net.maizegenetics.analysis.popgen.LinkageDisequilibrium Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// (c) 1999-2001 PAL Development Core Team
// This package may be distributed under the
// terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL)
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.popgen;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.WHICH_ALLELE;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.statistics.FisherExact;
import net.maizegenetics.util.BitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.OpenBitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.ProgressListener;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReport;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.Arrays;
* This class calculates D' and r^2 estimates of linkage disequilibrium. It also
* calculates the significance of the LD by either Fisher Exact or the
* multinomial permutation test. This class can work with either normal
* alignments of annotated alignments. The alignments should be stripped of
* invariable numSites.
* {@link testDesign} sets matrix design for LD calculation. Either all by
* all, sliding window, site by all, or site list.
* There are multiple approaches for dealing with heterozygous sites.
* {@link HetTreatment} sets the way these are treated. Haplotype assumes fully
* phased heterozygous sites (any hets are double counted). This is the best
* approach for speed when things are fully phased. Homozygous converted all
* hets to missing. Genotype does a 3x3 genotype analysis (to be implemented)
* 2 state estimates of D' and r^2 can be found reviewed and discussed in Weir
* 1996
* Multi-state loci (>=3) require an averaging approach. In TASSEL 3 in 2010,
* Buckler removed these approach as the relative magnitudes and meaningfulness
* of these approaches has never been clear. Additionally with the moving away
* from SSR to SNPs these methods are less relevant. Researchers should convert
* to biallelic - either by ignoring rarer classes or collapsing rarer states.
* TODO: Add 3x3 (genotype) mode.
* @version $Id:,v 2
* @author Ed Buckler
public class LinkageDisequilibrium extends Thread implements Serializable, TableReport {
private static final long serialVersionUID=-123423421342l;
* Design of test matrix.
public static enum testDesign {
* Test All by All site
* Sliding of LD comparisons
* Test on site versus all others
* Test all sites with the site list with all others
* Approaches for dealing with heterozygous sites. Haplotype assumes fully
* phased heterozygous sites (any hets are double counted). This is the best
* approach for speed when things are fully phased. Homozygous converted all
* hets to missing. Genotype does a 3x3 genotype analysis (to be
* implemented)
public static enum HetTreatment {
Haplotype, Homozygous, Genotype
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(LinkageDisequilibrium.class);
private GenotypeTable myAlignment;
// private Alignment mySBitAlignment;
private int myMinTaxaForEstimate = 20;
private int myWindowSize = 50;
private int myTestSite = -1; // this is only set when one versus all numSites is calculated.
private long myTotalTests = 0;
private testDesign myCurrDesign = testDesign.SlidingWindow;
* HashMap of results Key = (site1*siteNum + site2), Value = float[rsqr,d',
* pvalue, sampleSize]
private OpenLongObjectHashMap myMapResults;
private ProgressListener myListener = null;
private FisherExact myFisherExact;
private boolean myIsAccumulativeReport = false;
private int myNumAccumulativeBins = 100;
private float myAccumulativeInterval;
private int[] myAccumulativeRValueBins;
private int[] mySiteList;
private static String NotImplemented = "NotImplemented";
private static String NA = "N/A";
private static Integer IntegerTwo = Integer.valueOf(2);
private HetTreatment myHetTreatment = HetTreatment.Homozygous;
* Constructor for doing LD analysis
* @param alignment Input alignment with segregating sites
* @param windowSize Size of sliding window
* @param LDType
* @param testSite
* @param listener
* @param isAccumulativeReport
* @param numAccumulateIntervals
* @param sitesList
* @param hetTreatment
public LinkageDisequilibrium(GenotypeTable alignment, int windowSize, testDesign LDType, int testSite,
ProgressListener listener, boolean isAccumulativeReport, int numAccumulateIntervals,
int[] sitesList, HetTreatment hetTreatment) {
myAlignment = alignment;
myFisherExact = FisherExact.getInstance((2 * myAlignment.numberOfTaxa()) + 10);
myWindowSize = windowSize;
myCurrDesign = LDType;
myTestSite = testSite;
myListener = listener;
myIsAccumulativeReport = isAccumulativeReport;
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
myNumAccumulativeBins = numAccumulateIntervals;
mySiteList = sitesList;
if (mySiteList != null) {
myHetTreatment = hetTreatment;
* starts the thread to calculate LD
public void run() {
switch (myHetTreatment) {
case Haplotype:
case Homozygous:
case Genotype:
myLogger.error("Unknown LD analysis type selected for heterozygotes; skipping");
private void initMatrices() {
long numSites = myAlignment.numberOfSites();
if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.All) {
myTotalTests = numSites * (numSites - 1l) / 2l;
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SlidingWindow) {
long n = Math.min(numSites - 1l, myWindowSize);
myTotalTests = ((n * (n + 1l)) / 2l) + (numSites - n - 1l) * n;
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteByAll) {
myTotalTests = numSites - 1l;
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteList) {
long n = mySiteList.length;
myTotalTests = ((n * (n + 1l)) / 2l) + (numSites - n - 1l) * n;
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
myAccumulativeInterval = 1.0f / (float) myNumAccumulativeBins;
myAccumulativeRValueBins = new int[myNumAccumulativeBins + 1];
} else {
myMapResults = new OpenLongObjectHashMap((int)numSites);
private long getMapKey(int r, int c) {
return (c < r) ? (((long) c * myAlignment.numberOfSites()) + r) : (((long) r * myAlignment.numberOfSites()) + c);
public static LDResult calculateBitLDForHaplotype(boolean ignoreHets, int minTaxaForEstimate, GenotypeTable alignment, int site1, int site2) {
FisherExact fisherExact = FisherExact.getInstance((2 * alignment.numberOfTaxa()) + 10);
BitSet rMj = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site1, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet rMn = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site1, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
BitSet cMj = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site2, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet cMn = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site2, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
return getLDForSitePair(rMj, rMn, cMj, cMn, 2, minTaxaForEstimate, -1.0f, fisherExact, site1, site2);
public static LDResult calculateBitLDForHaplotype(int minTaxaForEstimate, int minorCnt, GenotypeTable alignment, int site1, int site2) {
FisherExact fisherExact = FisherExact.getInstance((2 * alignment.numberOfTaxa()) + 10);
BitSet rMj = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site1, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet rMn = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site1, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
BitSet cMj = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site2, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet cMn = alignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(site2, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
return getLDForSitePair(rMj, rMn, cMj, cMn, minorCnt, minTaxaForEstimate, -1.0f, fisherExact, site1, site2);
private void calculateBitLDForHaplotype(boolean ignoreHets) {
//It will ignore hets, make a new Alignment and set all het calls to missing. Otherwise set the pointer to the old alignment
GenotypeTable workingAlignment;
if (ignoreHets) {
workingAlignment =GenotypeTableBuilder.getHomozygousInstance(myAlignment);
} else {
workingAlignment = myAlignment;
for (long currTest = 0; currTest < myTotalTests; currTest++) {
int r = getRowFromIndex(currTest);
int c = getColFromIndex(currTest);
int currentProgress = (int) (100.0 * ((double) currTest / (double) myTotalTests));
BitSet rMj = workingAlignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(r, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet rMn = workingAlignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(r, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
BitSet cMj = workingAlignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(c, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet cMn = workingAlignment.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(c, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
LDResult ldr = getLDForSitePair(rMj, rMn, cMj, cMn, 2, myMinTaxaForEstimate, -1.0f, myFisherExact,r,c);
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
if (Float.isNaN(ldr.r2())) {
} else if (ldr.r2() == 1.0f) {
myAccumulativeRValueBins[myNumAccumulativeBins - 1]++;
} else {
int index = (int) Math.floor(ldr.r2() / myAccumulativeInterval);
} else {
long key = getMapKey(r, c);
myMapResults.put(key, ldr);
} //end of currTest
if (myMapResults != null) myMapResults.trimToSize();
private void calculateBitLDWithHets() {
//Do nothing; not implemented yet
myLogger.error("Calculating LD with hets as a third state is not implemented yet; skipping");
throw new IllegalStateException("LinkageDisequilibrium: calculateBitLDWithHets: Treating hets as a third state is not yet implemented");
public static double calculateDPrime(int countAB, int countAb, int countaB, int countab, int minTaxaForEstimate) {
//this is the normalized D' is Weir Genetic Data Analysis II 1986 p120
double freqR, freqC, freq, countR, countC, nonmissingSampleSize;
nonmissingSampleSize = countAB + countAb + countaB + countab;
if (nonmissingSampleSize < minTaxaForEstimate) {
return Double.NaN;
countR = countab + countAb;
countC = countab + countaB;
freqR = (nonmissingSampleSize - countR) / nonmissingSampleSize;
freqC = (nonmissingSampleSize - countC) / nonmissingSampleSize;
// if((freqR==0)||(freqC==0)||(freqR==1)||(freqC==1)) return -999; //changed by ed 8-13-2004
if ((freqR == 0) || (freqC == 0) || (freqR == 1) || (freqC == 1)) {
return Double.NaN;
freq = ((double) countAB / nonmissingSampleSize) - (freqR * freqC);
if (freq < 0) {
return freq / Math.max(-freqR * freqC, -(1 - freqR) * (1 - freqC));
} else {
return freq / Math.min((1 - freqR) * freqC, (1 - freqC) * freqR);
} //check these equations
public static double calculateRSqr(int countAB, int countAb, int countaB, int countab, int minTaxaForEstimate) {
//this is the Hill & Robertson measure as used in Awadella Science 1999 286:2524
double freqA, freqB, rsqr, nonmissingSampleSize;
nonmissingSampleSize = countAB + countAb + countaB + countab;
if (nonmissingSampleSize < minTaxaForEstimate) {
return Double.NaN;
freqA = (double) (countAB + countAb) / nonmissingSampleSize;
freqB = (double) (countAB + countaB) / nonmissingSampleSize;
//Through missing data & incomplete datasets some alleles can be fixed this returns missing value
if ((freqA == 0) || (freqB == 0) || (freqA == 1) || (freqB == 1)) {
return Double.NaN;
rsqr = ((double) countAB / nonmissingSampleSize) * ((double) countab / nonmissingSampleSize);
rsqr -= ((double) countaB / nonmissingSampleSize) * ((double) countAb / nonmissingSampleSize);
rsqr *= rsqr;
rsqr /= freqA * (1 - freqA) * freqB * (1 - freqB);
return rsqr;
* Method for estimating LD between a pair of bit sets. Since there can be tremendous missing data, minimum minor and
* minimum site counts ensure that meaningful results are estimated. Site indices are merely there for annotating the LDResult.
* @param rMj site 1 major alleles
* @param rMn site 1 minor alleles
* @param cMj site 2 major alleles
* @param cMn site 2 minor alleles
* @param minMinorCnt minimum minor allele count after intersection
* @param minCnt minimum count after intersection
* @param minR2 results below this r2 are ignored for p-value calculation (save times)
* @param myFisherExact
* @param site1Index annotation of LDresult with sites indices
* @param site2Index annotation of LDresult with sites indices
* @return
public static LDResult getLDForSitePair(BitSet rMj, BitSet rMn, BitSet cMj, BitSet cMn,
int minMinorCnt, int minCnt, float minR2, FisherExact myFisherExact, int site1Index, int site2Index) {
// float[] results = {Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN, Float.NaN};
if(myFisherExact==null) myFisherExact=FisherExact.getInstance((2 * (int)rMj.size()) + 10);
LDResult.Builder results = new LDResult.Builder(site1Index,site2Index);
int n = 0;
int[][] contig = new int[2][2];
n += contig[1][1] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(rMn, cMn);
n += contig[1][0] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(rMn, cMj);
if (contig[1][0] + contig[1][1] < minMinorCnt) {
n += contig[0][1] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(rMj, cMn);
if (contig[0][1] + contig[1][1] < minMinorCnt) {
n += contig[0][0] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(rMj, cMj);
if (n < minCnt) {
double rValue = LinkageDisequilibrium.calculateRSqr(contig[0][0], contig[1][0], contig[0][1], contig[1][1], minCnt);
if (Double.isNaN(rValue)) {
results.dprime((float) LinkageDisequilibrium.calculateDPrime(contig[0][0], contig[1][0], contig[0][1], contig[1][1], minCnt));
if (rValue < minR2) {
double pValue = myFisherExact.getTwoTailedP(contig[0][0], contig[1][0], contig[0][1], contig[1][1]);
results.p((float) pValue);
private int getRowFromIndex(long index) {
int row = 0;
int n = myAlignment.numberOfSites();
int w = myWindowSize;
if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SlidingWindow && n > w + 1 && index >= w * (w + 1) / (double) 2) {
row = (int) Math.ceil(((double) index + 1 - w * (w + 1) / 2 + w * w) / w);
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteByAll) {
if (index < myTestSite) {
row = myTestSite;
} else {
row = (int) index + 1;
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteList) {
int k = (int) Math.ceil((n - 1.5) - Math.sqrt((n - 1.5) * (n - 1.5) + 2 * (n - index - 2)));
int m = n * (k + 1) - ((k + 1) * (k + 2) / 2) - 1;
if (m - index > n - mySiteList[k] - 1) {
row = mySiteList[k];
} else {
row = n - 1 - m + (int) index;
} else {
row = (int) Math.ceil((Math.sqrt(8 * (index + 1) + 1) - 1) / 2);
return row;
private int getColFromIndex(long index) {
int row = getRowFromIndex(index);
int col = 0;
int n = myAlignment.numberOfSites();
int w = myWindowSize;
if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SlidingWindow && n > w + 1 && index >= w * (w + 1) / (double) 2) {
col = (int) ((row - 1 - (double) w * (w + 1) / 2 - w * (row - w) + 1 + index));
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteByAll) {
if (index < myTestSite) {
col = (int) index;
} else {
col = myTestSite;
} else if (myCurrDesign == testDesign.SiteList) {
int k = (int) Math.ceil((n - 1.5) - Math.sqrt((n - 1.5) * (n - 1.5) + 2 * (n - index - 2)));
int m = n * (k + 1) - ((k + 1) * (k + 2) / 2) - 1;
if (row != mySiteList[k]) {
col = mySiteList[k];
} else {
col = n - m + (int) index - 2;
int yy = Arrays.binarySearch(mySiteList, row);
int y = Arrays.binarySearch(mySiteList, col);
while (yy + (y + 1) != 0) {
if (y < 0) {
y = -(y + 1);
col = col - (yy - y);
yy = y;
y = Arrays.binarySearch(mySiteList, col);
} else {
col = row - (row * (row + 1) / 2 - (int) index);
return col;
* Returns P-value estimate for a given pair of numSites. If there were only
* 2 alleles at each locus, then the Fisher Exact P-value (one-tail) is
* returned. If more states then the permuted Monte Carlo test is used.
* @param r is site 1
* @param c is site 2
* @return P-value
public double getPVal(int r, int c) {
long key = getMapKey(r, c);
LDResult result = (LDResult) myMapResults.get(key);
if (result == null) {
return Float.NaN;
return result.p();
* Get number of gametes included in LD calculations (after missing data was
* excluded)
* @param r is site 1
* @param c is site 2
* @return number of gametes
public int getSampleSize(int r, int c) {
long key = getMapKey(r, c);
LDResult result = (LDResult) myMapResults.get(key);
if (result == null) {
return 0;
return result.n();
* Returns D' estimate for a given pair of numSites
* @param r is site 1
* @param c is site 2
* @return D'
public float getDPrime(int r, int c) {
long key = getMapKey(r, c);
LDResult result = (LDResult) myMapResults.get(key);
if (result == null) {
return Float.NaN;
return result.dPrime();
* Returns r^2 estimate for a given pair of numSites
* @param r is site 1
* @param c is site 2
* @return r^2
public float getRSqr(int r, int c) {
long key = getMapKey(r, c);
LDResult result = (LDResult) myMapResults.get(key);
if (result == null) {
return Float.NaN;
return result.r2();
public int getX(int row) {
return getColFromIndex(row);
public int getY(int row) {
return getRowFromIndex(row);
* Returns the counts of the numSites in the alignment
public int getSiteCount() {
return myAlignment.numberOfSites();
* Returns an annotated aligment if one was used for this LD this could be
* used to access information of locus position
public GenotypeTable getAlignment() {
return myAlignment;
* Returns representation of the LD results as a string
public String toString() {
String delimit = "\t";
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
Object[] colNames = getTableColumnNames();
for (int j = 0; j < colNames.length; j++) {
for (long r = 0; r < myTotalTests; r++) {
Object[] theRow = getRow(r);
for (int i = 0; i < theRow.length; i++) {
return sw.toString();
public Object[] getTableColumnNames() {
String[] annotatedLabels = null;
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
annotatedLabels = new String[]{"R2BinMin", "R2BinMax", "Count"};
} else {
annotatedLabels = new String[]{"Locus1", "Position1", "Site1",
"NumberOfStates1", "States1", "Frequency1", "Locus2", "Position2",
"Site2", "NumberOfStates2", "States2", "Frequency2", "Dist_bp", "R^2", "DPrime", "pDiseq", "N"};
return annotatedLabels;
public Object[] getRow(long row) {
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
Object[] data = new Object[3];
if (row == myNumAccumulativeBins) {
data[0] = Double.NaN;
data[1] = Double.NaN;
data[2] = Integer.valueOf(myAccumulativeRValueBins[(int) row]);
} else {
double start = myAccumulativeInterval * (double) row;
data[0] = Double.valueOf(start);
data[1] = Double.valueOf(start + myAccumulativeInterval);
data[2] = Integer.valueOf(myAccumulativeRValueBins[(int) row]);
return data;
} else {
int labelOffset = 0;
Object[] data = new Object[17];
int r = getRowFromIndex(row);
int c = getColFromIndex(row);
String rState = myAlignment.majorAlleleAsString(r) + ":" + myAlignment.minorAlleleAsString(r);
Integer rStr = Integer.valueOf(r);
String cState = myAlignment.majorAlleleAsString(c) + ":" + myAlignment.minorAlleleAsString(c);
Integer cStr = Integer.valueOf(c);
data[labelOffset++] = myAlignment.chromosomeName(r);
data[labelOffset++] = Integer.valueOf(myAlignment.chromosomalPosition(r));
data[labelOffset++] = rStr;
data[labelOffset++] = IntegerTwo;
data[labelOffset++] = rState;
data[labelOffset++] = NotImplemented;
data[labelOffset++] = myAlignment.chromosomeName(c);
data[labelOffset++] = Integer.valueOf(myAlignment.chromosomalPosition(c));
data[labelOffset++] = cStr;
data[labelOffset++] = IntegerTwo;
data[labelOffset++] = cState;
data[labelOffset++] = NotImplemented;
if (myAlignment.chromosomeName(r).equals(myAlignment.chromosomeName(c))) {
data[labelOffset++] = Integer.valueOf(Math.abs(myAlignment.chromosomalPosition(r) - myAlignment.chromosomalPosition(c)));
} else {
data[labelOffset++] = NA;
data[labelOffset++] = getRSqr(r, c);
data[labelOffset++] = getDPrime(r, c);
data[labelOffset++] = getPVal(r, c);
data[labelOffset++] = getSampleSize(r, c);
return data;
public String getTableTitle() {
return "Linkage Disequilibrium";
public int getColumnCount() {
return getTableColumnNames().length;
public long getRowCount() {
if (myIsAccumulativeReport) {
return myNumAccumulativeBins + 1;
} else {
return myTotalTests;
public long getElementCount() {
return getRowCount() * getColumnCount();
public Object getValueAt(long row, int col) {
return getRow(row)[col];
protected void fireProgress(int percent) {
if (percent < 0) {
percent = -percent;
if (myListener != null) {
myListener.progress(percent, null);