net.maizegenetics.analysis.association.CompressedMLMusingDoubleMatrix Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.association;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.score.SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.GenotypePhenotype;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.NumericAttribute;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.Phenotype;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.PhenotypeAttribute;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.PhenotypeBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.TaxaAttribute;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.Phenotype.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory.FactoryType;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.distance.DistanceMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.util.BitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.OpenBitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReport;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReportBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaList;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaListBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.tree.UPGMATree;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Datum;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.EMMA.EMMAforDoubleMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.FactorModelEffect;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.LinearModelUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.ModelEffectUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.SweepFast;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.SymmetricMatrixInverterDM;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.distance.DistanceMatrixBuilder;
public class CompressedMLMusingDoubleMatrix {
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(CompressedMLMusingDoubleMatrix.class);
private static final List homGenotypes = Arrays.asList("A","C","G","T","Z");
private static final List hetGenotypes = Arrays.asList("R","W","K","Y","S","M","0");
private final boolean useCompression;
private final boolean useP3D;
private final double compression;
private boolean outputResiduals = true;
private final GenotypePhenotype myGenoPheno;
private final Phenotype myPhenotype;
private final GenotypeTable myGenotype;
private final boolean hasGenotype;
private final MLMPlugin parentPlugin;
private final DistanceMatrix kinshipMatrix;
private double resvar, genvar, lnlk;
private boolean testMarkers = true;
private SymmetricMatrixInverterDM Vminus = null;
private String datasetName;
private List factorAttributeList;
private List covariateAttributeList;
private final Phenotype myWeightMatrix;
private final TableReportBuilder siteReportBuilder;
private final TableReportBuilder alleleReportBuilder;
private final TableReportBuilder compressionReportBuilder;
private boolean useGenotypeCalls = true;
private boolean useReferenceProbability = false;
private boolean useAlleleProbabilities = false;
public CompressedMLMusingDoubleMatrix(MLMPlugin parentPlugin, Datum dataset, DistanceMatrix kinshipMatrix, boolean useCompression, boolean useP3D, double compression) {
this.parentPlugin = parentPlugin;
this.kinshipMatrix = kinshipMatrix;
this.useCompression = useCompression;
this.useP3D = useP3D;
this.compression = compression;
this.myWeightMatrix = null;
datasetName = dataset.getName();
if (dataset.getData().getClass().equals(GenotypePhenotype.class)) {
myGenoPheno = (GenotypePhenotype) dataset.getData();
myPhenotype = myGenoPheno.phenotype();
myGenotype = myGenoPheno.genotypeTable();
hasGenotype = true;
} else if (dataset.getData() instanceof Phenotype) {
myGenoPheno = null;
myPhenotype = (Phenotype) dataset.getData();
myGenotype = null;
hasGenotype = false;
} else {
myGenoPheno = null;
myPhenotype = null;
myGenotype = null;
hasGenotype = false;
// String[] headerMain = new String[]{"Trait", "Marker", "Locus", "Site", "df", "F", "p", "errordf", "markerR2", "Genetic Var", "Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"};
String[] headerMain = new String[]{AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT, AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,
AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR, AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,
"df", "F", AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,
"add_effect", "add_F", "add_p", "dom_effect", "dom_F", "dom_p", "errordf",
"MarkerR2", "Genetic Var", "Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"};
String[] headerAlleles = new String[]{"Trait", "Marker", "Locus", "Site", "Allele", "Effect", "Obs"};
String[] headerCompression = new String[]{"Trait", "# groups", "Compression", "-2LnLk", "Var_genetic", "Var_error"};
if (parentPlugin.isWriteOutputToFile()) {
String outputbase = parentPlugin.getOutputName();
String datasetNameNoSpace = datasetName.trim().replaceAll("\\ ", "_");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Marker Statistics - " + datasetName, headerMain, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Allele Estimates - " + datasetName, headerAlleles, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (useCompression) compressionReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Compression - " + datasetName, headerCompression, sb.toString());
else compressionReportBuilder = null;
} else {
siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Marker Statistics - " + datasetName, headerMain);
alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Allele Estimates - " + datasetName, headerAlleles);
if (useCompression) compressionReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Compression - " + datasetName, headerCompression);
else compressionReportBuilder = null;
// solve();
public CompressedMLMusingDoubleMatrix(WeightedMLMPlugin parentPlugin, Datum dataset, DistanceMatrix kinshipMatrix, Datum weights, boolean useCompression, boolean useP3D, double compression) {
this.parentPlugin = parentPlugin;
//this.parentPlugin = null;
this.kinshipMatrix = kinshipMatrix;
this.useCompression = useCompression;
this.useP3D = useP3D;
this.compression = compression;
this.myWeightMatrix = (Phenotype)weights.getData();
datasetName = dataset.getName();
if (dataset.getData().getClass().equals(GenotypePhenotype.class)) {
myGenoPheno = (GenotypePhenotype) dataset.getData();
myPhenotype = myGenoPheno.phenotype();
myGenotype = myGenoPheno.genotypeTable();
hasGenotype = true;
} else if (dataset.getData() instanceof Phenotype) {
myGenoPheno = null;
myPhenotype = (Phenotype) dataset.getData();
myGenotype = null;
hasGenotype = false;
} else {
myGenoPheno = null;
myPhenotype = null;
myGenotype = null;
hasGenotype = false;
// String[] headerMain = new String[]{"Trait", "Marker", "Locus", "Site", "df", "F", "p", "errordf", "markerR2", "Genetic Var", "Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"};
String[] headerMain = new String[]{AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT, AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,
AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR, AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,
"df", "F", AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,
"add_effect", "add_F", "add_p", "dom_effect", "dom_F", "dom_p", "errordf",
"MarkerR2", "Genetic Var", "Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"};
String[] headerAlleles = new String[]{"Trait", "Marker", "Locus", "Site", "Allele", "Effect", "Obs"};
String[] headerCompression = new String[]{"Trait", "# groups", "Compression", "-2LnLk", "Var_genetic", "Var_error"};
if (parentPlugin.isWriteOutputToFile()) {
String outputbase = parentPlugin.getOutputName();
String datasetNameNoSpace = datasetName.trim().replaceAll("\\ ", "_");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Marker Statistics - " + datasetName, headerMain, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Allele Estimates - " + datasetName, headerAlleles, sb.toString());
sb = new StringBuilder();
if (useCompression) compressionReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Compression - " + datasetName, headerCompression, sb.toString());
else compressionReportBuilder = null;
} else {
siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Marker Statistics - " + datasetName, headerMain);
alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Allele Estimates - " + datasetName, headerAlleles);
if (useCompression) compressionReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Compression - " + datasetName, headerCompression);
else compressionReportBuilder = null;
// solve();
public void useGenotypeCalls(boolean use) {
useGenotypeCalls = use;
public void useReferenceProbability(boolean use) {
useReferenceProbability = use;
public void useAlleleProbabilities(boolean use) {
useAlleleProbabilities = use;
public List solve() {
List results = new LinkedList();
int numberOfMarkers = 0;
if (hasGenotype) numberOfMarkers = myGenotype.numberOfSites();
List dataAttributeList = myPhenotype.attributeListOfType(;
factorAttributeList = myPhenotype.attributeListOfType(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.factor);
covariateAttributeList = myPhenotype.attributeListOfType(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.covariate);
TaxaAttribute myTaxaAttribute = myPhenotype.taxaAttribute();
int numberOfPhenotypes = dataAttributeList.size();
//calculate total iterations
int expectedIterations = numberOfPhenotypes * numberOfMarkers;
int iterationsSofar = 0;
//cycle through the phenotypes
for (PhenotypeAttribute attr : dataAttributeList) {
//get phenotype data
myLogger.debug("Running MLM for " +;
double[] phenotypeData = doubleDataFromAttribute(attr);
//get the taxa
Taxon[] theTaxa = myTaxaAttribute.allTaxa();
//keep track of missing rows
OpenBitSet missing = new OpenBitSet(attr.missing());
for (PhenotypeAttribute factorAttribute : factorAttributeList) missing.or(factorAttribute.missing());
for (PhenotypeAttribute covariateAttribute : covariateAttributeList) missing.or(covariateAttribute.missing());
//update missing for taxa not in the kinship matrix or the distance matrix.
//Create kinship and distance matrices with taxa in phenotype
TaxaList nonmissingIds = updateMissingWithKinship(missing, theTaxa);
DistanceMatrix kin = new DistanceMatrix(kinshipMatrix, nonmissingIds);
//calculate the number of nonmissing observations
int totalObs = attr.size();
int nonMissingObs = totalObs - (int) missing.cardinality();
//create phenotype matrix
double[] nonMissingData = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(phenotypeData, missing);
Taxon[] nonMissingTaxa = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(theTaxa, missing);
DoubleMatrix y = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(nonMissingObs,1, nonMissingData);
//create the Z matrix
DoubleMatrix Z = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(nonMissingObs, kin.numberOfTaxa());
for (int i = 0; i < nonMissingObs; i++) {
Z.set(i, kin.whichIdNumber(nonMissingTaxa[i]), 1);
//fixed effects matrix
DoubleMatrix fixed = AssociationUtils.createFixedEffectsArray(factorAttributeList, covariateAttributeList, missing, nonMissingObs);
DoubleMatrix W = null;
DoubleMatrix WOriginal = null;
EMMAforDoubleMatrix emlm = null;
DoubleMatrix[] zk = null;
//Check to see if weightedMLM is used
if(myWeightMatrix!=null) {
//Grab Attribute from myWeightMatrix which matches
int weightAttrIndex = myWeightMatrix.attributeIndexForName(;
//Check to see if Attribute index = -1(missing)
if(weightAttrIndex!=-1) {
//Grab PhenotypeAttribute Object
PhenotypeAttribute weightAttribute = myWeightMatrix.attribute(weightAttrIndex);
//Remove Missing values from Weight List
double[] weightValues = doubleDataFromAttribute(weightAttribute);
double[] nonMissingWeights = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(weightValues, missing);
//Check to make sure numRows(y) == numRows(weight)
if(nonMissingObs == nonMissingWeights.length) {
//Set Original Weight for use in Testing
WOriginal = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.diagonal(nonMissingWeights);
//Calculate W = W^{-1/2}
for(int i = 0;i phenotypeTaxa = Arrays.asList(nonMissingTaxa);
Datum residuals = createResPhenotype(emlm, phenotypeTaxa,;
ExportPlugin exporter = new ExportPlugin(null, false);
String outfile = parentPlugin.getOutputName() + "_" + residuals.getName() + "_residuals.txt";
exporter.performFunction(new DataSet(residuals, parentPlugin));
Object[] tableRow;
//{"Trait", "Marker", "Locus", "Site", "df", "F", "p", "errordf", "markerR2", "Genetic Var", "Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"}
//{"Trait","Marker","Chr","Pos","Locus","Site","df","F","p","add_effect","add_F","add_p","dom_effect","dom_F","dom_p","errordf","MarkerR2","Genetic Var","Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"}
tableRow = new Object[]{,
new Integer(0),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Integer(nonMissingObs - baseModeldf),
new Double(Double.NaN),
new Double(genvar),
new Double(resvar),
new Double(-2 * lnlk)};
//the BLUPs
//not implemented
if (useP3D) {
DoubleMatrix ZKZ = zk[0].mult(zk[1]).tcrossproduct(zk[0]);
//Check to see if W exists. Alter V calculation accordingly
if(W==null) {
Vminus = new SymmetricMatrixInverterDM(calculateV(ZKZ, genvar, resvar));
else {
Vminus = new SymmetricMatrixInverterDM(calculateV(ZKZ, WOriginal, genvar, resvar));
//iterate markers
if (testMarkers) {
for (int m = 0; m < numberOfMarkers; m++) {
OpenBitSet missingObsForSite = new OpenBitSet(missing);
//only data for which missing=false are in the Z matrix
//the block below finds the rows of Z that have no marker data.
//Those rows/columns will need to be removed from ZKZ or from V, depending on the analysis method.
OpenBitSet missingFromZ = new OpenBitSet(nonMissingObs);
int nonMissingCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < totalObs; i++) {
if (!missing.fastGet(i)) {
if (missingObsForSite.fastGet(i)) {
//test for all missing
if (nonMissingCount == 0) {
myLogger.error("All values missing for " + myGenotype.siteName(m));
//adjust y for missing data
DoubleMatrix ymarker = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(y, missingFromZ);
//adjust the fixed effects
DoubleMatrix fixed2 = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(fixed, missingFromZ);
//add marker data to fixed effects
ArrayList markerIds = new ArrayList<>();
int nAlleles = 0;
int markerdf = 0;
DoubleMatrix X;
int[] alleleCounts = null;
if (useGenotypeCalls) {
byte[] genotypes = ModelEffectUtils.genotypesToUnphasedSorted(AssociationUtils.getNonMissingBytes(myGenoPheno.genotypeAllTaxa(m), missingObsForSite));
FactorModelEffect markerEffect = new FactorModelEffect(ModelEffectUtils.getIntegerLevels(genotypes, markerIds), true);
X = fixed2.concatenate(markerEffect.getX(), false);
nAlleles = markerEffect.getNumberOfLevels();
alleleCounts = markerEffect.getLevelCounts();
markerdf = nAlleles - 1;
} else if (useReferenceProbability) {
double[] genotypes = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(myGenoPheno.referenceProb(m), missingObsForSite);
int nrows = genotypes.length;
X = fixed2.concatenate(DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(nrows, 1, genotypes), false);
nAlleles = 1;
alleleCounts = new int[]{nrows};
markerdf = 1;
} else {
X = null;
CompressedMLMResult result = new CompressedMLMResult();
//need to add marker information to result once Alignment is stable
if (useP3D) {
testMarkerUsingP3D(result, ymarker, X, Vminus.getInverse(missingFromZ, nonMissingObs), markerdf, markerIds);
} else {
DoubleMatrix Zsel = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(zk[0], missingFromZ);
if (!testMarkerUsingEMMA(result, ymarker, X, zk[1], Zsel, nAlleles, markerIds)) continue;
markerdf = result.modeldf - baseModeldf;
//if the results are to be filtered on pmax check for that condition
boolean recordTheseResults = true;
if (parentPlugin.isFilterOutput() && result.p > parentPlugin.getMaxp()) {
recordTheseResults = false;
if (recordTheseResults) {
//add result to main
//{"Trait","Marker","Chr","Pos","Locus","Site","df","F","p","errordf","MarkerR2","Genetic Var","Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"};
//results with additive and dominance effects
//{"Trait","Marker","Chr","Pos","Locus","Site","df","F","p","add_effect","add_F","add_p","dom_effect","dom_F","dom_p","errordf","MarkerR2","Genetic Var","Residual Var", "-2LnLikelihood"}
String markername = myGenotype.siteName(m);
String chr = "";
String pos = "";
String locus = myGenotype.chromosomeName(m);
String site = Integer.toString(myGenotype.chromosomalPosition(m));
double errordf = (double) (ymarker.numberOfRows() - result.modeldf);
tableRow = new Object[]{,
new Integer(markerdf),
new Double(result.F),
new Double(result.p),
new Double(result.addEffect),
new Double(result.Fadd),
new Double(result.padd),
new Double(result.domEffect),
new Double(result.Fdom),
new Double(result.pdom),
new Double(errordf),
new Double(result.r2),
new Double(genvar),
new Double(resvar),
new Double(-2 * lnlk)};
//add result to alleles
//"Trait","Marker","Chr","Pos","Allele","Effect", obs
int numberOfRowsKept = totalObs - (int) missingObsForSite.cardinality();
if (useReferenceProbability) {
tableRow = new Object[]{,
result.beta.get(result.beta.numberOfRows() - 1, 0),
//record the results
} else if (nAlleles > 1) {
for (int a = 0; a < nAlleles; a++) {
Double estimate;
if (a < nAlleles - 1) {
estimate = result.beta.get(result.beta.numberOfRows() - nAlleles + 1 + a, 0);
} else {
estimate = 0.0;
tableRow = new Object[]{,
// markerIds.get(a),
//record the results
int progress = (int) ((double) iterationsSofar / (double) expectedIterations * 100);
progress = Math.min(99, progress);
return results;
// private BitSet missingForSiteX(int site) {
// int ntaxa = myGenotype.numberOfTaxa();
// OpenBitSet missing = new OpenBitSet(ntaxa);
// if (useGenotypeCalls) {
// byte[] siteGenotype = myGenotype.genotypeAllTaxa(site);
// byte missingByte = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
// for (int i = 0; i < ntaxa; i++) if (siteGenotype[i] == missingByte) missing.fastSet(i);
// } else if (useReferenceProbability) {
// for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
// if (myGenotype.referenceProbability(t, site) == Float.NaN) missing.fastSet(t);
// }
// } else {
// for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
// if (myGenotype.alleleProbability(t, site, SITE_SCORE_TYPE.DepthA) == Float.NaN) missing.fastSet(t);
// }
// }
// return missing;
// }
private BitSet missingForSite(int site) {
//returns BitSet with missing set for each observation with a missing genotype value
int nobs = myGenoPheno.phenotype().numberOfObservations();
OpenBitSet missing = new OpenBitSet(nobs);
if (useGenotypeCalls) {
byte[] siteGenotype = myGenoPheno.genotypeAllTaxa(site);
byte missingByte = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
for (int i = 0; i < nobs; i++) {
if (siteGenotype[i] == missingByte) missing.fastSet(i);
} else if (useReferenceProbability) {
float[] probs = myGenoPheno.referenceProb(site);
for (int t = 0; t < nobs; t++) {
if (probs[t] == Float.NaN) missing.fastSet(t);
} else {
float[] probs = myGenoPheno.alleleProbsOfType(SITE_SCORE_TYPE.DepthA, site);
for (int t = 0; t < nobs; t++) {
if (probs[t] == Float.NaN) missing.fastSet(t);
return missing;
private double[] doubleDataFromAttribute(PhenotypeAttribute attribute) {
float[] floatData = (float[]) ((NumericAttribute) attribute).allValues();
int n = floatData.length;
double[] doubleData = new double[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doubleData[i] = floatData[i];
return doubleData;
private String getTabbedStringFromArray(Object[] array) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int n = array.length;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
return sb.toString();
public List formatResults() {
LinkedList output = new LinkedList();
//generate comments
StringBuilder options = new StringBuilder();
options.append("Use compression = ").append(useCompression).append("\n");
options.append("Use P3D = ").append(useP3D).append("\n");
if (useCompression) {
options.append(", compression level = ").append(compression).append("\n");
if (useP3D) {
options.append("P3D = ").append(useP3D).append(". Variance components were estimated only for the model without any markers.\n");
} else {
options.append("P3D = ").append(useP3D).append(". Variance components were estimated for each marker.\n");
StringBuilder model = new StringBuilder();
model.append("Model: trait = mean + ");
int nFactors = factorAttributeList.size();
for (PhenotypeAttribute factor:factorAttributeList) {
model.append(" + ");
int nCovar = covariateAttributeList.size();
for (PhenotypeAttribute cov : covariateAttributeList) {
model.append(" + ");
String reportName = "MLM_statistics_for_" + datasetName;
StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();
comment.append("MLM statistics for compressed MLM\n");
comment.append("Dataset: ").append(datasetName).append("\n");
TableReport myTableReport =;
if (myTableReport != null) output.add(new Datum(reportName, myTableReport, comment.toString()));
reportName = "MLM_effects_for_" + datasetName;
comment = new StringBuilder();
comment.append("MLM SNP effect estimates\n");
comment.append("Dataset: ").append(datasetName).append("\n");
myTableReport =;
if (myTableReport != null) output.add(new Datum(reportName, myTableReport, comment.toString()));
if (useCompression) {
reportName = "MLM_compression_for_" + datasetName;
comment = new StringBuilder();
comment.append("MLM compression report\n");
comment.append("Dataset: ").append(datasetName).append("\n");
myTableReport =;
if (myTableReport != null) output.add(new Datum(reportName, myTableReport, comment.toString())); }
return output;
* Computes ZKZ. If compression is specified then the compressed ZKZ is calculated along with compressed versions of Z and K.
* @param data the phenotype data. Needed for optimizing compression.
* @param X the incidence matrix specifying all fixed effects other than markers
* @param Z the kinship incidence matrix
* @param kin the genetic similarity matrix
* @param traitname the name of the phenotype passed in data
* @return an array containing the Z matrix as its first element and the K matrix as its second element. If compression is specified, then both are the compressed versions.
public DoubleMatrix[] computeZKZ(DoubleMatrix data, DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix Z, DistanceMatrix kin, String traitname) {
myLogger.debug("Running compression for " + traitname);
DoubleMatrix[] zkMatrices = new DoubleMatrix[2];
CompressedDoubleMatrix.kinshipMethod kinmethod = CompressedDoubleMatrix.kinshipMethod.avg;
int nkin = kin.getSize();
int nrow = nkin;
int ncol = nrow;
DoubleMatrix K = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(nrow, ncol);
for (int r = 0; r < nrow; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < ncol; c++) {
K.set(r, c, kin.getDistance(r, c));
if (!useCompression) {
zkMatrices[0] = Z;
zkMatrices[1] = K;
} else if (Double.isNaN(compression)) {
//are taxa replicated?
//sum columns of Z. If any sum > 1, then yes
int n = Z.numberOfColumns();
int count = 0;
boolean taxaReplicated = false;
while (count < n && !taxaReplicated) {
if (Z.columnSum(count++) > 1.5) {
taxaReplicated = true;
DistanceMatrix distance = calculateDistanceFromKin(kin);
CompressedDoubleMatrix cm = new CompressedDoubleMatrix(kin, new UPGMATree(distance));
EMMAforDoubleMatrix emlm = new EMMAforDoubleMatrix(data, X, K, Z, 0, Double.NaN);
double bestlnlk = emlm.getLnLikelihood();
int bestCompression = nkin;
double exponent = 1;
double base = 0.98;
double maxexponent = Math.log(1 / ((double) nkin)) / Math.log(base);
parentPlugin.updateProgress((int) (exponent * 100 / maxexponent));
//int g = (int) (nkin * Math.pow(base, exponent));
int g = (int) (nkin);
while (g > 3) {
DoubleMatrix compressedZ = cm.getCompressedZ(Z);
DoubleMatrix compressedK = cm.getCompressedMatrix(kinmethod);
try {
emlm = new EMMAforDoubleMatrix(data, X, compressedK, compressedZ, 0, Double.NaN);
//output number of groups, compression level (= number of taxa / number of groups), -2L, genvar, resvar
compressionReportBuilder.add(new Object[]{traitname, g,
((double) nkin) / ((double) g),
-2 * emlm.getLnLikelihood(),
if (Double.isNaN(bestlnlk) || emlm.getLnLikelihood() > bestlnlk) {
bestlnlk = emlm.getLnLikelihood();
bestCompression = g;
resvar = emlm.getVarRes();
genvar = emlm.getVarRan();
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Compression failed for g = " + g);
int prev = g;
while (g == prev) {
int prog = (int) (exponent * 100 / maxexponent);
prog = Math.min(prog, 99);
g = (int) (nkin * Math.pow(base, exponent));
//for g = 1 use GLM to estimate beta and errvar
// if (!taxaReplicated) {
// SweepFast sweep = new SweepFast(X, data);
// sweep.XTXSweepSetDmin();
// n = X.numberOfColumns();
// double ssres = sweep.getResidualSS();
// double errordf = (double) (data.numberOfRows() - n);
// double errvar = ssres / errordf;
// double lnlk = (errordf * Math.log(2 * Math.PI * errvar) + errordf);
// compressionReportBuilder.add(new Object[]{traitname, g,
// ((double) nkin) / ((double) g),
// lnlk,
// new Double(0.0),
// errvar});
// if (Double.isNaN(bestlnlk) || emlm.getLnLikelihood() > bestlnlk) {
// bestlnlk = emlm.getLnLikelihood();
// bestCompression = g;
// resvar = emlm.getVarRes();
// genvar = 0;
// }
// }
zkMatrices[0] = cm.getCompressedZ(Z);
zkMatrices[1] = cm.getCompressedMatrix(kinmethod);
} else {
DistanceMatrix distance = calculateDistanceFromKin(kin);
CompressedDoubleMatrix cm = new CompressedDoubleMatrix(kin, new UPGMATree(distance));
int g = (int) Math.round(nkin / compression);
zkMatrices[0] = cm.getCompressedZ(Z);
zkMatrices[1] = cm.getCompressedMatrix(kinmethod);
return zkMatrices;
public boolean testMarkerUsingEMMA(CompressedMLMResult result, DoubleMatrix y, DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix K, DoubleMatrix Z, int nAlleles, ArrayList markerIds) {
EMMAforDoubleMatrix emlm;
try {
emlm = new EMMAforDoubleMatrix(y, X, K, Z, nAlleles, Double.NaN);
} catch(Exception except) {
return false;
result.beta = emlm.getBeta();
double[] Fp = emlm.getMarkerFp();
result.F = Fp[0];
result.p = Fp[1];
result.modeldf = emlm.getDfModel();
genvar = emlm.getVarRan();
resvar = emlm.getVarRes();
lnlk = emlm.getLnLikelihood();
calculateRsquare(X, y, emlm.getInvH(), result, nAlleles - 1);
boolean markerTest = markerIds.size() == 3;
if (markerTest) {
markerTest = markerTest && !GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(0));
markerTest = markerTest && !GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(1));
markerTest = markerTest && GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(2));
if (markerTest && Fp.length == 8) { //calculate additive and dominance tests and effects
//from EMMA, return new double[]{F,p,addEffect,Fadd,padd,domEffect,Fdom,pdom}
result.addEffect = Fp[2];
result.Fadd = Fp[3];
result.padd = Fp[4];
result.domEffect = Fp[5];
result.Fdom = Fp[6];
result.pdom = Fp[7];
return true;
public void testMarkerUsingP3D(CompressedMLMResult result, DoubleMatrix y, DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix invV, int markerdf, ArrayList markerIds) {
//calculate beta
DoubleMatrix invXVX = X.crossproduct(invV).mult(X);
result.beta = invXVX.mult(X.crossproduct(invV.mult(y)));
//test for markerdf = 0
if (markerdf == 0) {
result.F = Double.NaN;
result.p = Double.NaN;
result.r2 = 0.0;
} else { //full model
//calculate F test, p-value of F test
int nparm = result.beta.numberOfRows();
DoubleMatrix M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(markerdf, nparm, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < markerdf; i++) {
M.set(i, nparm - markerdf + i, 1);
DoubleMatrix Mb = M.mult(result.beta);
DoubleMatrix invMiM = M.mult(invXVX.tcrossproduct(M));
try {
result.F = Mb.crossproduct(invMiM.mult(Mb)).get(0, 0) / markerdf;
} catch (Exception ex) {
result.F = Double.NaN;
try {
result.p = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(result.F, markerdf, y.numberOfRows() - nparm);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.p = Double.NaN;
calculateRsquare(X, y, invV, result, markerdf);
boolean markerTest = markerIds.size() == 3;
if (markerTest) {
markerTest = markerTest && !GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(0));
markerTest = markerTest && !GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(1));
markerTest = markerTest && GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(markerIds.get(2));
if (markerdf == 2 && markerTest) { //calculate additive and dominance tests and effects
//additive test
M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(1, nparm, 0);
M.set(0, nparm - 2, 0.5);
M.set(0, nparm - 1, -0.5);
Mb = M.mult(result.beta);
result.addEffect = Mb.get(0, 0);
try {
result.Fadd = Mb.get(0, 0) * Mb.get(0,0) / (M.mult(invXVX.tcrossproduct(M))).get(0,0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
result.Fadd = Double.NaN;
try {
result.padd = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(result.Fadd, 1, y.numberOfRows() - nparm);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.padd = Double.NaN;
//dominance test
M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(1, nparm, 0);
M.set(0, nparm - 2, -0.5);
M.set(0, nparm - 1, -0.5);
Mb = M.mult(result.beta);
result.domEffect = Mb.get(0, 0);
try {
result.Fdom = Mb.get(0, 0) * Mb.get(0,0) / (M.mult(invXVX.tcrossproduct(M))).get(0,0);
} catch (Exception ex) {
result.Fdom = Double.NaN;
try {
result.pdom = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(result.Fdom, 1, y.numberOfRows() - nparm);
} catch (Exception e) {
result.pdom = Double.NaN;
private void calculateRsquare(DoubleMatrix X, DoubleMatrix y, DoubleMatrix invV, CompressedMLMResult result, int markerdf) {
//calculate R2
//from Buse(1973) Am. Stat. 27:106-108.
//R^2 = ymarker'*inverseV*ymarker / (y-mean)'*inverseV*(y-mean)
//where ymarker = yhat(full model) - yhat(model without marker)
//as Xm*betam where Xm is the columns of X due to the marker and betam is the portion of beta due to the markers adjusted for the marker mean
int dimX = X.numberOfColumns();
int dimXreduced = dimX - markerdf;
int[] colsToKeep = new int[dimXreduced];
for (int i = 0; i < dimXreduced; i++) {
colsToKeep[i] = i;
DoubleMatrix Xreduced = X.getSelection(null, colsToKeep);
//calculate reduced beta
DoubleMatrix invXVX = Xreduced.crossproduct(invV).mult(Xreduced);
DoubleMatrix betaReduced = invXVX.mult(Xreduced.crossproduct(invV.mult(y)));
//calculate yhat = yhatFull - yhatReduced
DoubleMatrix yhat = X.mult(result.beta);
DoubleMatrix yhatReduced = Xreduced.mult(betaReduced);
//calculate ydev = y - mean
double sum = 0;
int n = y.numberOfRows();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += y.get(i, 0);
double mean = sum / n;
DoubleMatrix ydev = y.scalarAdd(-mean);
double numerator = yhat.crossproduct(invV).mult(yhat).get(0, 0);
double denominator = ydev.crossproduct(invV).mult(ydev).get(0, 0);
result.r2 = numerator / denominator;
public DoubleMatrix calculateV(DoubleMatrix ZKZ, double genvar, double resvar) {
DoubleMatrix V = ZKZ.scalarMult(genvar);
int n = V.numberOfRows();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
V.set(i, i, V.get(i, i) + resvar);
return V;
public DoubleMatrix calculateV(DoubleMatrix ZKZ, DoubleMatrix W ,double genvar, double resvar) {
DoubleMatrix V = ZKZ.scalarMult(genvar);
int n = V.numberOfRows();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
V.set(i, i, V.get(i, i)+W.get(i,i) * resvar);
return V;
public DistanceMatrix calculateDistanceFromKin(DistanceMatrix kin) {
int n = kin.getSize();
double max = kin.getDistance(0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
max = Math.max(max, kin.getDistance(i, i));
double constant;
if (max > 2) {
constant = max;
} else if (max > 1) {
constant = 2;
} else {
constant = 1;
DistanceMatrixBuilder builder = DistanceMatrixBuilder.getInstance(kin.getTaxaList());
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++) {
builder.set(r, r, constant - kin.getDistance(r, r));
for (int c = r + 1; c < n; c++) {
double newval = constant - kin.getDistance(r, c);
builder.set(r, c, newval);
* @param missing a BitSet with bits equal set when a value is missing in that row
* @param phenotypeTaxa the taxa
* @return a TaxaList with the taxa that are in both the kinship matrix and the phenotype.
* Sets indices of taxa in missing that are not in the kinship matrix.
public TaxaList updateMissingWithKinship(BitSet missing, Taxon[] phenotypeTaxa) {
int n = phenotypeTaxa.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int ndx = kinshipMatrix.whichIdNumber(phenotypeTaxa[i]);
if (ndx < 0) missing.fastSet(i);
Taxon[] nonMissingTaxa = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(phenotypeTaxa, missing);
Set taxaSet =;
return new TaxaListBuilder().addAll(taxaSet).build();
public Datum createResPhenotype(EMMAforDoubleMatrix emma, List taxa, String traitName) {
DoubleMatrix res = emma.getRes();
int nres = res.numberOfRows();
float[] resarray = new float[nres];
for (int i = 0; i < nres; i++) resarray[i] = (float) res.get(i,0);
List attrList = new ArrayList();
List typeList = new ArrayList();
attrList.add(new TaxaAttribute(taxa));
attrList.add(new NumericAttribute(traitName, resarray, new OpenBitSet(nres)));
Phenotype residualPheno = new PhenotypeBuilder().fromAttributeList(attrList, typeList).build().get(0);
String name = String.format("Residuals for %s.", traitName);
String comment = String.format("Residuals for %s calculated by MLM, no markers fit\nDataset: %s\n", traitName, datasetName);
Datum output = new Datum(name, residualPheno, comment);
return output;
class CompressedMLMResult {
DoubleMatrix beta = null;
double F = Double.NaN;
double p = Double.NaN;
double Fadd = Double.NaN;
double padd = Double.NaN;
double Fdom = Double.NaN;
double pdom = Double.NaN;
double r2 = Double.NaN;
double addEffect = Double.NaN;
double domEffect = Double.NaN;
int modeldf;
int markerdf;
int ngroups;
public void setTestMarkers(boolean testMarkers) {
this.testMarkers = testMarkers;
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