net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.RephaseParents Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.BinomialDistribution;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.data.FileLoadPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.data.FileLoadPlugin.TasselFileType;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
public class RephaseParents {
private static Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(RephaseParents.class);
private static final byte NN = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
private static final byte N = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
private static final byte AA = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("AA");
private static final byte CC = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("CC");
private static final byte GG = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("GG");
private static final byte TT = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("TT");
private static final byte missingState = (byte) 4;
GenotypeTable origGeno;
Map progenyStates;
List plotList;
// Map plotMap;
Map rephasedParents;
Map startingParents = null;
Map parentHaplotypeProbabilities = null; //probability that the haplotype equals the major allele
int minFamilySize = 10;
int minDepth = 7;
String outputFilename;
public RephaseParents() {
* @param originalGenotypes the GenotypeTable containing the original data being imputed
* @param phasedProgeny the previously imputed progeny states (0 - 4, 4 = missing)
* @param plotList the parentage information
* @param parentHapmap the parent haplotypes assigned in the previous round
public RephaseParents(GenotypeTable originalGenotypes, Map phasedProgeny, List plotList, Map parentHapmap) {
origGeno = originalGenotypes;
progenyStates = phasedProgeny;
this.plotList = plotList;
startingParents = parentHapmap;
public RephaseParents(GenotypeTable originalGenotypes, String phasedProgeny, String parentage, String parentHaps) {
origGeno = originalGenotypes;
GenotypeTable progenyStatesTable = (GenotypeTable) FileLoadPlugin.runPlugin(phasedProgeny);
progenyStates = progenyStates(progenyStatesTable);
myLogger.info(String.format("progeny states loaded: %s", phasedProgeny));
try {
plotList = Files.lines(Paths.get(parentage)).skip(1).map(in -> in.split("\t")).collect(Collectors.toList());
myLogger.info(String.format("plotList has %d entries", plotList.size()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read " + parentage, e);
startingParents = ImputationUtils.restorePhasedHaplotypes(Paths.get(parentHaps));
myLogger.info(String.format("Starting parent haplotypes loaded: %s", parentHaps));
Map rephaseUsingAlleleDepth() {
return rephaseUsingAlleleDepth(null);
Map rephaseUsingAlleleDepth(String saveFilename) {
Map nextHaplotypeProbs = new HashMap<>();
//can phase each parent using all progeny with a phased other parent
//for each parent create a list of all plots for that parent for which the other parent is phased
Map> parentPlotMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] plot : plotList) {
if (startingParents.get(plot[2]) != null) {
List parentPlotList = parentPlotMap.get(plot[1]);
if (parentPlotList == null) {
parentPlotList = new ArrayList<>();
parentPlotMap.put(plot[1], parentPlotList);
if (!plot[2].equals(plot[1]) && startingParents.get(plot[1]) != null) {
List parentPlotList = parentPlotMap.get(plot[2]);
if (parentPlotList == null) {
parentPlotList = new ArrayList<>();
parentPlotMap.put(plot[2], parentPlotList);
//for each parent haplotype, at each site, calculate the probability that the haplotype is the major allele
for (String parent : parentPlotMap.keySet()) {
if (startingParents.get(parent) != null) {
double[][] probs = rephasePreviouslyPhased(parent, parentPlotMap.get(parent));
nextHaplotypeProbs.put(parent, probs);
parentHaplotypeProbabilities = nextHaplotypeProbs;
//save the rephased haplotypes to a file
// String savename = "/Users/pbradbury/Documents/projects/teosinte/haplotypes/C2_rephased_parents.bin";
if (saveFilename != null && saveFilename.length() > 1) {
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(saveFilename));
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
} catch (IOException e) {
return parentHaplotypeProbabilities;
double[][] rephasePreviouslyPhased(String parent, List plotList) {
//calculate P(hap=major) for each haplotype
//P(hap=a | obs) = P(hap=a | obs,other=a)*P(other=a) + P(hap=a | obs,other=b)*P(other=b)
// ~ P(obs | hap=a, other=a)*P(other=a) + P(obs | hap=a, other=b)*P(other=b)
//for each site
//for P(other=a), P(other=b) = allele freq of a and b in total population
//for each parent haplotype
//group progeny into those with other parent carrying the major allele (a) vs. the minor allele (b)
//add up the allele depths for each group. These are the obs.
//calculate P(obs|...) from the binomial distribution
//calculate P(hap=major) and store the result
double err = 0.01;
int nsites = origGeno.numberOfSites();
double[][] haplotypeProbability = new double[2][nsites];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) Arrays.fill(haplotypeProbability[i], Double.NaN);
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
byte major = origGeno.majorAllele(s);
byte minor = origGeno.minorAllele(s);
if (minor == N) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) haplotypeProbability[i][s] = 1;
} else {
double majorFreq = origGeno.majorAlleleFrequency(s);
double minorFreq = origGeno.minorAlleleFrequency(s);
//sum allele depths across all plots and by progeny state
int[] totalAlleleDepths = new int[6];
int[][] stateAlleleDepths = new int[4][6];
int[][] parentStateAlleleDepths = new int[2][6];
int[] switchState = new int[]{0,2,1,3};
for (String[] plot : plotList) {
int taxonNdx = origGeno.taxa().indexOf(plot[0]);
int[] tempDepths = origGeno.depthForAlleles(taxonNdx, s);
byte geno = origGeno.genotype(taxonNdx, s);
int state = progenyStates.get(plot[0])[s];
if (state < 4) {
int parentState;
int myState;
if (parent.equals(plot[1])) {
if (state == 0 || state == 1) parentState = 0;
else parentState = 1;
myState = state;
} else {
if (state == 0 || state == 2) parentState = 0;
else parentState = 1;
myState = switchState[state];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
totalAlleleDepths[i] += tempDepths[i];
stateAlleleDepths[myState][i] += tempDepths[i];
parentStateAlleleDepths[parentState][i] += tempDepths[i];
if (parentStateAlleleDepths[0][major] < 5 || parentStateAlleleDepths[0][major] < 5) {
//skip, too little data
} else {
//for each parent haplotype
//P(hap=a | obs) = P(obs | hap=a, other=a)*P(hap=a)*P(other=a) + P(obs | hap=a, other=b)*P(hap=a)*P(other=b)
//then divide by sum of P(hap=a|obs) + P(hap=b|obs)
//use origGeno allele freq for p(other=a) and p(hap=a)
//consider using something other than allele frequency for this
//perhaps using previously computed p's
//parent haplotype 0, pMajor. Only consider the observations for h00 genotypes. h01 does not need to be considered
//P(obs | h00=major) = [P(obs | h00=major, h10=major, h11=major) * P(h10=major) *P(h11=major)
// + P(obs | h00=major, h10=major, h11=minor) * P(h10=major) * P(h11=minor)
// + P(obs | h00=major, h10=minor, h11=major) * P(h10=minor) * P(h11=major)
// + P(obs | h00=major, h10=minor, h11=minor) * P(h10=minor) * P(h11=minor))] * P(h00=major)
//for h00 = major
double ph10major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[0][major] + stateAlleleDepths[0][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[0][minor]); //h10 = major
double ph10minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[0][major] + stateAlleleDepths[0][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[0][minor]); //h10 = minor
double ph11major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[1][major] + stateAlleleDepths[1][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[1][minor]); //h11 = major
double ph11minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[1][major] + stateAlleleDepths[1][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[1][minor]); //h11 = minor
double ph00major = ph10major * ph11major * majorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10major * ph11minor * majorFreq * minorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11major * minorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11minor * minorFreq * minorFreq;
ph00major *= majorFreq;
//for h00 = minor
ph10major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[0][major] + stateAlleleDepths[0][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[0][major]); //h10 = major
ph10minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[0][major] + stateAlleleDepths[0][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[0][major]); //h10 = minor
ph11major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[1][major] + stateAlleleDepths[1][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[1][major]); //h11 = major
ph11minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[1][major] + stateAlleleDepths[1][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[1][major]); //h11 = minor
double ph00minor = ph10major * ph11major * majorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10major * ph11minor * majorFreq * minorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11major * minorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11minor * minorFreq * minorFreq;
ph00minor *= minorFreq;
haplotypeProbability[0][s] = ph00major / (ph00major + ph00minor);
//for h01 = major
ph10major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[2][major] + stateAlleleDepths[2][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[2][minor]); //h10 = major
ph10minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[2][major] + stateAlleleDepths[2][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[2][minor]); //h10 = minor
ph11major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[3][major] + stateAlleleDepths[3][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[3][minor]); //h11 = major
ph11minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[3][major] + stateAlleleDepths[3][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[3][minor]); //h11 = minor
double ph01major = ph10major * ph11major * majorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10major * ph11minor * majorFreq * minorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11major * minorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11minor * minorFreq * minorFreq;
ph01major *= majorFreq;
//for h01 = minor
ph10major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[2][major] + stateAlleleDepths[2][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[2][major]); //h10 = major
ph10minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[2][major] + stateAlleleDepths[2][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[2][major]); //h10 = minor
ph11major = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[3][major] + stateAlleleDepths[3][minor], 0.5).probability(stateAlleleDepths[3][major]); //h11 = major
ph11minor = new BinomialDistribution(stateAlleleDepths[3][major] + stateAlleleDepths[3][minor], err).probability(stateAlleleDepths[3][major]); //h11 = minor
double ph01minor = ph10major * ph11major * majorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10major * ph11minor * majorFreq * minorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11major * minorFreq * majorFreq
+ ph10minor * ph11minor * minorFreq * minorFreq;
ph01minor *= minorFreq;
haplotypeProbability[1][s] = ph01major / (ph01major + ph01minor);
return haplotypeProbability;
Map rephaseUsingCrossProgeny() {
rephasedParents = new HashMap<>();
int[] firstParentChr = new int[]{0,0,1,1};
int[] secondParentChr = new int[]{0,1,0,1};
//for each parent of an outcross, get list of outcross progeny plots, store in parentPlotMap
Map> parentPlotMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] plot : plotList) {
if (plot[3].equals("outcross")) {
List parentPlotList = parentPlotMap.get(plot[1]);
if (parentPlotList == null) {
parentPlotList = new ArrayList<>();
parentPlotMap.put(plot[1], parentPlotList);
if (!plot[2].equals(plot[1])) {
parentPlotList = parentPlotMap.get(plot[2]);
if (parentPlotList == null) {
parentPlotList = new ArrayList<>();
parentPlotMap.put(plot[2], parentPlotList);
int nsites = origGeno.numberOfSites();
//iterate through parents
for (String parent : parentPlotMap.keySet()) {
System.out.printf("Rephasing %s\n", parent);
//haplotypeList contains a list of haplotypes inferred for each of the progeny of this parent
List haplotypeList = new ArrayList<>();
List parentPlotList = parentPlotMap.get(parent);
if (parentPlotList == null) {
System.out.printf("parentPlotList null for %s\n", parent);
if (parentPlotList.size() < minFamilySize) {
System.out.printf("parentPlotList has %d plots for %s\n", parentPlotList.size(), parent);
//for each progeny (plot[0] is the progeny name)
for (String[] plot : parentPlotList) {
//is parent the plot[1] or plot[2]?
String otherParent;
boolean isFirstParent;
if (plot[1].equals(parent)) {
otherParent = plot[2];
isFirstParent = true;
else {
otherParent = plot[1];
isFirstParent = false;
//use all other parents, it may help to use only self parents but whatever
int progenyIndex = origGeno.taxa().indexOf(plot[0]);
byte[][] parentHap = new byte[2][nsites];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) Arrays.fill(parentHap[i], N);
byte[] myStates = progenyStates.get(plot[0]);
byte[][] otherParentHap = startingParents.get(otherParent);
if (otherParentHap == null || myStates == null) continue;
for (int s = 0;s < nsites; s++) {
if (myStates[s] == missingState) continue;
byte myGenotype = origGeno.genotype(progenyIndex, s);
if (myGenotype == NN) continue;
int myChr, otherChr;
if (isFirstParent) {
myChr = firstParentChr[myStates[s]];
otherChr = secondParentChr[myStates[s]];
else {
otherChr = firstParentChr[myStates[s]];
myChr = secondParentChr[myStates[s]];
byte otherAllele = otherParentHap[otherChr][s];
if (otherAllele == N) continue;
int mydepth = origGeno.depth().depth(progenyIndex, s);
if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(myGenotype)) {
byte[] alleles = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(myGenotype);
if (otherAllele == alleles[0]) parentHap[myChr][s] = alleles[1];
if (otherAllele == alleles[1]) parentHap[myChr][s] = alleles[0];
} else { //progeny has homozygous genotype
byte[] alleles = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(myGenotype);
if (alleles[0] != otherAllele && mydepth < 9) parentHap[myChr][s] = alleles[0];
else if (mydepth >= minDepth && otherAllele == alleles[0]) parentHap[myChr][s] = alleles[0];
//get majority allele at each site and major allele frequency
byte[][] newhaps = new byte[2][nsites];
Arrays.fill(newhaps[0], N);
Arrays.fill(newhaps[1], N);
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
byte major = origGeno.majorAllele(s);
byte minor = origGeno.minorAllele(s);
int[][] alleleCount = new int[2][6];
for (byte[][] hap : haplotypeList) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
byte val = hap[i][s];
if (val < 6) alleleCount[i][val]++;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int[] order = countSortOrder(alleleCount[i], true);
if (alleleCount[i][order[0]] > 2 * alleleCount[i][order[1]]) {
byte myAllele = (byte) order[0];
if (myAllele == major || myAllele == minor) newhaps[i][s] = myAllele;
rephasedParents.put(parent, newhaps);
return rephasedParents;
public void setMinDepth(int mindepth) {
minDepth = mindepth;
public static int[] countSortOrder(int[] counts, boolean descending) {
int n = counts.length;
List order = IntStream.range(0, n).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
if (descending) {
Collections.sort(order, (a,b) -> {
if (counts[a] > counts[b]) return -1;
if (counts[a] < counts[b]) return 1;
return 0;
} else {
Collections.sort(order, (a,b) -> {
if (counts[a] > counts[b]) return 1;
if (counts[a] < counts[b]) return -1;
return 0;
return order.stream().mapToInt(I -> I.intValue()).toArray();
public static Map progenyStates(GenotypeTable gt) {
Map outputMap = new HashMap<>();
int nsites = gt.numberOfSites();
int ntaxa = gt.numberOfTaxa();
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
byte[] states = new byte[nsites];
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
byte val = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(gt.genotype(t, s))[0];
if (val > -1 && val < 3) states[s] = val;
else states[s] = missingState;
outputMap.put(gt.taxaName(t), states);
return outputMap;
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