net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.distance.IBSDistanceMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.popgen.LDResult;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.popgen.LinkageDisequilibrium;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.WHICH_ALLELE;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.*;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.*;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.distance.DistanceMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Tuple;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable.RARE_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
import static net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils.*;
* This imputation algorithm uses LD to identify good predictors for each SNP,
* and then uses the high LD SNPs to identify K- Nearest Neighbors.
* The genotype is called with a weighted mode of the KNNs.
* @author Daniel Money (Developer and developed the algorithm)
* @author Ed Buckler (assisted in conversion to TASSEL)
public class LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin extends AbstractPlugin {
private static int minAlleleDivisorForLDMin=3; //Sets a threshold for minimum of minor alleles in the LD test
private PluginParameter highLDSSites = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("highLDSSites", 30, Integer.class)
.range(Range.closed(2, 2000))
.guiName("High LD Sites")
.description("Number of sites in high LD to use in imputation")
private PluginParameter knnTaxa = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("knnTaxa", 10, Integer.class)
.range(Range.closed(2, 200))
.guiName("Number of nearest neighbors")
.description("Number of neighbors to use in imputation")
private PluginParameter maxDistance = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("maxLDDistance", -1, Integer.class)
.guiName("Max distance between site to find LD")
.description("Maximum physical distance between sites to search for LD (-1 for no distance cutoff - unlinked chromosomes will be tested)")
private PluginParameter maxDistanceFromNN = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("maxDistanceFromNN", 0.1, Double.class)
.guiName("Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor")
.description("Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor")
private PluginParameter duplicateHetsThreshold = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("hetThreshold", 0.05, Double.class)
.description("Threshold for defining heterozygous sites")
private PluginParameter automaticMajorMAF = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("autoMajorMAF", 0.01, Double.class)
.guiName("Automatic MajorGenotype if MAF")
.description("Set to Major genotype if no imputation result and MAF is below threshold")
private PluginParameter minCoverageForDonors = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("minCoverageForDonors", 0.5, Double.class)
.guiName("Minimum coverage for donors and LD")
.description("Minimum coverage for donor genotype and LD calculation")
private PluginParameter minCallBestGenoRatio = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("minCallBestGenoRatio", 10.0, Double.class)
.guiName("Minimum support ratio for best genotype")
.description("Minimum ratio between best and second best genotype to make a call")
private PluginParameter maxCores = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("maxCores", 8, Integer.class)
.guiName("Maximum number of cores for processing")
.description("Maximum number of cores to be used for processing")
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin.class);
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin() {
super(null, false);
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive) {
super(parentFrame, isInteractive);
protected void preProcessParameters(DataSet input) {
List alignInList = input.getDataOfType(GenotypeTable.class);
if (alignInList.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LDKNNiImputationPlugin: preProcessParameters: Please select one Genotype Table.");
public DataSet processData(DataSet input) {
// Load in the genotype table
Datum genoDatum=input.getDataOfType(GenotypeTable.class).get(0);
GenotypeTable genotypeTable = (GenotypeTable)genoDatum.getData();
System.out.println("genotypeTable = " + genotypeTable.toString());
StatsOnSites statsOnSites=new StatsOnSites();
final int numberSites=genotypeTable.numberOfSites();
final int numberTaxa=genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa();
final double[] taxaCoverage=IntStream.range(0,numberTaxa)
.mapToDouble(taxaIndex -> (double)genotypeTable.totalNonMissingForTaxon(taxaIndex)/(double)numberSites)
final double[] siteCoverage=IntStream.range(0, numberSites)
.mapToDouble(siteIndex -> (double) genotypeTable.totalNonMissingForSite(siteIndex) / (double) numberTaxa)
//site heterozygosity weighted depth of coverage. Low coverage will always appear homozygous.
final double[] weightHets=IntStream.range(0, numberSites).parallel().mapToDouble(siteIndex -> {
double weightedHets=0, weightHomozygous=0;
for (int taxaIndex = 0; taxaIndex < genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa(); taxaIndex++) {
byte g=genotypeTable.genotype(taxaIndex,siteIndex);
if(isHeterozygous(g)) {weightedHets+=taxaCoverage[taxaIndex];}
else weightHomozygous+=taxaCoverage[taxaIndex];
return weightedHets/(weightedHets+weightHomozygous);
GenotypeTableBuilder incSiteBuilder = GenotypeTableBuilder.getSiteIncremental(genotypeTable.taxa());
int[][] chrDivisions=FILLINFindHaplotypesPlugin.divideChromosome(genotypeTable,2000,true);
//Start imputing site by site
long time=System.nanoTime();
LongAdder sitesDone=new LongAdder();
IntStream.range(0,maxCores()).parallel().forEach(core -> {
IntStream.range(0, chrDivisions.length).
filter(chrDivisionIndex -> chrDivisionIndex % maxCores() == core)
.forEach(chrDivisionIndex ->
{ Map highLDSiteCnt=new TreeMap<>();
IntStream.range(chrDivisions[chrDivisionIndex][0],chrDivisions[chrDivisionIndex][1]).forEach(posIndex -> {
PositionList pl = getHighLDPositionList(genotypeTable, posIndex, highLDSSites(), weightHets, siteCoverage); -> highLDSiteCnt.merge(p, 1, (oldValue, newValue) -> oldValue + newValue));
PositionList positionList=highLDSiteCnt.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue()>100).map(entry -> entry.getKey()).collect(PositionList.collectReorder());
GenotypeTable ldGenoTable = GenotypeTableBuilder.getGenotypeCopyInstance(FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(genotypeTable, positionList));
double[][] ldDM= new double[ldGenoTable.numberOfTaxa()][ldGenoTable.numberOfTaxa()];
for (int i = 0; i < ldGenoTable.numberOfTaxa(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
ldDM[i][j]=ldDM[j][i]=dist(ldGenoTable.genotypeAllSites(i), ldGenoTable.genotypeAllSites(j),10)[0];
ldDM[i][i]=(double) ldGenoTable.totalNonMissingForTaxon(i) / (double) ldGenoTable.numberOfSites(); //set the diagonal to coverage
List> closeTaxa = IntStream.range(0, ldGenoTable.numberOfTaxa())
.mapToObj(taxonIndex -> getClosestNonMissingTaxa(taxonIndex, ldDM, knnTaxa()))
for (int taxon = 0; taxon < ldGenoTable.numberOfTaxa(); taxon++) {
Multimap closeGenotypes1 = getClosestNonMissingTaxa(taxon, ldDM, knnTaxa());
.forEach(posIndex -> {
Position position = genotypeTable.positions().get(posIndex);
double maf = genotypeTable.minorAlleleFrequency(posIndex);
byte majorAllele = genotypeTable.majorAllele(posIndex);
byte minorAllele = genotypeTable.minorAllele(posIndex);
if (genotypeTable.isPolymorphic(posIndex) == false) {
StatsOnOneSite statsOnOneSite = new StatsOnOneSite(genotypeTable.minorAlleleFrequency(posIndex),
weightHets[posIndex], genotypeTable.isPolymorphic(posIndex), positionList.size(), majorAllele, minorAllele);
byte[] currGenos = genotypeTable.genotypeAllTaxa(posIndex);
byte[] impGenos = new byte[currGenos.length];
for (int taxon = 0; taxon < currGenos.length; taxon++) {
Multimap closeGenotypes = getClosestNonMissingCalls(currGenos,
impGenos[taxon] = (closeGenotypes.isEmpty()) ? UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE : impute(closeGenotypes, highLDSSites());
if (impGenos[taxon] == UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE && maf < automaticMajorMAF()) {
impGenos[taxon] = getDiploidValue(majorAllele, majorAllele); //set to major genotype for rare allele
// System.out.println(closeGenotypes.size()+":"+impGenos[taxon]); //problem closeGenotypes of large size are not imputing
statsOnOneSite.updateStats(currGenos[taxon], impGenos[taxon]);
byte[] resolvedGeno = resolveGenotypes(currGenos, impGenos, statsOnOneSite.hetFreq() > duplicateHetsThreshold());
GeneralPosition.Builder gpb = new GeneralPosition.Builder(position)
.addAnno("ImpHomoAccuracy", statsOnOneSite.homozygousAcc())
.addAnno("ImpMinorAccuracy", statsOnOneSite.minorAcc());
if (weightHets[posIndex] > duplicateHetsThreshold()) gpb.addAnno("DUP");
incSiteBuilder.addSite(, resolvedGeno);
statsOnSites.addStats(statsOnOneSite.hetFreq(), statsOnOneSite.getCnts());
if ((posIndex + 1) % 100 == 0) {
fireProgress(33 + ((int) (66 * sitesDone.longValue()) / genotypeTable.numberOfSites()));
System.out.println(sitesDone.longValue() + ": ms/site" + ((System.nanoTime() - time) / 1_000_000) / sitesDone.longValue());
System.out.println(reportingParameters() + statsOnSites.homozygousAcc(2) + "\t" + statsOnSites.recallPowerOfHomozgyous(2));
System.out.println("Final:"+sitesDone.longValue() + ": ms/site" + ((double)(System.nanoTime() - time) / 1_000_000D) / (double)sitesDone.longValue());
GenotypeTable impGenotypeTable =;
return new DataSet(new Datum(genoDatum.getName()+"_KNNimp",impGenotypeTable,"Imputed genotypes by KNN imputation"),this);
private byte[] resolveGenotypes(byte[] currGenos, byte[] impGenos, boolean isDuplicated) {
byte[] resolvedGeno=new byte[currGenos.length];
for (int taxaIndex = 0; taxaIndex < resolvedGeno.length; taxaIndex++) {
if(currGenos[taxaIndex]==impGenos[taxaIndex]) {
} else if(currGenos[taxaIndex]==UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) {
} else if(isDuplicated) {
} else {
//todo one could consider dealing with the het disagreement and making them homozygous
return resolvedGeno;
private String reportingParameters() {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
// /**
// * Create a multimap of distances between the target taxon with the closest observed genotypes. Distance is calculated
// * between the target taxon and all other taxa for the ldGenoTable (subset of high LD sites).
// * @param inputTaxon Taxon being imputed
// * @param genotypeTable Master genotype table
// * @param ldGenoTable Subset genotype table with only the high LD sites
// * @param targetPosition The position in the master genotype table being imputed.
// * @param numberOfTaxa number of genotypes to retain
// * @return Map of distance to genotype call for the target position
// */
// private Multimap getClosestNonMissingTaxa(Taxon inputTaxon, GenotypeTable genotypeTable, GenotypeTable ldGenoTable,
// Position targetPosition, double[] inputCoverage, int numberOfTaxa) {
// final int targetPosIdx = genotypeTable.positions().indexOf(targetPosition);
// final int inputTaxonIdx = genotypeTable.taxa().indexOf(inputTaxon);
// byte[] inputTaxonGenotypes = ldGenoTable.genotypeAllSites(inputTaxonIdx);
// MinMaxPriorityQueue> topTaxa = IntStream.range(0, genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa())
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> closeTaxonIdx != inputTaxonIdx) //do not test itself
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> inputCoverage[closeTaxonIdx] > minCoverageForDonors())
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> inputCoverage[closeTaxonIdx] * inputCoverage[inputTaxonIdx] * (double) ldGenoTable.numberOfSites() > 10) //skip tests with
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> genotypeTable.genotype(closeTaxonIdx, targetPosIdx) != GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE)
// .mapToObj(closeTaxonIdx -> new Tuple<>(dist(inputTaxonGenotypes, ldGenoTable.genotypeAllSites(closeTaxonIdx), 10)[0], genotypeTable.genotype(closeTaxonIdx, targetPosIdx))) //calculate the distance
// .filter(distanceTaxon -> !Double.isNaN(distanceTaxon.x)) //skip is too few sites (<10 results in NaN)
// .filter(distanceTaxon -> distanceTaxon.x <= maxDistanceFromNN()) //skip greater than max distance
// .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> MinMaxPriorityQueue.maximumSize(numberOfTaxa).create()));
// final Multimap distGenoMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
// -> distGenoMap.put(distGeno.x, distGeno.y));
// return distGenoMap;
// }
* Create a multimap of distances between the target taxon with the closest observed genotypes. Distance is calculated
* between the target taxon and all other taxa for the ldGenoTable (subset of high LD sites).
* @param inputTaxonIdx Taxon being imputed
* @param numberOfTaxa number of genotypes to retain
* @return Map of distance to genotype call for the target position
private Multimap getClosestNonMissingTaxa(int inputTaxonIdx, double[][] distCoverageMatrix, int numberOfTaxa) {
// MinMaxPriorityQueue> topTaxa = IntStream.range(0, distCoverageMatrix.length)
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> closeTaxonIdx != inputTaxonIdx) //do not test itself
// .filter(closeTaxonIdx -> distCoverageMatrix[closeTaxonIdx][closeTaxonIdx] > minCoverageForDonors())
// .mapToObj(closeTaxonIdx -> new Tuple<>(distCoverageMatrix[inputTaxonIdx][closeTaxonIdx], closeTaxonIdx)) //lookup the distance
// .filter(distanceTaxon -> !Double.isNaN(distanceTaxon.x)) //skip is too few sites (<10 results in NaN)
// .filter(distanceTaxon -> distanceTaxon.x <= maxDistanceFromNN()) //skip greater than max distance
// .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> MinMaxPriorityQueue.maximumSize(numberOfTaxa).create()));
// double[] distances=new double[topTaxa.size()];
// int[] taxaIndices=new int[topTaxa.size()];
// AtomicInteger ai=new AtomicInteger();
// -> {
// distances[ai.get()]=distGeno.x;
// taxaIndices[ai.get()]= distGeno.y;
// }
// Tuple distGenoArray=new Tuple<>(distances,taxaIndices); //todo
// final Multimap distGenoMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
// -> distGenoMap.put(distGeno.x, distGeno.y));
// return distGenoMap;
return null;
* Create a multimap of distances between the target taxon with the closest observed genotypes. Distance is calculated
* between the target taxon and all other taxa for the ldGenoTable (subset of high LD sites).
* @return Map of distance to genotype call for the target position
private Multimap getClosestNonMissingCalls(byte[] genosForSite, Multimap closestTaxa) {
final Multimap distGenoMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(closestTaxa.size(),10);
.forEach(entry -> distGenoMap.put(entry.getKey(), genosForSite[entry.getValue()]));
return distGenoMap;
* Calculates high LD sites with the target site. Key issues is that we use high coverage taxa , and
* we ensure
private PositionList getHighLDPositionList(GenotypeTable genotypeTable, int posIndex, int numberOfSNPs,
double[] hetFreq, double[] coverage) {
MinMaxPriorityQueue highestLD = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(LDResult.byR2Ordering.reverse()).maximumSize(numberOfSNPs).create();
int minorAlleleCnt = (int) genotypeTable.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(posIndex, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor).cardinality();
minorAlleleCnt = minorAlleleCnt / minAlleleDivisorForLDMin; //TODO consider whether this is needed
if(minorAlleleCnt<2) minorAlleleCnt=2;
for (int site2 = 0; site2 < genotypeTable.numberOfSites(); site2++) {
if (posIndex == site2) continue;
if(coverage[site2] -1 && Math.abs(genotypeTable.chromosomalPosition(posIndex) - genotypeTable.chromosomalPosition(site2)) > maxDistance()) {
if (hetFreq[site2] > duplicateHetsThreshold()) continue;
LDResult ld = LinkageDisequilibrium.calculateBitLDForHaplotype(20, minorAlleleCnt,genotypeTable, posIndex, site2);
if (Double.isNaN(ld.r2())) {
List positionList = new ArrayList<>();
for (LDResult result : highestLD) {
return PositionListBuilder.getInstance(positionList);
* Imputes to the most common genotype weighted by distance
* @param distGeno Multimap of the closest genotypes and their distance
* @param useLDSites Number of high LD sites used.
* @return The imputed genotype
private byte impute(Multimap distGeno, int useLDSites) {
// useLDSites is used to scale distance so is similar to DMs original implementation.
// Seems to have at most a small effect on accuracy. Could be removed?
// Create an array to store the weighted counts of each genotype
double[] weightedCount = new double[256];
// For each distance to genotype / genotype pair update the weighted counts
distGeno.entries().forEach(entry -> {
// +128 is because bytes have values from -128..127 but we want 0..255 for array indexes
if(entry.getValue()!=UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) weightedCount[entry.getValue() + 128] += 1.0 / (1.0 + useLDSites * entry.getKey());
// Find the best genotype - the one with the maximum rate
int bestGeno = 0;
double bestWeightedCount = weightedCount[0];
double secondBest = bestWeightedCount;
for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
if (weightedCount[i] > bestWeightedCount) {
bestWeightedCount = weightedCount[i];
bestGeno = i;
if(bestWeightedCount<(minCallBestGenoRatio() *secondBest)) return UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
//Return the best genotype. -128 is for the same reason we added it above.
return (byte) (bestGeno - 128);
public String getCitation() {
return "Daniel Money, Kyle Gardner, Heidi Schwaninger, Gan-Yuan Zhong, Sean Myles. (In Review) " +
" LinkImpute: fast and accurate genotype imputation for non-model organisms";
public ImageIcon getIcon() {
return null;
public String getButtonName() {
return "LD KNNi Imputation";
public String getToolTipText() {
return "LD KNNi Imputation";
// The following getters and setters were auto-generated.
// Please use this method to re-generate.
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Convenience method to run plugin with one return object.
public GenotypeTable runPlugin(DataSet input) {
return (GenotypeTable) performFunction(input).getData(0).getData();
* Number of sites in high LD to use in imputation
* @return High LD Sites
public Integer highLDSSites() {
return highLDSSites.value();
* Set High LD Sites. Number of sites in high LD to use
* in imputation
* @param value High LD Sites
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin highLDSSites(Integer value) {
highLDSSites = new PluginParameter<>(highLDSSites, value);
return this;
* Number of neighbors to use in imputation
* @return Number of nearest neighbors
public Integer knnTaxa() {
return knnTaxa.value();
* Set Number of nearest neighbors. Number of neighbors
* to use in imputation
* @param value Number of nearest neighbors
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin knnTaxa(Integer value) {
knnTaxa = new PluginParameter<>(knnTaxa, value);
return this;
* Maximum physical distance between sites to search for
* LD (-1 for no distance cutoff - unlinked chromosomes
* will be tested)
* @return Max distance between site to find LD
public Integer maxDistance() {
return maxDistance.value();
* Set Max distance between site to find LD. Maximum physical
* distance between sites to search for LD (-1 for no
* distance cutoff - unlinked chromosomes will be tested)
* @param value Max distance between site to find LD
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin maxDistance(Integer value) {
maxDistance = new PluginParameter<>(maxDistance, value);
return this;
* Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor
* @return Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor
public Double maxDistanceFromNN() {
return maxDistanceFromNN.value();
* Set Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor. Maximum
* distance from Nearest Neighbor
* @param value Maximum distance from Nearest Neighbor
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin maxDistanceFromNN(Double value) {
maxDistanceFromNN = new PluginParameter<>(maxDistanceFromNN, value);
return this;
* Threshold for defining heterozygous sites
* @return HeterozygousThreshold
public Double duplicateHetsThreshold() {
return duplicateHetsThreshold.value();
* Set HeterozygousThreshold. Threshold for defining heterozygous
* sites
* @param value HeterozygousThreshold
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin duplicateHetsThreshold(Double value) {
duplicateHetsThreshold = new PluginParameter<>(duplicateHetsThreshold, value);
return this;
* Set to Major genotype if no imputation result and MAF
* is below threshold
* @return Automatic MajorGenotype if MAF
public Double automaticMajorMAF() {
return automaticMajorMAF.value();
* Set Automatic MajorGenotype if MAF. Set to Major genotype
* if no imputation result and MAF is below threshold
* @param value Automatic MajorGenotype if MAF
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin automaticMajorMAF(Double value) {
automaticMajorMAF = new PluginParameter<>(automaticMajorMAF, value);
return this;
* Minimum coverage for donor genotype and LD calculation
* @return Minimum coverage for donors and LD
public Double minCoverageForDonors() {
return minCoverageForDonors.value();
* Set Minimum coverage for donors and LD. Minimum coverage
* for donor genotype and LD calculation
* @param value Minimum coverage for donors and LD
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin minCoverageForDonors(Double value) {
minCoverageForDonors = new PluginParameter<>(minCoverageForDonors, value);
return this;
* Minimum ratio between best and second best genotype
* to make a call
* @return Minimum support ratio for best genotype
public Double minCallBestGenoRatio() {
return minCallBestGenoRatio.value();
* Set Minimum support ratio for best genotype. Minimum
* ratio between best and second best genotype to make
* a call
* @param value Minimum support ratio for best genotype
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin minCallBestGenoRatio(Double value) {
minCallBestGenoRatio = new PluginParameter<>(minCallBestGenoRatio, value);
return this;
* Maximum number of cores to be used for processing
* @return Maximum number of cores for processing
public Integer maxCores() {
return maxCores.value();
* Set Maximum number of cores for processing. Maximum
* number of cores to be used for processing
* @param value Maximum number of cores for processing
* @return this plugin
public LDKNNiImputationHetV3Plugin maxCores(Integer value) {
maxCores = new PluginParameter<>(maxCores, value);
return this;
Alternative to current IBS distance measure
AA <> AA = 0
Aa <> Aa = 0 distance (normal IBS distance this is 0.5)
AA <> aa = 1 distance
//TODO Terry revisit where this should go
public static double[] dist(byte[] b1, byte[] b2, int min) {
int distance = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {
//Make sure hets are represented the same way
byte p1 = getUnphasedSortedDiploidValue(b1[i]);
byte p2 = getUnphasedSortedDiploidValue(b2[i]);
//Ignore the case where either genotype is unknown
if ((p1 != GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE) && (p2 != GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE)) {
// count counts how many snps we've actually used to scale the
// distance with since some snps will be unknown
//If the genotypes are unknown then we need to increase the distance
if (p1 != p2) {
//If either genotype is a het we must be either AA <> Aa or aa <> Aa so add one
if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(p1) ||
GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(p2)) {
distance += 1;
//else we must be aa <> AA so add two
} else {
distance += 2;
// If we haven't found enough snps to include in the calculation return NaN
if (count < min) {
return new double[]{Double.NaN,count};
//Else return the scaled distance
else {
return new double[]{((double) distance / (double) (2 * count)),count};
class StatsOnSites {
private int[][][] totalCnts=new int[3][5][5];
private int siteCnt=0;
private int[] classCnt=new int[3];
private StatsOnSites() {
synchronized void addStats(double hetFreq, int[][] cnts) {
int classIndex;
double hetAcc=(double)cnts[1][1]/(double)(cnts[1][0]+cnts[1][1]+cnts[1][2]);
if(hetFreq>duplicateHetsThreshold()) {
classIndex = (hetAcc>0.5)?0:1;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
double homozygousAcc(int siteClass) {
return (double)(totalCnts[siteClass][0][0]+totalCnts[siteClass][2][2])/
double recallPowerOfHomozgyous(int siteClass) {
return (double)(totalCnts[siteClass][0][0]+totalCnts[siteClass][2][2])/
void printToStdOut() {
for (int siteClass = 0; siteClass < 3; siteClass++) {
System.out.println("SiteClass"+siteClass+" Count:"+classCnt[siteClass]);
for (int i = 0; i < totalCnts[0].length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < totalCnts[0][0].length; j++) {
System.out.printf("Homozygous Acc:%.4g %n",homozygousAcc(siteClass));
System.out.println("StatsOnSites siteCnt = " + siteCnt);
class StatsOnOneSite {
private int[][] cnts =new int[6][6];
private final double maf, hetFreq;
private final boolean isPolymorphic;
private final int ldSiteCnt;
Map genotypeToIndexMap=new HashMap<>();
List headers;
private StatsOnOneSite(double maf, double hetFreq, boolean isPolymorphic, int ldSiteCnt, byte majorAllele, byte minorAllele) {
this.isPolymorphic = isPolymorphic;
if(isPolymorphic == false) {
genotypeToIndexMap.put(GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(majorAllele, majorAllele), 0);
headers= Bytes.asList(
GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(majorAllele, majorAllele),
GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(majorAllele, minorAllele),
GenotypeTableUtils.getDiploidValue(minorAllele, minorAllele),
void updateStats(byte origGeno, byte impGeno) {
int originalIndex= genotypeToIndexMap.getOrDefault(origGeno,5);
int impIndex= genotypeToIndexMap.getOrDefault(impGeno,5);
double minorAcc() {
return (double)(cnts[2][2])/(double)(cnts[2][0]+cnts[2][1]+cnts[2][2]+0.5);
double homozygousAcc() {
return (double)(cnts[0][0]+cnts[2][2])/(double)(cnts[0][0]+cnts[0][1]+cnts[0][2]+cnts[2][0]+cnts[2][1]+cnts[2][2]+0.5);
double hetAcc() {
return (double)cnts[1][1]/(double)(cnts[1][0]+cnts[1][1]+cnts[1][2]+0.5);
double hetFreq() {
return hetFreq;
double gapCallRatioOnMajor() {
return (double)cnts[0][4]/(double)IntStream.of(cnts[0]).sum();
double gapCallRatioOnMissing() {
return (double)cnts[3][4]/(double)IntStream.of(cnts[3]).sum();
double recallPowerOfHomozgyous() {
return (double)(cnts[0][0]+cnts[2][2])/
int[][] getCnts() {
return cnts;
void printToStdOut() {
System.out.printf("isPolymorphic:%s MAF:%g LDSites:%d %n", isPolymorphic, maf, ldSiteCnt);
for (int i = 0; i < cnts[0].length; i++) {
byte label=headers.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cnts[0].length; j++) {
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