net.liftweb.sitemap.FlexMenuBuilder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2007-2012 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb.sitemap
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.http.{LiftRules, S}
import scala.xml.{Elem, Text, NodeSeq}
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers
trait FlexMenuBuilder {
// a hack to use structural typing to get around the private[http] on Loc.buildItem
type StructBuildItem = {def buildItem(kids: List[MenuItem], current: Boolean, path: Boolean): Box[MenuItem]}
* Override if you want a link to the current page
def linkToSelf = false
* Should all the menu items be expanded? Defaults to false
def expandAll = false
* Should any of the menu items be expanded?
protected def expandAny = false
* This is used to build a MenuItem for a single Loc
protected def buildItemMenu[A](loc: Loc[A], currLoc: Box[Loc[_]], expandAll: Boolean): List[MenuItem] = {
val isInPath = { cur =>
def isInPath(loc: Loc[_]): Boolean = (cur == loc) || => isInPath(k.loc))
} openOr false
val kids: List[MenuItem] = if (expandAll) loc.buildKidMenuItems( else Nil
loc.buildItem(kids, currLoc == Full(loc), isInPath).toList
* Compute the MenuItems to be rendered by looking at the 'item' and 'group' attributes
def toRender: Seq[MenuItem] = {
val res = (S.attr("item"), S.attr("group")) match {
case (Full(item), _) =>
for {
sm <- LiftRules.siteMap.toList
req <- S.request.toList
loc <- sm.findLoc(item).toList
item <- buildItemMenu(loc, req.location, expandAll)
} yield item
case (_, Full(group)) =>
for {
sm <- LiftRules.siteMap.toList
loc <- sm.locForGroup(group)
req <- S.request.toList
item <- buildItemMenu(loc, req.location, expandAll)
} yield item
case _ => renderWhat(expandAll)
* If a group is specified and the group is empty what to display
protected def emptyGroup: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
* If the whole menu hierarchy is empty, what to display
protected def emptyMenu: NodeSeq = Text("No Navigation Defined.")
* What to display when the placeholder is empty (has no kids)
protected def emptyPlaceholder: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
* Take the incoming Elem and add any attributes based on
* path which is true if this Elem is the path to the current page
protected def updateForPath(nodes: Elem, path: Boolean): Elem = nodes
* Take the incoming Elem and add any attributes based on
* current which is a flag that indicates this is the currently viewed page
protected def updateForCurrent(nodes: Elem, current: Boolean): Elem = nodes
* By default, create an li for a menu item
protected def buildInnerTag(contents: NodeSeq, path: Boolean, current: Boolean): Elem =
updateForCurrent(updateForPath({contents} , path), current)
* Render a placeholder
protected def renderPlaceholder(item: MenuItem, renderInner: Seq[MenuItem] => NodeSeq): Elem = {
buildInnerTag({item.text}{renderInner(} ,
item.path, item.current)
* Render a link that's the current link, but the "link to self" flag is set to true
protected def renderSelfLinked(item: MenuItem, renderInner: Seq[MenuItem] => NodeSeq): Elem =
buildInnerTag({renderLink(item.uri, item.text, item.path,
item.current)}{renderInner(} , item.path, item.current)
* Render the currently selected menu item, but with no a link back to self
protected def renderSelfNotLinked(item: MenuItem, renderInner: Seq[MenuItem] => NodeSeq): Elem =
buildInnerTag({renderSelf(item)}{renderInner(} , item.path, item.current)
* Render the currently selected menu item
protected def renderSelf(item: MenuItem): NodeSeq = {item.text}
* Render a generic link
protected def renderLink(uri: NodeSeq, text: NodeSeq, path: Boolean, current: Boolean): NodeSeq =
* Render an item in the current path
protected def renderItemInPath(item: MenuItem, renderInner: Seq[MenuItem] => NodeSeq): Elem =
buildInnerTag({renderLink(item.uri, item.text, item.path,
item.current)}{renderInner(} , item.path, item.current)
* Render a menu item that's neither in the path nor
protected def renderItem(item: MenuItem, renderInner: Seq[MenuItem] => NodeSeq): Elem =
buildInnerTag({renderLink(item.uri, item.text, item.path,
item.current)}{renderInner(} , item.path, item.current)
* Render the outer tag for a group of menu items
protected def renderOuterTag(inner: NodeSeq, top: Boolean): NodeSeq = {inner}
* The default set of MenuItems to be rendered
protected def renderWhat(expandAll: Boolean): Seq[MenuItem] =
(if (expandAll)
for {
sm <- LiftRules.siteMap;
req <- S.request
} yield sm.buildMenu(req.location).lines
else openOr Nil
def render: NodeSeq = {
val level: Box[Int] = for (lvs <- S.attr("level"); i <- Helpers.asInt(lvs)) yield i
val toRender: Seq[MenuItem] = this.toRender
def ifExpandCurrent(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = if (expandAny || expandAll) f else NodeSeq.Empty
def ifExpandAll(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = if (expandAll) f else NodeSeq.Empty
toRender.toList match {
case Nil if S.attr("group").isDefined => emptyGroup
case Nil => emptyMenu
case xs =>
def buildANavItem(i: MenuItem): NodeSeq = {
i match {
// Per Loc.PlaceHolder, placeholder implies HideIfNoKids
case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, _, _) if m.placeholder_? && kids.isEmpty => emptyPlaceholder
case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, _, _) if m.placeholder_? => renderPlaceholder(m, buildLine _)
case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, true, _, _) if linkToSelf => renderSelfLinked(m, k => ifExpandCurrent(buildLine(k)))
case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, true, _, _) => renderSelfNotLinked(m, k => ifExpandCurrent(buildLine(k)))
// Not current, but on the path, so we need to expand children to show the current one
case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, true, _) => renderItemInPath(m, buildLine _)
case m =>renderItem(m, buildLine _)
def buildLine(in: Seq[MenuItem]): NodeSeq = buildUlLine(in, false)
def buildUlLine(in: Seq[MenuItem], top: Boolean): NodeSeq =
if (in.isEmpty) {
} else {
renderOuterTag(in.flatMap(buildANavItem), top)
val realMenuItems = level match {
case Full(lvl) if lvl > 0 =>
def findKids(cur: Seq[MenuItem], depth: Int): Seq[MenuItem] = if (depth == 0) cur
else findKids(cur.flatMap(mi =>, depth - 1)
findKids(xs, lvl)
case _ => xs
buildUlLine(realMenuItems, true)