net.maizegenetics.taxa.IdentifierSynonymizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.taxa;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon.Builder;
import net.maizegenetics.util.GeneralAnnotation;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReport;
import net.maizegenetics.util.AbstractTableReport;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.DoubleMetaphone;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.Metaphone;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.RefinedSoundex;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.Soundex;
* User: Ed
* Date: Mar 30, 2005
* Time: 1:39:47 PM
public class IdentifierSynonymizer extends AbstractTableReport implements Serializable, TableReport {
ArrayList taxaListSynonymized = new ArrayList<>();
TaxaList tempTaxaList = null;
private TaxaList referenceIDGroup;
private int matchCount = 0;
private int unmatchCount = 0;
private int technique = 0;
private String delimiter = "";
private double globalMin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private double globalMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
public IdentifierSynonymizer(TaxaList preferredTaxa, TaxaList[] alternateTaxaSets) {
init2(preferredTaxa, alternateTaxaSets);
public IdentifierSynonymizer(TaxaList preferredTaxa, TaxaList[] alternateTaxaSets,int technique) {
this.technique = technique;
init2(preferredTaxa, alternateTaxaSets);
public IdentifierSynonymizer(TaxaList preferredTaxa, TaxaList[] alternateTaxaSets,int technique,String delimiter) {
this.technique = technique;
this.delimiter = delimiter;
init2(preferredTaxa, alternateTaxaSets);
public IdentifierSynonymizer(TaxaList preferredTaxa, TaxaList alternateTaxa) {
TaxaList[] alternateTaxaSets = new TaxaList[1];
alternateTaxaSets[0] = alternateTaxa;
init2(preferredTaxa, alternateTaxaSets);
//Taxa List implementation This will become init when finished
//TODO Stream implementation
private void init2(TaxaList referenceTaxa, TaxaList[] alternateTaxaSets) {
referenceIDGroup = referenceTaxa;
ImmutableMultimap.Builder changeSynBuild = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder();
//Go Through each alternateTaxaSet and compute the similarity to the referenceTaxa entries
for(TaxaList altTaxaList:alternateTaxaSets) {
for(Taxon altTaxon:altTaxaList){
ArrayList theBest = findBestMatch(altTaxon.getName(),referenceTaxa);
//If the score is better than the current score, put it on the change Syn
if (theBest.size() == 1) {
String bs = theBest.get(0);
if(!bs.equals(altTaxon.getName())) {
changeSynBuild.put(altTaxon.getName(), bs);
} else {
for(String score:theBest) {
ImmutableMultimap changeSyn =;
//Then go through and build a new taxaList adding the Synonyms to this
for(TaxaList altTaxaList:alternateTaxaSets) {
//Create a taxaList builder to make the new list
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
//Go through previous list(Taxon level)
for(Taxon taxon:altTaxaList) {
//Copy all previous datafrom altTaxaList
GeneralAnnotation ga = taxon.getAnnotation();
Taxon.Builder tb = new Taxon.Builder(taxon.getName());
Set keys = ga.getAnnotationKeys();
//Copy Keys
for(String key:keys) {
if(!key.equals(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(key);
for(String value:values) {
tb.addAnno(key, value);
//If changeSyn has key for a given Taxon
if(changeSyn.keySet().contains(taxon.getName())) {
//Add synonym to Taxon object
for(String entry:changeSyn.get(taxon.getName())) {
//Build Taxon and Add Taxon to new list builder tlb
//Build tlb and Add to taxaListToBeSyn
public TaxaList getTaxaList() {
return taxaListSynonymized.get(0);
public int getTechnique() {
return technique;
public void setGlobalMax(double max) {
this.globalMax = max;
private ArrayList findBestMatch(String unmatchedString) {
ArrayList bestMatches = new ArrayList<>();
double maxScore = -1;
double minScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double sm;
int levelOfRestriction = 0;
boolean ignoreCase = true, ignoreWhite = false, ignorePunc = false;
while ((bestMatches.size() != 1) && (levelOfRestriction < 4)) {
switch (levelOfRestriction) {
case 1:
ignoreCase = true;
case 2:
ignoreWhite = true;
case 3:
ignorePunc = true;
for (int i = 0; i < referenceIDGroup.numberOfTaxa(); i++) {
sm = getScore(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique);
//sm = scoreMatch(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc);
if (sm > maxScore) {
maxScore = sm;
} else if (sm == maxScore) {
for (int i = 0; i < referenceIDGroup.numberOfTaxa(); i++) {
if(technique==7) {
sm = getScore(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique,delimiter);
else {
sm = getScore(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique);
//sm = scoreMatch(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc);
if (sm < minScore) {
minScore = sm;
if(minScoreglobalMax) {
globalMax = minScore;
return bestMatches;
public ArrayList findBestMatch(String taxaName, TaxaList referenceTaxa) {
ArrayList bestMatches = new ArrayList<>();
double maxScore = -1;
double minScore = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double sm;
int levelOfRestriction = 0;
boolean ignoreCase = true, ignoreWhite = false, ignorePunc = false;
while ((bestMatches.size() != 1) && (levelOfRestriction < 4)) {
switch (levelOfRestriction) {
case 1:
ignoreCase = true;
case 2:
ignoreWhite = true;
case 3:
ignorePunc = true;
for(Taxon refTaxa:referenceTaxa) {
if(technique==7) {
sm = getScore(refTaxa.getName(),taxaName,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc,technique,delimiter);
else {
sm = getScore(refTaxa.getName(), taxaName, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique);
if (sm < minScore) {
minScore = sm;
if(minScoreglobalMax) {
globalMax = minScore;
return bestMatches;
public ArrayList findOrderedMatches(String unmatchedString, int levelOfRestriction) {
SortedMap theSortMap = new TreeMap<>();
double sm;
boolean ignoreCase = false, ignoreWhite = false, ignorePunc = false;
if (levelOfRestriction > 0) {
ignoreCase = true;
if (levelOfRestriction > 1) {
ignoreWhite = true;
if (levelOfRestriction > 2) {
ignorePunc = true;
for (int i = 0; i < referenceIDGroup.numberOfTaxa(); i++) {
//sm = scoreMatch(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc);
if(technique==7) {
sm = getScore(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique,delimiter);
else {
sm = getScore(referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i), unmatchedString, ignoreCase, ignoreWhite, ignorePunc,technique);
sm = 1.0-((sm - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin));
theSortMap.put(1 - sm - ((double) i / 100000.0), referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i));
//theSortMap.put(sm - ((double) i / 100000.0), referenceIDGroup.taxaName(i));
return new ArrayList<>(theSortMap.values());
public static double getScore(String s1, String s2, boolean ignoreCase, boolean ignoreWhite, boolean ignorePunc, int technique) {
double score = 0.0;
if(s1.equals(s2)) {
return score;
//dice need to do a 1- as high similarity = low distance
if(technique == 0) {
score = 1.0 - scoreMatch(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//String edit
else if(technique == 1) {
score = editDistanceScoreMatch(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//DTW with hamming
else if(technique == 2) {
score = dtwDist(s1,s2,"hamming",ignoreCase,true,ignorePunc);
//DTW with keyboard dist
else if(technique == 3) {
score = dtwDist(s1,s2,"key",ignoreCase,true,ignorePunc);
//Hamming with soundex
else if(technique == 4) {
score = hammingDistSoundex(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//Dice with metaphone need to do a 1- as high similarity = low distance
else if(technique == 5) {
score = 1 - diceWithMetaphone(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//Edit Distance with metaphone
else if(technique == 6) {
return score;
public static double getScore(String s1, String s2, boolean ignoreCase, boolean ignoreWhite, boolean ignorePunc, int technique,String delimiter) {
double score = 0.0;
if(s1.equals(s2)) {
return score;
//dice need to do a 1- as high similarity = low distance
if(technique == 0) {
score = 1.0 - scoreMatch(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//String edit
else if(technique == 1) {
score = editDistanceScoreMatch(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//DTW with hamming
else if(technique == 2) {
score = dtwDist(s1,s2,"hamming",ignoreCase,true,ignorePunc);
//DTW with keyboard dist
else if(technique == 3) {
score = dtwDist(s1,s2,"key",ignoreCase,true,ignorePunc);
//Hamming with soundex
else if(technique == 4) {
score = hammingDistSoundex(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//Dice with metaphone need to do a 1- as high similarity = low distance
else if(technique == 5) {
score = 1 - diceWithMetaphone(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
//Edit Distance with metaphone
else if(technique == 6) {
else if(technique == 7) {
score= 1- delimiterDistance(s1,s2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc,delimiter);
return score;
public static double hammingDistSoundex(String s1, String s2, boolean ignoreCase, boolean ignoreWhite, boolean ignorePunc) {
s1 = soundex2(s1, true, true, true);
s2 = soundex2(s2, true, true, true);
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i parsed = new ArrayList();
String current = "";
boolean digitMode = false;
if(Character.isDigit(s1.charAt(0))) {
digitMode = true;
for(int i = 0; i map = new HashMap<>();
map.put('`', new Integer[]{0,0});
map.put('~', new Integer[]{0,0});
map.put('1', new Integer[]{0,1});
map.put('!', new Integer[]{0,1});
map.put('2', new Integer[]{0,2});
map.put('@', new Integer[]{0,2});
map.put('3', new Integer[]{0,3});
map.put('#', new Integer[]{0,3});
map.put('4', new Integer[]{0,4});
map.put('$', new Integer[]{0,4});
map.put('5', new Integer[]{0,5});
map.put('%', new Integer[]{0,5});
map.put('6', new Integer[]{0,6});
map.put('^', new Integer[]{0,6});
map.put('7', new Integer[]{0,7});
map.put('&', new Integer[]{0,7});
map.put('8', new Integer[]{0,8});
map.put('*', new Integer[]{0,8});
map.put('9', new Integer[]{0,9});
map.put('(', new Integer[]{0,9});
map.put('0', new Integer[]{0,10});
map.put(')', new Integer[]{0,10});
map.put('-', new Integer[]{0,11});
map.put('_', new Integer[]{0,11});
map.put('=', new Integer[]{0,12});
map.put('+', new Integer[]{0,12});
map.put('q', new Integer[]{1,1});
map.put('Q', new Integer[]{1,1});
map.put('w', new Integer[]{1,2});
map.put('W', new Integer[]{1,2});
map.put('e', new Integer[]{1,3});
map.put('E', new Integer[]{1,3});
map.put('r', new Integer[]{1,4});
map.put('R', new Integer[]{1,4});
map.put('t', new Integer[]{1,5});
map.put('T', new Integer[]{1,5});
map.put('y', new Integer[]{1,6});
map.put('Y', new Integer[]{1,6});
map.put('u', new Integer[]{1,7});
map.put('U', new Integer[]{1,7});
map.put('i', new Integer[]{1,8});
map.put('I', new Integer[]{1,8});
map.put('o', new Integer[]{1,9});
map.put('O', new Integer[]{1,9});
map.put('p', new Integer[]{1,10});
map.put('P', new Integer[]{1,10});
map.put('[', new Integer[]{1,11});
map.put('{', new Integer[]{1,11});
map.put(']', new Integer[]{1,12});
map.put('}', new Integer[]{1,12});
map.put('\\', new Integer[]{1,13});
map.put('|', new Integer[]{1,13});
map.put('a', new Integer[]{2,1});
map.put('A', new Integer[]{2,1});
map.put('s', new Integer[]{2,2});
map.put('S', new Integer[]{2,2});
map.put('d', new Integer[]{2,3});
map.put('D', new Integer[]{2,3});
map.put('f', new Integer[]{2,4});
map.put('F', new Integer[]{2,4});
map.put('g', new Integer[]{2,5});
map.put('G', new Integer[]{2,5});
map.put('h', new Integer[]{2,6});
map.put('H', new Integer[]{2,6});
map.put('j', new Integer[]{2,7});
map.put('J', new Integer[]{2,7});
map.put('k', new Integer[]{2,8});
map.put('K', new Integer[]{2,8});
map.put('l', new Integer[]{2,9});
map.put('L', new Integer[]{2,9});
map.put(';', new Integer[]{2,10});
map.put(':', new Integer[]{2,10});
map.put('\'', new Integer[]{2,11});
map.put('"', new Integer[]{2,11});
map.put('z', new Integer[]{3,1});
map.put('Z', new Integer[]{3,1});
map.put('x', new Integer[]{3,2});
map.put('X', new Integer[]{3,2});
map.put('c', new Integer[]{3,3});
map.put('C', new Integer[]{3,3});
map.put('v', new Integer[]{3,4});
map.put('V', new Integer[]{3,4});
map.put('b', new Integer[]{3,5});
map.put('B', new Integer[]{3,5});
map.put('n', new Integer[]{3,6});
map.put('N', new Integer[]{3,6});
map.put('m', new Integer[]{3,7});
map.put('M', new Integer[]{3,7});
map.put(',', new Integer[]{3,8});
map.put('<', new Integer[]{3,8});
map.put('.', new Integer[]{3,9});
map.put('>', new Integer[]{3,9});
map.put('/', new Integer[]{3,10});
map.put('?', new Integer[]{3,10});
Integer[] coords1 = map.get(firstChar);
Integer[] coords2 = map.get(secondChar);
//calculate manhattan distance between the characters
return Math.abs(coords1[0] - coords2[0]) + Math.abs(coords1[1] - coords2[1]);
private static int hammingDist(char firstChar, char secondChar) {
if(firstChar == secondChar) {
return 0;
return 1;
* Simple implementation of Dynamic Time Warping distance
* Currently uses KeyboardDistance as the distance measurement
private static double dtwDist(String str1, String str2, String distMeas,boolean ignoreCase, boolean ignoreWhite, boolean ignorePunc) {
str1 = cleanName(str1,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
str2 = cleanName(str2,ignoreCase,ignoreWhite,ignorePunc);
double[][] costMat = new double[str1.length()+1][str2.length()+1];
//Initialize arrays
for(int i = 0; istr2.length())?str2.length():str1.length();
int errorCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; idistance) {
distance = currDist;
return distance;
/** @return an array of adjacent letter pairs contained in the input string */
private static ArrayList letterPairs(String str) {
ArrayList allPairs = new ArrayList<>();
//int numPairs = str.length()-1;
//String[] pairs = new String[numPairs];
for (int i = 0; i < (str.length() - 1); i++) {
allPairs.add(str.substring(i, i + 2));
return allPairs;
private static String cleanName(String s, boolean ignoreCase, boolean ignoreWhite, boolean ignorePunc) {
if (ignoreCase) {
s = s.toUpperCase();
//StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(s);
//int x;
if (ignoreWhite) {
s.replaceAll("\\s", "");
// while((x=sb.indexOf(" "))>=0) {sb.deleteCharAt(x);}
if (ignorePunc) {
// s=s.replaceAll("\\W","");
s = s.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
// sb=new StringBuffer(s);
return s;
public void changeAlignmentIdentifiers(TaxaList alternateIdGroups) {
TaxaList[] aidg = new TaxaList[1];
aidg[0] = alternateIdGroups;
public String toString() {
String s = "Synonym Table\n";
int counter = 0;
for(TaxaList tl:taxaListSynonymized) {
s+="SynonymFile "+counter+":\n";
for(Taxon tx:tl) {
s+="Name: " + tx.getName()+", Synonyms: ";
for(String syn:tx.getAnnotation().getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
s+=syn+", ";
return s; //To change body of overridden methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
public void deleteByThreshold(double threshold) {
ImmutableMultimap.Builder removeBuilder = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder();
//Go through taxa list
for(Taxon tx:tempTaxaList) {
String taxonName = tx.getName();
//Go through the list of synonyms
for(String synName:tx.getAnnotation().getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
double score = 0.0;
if(technique==7) {
score = getScore(taxonName,synName,true,false,false,technique,delimiter);
else {
score = getScore(taxonName,synName,true,false,false,technique);
//double score = getScore(taxonName,synName,true,false,false,technique);
if(technique==4) {
globalMax = 4.0;
score = 1.0-((score - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin));
//If Score is less than thresh add to remove list
if(score removeMap =;
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
for(Taxon tx:tempTaxaList) {
GeneralAnnotation ga = tx.getAnnotation();
Taxon.Builder tb = new Taxon.Builder(tx.getName());
Set keys = ga.getAnnotationKeys();
//Copy Keys
for(String key:keys) {
if(!key.equals(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(key);
for(String value:values) {
tb.addAnno(key, value);
//If removeMap has key for a given Taxon
if(removeMap.keySet().contains(tx.getName())) {
//Loop through and ignore any that are in removeMap
for(String value:ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
if(!removeMap.get(tx.getName()).contains(value)) {
tb.addAnno(Taxon.SynonymKey, value);
else {
//Loop through add add all the synonyms
for(String value:ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
tb.addAnno(Taxon.SynonymKey, value);
//Build Taxon and Add Taxon to new list builder tlb
tempTaxaList =;
public Object[] getRealNames() {
Object[] idArray = new Object[referenceIDGroup.numberOfTaxa()];
for (int i = 0; i < referenceIDGroup.numberOfTaxa(); i++) {
idArray[i] = referenceIDGroup.get(i).toString();
return idArray;
public void report(PrintWriter out) {
//String s="Synonym Table\n"+idSynonyms.toString()+"\n\n"+"Unmatched\n"+unmatchedIDs.toString();
out.println("Synonym Table");
//out.println(idSynonyms.size() + " unique matches");
out.println(matchCount + " unique matches");
out.println(unmatchCount + " multiple matches:");
public Object[] getTableColumnNames() {
String[] cn = new String[3];
cn[0] = "TaxaName";
cn[1] = "Synonyms";
cn[2] = "MatchScore";
return cn;
* Returns specified row.
* @param row row number
* @return row
public Object[] getRow(long rowLong) {
int row = (int) rowLong;
Object[] data = new Object[3];
//TaxaList tl = taxaListSynonymized.get(0);
TaxaList tl = tempTaxaList;
Taxon tx = tl.get(row);
//Object[] keyArray = idSynonyms.keySet().toArray();
data[0] = tx.getName();
String synString = "";
String firstMatch = "";
boolean first = true;
for(String syn:tx.getAnnotation().getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)){
if(first) {
firstMatch = syn;
first = false;
data[2] = "";
if(firstMatch.equals("")) {
data[1] = "";
data[2] = "1.0";
else {
data[1] = synString.substring(0,synString.length()-1);
if(technique == 4) {
globalMax = 4.0;
if(technique==0) {
data[2] = "" + scoreMatch("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, false, false);
else if(technique==5) {
data[2] = "" + (1.0-getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, false, false,technique));
else if(technique==7) {
data[2] = "" + (1.0-getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, false, false,technique,delimiter));
else {
//To fix the - number bug
if((1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, false, false,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)))<0.0) {
if((1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, true, false,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)))<0.0) {
if ((1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, true, true,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)))<0.0) {
data[2] = ""+0.0;
else {
data[2] = "" + (1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, true, true,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)));
else {
data[2] = "" + (1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, true, false,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)));
else {
data[2] = "" + (1.0-((getScore("" + data[0], "" + firstMatch, true, false, false,technique) - globalMin)/(globalMax-globalMin)));
return data;
public void resetTempTaxaList() {
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
for(Taxon tx:taxaListSynonymized.get(0)) {
tempTaxaList =;
//Method to save changes from TempTaxaList and reset the TempTaxaList
public void saveTempTaxaList() {
taxaListSynonymized.set(0, tempTaxaList);
public void removeSynonyms(int rowNumber) {
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
int rowCounter = 0;
for(Taxon tx:tempTaxaList) {
if(rowNumber == rowCounter) {
//Copy all annotations except for Synonyms
GeneralAnnotation ga = tx.getAnnotation();
Taxon.Builder tb = new Taxon.Builder(tx.getName());
Set keys = ga.getAnnotationKeys();
//Copy Keys
for(String key:keys) {
if(!key.equals(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(key);
for(String value:values) {
tb.addAnno(key, value);
else {
//Copy taxon
tempTaxaList =;
public void updateSynonym(int rowNumber, String newName) {
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
int rowCounter = 0;
for(Taxon tx:tempTaxaList) {
if(rowNumber == rowCounter) {
//Copy all annotations except for Synonyms
GeneralAnnotation ga = tx.getAnnotation();
Taxon.Builder tb = new Taxon.Builder(tx.getName());
Set keys = ga.getAnnotationKeys();
//Copy Keys
for(String key:keys) {
if(!key.equals(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(key);
for(String value:values) {
tb.addAnno(key, value);
else {
//Copy taxon
tempTaxaList =;
public void deleteElements(String name) {
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
for(Taxon tx:tempTaxaList) {
if(!tx.getName().equals(name)) {
tempTaxaList =;
public boolean checkSynForDups() {
for(TaxaList tl:taxaListSynonymized) {
ArrayList viewedTaxa = new ArrayList();
for(Taxon tx:tl) {
GeneralAnnotation ga = tx.getAnnotation();
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey);
else if(viewedTaxa.contains(values[0])) {
return true;
else {
return false;
public ArrayList swapSynonyms() {
ArrayList newTaxaListArray = new ArrayList<>();
for(TaxaList tl:taxaListSynonymized) {
TaxaListBuilder tlb = new TaxaListBuilder();
for(Taxon tx:tl) {
GeneralAnnotation ga = tx.getAnnotation();
Taxon.Builder tb = null;
Set keys = ga.getAnnotationKeys();
if(ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey).length==0) {
tb = new Taxon.Builder(tx);
else {
tb = new Taxon.Builder(ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey)[0]);
//Copy Keys
for(String key:keys) {
if(!key.equals(Taxon.SynonymKey)) {
String[] values = ga.getTextAnnotation(key);
for(String value:values) {
tb.addAnno(key, value);
String[] synVals = ga.getTextAnnotation(Taxon.SynonymKey);
tb.addAnno(Taxon.SynonymKey, tx.getName());
for(int i = 1; i
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