
* See .
case class JqPrepend(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd =
"prepend(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str }+ ")"
* Calls the jQuery prependTo function with the given content.
* Used to prepend the matched elements to the given content.
* See .
case class JqPrependTo(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd =
"prependTo(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")"
* Calls the jQuery css function with the given name and value.
* Used to set the value of the given CSS property to the given value.
* See .
case class JqCss (name: JsExp, value: JsExp) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override def toJsCmd = "css(" + name.toJsCmd + "," + value.toJsCmd + ")"
* Calls the jQuery empty function followed by calling the jQuery
* after function with the given content.
* The intent is to empty the matched nodes and stick the given
* content at their tails. Like a cleaner innerHTML.
* See and .
case class JqEmptyAfter(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd =
"empty().after(" + fixHtmlFunc("inline", content){str => str} + ")"
* Calls the jQuery replaceWith function with the given content.
* Used to replace the matched elements with the given content.
* See .
case class JqReplace(content: NodeSeq) extends JsExp with JsMember {
override val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc("inline", content){"replaceWith(" + _ + ")"}
object JqHtml {
* Calls the jQuery html function with no parameters.
* Used to get the inner HTML of the matched elements.
* See .
def apply(): JsExp with JsMember = new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "html()"
* Calls the jQuery html function with the given content.
* Used to set the inner HTML of each matched element.
* See .
def apply(content: NodeSeq): JsExp with JsMember = new JsExp with JsMember {
val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc("inline", content){"html(" + _ + ")"}
object JqText {
* Calls the jQuery text function with no parameters.
* Used to get the combined text contents of the matched elements.
* See .
def apply(): JsExp with JsMember = new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "text()"
* Calls the jQuery text function with the given content.
* Used to set the text contents of the matched elements.
* See .
def apply(content: String): JsExp with JsMember = new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "text(" + content.encJs + ")"
* Calls the jQuery serialize function.
* Used to serialize input elements or forms into query string data.
* See .
case object JqSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "serialize()"
* Calls the jQuery serializeArray function.
* Used to serialize the matched elements into a JSON array containing
* objects with name and value properties.
* See .
case object JsonSerialize extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "serializeArray()"
case object JqTabsSelected extends JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "tabsSelected()"
object JqTabsClick {
def apply(tab: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember =
new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "tabsClick(" + tab.toJsCmd + ")"
def apply(tab: Int): JsExp with JsMember =
object JqTabs {
def apply(in: JsExp): JsExp with JsMember =
new JsExp with JsMember {
def toJsCmd = "tabs(" + in.toJsCmd + ")"
def apply(): JsExp with JsMember =
object JqJsCmds {
implicit def jsExpToJsCmd(in: JsExp) : JsCmd = in.cmd
* Queues the JavaScript in cmd for execution when the document is
* ready for processing
case class JqOnLoad(cmd: JsCmd) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "jQuery(document).ready(function() {" + cmd.toJsCmd + "});"
* Append a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's append() method.
object AppendHtml {
def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppend(content)
* AppendTo a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's appendTo() method.
object AppendToHtml {
def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqAppendTo(content)
* Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery's prepend() method.
object PrependHtml {
def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrepend(content)
* Replaces the children of the node at { @code uid } with { @code content }
object EmptyAfter {
def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqEmptyAfter(content)
* Prepends a NodeSeq to a node specified by uid using jQuery prependTo() method.
object PrependToHtml {
def apply(uid: String, content: NodeSeq): JsCmd =
JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqPrependTo(content)
* Replaces the content of the node with the provided id with the markup given by content
case class JqReplace(uid: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd {
val toJsCmd = (JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqReplace(content)).cmd.toJsCmd
* Sets the inner HTML of the element denominated by the id
case class JqSetHtml(uid: String, content: NodeSeq) extends JsCmd {
* Eagerly evaluate
val toJsCmd = (JqJE.JqId(JE.Str(uid)) ~> JqJE.JqHtml(content)).cmd.toJsCmd
* Show an element identified by uid.
* There are two apply methods, one takes just the id, the other takes the id and timespan
* that represents how long the animation will last
object Show {
* Show an element based on the ID uid
def apply(uid: String) = new Show(uid, Empty)
* Show an element identified by uid
* @param uid the element id
* @param time the duration of the effect.
def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Show(uid, Full(time))
* Show an element identified by uid
* @param uid the element id
* @param time the duration of the effect.
class Show(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime {
def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").show(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}"
* Hide an element identified by uid.
* There are two apply methods, one takes just the id, the other takes the id and timespan
* that represents how long the animation will last
object Hide {
* Hide an element based on the ID uid
def apply(uid: String) = new Hide(uid, Empty)
* Hide an element identified by uid
* @param uid the element id
* @param time the duration of the effect.
def apply(uid: String, time: TimeSpan) = new Hide(uid, Full(time))
* Hide an element identified by uid and the animation will last @time
class Hide(val uid: String, val time: Box[TimeSpan]) extends JsCmd with HasTime {
def toJsCmd = "try{jQuery(" + ("#" + uid).encJs + ").hide(" + timeStr + ");} catch (e) {}"
* Show a message msg in the element with id where for duration milliseconds and fade out in fadeout milliseconds
case class DisplayMessage(where: String, msg: NodeSeq, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = (Show(where) & JqSetHtml(where, msg) & After(duration, Hide(where, fadeTime))).toJsCmd
* The companion object to FadeOut that provides an alternative factory
object FadeOut {
* Fade Out with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules
def apply(id: String) = new FadeOut(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime)
* Fades out the element having the provided id, by waiting
* for the given duration and fading out during fadeTime
case class FadeOut(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeOut(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd
* The companion object to FadeIn that provides an alternative factory
object FadeIn {
* Fade In with the default duration and fadeTime provided by JsRules
def apply(id: String) = new FadeIn(id, JsRules.prefadeDuration, JsRules.fadeTime)
* Fades in the element having the provided id, by waiting
* for the given duration and fading in during fadeTime
* and use @fadeTime
case class FadeIn(id: String, duration: TimeSpan, fadeTime: TimeSpan) extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = (After(duration, JqJE.JqId(id) ~> (new JsRaw("fadeIn(" + fadeTime.millis + ")") with JsMember))).toJsCmd
* Companion object for ModelDialog that provides two alternative factories
object ModalDialog {
* Requires the jQuery blockUI plugin
* @param html the html for the ModalDialog
def apply(html: NodeSeq) = new ModalDialog(html, Empty)
* Requires the jQuery blockUI plugin
* @param html the html for the ModalDialog
* @param css the css to apply to the dialog
def apply(html: NodeSeq, css: JsObj) = new ModalDialog(html, Full(css))
* Requires the jQuery blockUI plugin
class ModalDialog(html: NodeSeq, css: Box[JsObj]) extends JsCmd {
private def contentAsJsStr = {
val w = new
map(s =>
s.fixHtml(s.processSurroundAndInclude("Modal Dialog",
val toJsCmd = fixHtmlCmdFunc("inline", html){str =>
"jQuery.blockUI({ message: " + str +
(", css: " + _.toJsCmd + " ").openOr("")) + "});"}
* Remove the jQuery.Block dialog
case object Unblock extends JsCmd {
def toJsCmd = "jQuery.unblockUI();"