net.maizegenetics.analysis.gobii.GOBII_IFLUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.gobii;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Utils;
* This class contains utility methods for pulling values out of
* hmp or vcf files needed when creating the intermediate files
* for loading into GOBII postgres and monetdb instances
* @author lcj34
public class GOBII_IFLUtils {
// Chromosome is in first column for VCF file, in 3rd column for hmp file
// first tab occurs after the first column (tabPos[0])
public static int getChromFromLine(String mline, boolean isVCF, int[] tabPos) {
int chrom;
if (isVCF) {
chrom = Integer.parseInt(mline.substring(0,tabPos[0]));
} else {
// tabPos[1] + 1 is beginning of the 3rd column
chrom = Integer.parseInt(mline.substring(tabPos[1]+1,tabPos[2]));
return chrom;
public static String getMarkerNameFromLine(String mline, boolean isVCF, int[] tabPos, String mapsetname){
String name = null;
if (isVCF) {
name = mline.substring(tabPos[1]+1,tabPos[2]);
if (name.equals(".")) { // "." is used in vcf for unknown.
// Marker name becomes S_, e.g. S10_20 for position 20 on chrom 10
// Marker name becomes PZ.V.chrom.position, e.g. PZ.2.9.123132
String pos = mline.substring(tabPos[0]+1,tabPos[1]);
String chrom = mline.substring(0,tabPos[0]);
// name = "S" + chrom + "_" + pos;
String mapset = "";
if (mapsetname.toUpperCase().equals("AGPV2")){
mapset = "2";
} else if (mapsetname.toUpperCase().equals("AGPV3")) {
mapset = "3";
} else if (mapsetname.toUpperCase().equals("AGPV4")) {
mapset = "4";
} else {
System.out.println("WARNING: getMarkerNameFromLine - bad mapset name: " + mapsetname);
name = "PZ." + mapset + "." + chrom + "." + pos;
//System.out.println("LCJ GOBII_IFLUtils.getMarkerNameFromLine- creatwed marker name : " + name);
// There COULD have multiple identifiers. If so, they are separated
// by colons with no white space. Will this be encountered in our files??
} else {
name = mline.substring(0, tabPos[0]); // store rs# as name
if (name == null) {
System.out.println("WARNING: getMarkerNameFromLine: hmp name rs field is NULL");
return name;
// position is in second column for VCF file, in 4th column for hmp file
// first tab occurs after the first column (tabPos[0])
public static int getPosFromLine(String mline, boolean isVCF, int[] tabPos) {
int pos;
if (isVCF) {
pos = Integer.parseInt(mline.substring(tabPos[0]+1,tabPos[1]));
} else {
// tabPos[0] + 1 is beginning of the 2nd column
pos = Integer.parseInt(mline.substring(tabPos[2]+1,tabPos[3]));
return pos;
// find the strand - column 5 in hmp.txt file. Hapmap does not have
// a strand field.
public static String getStrandFromLine(String mline, boolean isVCF, int[] tabPos) {
String strand = null;
// for hmp, strand is column 5
if (isVCF) {
strand = "Unknown";
} else {
strand = mline.substring(tabPos[3]+1,tabPos[4]);
if (strand.equals("+")) {
strand = "Forward";
} else if (strand.equals("-")) {
strand = "Reverse";
} else {
strand = "Unknown";
return strand;
public static String addMonetdbVariantData(String ref, String altsOrig, String mline, boolean isVCF, int[]tabPos){
// boolean isVCF, int[]tabPos,String platformName){ // add this when do illumina
StringBuilder variantsSB = new StringBuilder();
if (isVCF) {
// The VCF shows the allele call for each taxa as x/y
// from the vcf format definition:
// The allele values are 0 for the reference allele (what is in the REF field),
// 1 for the first allele listed in ALT, 2 for the second allele list in ALT and so on.
// strip the "{" off of alts
String alts = altsOrig.substring(1,altsOrig.length()-1);
// Create alleles array
String[] altsTokens = alts.split("/"); // need to split to get rid of the /'s !!!
char[] alleles = new char[altsTokens.length + 1]; // length of alleles string plus 1 for ref
alleles[0] = ref.charAt(0); // should just be 1
for (int idx = 1,altsIdx=0; idx < alleles.length; idx++,altsIdx++) {
//alleles[idx]=alts.charAt(altsIdx); //
alleles[idx] = altsTokens[altsIdx].charAt(0); //
String taxaString = mline.substring(tabPos[8]+1); // skip non-taxa headers
StringTokenizer taxaValues = new StringTokenizer(taxaString);
//System.out.println("LCJ - addMonetdbVariantData, ref: " + ref + ", altsOrig: " + altsOrig + " alts after modify: " + alts);
boolean firstTaxa = true;
while (taxaValues.hasMoreTokens()){
if (!firstTaxa) {
variantsSB.append("\t"); // only append tab if we know there is a next taxa
} else {
firstTaxa = false;
String nextTaxa = taxaValues.nextToken();
//System.out.println("LCJ - nextTaxa from taxaVlues tokens is: " + nextTaxa);
if (nextTaxa.equals(".") || nextTaxa.equals("./.")) {
byte unknown = (byte)0xFF;
} else {
int end = nextTaxa.indexOf(":");
if (end != -1) {
// nothing beyond the x/x, ie there is no :
// Robert has removed this data in some of the files.
nextTaxa = nextTaxa.substring(0,end); // grab just the first part, e.g. 0/0 or 0/1 or ./. etc
// get index into list alleles array
int a1 = nextTaxa.charAt(0) - '0';
int a2 = nextTaxa.charAt(2) - '0';
if (a1 < 0 || a2 < 0) {
// THis is same as above, when there is . or ./.
// It is seen in maize chrom 10 where ref is N and allt is ./1 (vs ./. above)
// this makes a1 be negative. MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin only allows for 1 ref,
// and that is the ref from the genome fasta file. I notice in vcf format 4.3, you
// can have multiple values for the ref, e.g. Ref=GTC, ALTs = G,GTCT. We many
// need to handle this. FOr now, this is catching the "." in the ref spot.
// SHould be ok to continue processing with these notices.:w!
System.out.println("LCJ - OOPS negative values!! set to N for nextTaxa " + nextTaxa);
System.out.println(" mline: " + mline.substring(0, tabPos[8]));
} else {
// get bytes, set IUPAC values
byte highbyte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(alleles[a1]);
byte lowbyte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(alleles[a2]);
String iupacByte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC((byte)((highbyte << 4) | lowbyte));
//System.out.println("LCJ - variants line: " + variantsSB.toString());
} else {
// hmp - just need to grab the values
String taxaString = mline.substring(tabPos[10]+1); // skip non-taxa headers
// This gets all the remaining values on the line
StringTokenizer taxaValues = new StringTokenizer(taxaString);
boolean firstTaxa = true;
while (taxaValues.hasMoreTokens()){
if (!firstTaxa) {
variantsSB.append("\t"); // only append tab if we know there is a next taxa
} else {
firstTaxa = false;
// The illumina code below needs testing!
// if (platformName.toUpperCase().equals("ILLUMINA")) {
// // Illumina 50K has double letter values, need to be translated
// // to IUPAC values.
// String nextTaxa = taxaValues.nextToken();
// byte highbyte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(nextTaxa.charAt(0));
// byte lowbyte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(nextTaxa.charAt(1));
// String iupacByte = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideIUPAC((byte)((highbyte << 4) | lowbyte));
// variantsSB.append(iupacByte);
// } else {
// variantsSB.append(taxaValues.nextToken());
// }
// COMMENT LINE BELOW when add support for Illumina
return variantsSB.toString();
public static String getAltsForRef(String ref) {
StringBuilder alts = new StringBuilder();
String[] aTokens = {"A","C","G","T"};
boolean first = true;
for (String allele: aTokens) {
if (!(allele.equals(ref))){
if (!first) {
first = false;
return alts.toString();
// get alts from hapmap or vcf file. This method loses some of its usefulness.
// We now initially set the alts to whichever of A/C/G/T that is not the reference.
// Eventually we need to handle deletions. Will leave this code in place now as
// the actual Alts from the vcf/hmp file are recorded to a separate file for
// use in updating the db entries. That may be done when we handle deletions.
public static String getAltsFromLine(String mline, String ref, boolean isVCF, int[] tabPos) {
StringBuilder alts = new StringBuilder();
if (isVCF) {
// look at ref and alts column. Robert has probably identified th ref
// correctly, but if the vcf was created by TASSEL, this is not necessarily so.
String vcfRef = mline.substring(tabPos[2]+1, tabPos[3]);
String alleles = mline.substring(tabPos[3]+1, tabPos[4]);
String[] aTokens = alleles.split(",");
boolean first = true;
for (String allele: aTokens) {
if (!(allele.equals(ref))){
if (!first) {
// VCF can have values inside angle brackets,
// e.g. or . Must look for this pattern
if (allele.startsWith("<")) {
// Strip off the <>
String val = allele.substring(1,allele.length()-1);
if (val.equals("INS")) {
} else if (val.equals("DEL")) {
} // other values within <> ???
} else {
first = false;
if (!(vcfRef.equals(ref))) {
// The passed in ref allele is based on a fasta reference file.
// The VCF file also declares a ref. We use the passed in ref as
// the ref. If the VCF declared ref doesn't match this, then add
// it as an alt.
} else {
// get alts. Pull the alleles from column 2 of the hmp.txt file
// Alleles are separated by "/". Any allele that does not match
// the reference allele gets stored in the alts array.
String alleles = mline.substring(tabPos[0]+1,tabPos[1]);
String[] aTokens = alleles.split("/");
boolean first = true;
for (String allele: aTokens) {
if (!(allele.equals(ref))){
if (!first) {
first = false;
return alts.toString();
* This method is created to break up very large files that GOBII can't handle.
* For example: one dataset has 83M+ lines. Takes GOBII overnight just to load
* the marker_linkage_group or dataset_marker data. Yaw suggests we break it into
* files of size 10M. So pass in the file, give an output directory, and split
* the file into smaller files. Each smaller file must retain the header, and it
* must end with the same table name (e.g. DS_4.marker_linkage_gropu must still
* @param infile
* @param outdir
* @param maxSize
public static void splitIFLFile(String infile, String outdir, int maxSize) {
BufferedReader br = Utils.getBufferedReader(infile, 1 << 22);
//DataOutputStream writerMarker = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile)));
DataOutputStream bw = null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int fileCount = 1;
Path filePath=Paths.get(infile);
String fileName = filePath.getFileName().toString();
//String fileNameSubstr = fileName.substring(0,fileName.indexOf("."));
String[] fileparts = fileName.split("\\."); // should be dataset_name. - only 1 period in file name !!
System.out.println("LCJ - fileName is " + fileName + ", fileparts.length " + fileparts.length + "\n");
if (fileparts.length != 2) {
System.out.println("LCJ - input file must have 1 and only 1 period in the name to differentiate dataset name from table name");
System.out.println("Inputfile example: DS_4.marker");
try {
String line = br.readLine(); // should be the header
String headerLine = line + "\n";
int linecount = 0;
int totalLines = 0;
int maxBuffer = 10000; // max lines before we write out the buffer.
String outfile = outdir + fileparts[0] + "_" + fileCount + "." + fileparts[1];
// add header to file
bw = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile)));
bw.writeBytes(headerLine); // already added \n to header line
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null){
sb.append("\n"); // readline removes the carriage return
if (totalLines == maxSize || linecount == maxBuffer) {
// write to file, clear out buffer
sb.setLength(0); // zero out the buffer
if (totalLines == maxSize) {
System.out.println("LCJ - linecout " + linecount + " is max size, close out file " + outfile);
// close the writer, get new one for next set
System.out.println("LCJ - wrote file " + outfile + " with lines " + linecount);
outfile = outdir + fileparts[0] + "_" + fileCount + "." + fileparts[1]; // filecount is different
bw = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outfile)));
totalLines = 0;
linecount = 0; // set linecount to 0, start filling buffer to write
if (linecount > 0) {
// write remaining lines
bw.close(); // close out buffer, return
} catch (Exception exc) {
System.out.println("LCJ - whoops - error reading/writing file " + infile + " or outfile " + fileCount);
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