net.maizegenetics.analysis.distance.Kinship Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.distance;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.score.ReferenceProbability;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable.GENOTYPE_TABLE_COMPONENT;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.distance.DistanceMatrix;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
* @author Terry Casstevens
* @author Zhiwu Zhang
* @author Peter Bradbury
* @deprecated This utility has been replaced. See KinshipPlugin. Please discuss
* with Terry if something needs to be salvaged from this class.
public class Kinship {
//scale the numeric matrix produced by the transform function or from probabilities which code phenotypes as {1,0.5,0}
public static double MATRIX_MULTIPLIER = 2;
public static enum KINSHIP_TYPE {
private Kinship() {
// utility to create kinship matrix
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link EndelmanDistanceMatrix#getInstance(net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable, int, net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener)
* }
private static DistanceMatrix createKinship(GenotypeTable mar, KINSHIP_TYPE kinshipType, GENOTYPE_TABLE_COMPONENT dataType) {
System.out.println("Starting Kinship.buildFromMarker().");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
DistanceMatrix result;
if (kinshipType == KINSHIP_TYPE.Endelman) {
result = buildFromMarker(mar, kinshipType, dataType);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kinship: createKinship: unknown kinship algorithm: " + kinshipType);
System.out.printf("Built Kinship in %d millisec.\n", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return result;
private static DistanceMatrix buildFromMarker(GenotypeTable mar, KINSHIP_TYPE kinshipType, GENOTYPE_TABLE_COMPONENT dataType) {
if (dataType == GENOTYPE_TABLE_COMPONENT.Genotype) {
return calculateKinshipFromMarkers(mar);
} else if (dataType == GENOTYPE_TABLE_COMPONENT.ReferenceProbability) {
return calculateRelationshipKinshipFromReferenceProbability(mar);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The supplied data type is not currently supported by the Kinship method: " + dataType);
* Calculates a kinship matrix from genotypes using the method described in
* Endelman and Jannink (2012) G3 2:1407-1413. It is best to impute missing
* data before calculating. However, if data is missing it is replaced by
* the allele average at that site.
private static DistanceMatrix calculateKinshipFromMarkers(GenotypeTable mar) {
//mar is the input genotype table
byte missingAllele = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
// from Endelman and Jannink. 2012. G3 2:1407ff
// A = WW'/[2*sumk(pk*qk)]
// where W = centered genotype matrix (centered on marker mean value, marker coded as 2,1,0)
// where marker is multi-allelic, leave one allele out to keep markers independent
int ntaxa = mar.numberOfTaxa();
int nsites = mar.numberOfSites();
double[][] distance = new double[ntaxa][ntaxa];
double sumpi = 0;
//calculate WW' by summing ww' for each allele, where w is a column vector of centered allele counts {2,1,0}
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
int[][] alleleFreq = mar.allelesSortedByFrequency(s);
int nalleles = alleleFreq[0].length;
int totalAlleleCount = mar.totalGametesNonMissingForSite(s);
for (int a = 0; a < nalleles - 1; a++) {
double pi = ((double) alleleFreq[1][a]) / ((double) totalAlleleCount);
double pix2 = 2 * pi;
sumpi += pi * (1 - pi);
double[] scores = new double[ntaxa];
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
byte[] geno = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(mar.genotype(t, s));
double thisScore = 0;
if (geno[0] != missingAllele) {
if (geno[0] == alleleFreq[0][a]) {
if (geno[1] == alleleFreq[0][a]) {
thisScore -= pix2;
scores[t] = thisScore;
for (int r = 0; r < ntaxa; r++) {
double rowval = scores[r];
distance[r][r] += rowval * rowval;
for (int c = r + 1; c < ntaxa; c++) {
distance[r][c] += rowval * scores[c];
double sumpk = 2 * sumpi;
for (int r = 0; r < ntaxa; r++) {
distance[r][r] /= sumpk;
for (int c = r + 1; c < ntaxa; c++) {
distance[r][c] = distance[c][r] = distance[r][c] / sumpk;
return new DistanceMatrix(distance, mar.taxa());
* Calculates a kinship matrix from genotypes using the method described in
* Endelman and Jannink (2012) G3 2:1407-1413. It is best to impute missing
* data before calculating. However, if data is missing it is replaced by
* the allele average at that site.
private static DistanceMatrix calculateKinshipFromMarkersV2(GenotypeTable mar) {
//mar is the input genotype table
byte missingAllele = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
// from Endelman and Jannink. 2012. G3 2:1407ff
// A = WW'/[2*sumk(pk*qk)]
// where W = centered genotype matrix (centered on marker mean value, marker coded as 2,1,0)
// where marker is multi-allelic, leave one allele out to keep markers independent
int ntaxa = mar.numberOfTaxa();
int nsites = mar.numberOfSites();
double[][] distance = new double[ntaxa][ntaxa];
double sumpq = IntStream.range(0, nsites).parallel().mapToDouble(s -> {
int[][] alleleFreq = mar.allelesSortedByFrequency(s);
int nalleles = alleleFreq[0].length;
double totalAlleleCount = mar.totalGametesNonMissingForSite(s);
double pq = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < nalleles - 1; a++) {
double p = alleleFreq[1][a] / totalAlleleCount;
pq += p * (1 - p);
return pq;
//calculate WW' by summing ww' for each allele, where w is a column vector of centered allele counts {2,1,0}
BiConsumer siteDistance = (dist, site) -> {
int s = site.intValue();
int[][] alleleFreq = mar.allelesSortedByFrequency(s);
int nalleles = alleleFreq[0].length;
int totalAlleleCount = mar.totalGametesNonMissingForSite(s);
for (int a = 0; a < nalleles - 1; a++) {
double pi = ((double) alleleFreq[1][a]) / ((double) totalAlleleCount);
double pix2 = 2 * pi;
double[] scores = new double[ntaxa];
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
byte[] geno = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(mar.genotype(t, s));
double thisScore = 0;
if (geno[0] != missingAllele) {
if (geno[0] == alleleFreq[0][a]) {
if (geno[1] == alleleFreq[0][a]) {
thisScore -= pix2;
scores[t] = thisScore;
for (int r = 0; r < ntaxa; r++) {
double rowval = scores[r];
dist[r][r] += rowval * rowval;
for (int c = r + 1; c < ntaxa; c++) {
dist[r][c] += rowval * scores[c];
BiConsumer mergeDistance = (d1, d2) -> {
for (int r = 0; r < ntaxa; r++) {
double[] row1 = d1[r];
double[] row2 = d2[r];
for (int c = 0; c < ntaxa; c++) {
row1[c] += row2[c];
distance = IntStream.range(0, nsites).boxed().parallel().collect(() -> new double[ntaxa][ntaxa], siteDistance, mergeDistance);
double sumpk = 2 * sumpq;
for (int r = 0; r < ntaxa; r++) {
distance[r][r] /= sumpk;
for (int c = r + 1; c < ntaxa; c++) {
distance[r][c] = distance[c][r] = distance[r][c] / sumpk;
return new DistanceMatrix(distance, mar.taxa());
private static DistanceMatrix calculateRelationshipKinshipFromReferenceProbability(GenotypeTable mar) {
ReferenceProbability referenceP = mar.referenceProbability();
//calculate the column averages and sumpq, center W
int nrow = referenceP.numTaxa();
int ncol = referenceP.numSites();
double[][] W = new double[nrow][ncol];
for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < ncol; c++) {
W[r][c] = referenceP.value(r, c) * MATRIX_MULTIPLIER;
double sumpq = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < ncol; c++) {
double colTotal = 0;
int colCount = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
if (!Double.isNaN(W[r][c])) {
colTotal += W[r][c];
double pi = colTotal / colCount / 2.0;
double pix2 = pi * 2;
sumpq += pi * (1 - pi);
for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
if (Double.isNaN(W[r][c])) {
W[r][c] = 0;
} else {
W[r][c] -= pix2;
DoubleMatrix WWt = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(W).tcrossproduct();
double[][] scaledIBS = new double[nrow][nrow];
for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < nrow; c++) {
scaledIBS[r][c] = WWt.get(r, c) / sumpq / 2;
return new DistanceMatrix(scaledIBS, mar.taxa());
private static DistanceMatrix calculateRelationshipKinshipFromAlleleProbabilities() {
//TODO implement
return null;
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