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net.lightbody.bmp.filters.HarCaptureFilter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package net.lightbody.bmp.filters;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpContent;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpObject;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.LastHttpContent;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.QueryStringDecoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ClientCookieDecoder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.Cookie;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.cookie.ServerCookieDecoder;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.Har;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarCookie;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarEntry;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarNameValuePair;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarPostData;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarPostDataParam;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarRequest;
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarResponse;
import net.lightbody.bmp.exception.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import net.lightbody.bmp.filters.util.HarCaptureUtil;
import net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.CaptureType;
import net.lightbody.bmp.util.BrowserMobHttpUtil;
import org.littleshoot.proxy.impl.ProxyUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class HarCaptureFilter extends HttpsAwareFiltersAdapter {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HarCaptureFilter.class);

     * The currently active HAR at the time the current request is received.
    private final Har har;

     * The harEntry is created when this filter is constructed and is shared by both the clientToProxyRequest
     * and serverToProxyResponse methods. It is added to the HarLog when the request is received from the client.
    private final HarEntry harEntry;

     * The requestCaptureFilter captures all request content, including headers, trailing headers, and content. The HarCaptureFilter
     * delegates to it when the clientToProxyRequest() callback is invoked. If this request does not need content capture, the
     * ClientRequestCaptureFilter filter will not be instantiated and will not capture content.
    private final ClientRequestCaptureFilter requestCaptureFilter;

     * Like requestCaptureFilter above, HarCaptureFilter delegates to responseCaptureFilter to capture response contents. If content capture
     * is not required for this request, the filter will not be instantiated or invoked.
    private final ServerResponseCaptureFilter responseCaptureFilter;

     * The CaptureType data types to capture in this request.
    private final EnumSet dataToCapture;

     * Populated by proxyToServerResolutionStarted when DNS resolution starts. If any previous filters already resolved the address, their resolution time
     * will not be included in this time.
    private volatile long dnsResolutionStartedNanos;

    private volatile long connectionQueuedNanos;
    private volatile long connectionStartedNanos;

    private volatile long sendStartedNanos;
    private volatile long sendFinishedNanos;

    private volatile long responseReceiveStartedNanos;

     * The address of the client making the request. Captured in the constructor and used when calculating and capturing ssl handshake and connect
     * timing information for SSL connections.
    private final InetSocketAddress clientAddress;

     * Request body size is determined by the actual size of the data the client sends. The filter does not use the Content-Length header to determine request size.
    private final AtomicInteger requestBodySize = new AtomicInteger(0);

     * Response body size is determined by the actual size of the data the server sends.
    private final AtomicInteger responseBodySize = new AtomicInteger(0);

     * The "real" original request, as captured by the {@link #clientToProxyRequest(io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpObject)} method.
    private volatile HttpRequest capturedOriginalRequest;

     * True if this filter instance processed a {@link #proxyToServerResolutionSucceeded(String,} call, indicating
     * that the hostname was resolved and populated in the HAR (if this is not a CONNECT).
    private volatile boolean addressResolved = false;

     * Create a new instance of the HarCaptureFilter that will capture request and response information. If no har is specified in the
     * constructor, this filter will do nothing.

* Regardless of the CaptureTypes specified in dataToCapture, the HarCaptureFilter will always capture: *

  • Request and response sizes
  • *
  • HTTP request and status lines
  • *
  • Page timing information
  • *
* * @param originalRequest the original HttpRequest from the HttpFiltersSource factory * @param har a reference to the ProxyServer's current HAR file at the time this request is received (can be null if HAR capture is not required) * @param currentPageRef the ProxyServer's currentPageRef at the time this request is received from the client * @param dataToCapture the data types to capture for this request. null or empty set indicates only basic information will be * captured (see {@link net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.CaptureType} for information on data collected for each CaptureType) */ public HarCaptureFilter(HttpRequest originalRequest, ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Har har, String currentPageRef, Set dataToCapture) { super(originalRequest, ctx); if (har == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted har capture when har is null"); } if (ProxyUtils.isCONNECT(originalRequest)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempted har capture for HTTP CONNECT request"); } this.clientAddress = (InetSocketAddress); if (dataToCapture != null && !dataToCapture.isEmpty()) { this.dataToCapture = EnumSet.copyOf(dataToCapture); } else { this.dataToCapture = EnumSet.noneOf(CaptureType.class); } // we may need to capture both the request and the response, so set up the request/response filters and delegate to them when // the corresponding filter methods are invoked. to save time and memory, only set up the capturing filters when // we actually need to capture the data. if (this.dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_CONTENT) || this.dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_BINARY_CONTENT)) { requestCaptureFilter = new ClientRequestCaptureFilter(originalRequest); } else { requestCaptureFilter = null; } if (this.dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_CONTENT) || this.dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_BINARY_CONTENT)) { responseCaptureFilter = new ServerResponseCaptureFilter(originalRequest, true); } else { responseCaptureFilter = null; } this.har = har; this.harEntry = new HarEntry(currentPageRef); } @Override public HttpResponse clientToProxyRequest(HttpObject httpObject) { // if a ServerResponseCaptureFilter is configured, delegate to it to collect the client request. if it is not // configured, we still need to capture basic information (timings, possibly client headers, etc.), just not content. if (requestCaptureFilter != null) { requestCaptureFilter.clientToProxyRequest(httpObject); } if (httpObject instanceof HttpRequest) { // link the object up now, before we make the request, so that if we get cut off (ie: favicon.ico request and browser shuts down) // we still have the attempt associated, even if we never got a response harEntry.setStartedDateTime(new Date()); har.getLog().addEntry(harEntry); HttpRequest httpRequest = (HttpRequest) httpObject; this.capturedOriginalRequest = httpRequest; // associate this request's HarRequest object with the har entry HarRequest request = createHarRequestForHttpRequest(httpRequest); harEntry.setRequest(request); // create a "no response received" HarResponse, in case the connection is interrupted, terminated, or the response is not received // for any other reason. having a "default" HarResponse prevents us from generating an invalid HAR. HarResponse defaultHarResponse = HarCaptureUtil.createHarResponseForFailure(); defaultHarResponse.setError(HarCaptureUtil.getNoResponseReceivedErrorMessage()); harEntry.setResponse(defaultHarResponse); captureQueryParameters(httpRequest); // not capturing user agent: in many cases, it doesn't make sense to capture at the HarLog level, since the proxy could be // serving requests from many different clients with various user agents. clients can turn on the REQUEST_HEADERS capture type // in order to capture the User-Agent header, if desired. captureRequestHeaderSize(httpRequest); if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_COOKIES)) { captureRequestCookies(httpRequest); } if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_HEADERS)) { captureRequestHeaders(httpRequest); } // The HTTP CONNECT to the proxy server establishes the SSL connection to the remote server, but the // HTTP CONNECT is not recorded in a separate HarEntry (except in case of error). Instead, the ssl and // connect times are recorded in the first request between the client and remote server after the HTTP CONNECT. captureConnectTiming(); } if (httpObject instanceof HttpContent) { HttpContent httpContent = (HttpContent) httpObject; captureRequestSize(httpContent); } if (httpObject instanceof LastHttpContent) { LastHttpContent lastHttpContent = (LastHttpContent) httpObject; if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_HEADERS)) { captureTrailingHeaders(lastHttpContent); } if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.REQUEST_CONTENT)) { captureRequestContent(requestCaptureFilter.getHttpRequest(), requestCaptureFilter.getFullRequestContents()); } harEntry.getRequest().setBodySize(requestBodySize.get()); } return null; } @Override public HttpObject serverToProxyResponse(HttpObject httpObject) { // if a ServerResponseCaptureFilter is configured, delegate to it to collect the server's response. if it is not // configured, we still need to capture basic information (timings, HTTP status, etc.), just not content. if (responseCaptureFilter != null) { responseCaptureFilter.serverToProxyResponse(httpObject); } if (httpObject instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse httpResponse = (HttpResponse) httpObject; captureResponse(httpResponse); } if (httpObject instanceof HttpContent) { HttpContent httpContent = (HttpContent) httpObject; captureResponseSize(httpContent); } if (httpObject instanceof LastHttpContent) { if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_CONTENT)) { captureResponseContent(responseCaptureFilter.getHttpResponse(), responseCaptureFilter.getFullResponseContents()); } harEntry.getResponse().setBodySize(responseBodySize.get()); } return super.serverToProxyResponse(httpObject); } @Override public void serverToProxyResponseTimedOut() { // replace any existing HarResponse that was created if the server sent a partial response HarResponse response = HarCaptureUtil.createHarResponseForFailure(); harEntry.setResponse(response); response.setError(HarCaptureUtil.getResponseTimedOutErrorMessage()); // include this timeout time in the HarTimings object long timeoutTimestampNanos = System.nanoTime(); // if the proxy started to send the request but has not yet finished, we are currently "sending" if (sendStartedNanos > 0L && sendFinishedNanos == 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setSend(timeoutTimestampNanos - sendStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } // if the entire request was sent but the proxy has not begun receiving the response, we are currently "waiting" else if (sendFinishedNanos > 0L && responseReceiveStartedNanos == 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setWait(timeoutTimestampNanos - sendFinishedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } // if the proxy has already begun to receive the response, we are currenting "receiving" else if (responseReceiveStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setReceive(timeoutTimestampNanos - responseReceiveStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } /** * Creates a HarRequest object using the method, url, and HTTP version of the specified request. * * @param httpRequest HTTP request on which the HarRequest will be based * @return a new HarRequest object */ private HarRequest createHarRequestForHttpRequest(HttpRequest httpRequest) { // the HAR spec defines the request.url field as: // url [string] - Absolute URL of the request (fragments are not included). // the URI on the httpRequest may only identify the path of the resource, so find the full URL. // the full URL consists of the scheme + host + port (if non-standard) + path + query params + fragment. String url = getFullUrl(httpRequest); return new HarRequest(httpRequest.getMethod().toString(), url, httpRequest.getProtocolVersion().text()); } //TODO: add unit tests for these utility-like capture() methods protected void captureQueryParameters(HttpRequest httpRequest) { // capture query parameters. it is safe to assume the query string is UTF-8, since it "should" be in US-ASCII (a subset of UTF-8), // but sometimes does include UTF-8 characters. QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(httpRequest.getUri(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); try { for (Map.Entry> entry : queryStringDecoder.parameters().entrySet()) { for (String value : entry.getValue()) { harEntry.getRequest().getQueryString().add(new HarNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), value)); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // QueryStringDecoder will throw an IllegalArgumentException if it cannot interpret a query string. rather than cause the entire request to // fail by propagating the exception, simply skip the query parameter capture. harEntry.setComment("Unable to decode query parameters on URI: " + httpRequest.getUri());"Unable to decode query parameters on URI: " + httpRequest.getUri(), e); } } protected void captureRequestHeaderSize(HttpRequest httpRequest) { String requestLine = httpRequest.getMethod().toString() + ' ' + httpRequest.getUri() + ' ' + httpRequest.getProtocolVersion().toString(); // +2 => CRLF after status line, +4 => header/data separation long requestHeadersSize = requestLine.length() + 6; HttpHeaders headers = httpRequest.headers(); requestHeadersSize += BrowserMobHttpUtil.getHeaderSize(headers); harEntry.getRequest().setHeadersSize(requestHeadersSize); } protected void captureRequestCookies(HttpRequest httpRequest) { String cookieHeader = httpRequest.headers().get(HttpHeaders.Names.COOKIE); if (cookieHeader == null) { return; } Set cookies = ServerCookieDecoder.LAX.decode(cookieHeader); for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { HarCookie harCookie = new HarCookie(); harCookie.setName(; harCookie.setValue(cookie.value()); harEntry.getRequest().getCookies().add(harCookie); } } protected void captureRequestHeaders(HttpRequest httpRequest) { HttpHeaders headers = httpRequest.headers(); captureHeaders(headers); } protected void captureTrailingHeaders(LastHttpContent lastHttpContent) { HttpHeaders headers = lastHttpContent.trailingHeaders(); captureHeaders(headers); } protected void captureHeaders(HttpHeaders headers) { for (Map.Entry header : headers.entries()) { harEntry.getRequest().getHeaders().add(new HarNameValuePair(header.getKey(), header.getValue())); } } protected void captureRequestContent(HttpRequest httpRequest, byte[] fullMessage) { if (fullMessage.length == 0) { return; } String contentType = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpRequest, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType == null) { log.warn("No content type specified in request to {}. Content will be treated as {}", httpRequest.getUri(), BrowserMobHttpUtil.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE); contentType = BrowserMobHttpUtil.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE; } HarPostData postData = new HarPostData(); harEntry.getRequest().setPostData(postData); postData.setMimeType(contentType); boolean urlEncoded; if (contentType.startsWith(HttpHeaders.Values.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED)) { urlEncoded = true; } else { urlEncoded = false; } Charset charset; try { charset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentType); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { log.warn("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' in HTTP request to {}. Content will not be captured in HAR.", contentType, httpRequest.getUri(), e); return; } if (charset == null) { // no charset specified, so use the default -- but log a message since this might not encode the data correctly charset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET; log.debug("No charset specified; using charset {} to decode contents to {}", charset, httpRequest.getUri()); } if (urlEncoded) { String textContents = BrowserMobHttpUtil.getContentAsString(fullMessage, charset); QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(textContents, charset, false); ImmutableList.Builder paramBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Map.Entry> entry : queryStringDecoder.parameters().entrySet()) { for (String value : entry.getValue()) { paramBuilder.add(new HarPostDataParam(entry.getKey(), value)); } } harEntry.getRequest().getPostData().setParams(; } else { //TODO: implement capture of files and multipart form data // not URL encoded, so let's grab the body of the POST and capture that String postBody = BrowserMobHttpUtil.getContentAsString(fullMessage, charset); harEntry.getRequest().getPostData().setText(postBody); } } protected void captureResponseContent(HttpResponse httpResponse, byte[] fullMessage) { // force binary if the content encoding is not supported boolean forceBinary = false; String contentType = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpResponse, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE); if (contentType == null) { log.warn("No content type specified in response from {}. Content will be treated as {}", originalRequest.getUri(), BrowserMobHttpUtil.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE); contentType = BrowserMobHttpUtil.UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE; } if (responseCaptureFilter.isResponseCompressed() && !responseCaptureFilter.isDecompressionSuccessful()) { log.warn("Unable to decompress content with encoding: {}. Contents will be encoded as base64 binary data.", responseCaptureFilter.getContentEncoding()); forceBinary = true; } Charset charset; try { charset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentType); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { log.warn("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' in HTTP response from {}. Content will not be captured in HAR.", contentType, originalRequest.getUri(), e); return; } if (charset == null) { // no charset specified, so use the default -- but log a message since this might not encode the data correctly charset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET; log.debug("No charset specified; using charset {} to decode contents from {}", charset, originalRequest.getUri()); } if (!forceBinary && BrowserMobHttpUtil.hasTextualContent(contentType)) { String text = BrowserMobHttpUtil.getContentAsString(fullMessage, charset); harEntry.getResponse().getContent().setText(text); } else if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_BINARY_CONTENT)) { harEntry.getResponse().getContent().setText(BaseEncoding.base64().encode(fullMessage)); harEntry.getResponse().getContent().setEncoding("base64"); } harEntry.getResponse().getContent().setSize(fullMessage.length); } protected void captureResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) { HarResponse response = new HarResponse(httpResponse.getStatus().code(), httpResponse.getStatus().reasonPhrase(), httpResponse.getProtocolVersion().text()); harEntry.setResponse(response); captureResponseHeaderSize(httpResponse); captureResponseMimeType(httpResponse); if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_COOKIES)) { captureResponseCookies(httpResponse); } if (dataToCapture.contains(CaptureType.RESPONSE_HEADERS)) { captureResponseHeaders(httpResponse); } if (BrowserMobHttpUtil.isRedirect(httpResponse)) { captureRedirectUrl(httpResponse); } } protected void captureResponseMimeType(HttpResponse httpResponse) { String contentType = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpResponse, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE); // don't set the mimeType to null, since mimeType is a required field if (contentType != null) { harEntry.getResponse().getContent().setMimeType(contentType); } } protected void captureResponseCookies(HttpResponse httpResponse) { List setCookieHeaders = httpResponse.headers().getAll(HttpHeaders.Names.SET_COOKIE); if (setCookieHeaders == null) { return; } for (String setCookieHeader : setCookieHeaders) { Cookie cookie = ClientCookieDecoder.LAX.decode(setCookieHeader); if (cookie == null) { return; } HarCookie harCookie = new HarCookie(); harCookie.setName(; harCookie.setValue(cookie.value()); // comment is no longer supported in the netty ClientCookieDecoder harCookie.setDomain(cookie.domain()); harCookie.setHttpOnly(cookie.isHttpOnly()); harCookie.setPath(cookie.path()); harCookie.setSecure(cookie.isSecure()); if (cookie.maxAge() > 0) { // use a Calendar with the current timestamp + maxAge seconds. the locale of the calendar is irrelevant, // since we are dealing with timestamps. Calendar expires = Calendar.getInstance(); // zero out the milliseconds, since maxAge is in seconds expires.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // we can't use Calendar.add, since that only takes ints. TimeUnit.convert handles second->millisecond // overflow reasonably well by returning the result as Long.MAX_VALUE. expires.setTimeInMillis(expires.getTimeInMillis() + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(cookie.maxAge(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)); harCookie.setExpires(expires.getTime()); } harEntry.getResponse().getCookies().add(harCookie); } } protected void captureResponseHeaderSize(HttpResponse httpResponse) { String statusLine = httpResponse.getProtocolVersion().toString() + ' ' + httpResponse.getStatus().toString(); // +2 => CRLF after status line, +4 => header/data separation long responseHeadersSize = statusLine.length() + 6; HttpHeaders headers = httpResponse.headers(); responseHeadersSize += BrowserMobHttpUtil.getHeaderSize(headers); harEntry.getResponse().setHeadersSize(responseHeadersSize); } protected void captureResponseHeaders(HttpResponse httpResponse) { HttpHeaders headers = httpResponse.headers(); for (Map.Entry header : headers.entries()) { harEntry.getResponse().getHeaders().add(new HarNameValuePair(header.getKey(), header.getValue())); } } protected void captureRedirectUrl(HttpResponse httpResponse) { String locationHeaderValue = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpResponse, HttpHeaders.Names.LOCATION); if (locationHeaderValue != null) { harEntry.getResponse().setRedirectURL(locationHeaderValue); } } /** * Adds the size of this httpContent to the requestBodySize. * * @param httpContent HttpContent to size */ protected void captureRequestSize(HttpContent httpContent) { ByteBuf bufferedContent = httpContent.content(); int contentSize = bufferedContent.readableBytes(); requestBodySize.addAndGet(contentSize); } /** * Adds the size of this httpContent to the responseBodySize. * * @param httpContent HttpContent to size */ protected void captureResponseSize(HttpContent httpContent) { ByteBuf bufferedContent = httpContent.content(); int contentSize = bufferedContent.readableBytes(); responseBodySize.addAndGet(contentSize); } /** * Populates ssl and connect timing info in the HAR if an entry for this client and server exist in the cache. */ protected void captureConnectTiming() { HttpConnectTiming httpConnectTiming = HttpConnectHarCaptureFilter.consumeConnectTimingForConnection(clientAddress); if (httpConnectTiming != null) { harEntry.getTimings().setSsl(httpConnectTiming.getSslHandshakeTimeNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); harEntry.getTimings().setConnect(httpConnectTiming.getConnectTimeNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); harEntry.getTimings().setBlocked(httpConnectTiming.getBlockedTimeNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); harEntry.getTimings().setDns(httpConnectTiming.getDnsTimeNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } /** * Populates the serverIpAddress field of the harEntry using the internal hostname->IP address cache. * * @param httpRequest HTTP request to take the hostname from */ protected void populateAddressFromCache(HttpRequest httpRequest) { String serverHost = getHost(httpRequest); if (serverHost != null && !serverHost.isEmpty()) { String resolvedAddress = ResolvedHostnameCacheFilter.getPreviouslyResolvedAddressForHost(serverHost); if (resolvedAddress != null) { harEntry.setServerIPAddress(resolvedAddress); } else { // the resolvedAddress may be null if the ResolvedHostnameCacheFilter has expired the entry (which is unlikely), // or in the far more common case that the proxy is using a chained proxy to connect to connect to the // remote host. since the chained proxy handles IP address resolution, the IP address in the HAR must be blank. log.trace("Unable to find cached IP address for host: {}. IP address in HAR entry will be blank.", serverHost); } } else { log.warn("Unable to identify host from request uri: {}", httpRequest.getUri()); } } @Override public InetSocketAddress proxyToServerResolutionStarted(String resolvingServerHostAndPort) { dnsResolutionStartedNanos = System.nanoTime(); // resolution started means the connection is no longer queued, so populate 'blocked' time if (connectionQueuedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setBlocked(dnsResolutionStartedNanos - connectionQueuedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setBlocked(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } return null; } @Override public void proxyToServerResolutionFailed(String hostAndPort) { HarResponse response = HarCaptureUtil.createHarResponseForFailure(); harEntry.setResponse(response); response.setError(HarCaptureUtil.getResolutionFailedErrorMessage(hostAndPort)); // record the amount of time we attempted to resolve the hostname in the HarTimings object if (dnsResolutionStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setDns(System.nanoTime() - dnsResolutionStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } @Override public void proxyToServerResolutionSucceeded(String serverHostAndPort, InetSocketAddress resolvedRemoteAddress) { long dnsResolutionFinishedNanos = System.nanoTime(); if (dnsResolutionStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setDns(dnsResolutionFinishedNanos - dnsResolutionStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setDns(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } // the address *should* always be resolved at this point InetAddress resolvedAddress = resolvedRemoteAddress.getAddress(); if (resolvedAddress != null) { addressResolved = true; harEntry.setServerIPAddress(resolvedAddress.getHostAddress()); } } @Override public void proxyToServerConnectionQueued() { this.connectionQueuedNanos = System.nanoTime(); } @Override public void proxyToServerConnectionStarted() { this.connectionStartedNanos = System.nanoTime(); } @Override public void proxyToServerConnectionFailed() { HarResponse response = HarCaptureUtil.createHarResponseForFailure(); harEntry.setResponse(response); response.setError(HarCaptureUtil.getConnectionFailedErrorMessage()); // record the amount of time we attempted to connect in the HarTimings object if (connectionStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setConnect(System.nanoTime() - connectionStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } @Override public void proxyToServerConnectionSucceeded(ChannelHandlerContext serverCtx) { long connectionSucceededTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); // make sure the previous timestamp was captured, to avoid setting an absurd value in the har (see serverToProxyResponseReceiving()) if (connectionStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setConnect(connectionSucceededTimeNanos - connectionStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setConnect(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } @Override public void proxyToServerRequestSending() { this.sendStartedNanos = System.nanoTime(); // if the hostname was not resolved (and thus the IP address populated in the har) during this request, populate the IP address from the cache if (!addressResolved) { populateAddressFromCache(capturedOriginalRequest); } } @Override public void proxyToServerRequestSent() { this.sendFinishedNanos = System.nanoTime(); // make sure the previous timestamp was captured, to avoid setting an absurd value in the har (see serverToProxyResponseReceiving()) if (sendStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setSend(sendFinishedNanos - sendStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setSend(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } @Override public void serverToProxyResponseReceiving() { this.responseReceiveStartedNanos = System.nanoTime(); // started to receive response, so populate the 'wait' time. if we started receiving a response from the server before we finished // sending (for example, the server replied with a 404 while we were uploading a large file), there was no wait time, so // make sure the wait is set to 0. if (sendFinishedNanos > 0L && sendFinishedNanos < responseReceiveStartedNanos) { harEntry.getTimings().setWait(responseReceiveStartedNanos - sendFinishedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setWait(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } @Override public void serverToProxyResponseReceived() { long responseReceivedNanos = System.nanoTime(); // like the wait time, the receive time requires that the serverToProxyResponseReceiving() method be called before this method is invoked. // typically that should happen, but it has been reported ( that it // sometimes does not. therefore, to be safe, make sure responseReceiveStartedNanos is populated before setting the receive time. if (responseReceiveStartedNanos > 0L) { harEntry.getTimings().setReceive(responseReceivedNanos - responseReceiveStartedNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } else { harEntry.getTimings().setReceive(0L, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } }

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