net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.ImputeCrossProgeny Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.map.GeneralPosition;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.map.Position;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.map.PositionList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.data.FileLoadPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.data.FileLoadPlugin.TasselFileType;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.EmissionProbability;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.TransitionProbability;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.ViterbiAlgorithm;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.map.Chromosome;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.ExportUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
import net.maizegenetics.util.OpenBitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Tuple;
public class ImputeCrossProgeny {
private Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(ImputeCrossProgeny.class);
private static final byte N = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
private static final byte missingState = 4;
private static final byte NN = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
private static final byte AA = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("A");
private static final byte CC = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("C");
private static final byte GG = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("G");
private static final byte TT = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("T");
private static final byte[] stateNucleotide = new byte[]{AA, CC, GG, TT,NN};
private static final byte[] ACGT = new byte[]{AA, CC, GG, TT};
private List plotList;
private Map haplotypeMap;
private GenotypeTable myGenotype;
private String parentCallFilename;
private String phasedParentOutFilename;
private String imputedGenotypeOutFilename;
private String parentcallOutFilename;
public void setPlotList(List plotList) {
this.plotList = plotList;
public void imputeAll() {
String now = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date().getTime());
int[] chrstart = myGenotype.chromosomesOffsets();
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
int[] chrend = new int [10];
System.arraycopy(chrstart, 1, chrend, 0, 9);
chrend[9] = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
Map phasedProgeny = new HashMap<>();
Map parentMap = new HashMap<>();
//impute all progeny in that are in Genotype
for (String[] plot : plotList) {
int ndx = myGenotype.taxa().indexOf(plot[0]);
if (ndx == -1) continue;
byte[][] hap0 = haplotypeMap.get(plot[1]);
byte[][] hap1 = haplotypeMap.get(plot[2]);
if (hap0 != null && hap1 !=null && notMissingHap(hap0) && notMissingHap(hap1)) {
phasedProgeny.put(plot[0], imputeCrossFromParents(plot[0], hap0, hap1));
parentMap.put(plot[0], new String[]{plot[1], plot[2]});
//fill gaps
for (byte[] states : phasedProgeny.values()) fillgaps(states);
//store the results in genotype tables
//A,C,M for the parent haplotypes
//nucleotides for the imputed data
List taxa = phasedProgeny.keySet().stream().map(p -> new Taxon(p)).collect(Collectors.toList());
GenotypeTableBuilder parentCalls = GenotypeTableBuilder.getTaxaIncremental(myGenotype.positions());
int nsites = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
taxa.stream().forEach(t -> {
byte[] states = phasedProgeny.get(t);
byte[] geno = new byte[nsites];
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
geno[s] = stateNucleotide[states[s]];
parentCalls.addTaxon(t, geno);
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(parentCalls.build(), parentcallOutFilename);
//fill in monomorphic sites where missing to deal with uncalled IBD
GenotypeTableBuilder imputedGeno = GenotypeTableBuilder.getTaxaIncremental(myGenotype.positions());;
taxa.stream().forEach(t -> {
byte[] states = phasedProgeny.get(t);
byte[] geno = new byte[nsites];
String[] parents = parentMap.get(t.getName());
byte[][] hap0 = haplotypeMap.get(parents[0]);
byte[][] hap1 = haplotypeMap.get(parents[1]);
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
if (hap0[0][s] == N || hap0[1][s] == N || hap1[0][s] == N || hap1[1][s] == N) {
geno[s] = NN;
} else if (states[s] == 0) {
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[0][s], hap1[0][s]);
} else if (states[s] == 1) {
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[0][s], hap1[1][s]);
} else if (states[s] == 2) {
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[1][s], hap1[0][s]);
} else if (states[s] == 3) {
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[1][s], hap1[1][s]);
} else {
if (hap0[0][s] == hap0[1][s] && hap0[0][s] == hap1[0][s] && hap0[0][s] == hap1[1][s])
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[0][s], hap0[0][s]);
else geno[s] = NN;
imputedGeno.addTaxon(t, geno);
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(imputedGeno.build(), imputedGenotypeOutFilename);
boolean notMissingHap(byte[][] hap) {
int[] nm = new int[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (byte b : hap[i]) if (b != N) nm[i]++;
if (nm[0] > 100 && nm[1] > 0) return true;
return false;
public byte[] imputeCrossFromParents(String progeny, byte[][] hap0, byte[][] hap1) {
//impute by chromosome
int taxonIndex = myGenotype.taxa().indexOf(progeny);
int nsites = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
byte[] progenyGenotype = new byte[nsites];
Arrays.fill(progenyGenotype, missingState);
int[] chrstart = myGenotype.chromosomesOffsets();
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
int[] chrend = new int[numberOfChromosomes];
System.arraycopy(chrstart, 1, chrend, 0, numberOfChromosomes - 1);
chrend[numberOfChromosomes - 1] = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
for (int c = 0; c < numberOfChromosomes; c++) {
System.out.printf("Imputing cross progeny %s, chr %d\n", progeny, c+1);
Chromosome chr = new Chromosome(Integer.toString(c + 1));
//create the TransitionProbability, which will be the same for all taxa
TransitionProbability tp = new TransitionProbability();
//get the taxon genotype
byte[] geno = myGenotype.genotypeRange(taxonIndex, chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
//remove missing values
//remove sites that are invariant in parents
//consider removing values that are with 64 bp of each other
int ngeno = geno.length;
OpenBitSet isMissing = new OpenBitSet(ngeno);
byte[] nonMissingGenotypes = new byte[ngeno];
int[] nonMissingPositions = new int[ngeno];
int[] nonMissingHaplotypeIndices = new int[ngeno];
int numberNotMissing = 0;
int prevpos = -100;
int numberInconsistent = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < ngeno; s++) {
int siteIndex = chrstart[c] + s;
int pos = myGenotype.positions().get(siteIndex).getPosition();
int originalSite = siteIndex;
if (geno[s] == NN || hap0[0][originalSite] == N || hap0[1][originalSite] == N ||hap1[0][originalSite] == N ||hap1[1][originalSite] == N || pos - prevpos < 64) {
} else if (hap0[0][originalSite] == hap0[1][originalSite] && hap0[0][originalSite] == hap1[0][originalSite] && hap0[0][originalSite] == hap1[1][originalSite]) {
if (geno[s] != GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(hap0[0][originalSite], hap0[0][originalSite])) numberInconsistent++;
// } else if (hap0[0][originalSite] == hap0[1][originalSite] && hap1[0][originalSite] == hap1[1][originalSite] && hap0[0][originalSite] != hap1[1][originalSite]) {
} else if (hap0[0][originalSite] == hap0[1][originalSite] && hap1[0][originalSite] == hap1[1][originalSite]) {
isMissing.fastSet(s); //this site is not informative
} else {
nonMissingPositions[numberNotMissing] = pos;
nonMissingGenotypes[numberNotMissing] = geno[s];
nonMissingHaplotypeIndices[numberNotMissing] = originalSite;
prevpos = pos;
System.out.printf("For %s, %d of %d sites inconsistent with parents\n",
progeny, numberInconsistent, numberNotMissing);
nonMissingGenotypes = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingGenotypes, numberNotMissing);
nonMissingPositions = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingPositions, numberNotMissing);
nonMissingHaplotypeIndices = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingHaplotypeIndices, numberNotMissing);
if (numberNotMissing < 100) {
System.out.printf("Number not missing = %d for %s, chromosome %s\n", numberNotMissing, progeny, chr.getName());
//update transition prob with avg segment length and (average) transition probability
//initialize the transition matrix
double avgTP = 1 / ((double) (numberNotMissing - 1)); //on average 1 xo per chromosome
double avgDO = avgTP * avgTP;
double[][] transition = new double[][] {
{1 - avgTP - avgDO, 0.5*avgTP, 0.5*avgTP, avgDO},
{0.5*avgTP, 1 - avgTP - avgDO, avgDO, 0.5*avgTP},
{0.5*avgTP, avgDO, 1 - avgTP - avgDO, 0.5*avgTP},
{avgDO, 0.5*avgTP, 0.5*avgTP, 1 - avgTP - avgDO}
tp.setAverageSegmentLength((nonMissingPositions[numberNotMissing - 1] - nonMissingPositions[0]) / (numberNotMissing - 1));
//create an EmissionProbability
EmissionProbability ep = new CrossProgenyEmissionMatrix(new byte[][][]{hap0, hap1}, myGenotype, taxonIndex, nonMissingHaplotypeIndices);
//run Viterbi which returns a byte[] representing the state at each position
ViterbiAlgorithm va = new ViterbiAlgorithm(nonMissingGenotypes, tp, ep, new double[]{0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25});
//report number of crossovers per chromosome and taxon
byte[] states = va.getMostProbableStateSequence();
for (int i = 0; i < numberNotMissing; i++) {
progenyGenotype[nonMissingHaplotypeIndices[i]] = states[i];
return progenyGenotype;
public void improveImputedProgenyStates() {
int[] chrstart = myGenotype.chromosomesOffsets();
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
int[] chrend = new int[numberOfChromosomes];
for (int i = 1; i < numberOfChromosomes; i++) chrend[i - 1] = chrstart[i];
chrend[numberOfChromosomes - 1] = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
FileLoadPlugin flp = new FileLoadPlugin(null, false);
flp.setOpenFiles(new File[]{new File(parentCallFilename)});
GenotypeTable progenyStateGeno = (GenotypeTable) flp.performFunction(null).getData(0).getData();
int nsites = progenyStateGeno.numberOfSites();
Map stateMap = new HashMap<>();
stateMap.put(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("A"), new Byte((byte) 0));
stateMap.put(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("C"), new Byte((byte) 1));
stateMap.put(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("G"), new Byte((byte) 2));
stateMap.put(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("T"), new Byte((byte) 3));
stateMap.put(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("NN"), new Byte((byte) 4));
Map plotInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] plot:plotList) {
plotInfoMap.put(plot[0], plot);
Map parentMap = new HashMap<>();
long[][] stateObsCounts = new long[3][3];
myLogger.info("Loading progeny states and getting stateByObservation counts.");
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List myProgenyTaxaList = progenyStateGeno.taxa();
int ntaxa = myProgenyTaxaList.size();
byte[][] states = new byte[ntaxa][nsites];
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
states[t][s] = stateMap.get(progenyStateGeno.genotype(t, s));
myLogger.info(String.format("Progeny states loaded in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Map phasedProgenyMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
String taxonName = myProgenyTaxaList.get(t).getName();
phasedProgenyMap.put(taxonName, states[t]);
String[] plot = plotInfoMap.get(taxonName);
byte[][] hap0 = haplotypeMap.get(plot[1]);
byte[][] hap1 = haplotypeMap.get(plot[2]);
updateStateObsCounts(stateObsCounts, hap0, hap1, states[t], taxonName);
parentMap.put(taxonName, new String[]{plot[1], plot[2]});
myLogger.info(String.format("stateObsCounts updated in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
//rephase the parents based on imputed progeny states
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
myLogger.info("Rephasing parents");
RephaseParents rephaser = new RephaseParents(myGenotype, phasedProgenyMap, plotList, haplotypeMap);
Map haplotypeProbabilities = rephaser.rephaseUsingAlleleDepth(phasedParentOutFilename);
myLogger.info(String.format("Time to rephase parents = %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
//calculate probability of an observation given the state
//the states are homozygous major, heterozygous, homozygous minor
myLogger.info("Calculating stateGivenObs probability");
double[][] stateGivenObs = new double[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
double rowsum = (double) Arrays.stream(stateObsCounts[i]).sum();
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) stateGivenObs[i][col] = stateObsCounts[i][col] / rowsum;
myLogger.debug("stateGivenObs probabilities");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) sb.append(String.format("%1.4f ", stateGivenObs[i][j]));
//reimpute the progeny
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
myLogger.info("Rephasing progeny.");
List> resultList = plotList.stream()
.filter(p -> haplotypeProbabilities.get(p[1]) != null && haplotypeProbabilities.get(p[2]) != null)
.map(p -> {
double[][] hapProb0 = haplotypeProbabilities.get(p[1]);
double[][] hapProb1 = haplotypeProbabilities.get(p[2]);
byte[] progenyStates = imputeCrossFromParentsUsingProbabilities(p[0], hapProb0, hapProb1, stateGivenObs);
return new Tuple(p[0], progenyStates);
Map rephasedProgeny = new HashMap<>();
for (Tuple result : resultList) rephasedProgeny.put(result.x, result.y);
myLogger.info(String.format("Progeny rephase in %d ms.", System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
//fill gaps
for (byte[] state : rephasedProgeny.values()) fillgaps(state);
//output the results
//store the results in genotype tables
//A,C,M for the parent haplotypes
//nucleotides for the imputed data
GenotypeTableBuilder parentCalls = GenotypeTableBuilder.getTaxaIncremental(myGenotype.positions());
myProgenyTaxaList.stream().forEach(t -> {
byte[] state = rephasedProgeny.get(t.getName());
byte[] geno = new byte[nsites];
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
geno[s] = stateNucleotide[state[s]];
parentCalls.addTaxon(t, geno);
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(parentCalls.build(), parentcallOutFilename);
GenotypeTableBuilder imputedGeno = GenotypeTableBuilder.getTaxaIncremental(myGenotype.positions());
double[] limit = new double[]{0.001, 0.999};
myProgenyTaxaList.stream().forEach(t -> {
byte[] state = rephasedProgeny.get(t.getName());
byte[] geno = new byte[nsites];
Arrays.fill(geno, NN);
String[] parents = parentMap.get(t.getName());
double[][] hapProb0 = haplotypeProbabilities.get(parents[0]);
double[][] hapProb1 = haplotypeProbabilities.get(parents[1]);
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
double prob[] = new double[]{Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
switch(state[s]) {
case 0:
prob[0] = hapProb0[0][s];
prob[1] = hapProb1[0][s];
case 1:
prob[0] = hapProb0[0][s];
prob[1] = hapProb1[1][s];
case 2:
prob[0] = hapProb0[1][s];
prob[1] = hapProb1[0][s];
case 3:
prob[0] = hapProb0[1][s];
prob[1] = hapProb1[1][s];
if (Double.isNaN(prob[0]) || Double.isNaN(prob[1])) {
geno[s] = NN;
} else if ((prob[0] > limit[0] && prob[0] < limit[1]) || (prob[1] > limit[0] && prob[1] < limit[1])) {
geno[s] = NN;
} else {
byte[] haplotype = new byte[2];
if (prob[0] > 0.5) haplotype[0] = myGenotype.majorAllele(s);
else haplotype[0] = myGenotype.minorAllele(s);
if (prob[1] > 0.5) haplotype[1] = myGenotype.majorAllele(s);
else haplotype[1] = myGenotype.minorAllele(s);
geno[s] = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(haplotype[0], haplotype[1]);
imputedGeno.addTaxon(t, geno);
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(imputedGeno.build(), imputedGenotypeOutFilename);
public byte[] imputeCrossFromParentsUsingProbabilities(String progeny, double[][] hapProb0, double[][] hapProb1, double[][] probObsGivenState) {
int[] chrstart = myGenotype.chromosomesOffsets();
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
int[] chrend = new int[numberOfChromosomes];
System.arraycopy(chrstart, 1, chrend, 0, numberOfChromosomes - 1);
chrend[numberOfChromosomes - 1] = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
if (hapProb0 == null) myLogger.debug(String.format("hapProb0 is null for progeny %s", progeny));
if (hapProb1 == null) myLogger.debug(String.format("hapProb1 is null for progeny %s", progeny));
//hapProb is the probability, for each chromosome, each parent, each position that the chromosome carries the major allele
//impute by chromosome
int nsites = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
byte[] progenyGenotype = new byte[nsites];
Arrays.fill(progenyGenotype, missingState);
for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
// System.out.printf("Imputing cross progeny %s, chr %d\n", progeny, c+1);
Chromosome chr = new Chromosome(Integer.toString(c + 1));
//create the TransitionProbability, which will be the same for all taxa
TransitionProbability tp = new TransitionProbability();
//get the taxon genotype
int taxonIndex = myGenotype.taxa().indexOf(progeny);
byte[] geno = myGenotype.genotypeRange(taxonIndex, chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
//remove missing values
//remove sites that are invariant in parents
//consider removing values that are with 64 bp of each other
int ngeno = geno.length;
OpenBitSet isMissing = new OpenBitSet(ngeno);
byte[] nonMissingGenotypes = new byte[ngeno];
int[] nonMissingPositions = new int[ngeno];
int[] nonMissingHaplotypeIndices = new int[ngeno];
int numberNotMissing = 0;
int prevpos = -100;
int numberInconsistent = 0;
int nNotNN = 0;
int[] nNotNan = new int[4];
for (int s = 0; s < ngeno; s++) {
int siteIndex = chrstart[c] + s;
int pos = myGenotype.positions().get(siteIndex).getPosition();
int originalSite = siteIndex;
if (geno[s] == NN || Double.isNaN(hapProb0[0][originalSite]) || Double.isNaN(hapProb0[1][originalSite]) || Double.isNaN(hapProb1[0][originalSite]) || Double.isNaN(hapProb1[1][originalSite]) || pos - prevpos < 64) {
} else {
nonMissingPositions[numberNotMissing] = pos;
nonMissingGenotypes[numberNotMissing] = geno[s];
nonMissingHaplotypeIndices[numberNotMissing] = originalSite;
prevpos = pos;
if (numberNotMissing < 20) {
myLogger.debug(String.format("numberNotMissing = %d for %s chr %d", numberNotMissing, progeny, c+1));
myLogger.debug(String.format("notNN, notNaN(00,01,10,11): %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", nNotNN, nNotNan[0], nNotNan[1], nNotNan[2], nNotNan[3]));
if (numberNotMissing < 5) continue;
nonMissingGenotypes = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingGenotypes, numberNotMissing);
nonMissingPositions = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingPositions, numberNotMissing);
nonMissingHaplotypeIndices = Arrays.copyOf(nonMissingHaplotypeIndices, numberNotMissing);
//update transition prob with avg segment length and (average) transition probability
//initialize the transition matrix
double avgTP = 1 / ((double) (numberNotMissing - 1)); //on average 1 xo per chromosome
double avgDO = avgTP * avgTP;
double[][] transition = new double[][] {
{1 - avgTP - avgDO, 0.5*avgTP, 0.5*avgTP, avgDO},
{0.5*avgTP, 1 - avgTP - avgDO, avgDO, 0.5*avgTP},
{0.5*avgTP, avgDO, 1 - avgTP - avgDO, 0.5*avgTP},
{avgDO, 0.5*avgTP, 0.5*avgTP, 1 - avgTP - avgDO}
tp.setAverageSegmentLength((nonMissingPositions[numberNotMissing - 1] - nonMissingPositions[0]) / (numberNotMissing - 1));
//create an EmissionProbability
double[][] haplotypeProbs = new double[4][];
haplotypeProbs[0] = hapProb0[0];
haplotypeProbs[1] = hapProb0[1];
haplotypeProbs[2] = hapProb1[0];
haplotypeProbs[3] = hapProb1[1];
//need double[][] stateByObs for emission probability
//this should be calculated from progeny states and the original genotypes
EmissionProbability ep = new CrossProgenyEmissionMatrix(haplotypeProbs, myGenotype, probObsGivenState, taxonIndex, nonMissingHaplotypeIndices);
//run Viterbi which returns a byte[] representing the state at each position
ViterbiAlgorithm va = new ViterbiAlgorithm(nonMissingGenotypes, tp, ep, new double[]{0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25});
//report number of crossovers per chromosome and taxon
byte[] states = va.getMostProbableStateSequence();
// int n = states.length;
// int transitionCount = 0;
// for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
// if (states[i] != states[i - 1]) transitionCount++;
// }
// try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(crossoverCountsPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE,StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) {
// bw.write(String.format("%s\t%d\t%d\n", progeny, c + 1, transitionCount));
// } catch(IOException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
for (int i = 0; i < numberNotMissing; i++) {
progenyGenotype[nonMissingHaplotypeIndices[i]] = states[i];
return progenyGenotype;
public void updateStateObsCounts(long[][] counts, byte[][] hap0, byte[][] hap1, byte[] states, String progenyName) {
int ndx = myGenotype.taxa().indexOf(progenyName);
int nsites = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
int[][] stateMap = new int[][]{{0,0},{0,1},{1,0},{1,1}};
//set state and obs index to
//0 = homozygous major, 1 = het, 2 = homozygous minor
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
int stateIndex = -1;
int obsIndex = -1;
byte obs = myGenotype.genotype(ndx, s);
if (obs == NN || states[s] == 4) continue; //missing data, no update
byte major = myGenotype.majorAllele(s);
byte minor = myGenotype.minorAllele(s);
int[] myState = stateMap[states[s]];
byte[] stateAlleles = new byte[]{hap0[myState[0]][s], hap1[myState[1]][s]};
if (stateAlleles[0] == major) {
if (stateAlleles[1] == major) stateIndex = 0;
else if (stateAlleles[1] == minor) stateIndex = 1;
} else if (stateAlleles[0] == minor) {
if (stateAlleles[1] == major) stateIndex = 1;
else if (stateAlleles[1] == minor) stateIndex = 2;
if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(obs)) obsIndex = 1;
else {
byte obsAllele = GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValues(obs)[0];
if (obsAllele == major) obsIndex = 0;
else if (obsAllele == minor) obsIndex = 2;
if (stateIndex > -1 && obsIndex > -1) {
public void fillgaps(byte[] states) {
int[] chrstart = myGenotype.chromosomesOffsets();
int[] chrend = new int[10];
System.arraycopy(chrstart, 1, chrend, 0, 9);
chrend[9] = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
int segStart = chrstart[c];
byte segNuke = states[segStart];
for (int s = chrstart[c] + 1; s < chrend[c]; s++) {
if (segNuke == missingState) {
if (states[s] != missingState) {
segStart = s;
segNuke = states[s];
} else {
if (states[s] == segNuke) {
for (int i = segStart + 1; i < s; i++) states[i] = segNuke;
segStart = s;
} else if (states[s] != missingState) {
segStart = s;
segNuke = states[s];
public void setParentCallInputFilename(String parentCallFilename) {
this.parentCallFilename = parentCallFilename;
public void setMyGenotype(GenotypeTable myGenotype) {
this.myGenotype = myGenotype;
public void setParentage(String parentageFilename) {
plotList = new ArrayList<>();
try (BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(parentageFilename))) {
String input;
while ((input = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] data = input.split("\t");
if (data.length > 3) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void setHaplotypeMap(String parentHaplotypeFilename) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(parentHaplotypeFilename);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
haplotypeMap = (Map) ois.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
haplotypeMap = null;
public void setImputedGenotypeOutFilename(String imputedGenotypeOutFilename) {
this.imputedGenotypeOutFilename = imputedGenotypeOutFilename;
public void setParentcallOutFilename(String parentcallOutFilename) {
this.parentcallOutFilename = parentcallOutFilename;
public void setPhasedParentOutFilename(String phasedParentOutFilename) {
this.phasedParentOutFilename = phasedParentOutFilename;
public void writeBreakpointFile(GenotypeTable imputedGenotypes, String outFilename) {
//call setParentage() to import the parentage file
//get a list of parents
//index the parent haplotypes
//first get a set of parent haplotypes
Set haplotypeSet = new TreeSet<>();
for (String[] record : plotList) {
haplotypeSet.add(record[1] + "_0");
haplotypeSet.add(record[1] + "_1");
haplotypeSet.add(record[2] + "_0");
haplotypeSet.add(record[2] + "_1");
//index the parent haplotypes
Map haplotypeMap = new HashMap<>();
int ndx = 0;
for (String haplotype : haplotypeSet) haplotypeMap.put(haplotype, ndx++);
Map progenyMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String[] record : plotList) {
int[] progenyParents = new int[4];
progenyParents[0] = haplotypeMap.get(record[1] + "_0");
progenyParents[1] = haplotypeMap.get(record[1] + "_1");
progenyParents[2] = haplotypeMap.get(record[2] + "_0");
progenyParents[3] = haplotypeMap.get(record[2] + "_1");
progenyMap.put(record[0], progenyParents);
//write breakpoint file header
//write index
try (PrintWriter pwbp = new PrintWriter(outFilename)) {
int numberOfParents = haplotypeMap.size();
int numberOfProgeny = imputedGenotypes.numberOfTaxa();
pwbp.printf("%d\t%d%n", numberOfParents, numberOfProgeny);
pwbp.println("#indexed parents");
for (Map.Entry entry : haplotypeMap.entrySet()) pwbp.printf("%d\t%s%n", entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
pwbp.println("#progeny breakpoints");
//for each of the progeny, create a list of breakpoints using the parental haplotype indices
PositionList myPositions = imputedGenotypes.positions();
List bpRecords = new ArrayList<>();
for (int taxonIndex = 0; taxonIndex < imputedGenotypes.numberOfTaxa(); taxonIndex++) {
Position hapStartPos = null;
Position hapEndPos = null;
String taxonName = imputedGenotypes.taxaName(taxonIndex);
StringBuilder bpRecordBuilder = new StringBuilder(taxonName);
int[] myParents = progenyMap.get(taxonName);
byte previousGeno = GenotypeTable.RARE_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
for (int siteIndex = 0; siteIndex < imputedGenotypes.numberOfSites(); siteIndex++) {
byte currentGeno = imputedGenotypes.genotype(taxonIndex, siteIndex);
Position currentPos = imputedGenotypes.positions().get(siteIndex);
//if hapStartPos = null and currentGeno in [ACGT]
// set hapStartPos = hapStartEnd = current, previousGeno = current
//else if current chromosome != hapEndPos chromosome, output a breakpoint record
// and if currentGeno in [ACGT], set hapEndPos = hapStartPos = current and previousGeno= current
// else set hapStartPos = null, hapEndPos = null
//else if currentGeno = previousGeno set hapEndPos = current
//else if currentGeno in [ACGT]
// output breakpoint, set hapStartPos = hapEndPos = current, previousGeno = current
//else do nothing
if (hapStartPos == null && inACGT(currentGeno)) {
hapStartPos = hapEndPos = currentPos;
previousGeno = currentGeno;
} else if (!currentPos.getChromosome().equals(hapEndPos.getChromosome())) {
appendBreakpointRecord(bpRecordBuilder, hapStartPos, hapEndPos, myParents, previousGeno);
if (inACGT(currentGeno)) {
hapEndPos = hapStartPos = currentPos;
previousGeno = currentGeno;
} else hapEndPos = hapStartPos = null;
} else if (currentGeno == previousGeno) {
hapEndPos = currentPos;
} else if (inACGT(currentGeno)) {
appendBreakpointRecord(bpRecordBuilder, hapStartPos, hapEndPos, myParents, previousGeno);
hapEndPos = hapStartPos = currentPos;
previousGeno = currentGeno;
//write to file
} catch(FileNotFoundException e ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot open " + outFilename + " for writing.");
private boolean inACGT(byte diploidGenotype) {
for (byte geno : ACGT) if (diploidGenotype == geno) return true;
return false;
private void appendBreakpointRecord(StringBuilder bp, Position start, Position end, int[] parents, byte geno) {
if (!inACGT(geno) || start == null || end == null) return;
bp.append(" ").append(start.getChromosome().getName()).append(":")
// from the parent calls:
// A = mom, chr 0: dad, chr 0
// C = mom, chr 0: dad, chr 1
// G = mom, chr 1: dad, chr 0
// T = mom, chr 1: dad, chr 1
if (geno == AA) bp.append(parents[0]).append(":").append(parents[2]);
if (geno == CC) bp.append(parents[0]).append(":").append(parents[3]);
if (geno == GG) bp.append(parents[1]).append(":").append(parents[2]);
if (geno == TT) bp.append(parents[1]).append(":").append(parents[3]);
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