net.maizegenetics.analysis.gbs.ProductionSNPCallerPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage
* ProductionSNPCallerPlugin
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.gbs;
import cern.colt.list.IntArrayList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableTable;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Table;
import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.map.*;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.AbstractPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaList;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaListBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.util.DirectoryCrawler;
import net.maizegenetics.util.MultiMemberGZIPInputStream;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.score.AlleleDepthUtil;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.genotypecall.BasicGenotypeMergeRule;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginParameter;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaListIOUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.util.GeneralAnnotation;
* This plugin converts all of the fastq (and/or qseq) files in the input folder
* and keyfile to genotypes and adds these to a genotype file in HDF5 format.
* We refer to this step as the "Production Pipeline".
* The output format is HDF5 genotypes with allelic depth stored. SNP calling is
* quantitative with the option of using either the Glaubitz/Buckler binomial
* method (pHet/pErr > 1 = het) (=default), or the Stacks method.
* Merging of samples with the same LibraryPrepID is handled by
* GenotypeTableBuilder.addTaxon(), with the genotypes re-called based upon the
* new depths. Therefore, if you want to keep adding genotypes to the same
* target HDF5 file in subsequent runs, use the -ko (keep open) option so that
* the output GenotypeTableBuilder will be mutable, using closeUnfinished()
* rather than build().
* If the target output HDF5 GenotypeTable file doesn't exist, it will be
* created.
* Each taxon in the HDF5 file is named "ShortName:LibraryPrepID" and is
* annotated with "Flowcell_Lanes" (=source seq data for current genotype).
* Requires a TOPM with variants added from a previous "Discovery Pipeline" run.
* In binary topm or HDF5 format (TOPMInterface).
* TODO add the Stacks likelihood method to BasicGenotypeMergeRule
* @author Jeff Glaubitz
* @author Ed Buckler
public class ProductionSNPCallerPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(ProductionSNPCallerPlugin.class);
private PluginParameter myInputDirectory = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("i", null, String.class).guiName("Input Directory").required(true).inDir()
.description("Input directory containing fastq AND/OR qseq files.").build();
private PluginParameter myKeyFile = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("k", null, String.class).guiName("Key File").required(true).inFile()
.description("Key file listing barcodes distinguishing the samples").build();
private PluginParameter myEnzyme = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("e", null, String.class).guiName("Enzyme").required(true)
.description("Enzyme used to create the GBS library").build();
private PluginParameter myProductionTOPM = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("m", null, String.class).guiName("Input TOPM File").required(true).inFile()
.description("Physical map file containing tags and corresponding variants (production TOPM)").build();
private PluginParameter myOutputGenotypes = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("o", null, String.class).guiName("Output HDF5 Genotypes File").required(true).outFile()
.description("Output (target) HDF5 genotypes file to add new genotypes to (new file created if it doesn't exist)").build();
private PluginParameter myAveSeqErrorRate = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("eR", 0.01, Double.class).guiName("Ave Seq Error Rate")
.description("Average sequencing error rate per base (used to decide between heterozygous and homozygous calls)").build();
// private PluginParameter myMaxDivergence = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("d", 0, Integer.class).guiName("Max Divergence")
// .description("Maximum divergence (edit distance) between new read and previously mapped read (Default: 0 = perfect matches only)").build();
private PluginParameter myKeepGenotypesOpen = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("ko", false, Boolean.class).guiName("Keep Genotypes Open")
.description("Keep hdf5 genotypes open for future runs that add more taxa or more depth").build();
private PluginParameter myNoDepthOutput = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("ndo", false, Boolean.class).guiName("No Depth to Output")
.description("No depth output: do not write depths to the output hdf5 genotypes file").build();
//private PluginParameter myStacksLikelihood = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("sL", false, Boolean.class).guiName("Use Stacks Likelihood")
// .description("Use STACKS likelihood method to call heterozygotes (default: use tasselGBS likelihood ratio method)").build();
private String[] myRawSeqFileNames = null;
private String myOutputDir = null;
private TOPMInterface topm = null;
private int[] chromosomes = null;
private boolean fastq = true;
private Map keyFileColumns = new HashMap<>();
private Set flowcellLanesInKey = new TreeSet<>(); // flowcellLanes present in key file (stored here as "Flowcell_Lane")
private Map seqFileNameToFlowcellLane = new HashMap<>(); // map from name of fastq or qseq file to "Flowcell_Lane"
private Set seqFilesInKeyAndDir = new TreeSet<>(); // fastq (or qseq) file names present in input directory that have a "Flowcell_Lane" in the key file
private Map fullNameToHDF5Name = new TreeMap<>();
private Multimap flowCellLaneToLibPrepIDs = TreeMultimap.create();
private Map libraryPrepIDToSampleName = new TreeMap();
private GenotypeTableBuilder genos = null; //output genotype table
private TaxaList taxaList = null;
private PositionList myPositionList = null;
private IntArrayList[] obsTagsForEachTaxon = null;
private Table positionToSite = null; // indices = chrIndices. For a given position (key), each HashMap provides the site in the MutableNucleotideDepthAlignment (value)
//Documentation of read depth per sample (one recored per replicate)
private Map rawReadCountsForFullSampleName = new TreeMap<>();
private Map matchedReadCountsForFullSampleName = new TreeMap<>();
private BasicGenotypeMergeRule genoMergeRule = null;
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin() {
super(null, false);
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive) {
super(parentFrame, isInteractive);
public void postProcessParameters() {
File rawSeqDirectory = new File(inputDirectory());
myRawSeqFileNames = DirectoryCrawler.listFileNames(rawSeqFileNameRegex, rawSeqDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
if (myRawSeqFileNames.length == 0 || myRawSeqFileNames == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(noMatchingRawSeqFileNamesMessage + inputDirectory());
} else {
String message = "\nProductionSNPCallerPlugin:\n\nThe following GBS raw sequence data files were found in the input folder (and sub-folders):";
for (String filename : myRawSeqFileNames) {
message += "\n " + filename;
myLogger.info(message + "\n");
topm = TOPMUtils.readTOPM(inputTOPMFile());
if (topm.getSize() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TagsOnPhysicalMap file not available or is empty");
try {
myOutputDir = (new File(outputHDF5GenotypesFile())).getCanonicalFile().getParent();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem resolving output directory:" + e);
public DataSet processData(DataSet input) {
long previous, current;
readKeyFile(); // TODO: read/write full set of metadata
myPositionList = getUniquePositions();
int nFilesProcessed = 0;
for (int fileNum = 0; fileNum < myRawSeqFileNames.length; fileNum++) {
if (!seqFilesInKeyAndDir.contains(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum])) {
continue; // skip fastq/qseq files that are not in the key file
int[] counters = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // 0:allReads 1:goodBarcodedReads 2:goodMatched 3:perfectMatches 4:imperfectMatches 5:singleImperfectMatches
myLogger.info("\nLooking for known SNPs in sequence reads from file:");
myLogger.info(" " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum] + "\n");
previous = System.nanoTime();
readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth(fileNum, counters); // TODO: read the machine name from the fastq/qseq file
current = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: performFunction: readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth: " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum] + ": " + ((double) (current - previous) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
previous = System.nanoTime();
current = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: performFunction: callGenotypes: " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum] + ": " + ((double) (current - previous) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
reportTotals(fileNum, counters, nFilesProcessed);
if (keepGenotypesOpen()) {
previous = System.nanoTime();
current = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: performFunction: genos.closeUnfinished(): " + ((double) (current - previous) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
} else {
previous = System.nanoTime();
current = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: performFunction: genos.build(): " + ((double) (current - previous) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
return null;
private void readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth(int fileNum, int[] counters) {
long previous, current;
ParseBarcodeRead thePBR = setUpBarcodes(fileNum);
if (thePBR == null || thePBR.getBarCodeCount() == 0) {
myLogger.info("No barcodes found. Skipping this raw sequence file.");
taxaList = new TaxaListBuilder().addAll(getHDF5Taxa(fileNum)).sortTaxaAlphabetically().build();
obsTagsForEachTaxon = new IntArrayList[taxaList.numberOfTaxa()];
for (int t = 0; t < obsTagsForEachTaxon.length; t++) {
obsTagsForEachTaxon[t] = new IntArrayList(750_000); // initial capacity
String temp = "Nothing has been read from the raw sequence file yet";
BufferedReader br = getBufferedReaderForRawSeqFile(fileNum);
try {
long readSeqReadTime = 0;
long ifRRNotNullTime = 0;
while ((temp = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (counters[0] % 1000000 == 0) {
reportProgress(counters, readSeqReadTime, ifRRNotNullTime);
previous = System.nanoTime();
ReadBarcodeResult rr = readSequenceRead(br, temp, thePBR, counters);
current = System.nanoTime();
readSeqReadTime += (current - previous);
previous = System.nanoTime();
if (rr != null) {
counters[1]++; // goodBarcodedReads
rawReadCountsForFullSampleName.put(rr.getTaxonName(), rawReadCountsForFullSampleName.get(rr.getTaxonName()) + 1);
int tagIndex = topm.getTagIndex(rr.getRead());
if (tagIndex >= 0) {
counters[3]++; // perfectMatches
// if (tagIndex < 0 && maxDivergence() > 0) {
// tagIndex = findBestImperfectMatch(rr.getRead(), counters);
// }
if (tagIndex < 0) {
counters[2]++; // goodMatched++;
matchedReadCountsForFullSampleName.put(rr.getTaxonName(), matchedReadCountsForFullSampleName.get(rr.getTaxonName()) + 1);
int taxonIndex = taxaList.indexOf(fullNameToHDF5Name.get(rr.getTaxonName()));
if (taxonIndex == -1) {
System.out.println("We're here!");
current = System.nanoTime();
ifRRNotNullTime += (current - previous);
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth: readSequenceTime: " + ((double) (readSeqReadTime) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
System.out.println("ProductionSNPCallerPlugin: readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth: processSequenceTime: " + ((double) (ifRRNotNullTime) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec");
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Catch in readRawSequencesAndRecordDepth() at nReads=" + counters[0] + " e=" + e);
myLogger.error("Last line read: " + temp);
private void reportProgress(int[] counters, long readSeqReadTime, long ifRRNotNullTime) {
"totalReads:" + counters[0]
+ " goodBarcodedReads:" + counters[1]
+ " goodMatchedToTOPM:" + counters[2]
// + " perfectMatches:" + counters[3]
// + " nearMatches:" + counters[4]
// + " uniqueNearMatches:" + counters[5]
+ " cumulReadSequenceTime: " + ((double) (readSeqReadTime) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec"
+ " cumulProcessSequenceTime: " + ((double) (ifRRNotNullTime) / 1_000_000_000.0) + " sec"
private void reportTotals(int fileNum, int[] counters, int nFilesProcessed) {
myLogger.info("Total number of reads in lane=" + counters[0]);
myLogger.info("Total number of good, barcoded reads=" + counters[1]);
myLogger.info("Total number of good, barcoded reads matched to the TOPM=" + counters[2]);
myLogger.info("Finished reading " + nFilesProcessed + " of " + seqFilesInKeyAndDir.size() + " sequence files: " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum] + "\n");
private void readKeyFile() {
String inputLine = "Nothing has been read from the keyfile yet";
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(keyFile()), 65536);
int currLine = 0;
while ((inputLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (currLine == 0) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Couldn't read key file: " + e);
myLogger.error("Last line read from key file: " + inputLine);
private void parseKeyFileHeader(String headerLine) {
String[] header = headerLine.split("\\t");
for (int col = 0; col < header.length; col++) {
if (header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("Flowcell")) {
keyFileColumns.put("Flowcell", col);
} else if (header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("Lane")) {
keyFileColumns.put("Lane", col);
} else if (header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("Barcode")) {
keyFileColumns.put("Barcode", col);
} else if (header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("DNASample") || header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("Sample")) {
keyFileColumns.put("Sample", col);
} else if (header[col].equalsIgnoreCase("LibraryPrepID")) {
keyFileColumns.put("LibPrepID", col);
if (!confirmKeyFileHeader()) {
private boolean confirmKeyFileHeader() {
// check the headers
if (!keyFileColumns.containsKey("Flowcell")) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.containsKey("Lane")) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.containsKey("Barcode")) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.containsKey("Sample")) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.containsKey("LibPrepID")) {
return false;
// check the column order (needed for ParseBarcodeReads)
if (!keyFileColumns.get("Flowcell").equals(0)) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.get("Lane").equals(1)) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.get("Barcode").equals(2)) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.get("Sample").equals(3)) {
return false;
if (!keyFileColumns.get("LibPrepID").equals(7)) {
return false;
return true;
private void throwBadKeyFileError() {
String badKeyFileMessage
= "\n\nThe keyfile does not conform to expections.\n"
+ "It must contain columns with the following (exact) headers, and\n"
+ "in the indicated columns:\n"
+ " \"Flowcell\" (column A)\n"
+ " \"Lane\" (column B)\n"
+ " \"Barcode\" (column C)\n"
+ " \"DNASample\" or \"Sample\" (column D)\n"
+ " \"LibraryPrepID\" (column H)\n"
+ "\n\n";
try {
throw new IllegalStateException(badKeyFileMessage);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void populateKeyFileFields(String keyFileLine) {
String[] cells = keyFileLine.split("\\t");
String sample = cells[keyFileColumns.get("Sample")];
String libPrepID = cells[keyFileColumns.get("LibPrepID")];
String fullName = sample + ":" + cells[keyFileColumns.get("Flowcell")] + ":" + cells[keyFileColumns.get("Lane")] + ":" + libPrepID;
rawReadCountsForFullSampleName.put(fullName, 0);
matchedReadCountsForFullSampleName.put(fullName, 0);
fullNameToHDF5Name.put(fullName, sample + ":" + libPrepID);
String flowCell_Lane = cells[keyFileColumns.get("Flowcell")] + "_" + cells[keyFileColumns.get("Lane")];
flowCellLaneToLibPrepIDs.put(flowCell_Lane, libPrepID);
String prevSample = libraryPrepIDToSampleName.get(libPrepID);
if (prevSample == null) {
libraryPrepIDToSampleName.put(libPrepID, sample);
} else if (!prevSample.contentEquals(sample)) {
try {
throw new IllegalStateException("\nThe key file contains different Sample names (\"" + prevSample + "\" and \"" + sample + "\") for the sample LibraryPrepID (" + libPrepID + ")\n\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Error in key file: " + e);
private void matchKeyFileToAvailableRawSeqFiles() {
String message
= "\nThe following raw sequence files in the input directory conform to one of our file naming conventions and have corresponding samples in the barcode key file:";
for (int fileNum = 0; fileNum < myRawSeqFileNames.length; fileNum++) {
String[] flowcellLane = parseRawSeqFileName(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]);
if (flowcellLane != null && flowcellLanesInKey.contains(flowcellLane[0] + "_" + flowcellLane[1])) {
seqFileNameToFlowcellLane.put(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum], flowcellLane[0] + "_" + flowcellLane[1]);
message += "\n " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum];
message += "\n";
private ParseBarcodeRead setUpBarcodes(int fileNum) {
String message = "\nWorking on GBS raw sequence file: " + myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum];
fastq = true;
if (new File(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]).getName().contains("qseq")) {
fastq = false;
if (fastq) {
message += "\n\tThis file is assumed to be in fastq format";
} else {
message += "\n\tThis file contains 'qseq' in its name so is assumed to be in qseq format";
String[] flowcellLane = parseRawSeqFileName(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]);
if (flowcellLane == null) {
return null;
} else {
ParseBarcodeRead thePBR = new ParseBarcodeRead(keyFile(), enzyme(), flowcellLane[0], flowcellLane[1]);
message += "\nTotal barcodes found in key file for this lane:" + thePBR.getBarCodeCount() + "\n";
return thePBR;
* Parses out the flowcell and lane from the raw GBS sequence filename
* (fastq or qseq file)
* @param rawSeqFileName
* @return String[2] where element[0]=flowcell and element[1]=lane
private String[] parseRawSeqFileName(String rawSeqFileName) {
File rawSeqFile = new File(rawSeqFileName);
String[] FileNameParts = rawSeqFile.getName().split("_");
if (FileNameParts.length == 3) {
return new String[]{FileNameParts[0], FileNameParts[1]};
} else if (FileNameParts.length == 4) {
return new String[]{FileNameParts[0], FileNameParts[2]};
} else if (FileNameParts.length == 5) {
return new String[]{FileNameParts[1], FileNameParts[3]};
} else {
return null;
private void setUpGenotypeTableBuilder() {
genoMergeRule = new BasicGenotypeMergeRule(aveSeqErrorRate());
File hdf5File = new File(outputHDF5GenotypesFile());
if (hdf5File.exists()) {
myLogger.info("\nGenotypes will be added to existing HDF5 file:\n " + outputHDF5GenotypesFile() + "\n");
genos = GenotypeTableBuilder.mergeTaxaIncremental(outputHDF5GenotypesFile(), genoMergeRule);
} else {
myLogger.info("\nThe target HDF5 file:\n " + outputHDF5GenotypesFile()
+ "\ndoes not exist. A new HDF5 file of that name will be created \nto hold the genotypes from this run.");
genos = GenotypeTableBuilder.getTaxaIncrementalWithMerging(outputHDF5GenotypesFile(), myPositionList, genoMergeRule);
* Gets an ArrayList of taxa, each named "Sample:LibraryPrepID" and annotated
* with Flowcell_Lane as well as all other annotations in the key file, for
* the corresponding fastq file.
* @return ArrayList
private ArrayList getHDF5Taxa(int fileNum) {
String currFlowcellLane = seqFileNameToFlowcellLane.get(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]);
String[] flowcellLane = currFlowcellLane.split("_");
TaxaList annoTL = TaxaListIOUtils.readTaxaAnnotationFile(keyFile(), "LibraryPrepID",
ImmutableMap.of("Flowcell", flowcellLane[0], "Lane", flowcellLane[1]), false);
ArrayList taxaAL = new ArrayList();
for (Taxon tax : annoTL) {
GeneralAnnotation annotation = tax.getAnnotation();
String newName = annotation.getTextAnnotation("Sample").length == 0 ? annotation.getTextAnnotation("DNASample")[0] : annotation.getTextAnnotation("Sample")[0];
String libPrepID = tax.getName();
newName += ":" + libPrepID;
Taxon gbsTaxon = new Taxon.Builder(tax).name(newName).addAnno("Flowcell_Lane", currFlowcellLane)
.addAnno("LibraryPrepID", libPrepID).addAnno("Status", "private").build();
return taxaAL;
private PositionList getUniquePositions() {
//todo Move this code to TOPM
myLogger.info("\nCounting sites in TOPM file");
PositionListBuilder plb = new PositionListBuilder();
chromosomes = topm.getChromosomes();
for (Integer chrNum : chromosomes) {
Chromosome chr = new Chromosome(chrNum.toString());
for (int pos : topm.getUniquePositions(topm.getChromosomeIndex(chrNum))) {
Position p = new GeneralPosition.Builder(chr, pos).build();
PositionList pl = plb.sortPositions().build();
myLogger.info("In total, the TOPM contains " + chromosomes.length + " chromosomes and " + pl.numberOfSites() + " sites.");
return pl;
private void generateFastSiteLookup(PositionList pl) {
ImmutableTable.Builder ptsB = new ImmutableTable.Builder();
for (int i = 0; i < pl.numberOfSites(); i++) {
Position position = pl.get(i);
ptsB.put(position.getChromosome().getChromosomeNumber(), position.getPosition(), i);
positionToSite = ptsB.build();
private BufferedReader getBufferedReaderForRawSeqFile(int fileNum) {
BufferedReader br = null;
try {
if (myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum].endsWith(".gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]))));
} else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myRawSeqFileNames[fileNum]), 65536);
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Catch in getBufferedReader(): e=" + e);
return br;
private ReadBarcodeResult readSequenceRead(BufferedReader br, String temp, ParseBarcodeRead thePBR, int[] counters) {
ReadBarcodeResult rr = null;
String sl = "";
try {
if (fastq) {
sl = br.readLine(); // read the 2nd line in the set of 4 lines = sequence
temp = br.readLine(); // skip the 3rd line
temp = br.readLine(); // skip the 4th in the set of 4 lines = quality score (note that the QS is scaled differently in Cassava 1.8 - we don't use it so it is not corrected here)
rr = thePBR.parseReadIntoTagAndTaxa(sl, null, true, 0);
} else { // qseq
String[] jj = temp.split("\\s");
sl = jj[8];
rr = thePBR.parseReadIntoTagAndTaxa(sl, null, false, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Catch in readSequenceRead() at nReads=" + counters[0] + " e=" + e);
myLogger.error("Last line read:\n" + temp + "\n");
counters[0]++; // allReads
return rr;
private int findBestImperfectMatch(long[] read, int[] counters) {
// this method is not ready for prime time -- to resolve a tie, it currently chooses a random tag out of the tied tags
int tagIndex = -1;
TagMatchFinder tmf = new TagMatchFinder(topm);
// TreeMap bestHitsAndDiv = tmf.findMatchesWithIntLengthWords(read, maxDivergence(), true);
TreeMap bestHitsAndDiv = tmf.findMatchesWithIntLengthWords(read, 0, true);
if (bestHitsAndDiv.size() > 0) {
counters[4]++; // imperfectMatches
if (bestHitsAndDiv.size() == 1) {
counters[5]++; // singleImperfectMatches
tagIndex = bestHitsAndDiv.firstKey(); // a random tag (firstKey) chosen to resolve the tie = suboptimal behavior
return tagIndex;
private void incrementDepthForTagVariants(int tagIndex, int[][] alleleDepths, int increment) {
int chromosome = topm.getChromosome(tagIndex);
if (chromosome == TOPMInterface.INT_MISSING) {
int startPos = topm.getStartPosition(tagIndex);
for (int variant = 0; variant < topm.getMaxNumVariants(); variant++) {
byte newBase = topm.getVariantDef(tagIndex, variant);
if ((newBase == TOPMInterface.BYTE_MISSING) || (newBase == GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE)) {
int offset = topm.getVariantPosOff(tagIndex, variant);
int pos = startPos + offset;
// int currSite = genos.getSiteOfPhysicalPosition(pos, locus);
int currSite = positionToSite.get(chromosome, pos);
if (currSite < 0) {
alleleDepths[newBase][currSite] += increment;
private void callGenotypes() {
myLogger.info("\nCalling genotypes...");
for (int currTaxonIndex = 0; currTaxonIndex < obsTagsForEachTaxon.length; currTaxonIndex++) {
IntArrayList currTagList = obsTagsForEachTaxon[currTaxonIndex];
int[][] alleleDepths = new int[NucleotideAlignmentConstants.NUMBER_NUCLEOTIDE_ALLELES][myPositionList.numberOfSites()];
int prevTag = currTagList.getQuick(0);
int currInc = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < currTagList.size(); t++) {
int tag = currTagList.getQuick(t);
if (tag == prevTag) {
} else {
incrementDepthForTagVariants(prevTag, alleleDepths, currInc);
prevTag = tag;
currInc = 1;
incrementDepthForTagVariants(prevTag, alleleDepths, currInc);
byte[][] byteDepths = AlleleDepthUtil.depthIntToByte(alleleDepths);
byte[] taxonGenos = resolveGenosForTaxon(byteDepths);
if (noDepthToOutput()) {
genos.addTaxon(taxaList.get(currTaxonIndex), taxonGenos, null);
} else {
genos.addTaxon(taxaList.get(currTaxonIndex), taxonGenos, byteDepths);
myLogger.info(" finished calling genotypes for " + taxaList.get(currTaxonIndex).getName());
myLogger.info("Finished calling genotypes for " + obsTagsForEachTaxon.length + " taxa\n");
private byte[] resolveGenosForTaxon(byte[][] depthsForTaxon) {
int nAlleles = depthsForTaxon.length;
byte[] depthsAtSite = new byte[nAlleles];
int nSites = depthsForTaxon[0].length;
byte[] genos = new byte[nSites];
for (int site = 0; site < nSites; site++) {
for (int allele = 0; allele < nAlleles; allele++) {
depthsAtSite[allele] = depthsForTaxon[allele][site];
genos[site] = genoMergeRule.callBasedOnDepth(depthsAtSite);
return genos;
private void writeReadsPerSampleReports() {
myLogger.info("\nWriting ReadsPerSample log file...");
String outFileS = myOutputDir + File.separator + (new File(keyFile())).getName();
outFileS = outFileS.replaceAll(".txt", "_ReadsPerSample.log");
outFileS = outFileS.replaceAll("_key", "");
try {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(outFileS))), 65536);
for (String fullSampleName : rawReadCountsForFullSampleName.keySet()) {
bw.write(fullSampleName + "\t" + rawReadCountsForFullSampleName.get(fullSampleName) + "\t" + matchedReadCountsForFullSampleName.get(fullSampleName) + "\n");
} catch (Exception e) {
myLogger.error("Couldn't write to ReadsPerSample log file: " + e);
myLogger.info(" ...done\n");
private void printFileNameConventions(String actualFileName) {
String message
= "\n\n"
+ "Error in parsing file name:"
+ "\n The raw sequence filename does not contain either 3, 4, or 5 underscore-delimited values."
+ "\n Acceptable file naming conventions include the following (where FLOWCELL indicates the flowcell name and LANE is an integer):"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_LANE_fastq.gz"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_s_LANE_fastq.gz"
+ "\n code_FLOWCELL_s_LANE_fastq.gz"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_LANE_fastq.txt.gz"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_s_LANE_fastq.txt.gz"
+ "\n code_FLOWCELL_s_LANE_fastq.txt.gz"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_LANE_qseq.txt.gz"
+ "\n FLOWCELL_s_LANE_qseq.txt.gz"
+ "\n code_FLOWCELL_s_LANE_qseq.txt.gz"
+ "\n"
+ "\n Actual Filename: " + actualFileName
+ "\n\n";
public static final String rawSeqFileNameRegex
= "(?i)" + // case insensitve
".*\\.fq" + "$|"
+ ".*\\.fq\\.gz" + "$|"
+ ".*\\.fastq" + "$|"
+ ".*_fastq\\.txt" + "$|"
+ ".*_fastq\\.gz" + "$|"
+ ".*_fastq\\.txt\\.gz" + "$|"
+ ".*_sequence\\.txt" + "$|"
+ ".*_sequence\\.txt\\.gz" + "$|"
+ ".*_qseq\\.txt" + "$|"
+ ".*_qseq\\.txt\\.gz" + "$";
// \\. denotes escape . so it doesn't mean 'any char'
private String noMatchingRawSeqFileNamesMessage
= "Couldn't find any files that end with "
+ "\".fq\", "
+ "\".fq.gz\", "
+ "\".fastq\", "
+ "\"_fastq.txt\", "
+ "\"_fastq.gz\", "
+ "\"_fastq.txt.gz\", "
+ "\"_sequence.txt\", "
+ "\"_sequence.txt.gz\", "
+ "\"_qseq.txt\", or "
+ "\"_qseq.txt.gz\" "
+ "in the supplied directory: ";
public ImageIcon getIcon() {
return null;
public String getButtonName() {
return "Production SNP Caller";
public String getToolTipText() {
return "Production SNP Caller";
// The following getters and setters were auto-generated.
// Please use this method to re-generate.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// GeneratePluginCode.generate(ProductionSNPCallerPlugin.class);
// }
* Input directory containing fastq AND/OR qseq files.
* @return Input Directory
public String inputDirectory() {
return myInputDirectory.value();
* Set Input Directory. Input directory containing fastq AND/OR qseq files.
* @param value Input Directory
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin inputDirectory(String value) {
myInputDirectory = new PluginParameter<>(myInputDirectory, value);
return this;
* Key file listing barcodes distinguishing the samples
* @return Key File
public String keyFile() {
return myKeyFile.value();
* Set Key File. Key file listing barcodes distinguishing the samples
* @param value Key File
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin keyFile(String value) {
myKeyFile = new PluginParameter<>(myKeyFile, value);
return this;
* Enzyme used to create the GBS library
* @return Enzyme
public String enzyme() {
return myEnzyme.value();
* Set Enzyme. Enzyme used to create the GBS library
* @param value Enzyme
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin enzyme(String value) {
myEnzyme = new PluginParameter<>(myEnzyme, value);
return this;
* Physical map file containing tags and corresponding variants (production
* @return Input TOPM File
public String inputTOPMFile() {
return myProductionTOPM.value();
* Set Input TOPM File. Physical map file containing tags and corresponding
* variants (production TOPM)
* @param value Input TOPM File
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin inputTOPMFile(String value) {
myProductionTOPM = new PluginParameter<>(myProductionTOPM, value);
return this;
* Output (target) HDF5 genotypes file to add new genotypes to (new file
* created if it doesn't exist)
* @return Output HDF5 Genotypes File
public String outputHDF5GenotypesFile() {
return myOutputGenotypes.value();
* Set Output HDF5 Genotypes File. Output (target) HDF5 genotypes file to
* add new genotypes to (new file created if it doesn't exist)
* @param value Output HDF5 Genotypes File
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin outputHDF5GenotypesFile(String value) {
myOutputGenotypes = new PluginParameter<>(myOutputGenotypes, value);
return this;
* Average sequencing error rate per base (used to decide between
* heterozygous and homozygous calls)
* @return Ave Seq Error Rate
public Double aveSeqErrorRate() {
return myAveSeqErrorRate.value();
* Set Ave Seq Error Rate. Average sequencing error rate per base (used to
* decide between heterozygous and homozygous calls)
* @param value Ave Seq Error Rate
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin aveSeqErrorRate(Double value) {
myAveSeqErrorRate = new PluginParameter<>(myAveSeqErrorRate, value);
return this;
// /**
// * Maximum divergence (edit distance) between new read and previously mapped
// * read (Default: 0 = perfect matches only)
// *
// * @return Max Divergence
// */
// public Integer maxDivergence() {
// return myMaxDivergence.value();
// }
// /**
// * Set Max Divergence. Maximum divergence (edit distance) between new read
// * and previously mapped read (Default: 0 = perfect matches only)
// *
// * @param value Max Divergence
// *
// * @return this plugin
// */
// public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin maxDivergence(Integer value) {
// myMaxDivergence = new PluginParameter<>(myMaxDivergence, value);
// return this;
// }
* Keep hdf5 genotypes open for future runs that add more taxa or more depth
* @return Keep Genotypes Open
public Boolean keepGenotypesOpen() {
return myKeepGenotypesOpen.value();
* Set Keep Genotypes Open. Keep hdf5 genotypes open for future runs that
* add more taxa or more depth
* @param value Keep Genotypes Open
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin keepGenotypesOpen(Boolean value) {
myKeepGenotypesOpen = new PluginParameter<>(myKeepGenotypesOpen, value);
return this;
* No depth output: do not write depths to the output hdf5 genotypes file
* @return No Depth to Output
public Boolean noDepthToOutput() {
return myNoDepthOutput.value();
* Set No Depth to Output. No depth output: do not write depths to the
* output hdf5 genotypes file
* @param value No Depth to Output
* @return this plugin
public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin noDepthToOutput(Boolean value) {
myNoDepthOutput = new PluginParameter<>(myNoDepthOutput, value);
return this;
* Use STACKS likelihood method to call heterozygotes (default: use
* tasselGBS likelihood ratio method)
* @return Use Stacks Likelihood
//public Boolean useStacksLikelihood() {
// return myStacksLikelihood.value();
* Set Use Stacks Likelihood. Use STACKS likelihood method to call
* heterozygotes (default: use tasselGBS likelihood ratio method)
* @param value Use Stacks Likelihood
* @return this plugin
//public ProductionSNPCallerPlugin useStacksLikelihood(Boolean value) {
// myStacksLikelihood = new PluginParameter<>(myStacksLikelihood, value);
// return this;
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