Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package http
package rest
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb._
import util._
import Helpers._
import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text, Elem, UnprefixedAttribute, Null, Node}
* Mix this trait into your REST service provider to convert between different
* response types and a LiftResponse. You need to define the createTag method
* to provide a root element for your API. You may optionally override the
* successAttrName, operationAttrName, and/or msgAttrName defs to control the
* attributes that will be applied to your root element based on the
* return from your API.
* For example, the following code implements a simple API that takes a comma-
* separated string of integers and reduces them with various operations.
object CalculatorApi extends XmlApiHelper {
// Define our root tag
def createTag(contents : NodeSeq) : Elem = <api>{contents}</api>
// The LiftResponses here will be converted to Box[LiftResponse]
// via the putResponseInBox implicit conversion
def calculator : LiftRules.DispatchPF = {
case r @ Req(List("api","sum"), _, GetRequest) => () => doSum(r)
case r @ Req(List("api","product"), _, GetRequest) => () => doProduct(r)
case r @ Req(List("api","max"), _, GetRequest) => () => doMax(r)
case r @ Req(List("api","min"), _, GetRequest) => () => doMin(r)
case Req("api" :: _, _, _) => () => BadResponse()
// Define a common handler
def reduceOp (operation : (Int,Int) => Int)(r : Req) : Box[Elem] = tryo {
(r.param("args").map {
args => <result>{args.split(",").map(_.toInt).reduceLeft(operation)}</result>
}) ?~ "Missing args"
} match {
case Full(x) => x
case f : Failure => f
case Empty => Empty
// Using a return type of LiftResponse causes the canNodeToResponse
// implicit to be invoked
def doSum (r : Req) : LiftResponse = reduceOp(_ + _)(r)
def doProduct (r : Req) : LiftResponse = reduceOp(_ * _)(r)
def doMax (r : Req) : LiftResponse = reduceOp(_ max _)(r)
def doMin (r : Req) : LiftResponse = reduceOp(_ min _)(r)
* With this API, the URL,2,3,4,5
* return
<api operation="sum" success="true"><result>15</result></api>
trait XMLApiHelper {
* Converts a boolean into a response of a root element with
* no contents and the "success" attribute set to the value of
* the "in" parameter.
implicit def boolToResponse(in: Boolean): LiftResponse =
buildResponse(in, Empty, )
* Converts a boxed boolean into a response of a root element with
* no contents and the "success" attribute set to the value of
* the "in" parameter. If the Box is a Failure, the "msg" attribute
* of the root element will be set to the Failure's msg value.
implicit def canBoolToResponse(in: Box[Boolean]): LiftResponse =
buildResponse(in openOr false, in match {
case Failure(msg, _, _) => Full(Text(msg))
case _ => Empty
}, )
* Converts a boxed Seq[Node] into a response. If the Box is a Full,
* the root element uses the contents of the Box as its contents, and
* sets the "success" attribute to "true". If the Box is a Failure,
* the "success" attribute is set to "false" and the "msg" attribute
* is set to the Failure's msg value. If the Box is Empty then the root
* element is returned with no contents and the "success" attribute set to
* "false".
implicit def canNodeToResponse(in: Box[Seq[Node]]): LiftResponse = in match {
case Full(n) => buildResponse(true, Empty, n)
case Failure(msg, _, _) => buildResponse(false, Full(Text(msg)), Text(""))
case _ => buildResponse(false, Empty, Text(""))
* Converts a Seq[Node] into a root element with the "success" attribute
* set to "true" and the Seq[Node] as the contents.
implicit def listElemToResponse(in: Seq[Node]): LiftResponse =
buildResponse(true, Empty, in)
* Converts a pair of (Boolean,String) into a response of a root
* element with no contents, the "success" attribute set to
* the value of the first element of the pair, and the "msg"
* attribute set to the value of the second element of the pair.
implicit def pairToResponse(in: (Boolean, String)): LiftResponse =
buildResponse(in._1, Full(Text(in._2)), )
* Converts a given LiftResponse into a Full[LiftResponse]
implicit def putResponseInBox(in: LiftResponse): Box[LiftResponse] = Full(in)
* Determines the value to place in the "operation" attribute of
* the root element based on the second element of the request path.
protected def operation: Option[NodeSeq] =
(for (req <- S.request) yield req.path.partPath match {
case _ :: name :: _ => name
case _ => ""
* The method that wraps the outer-most tag around the body. The success,
* operation and msg attributes will be merged into the returned Elem.
def createTag(in: NodeSeq): Elem
* The name for the success attribute
def successAttrName = "success"
* The name for the operation attribue
def operationAttrName = "operation"
* The name for the msg attribute
def msgAttrName = "msg"
* Build the Response based on Success, an optional message
* and the body
protected def buildResponse(success: Boolean, msg: Box[NodeSeq],
body: NodeSeq): LiftResponse =
XmlResponse(createTag(body) % (successAttrName -> success) %
(new UnprefixedAttribute(operationAttrName, operation, Null)) %
(new UnprefixedAttribute(msgAttrName, msg, Null)))