net.maizegenetics.analysis.gbs.AnnotateTOPM Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.gbs;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.BaseEncoder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.tag.SAMUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.tag.TagCounts;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.tag.TagsByTaxa.FilePacking;
import net.maizegenetics.util.MultiMemberGZIPInputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Methods to annotate TOPM file, including adding mapping info from aligners, adding PE tag position and genetic position, model prediction for the best position
* @author Fei Lu
public class AnnotateTOPM {
/**TOPM file that will be annotated*/
TagsOnPhysicalMapV3 topm;
/**Record Sam record. When tmiBuffers[0] is full, output to TOPM block. Substitute tmiBuffers[i] with tmiBuffers[i+1]
* Size = numBuffers x maxMappingNum(-K option) x TOPM CHUNK_SIZE
* Multiple buffers are used because the output in SAM is not exactly the order of input tag, roughly in the same order though
TagMappingInfoV3[][][] tmiBuffers = null;
/**check if tmiBuffer[0] is full for output*/
boolean[][] bufferLights = null;
/**Number of buffers*/
int bufferNum = 2;
/**record how many mapping tags are imported in each buffer*/
int[] lightCounts;
/**Actual tag index of each tmiBuffers[i]*/
int[] bufferStartTagIndex = null;
/**Tag index range of the tmiBuffers*/
int[] bufferTagIndexRange = null;
/**When the second buffer has filled at least with this cutoff, update buffer*/
int updateBufferCountCutoff;
public static enum EvidenceType {
GM((byte)1, 0),
PE((byte)(1<<1), 1),
SingleBestBowtie2((byte)(1<<2), 2),
BestBWA((byte)(1<<3), 3),
SingleBestBlast((byte)(1<<4), 4),
SingleBestBWAMEM((byte)(1<<5), 5);
private byte typeCode;
private int index;
EvidenceType (byte value, int indexInBestEvidence) {
typeCode = value;
index = indexInBestEvidence;
public byte getCode () {
return typeCode;
public int getIndex () {
return index;
public boolean getIfHasEvidence (AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType type, boolean[] ifEvidence) {
return ifEvidence[type.getIndex()];
public static byte code (boolean[] ifEvidence) {
int evidenceByte = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ifEvidence.length; i++) {
evidenceByte = evidenceByte << 1;
if (ifEvidence[i] == true) evidenceByte = evidenceByte|1;
return (byte)evidenceByte;
public static boolean[] deCode (byte evidenceByte) {
boolean[] ifEvidence = new boolean[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.getSize()];
byte test = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ifEvidence.length; i++) {
int value = (evidenceByte>>i)&test;
if (value == 0) ifEvidence[ifEvidence.length-i-1] = false;
else ifEvidence[ifEvidence.length-i-1] = true;
return ifEvidence;
public static int getSize () {
return AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.values().length;
* Constructor from a TOPM file
* @param topm
public AnnotateTOPM (TagsOnPhysicalMapV3 topm) {
this.topm = topm;
* Import prediction result to TOPM, contain hard coding on map index
* @param indexDirS
* @param predictDirS
* @param priorityAligner
public void annotateBestMappingImport (String indexDirS, String predictDirS, Aligner priorityAligner) {
byte[] bestStrand = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
int[] bestChr = new int[topm.getTagCount()];
int[] bestStartPos = new int[topm.getTagCount()];
int[] bestEndPos = new int[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] bestDivergence = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] bestMapP = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] bestDcoP = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] multimaps = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] bestEvidence = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
byte[] bestMapIndex = new byte[topm.getTagCount()];
int fileNum = new File(predictDirS).listFiles().length;
for (int i = 0; i < fileNum; i++) {
String predictFileS = String.valueOf(i)+".out.txt";
predictFileS = new File(predictDirS, predictFileS).getAbsolutePath();
String indexFileS = String.valueOf(i)+".index.txt";
indexFileS = new File(indexDirS, indexFileS).getAbsolutePath();
int currentTagIndex = -1;
try {
BufferedReader brp = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (predictFileS), 65536);
BufferedReader bri = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (indexFileS), 65536);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) brp.readLine();
String temp;
int tagIndex, mapIndex;
String[] tem;
ArrayList mapIndexList = new ArrayList();
Integer[] mapIndices;
while ((temp = bri.readLine()) != null) {
tem = temp.split("\t");
tagIndex = Integer.parseInt(tem[0]);
mapIndex = Integer.parseInt(tem[1]);
if (tagIndex != currentTagIndex) {
if (currentTagIndex != -1) {
mapIndices = mapIndexList.toArray(new Integer[mapIndexList.size()]);
this.incorperateBestGeneticMapping(currentTagIndex, mapIndices, brp, bestStrand, bestChr, bestStartPos, bestEndPos, bestDivergence, bestMapP, bestDcoP, bestEvidence, bestMapIndex);
mapIndexList = new ArrayList();
currentTagIndex = tagIndex;
mapIndices = mapIndexList.toArray(new Integer[mapIndexList.size()]);
this.incorperateBestGeneticMapping(currentTagIndex, mapIndices, brp, bestStrand, bestChr, bestStartPos, bestEndPos, bestDivergence, bestMapP, bestDcoP, bestEvidence, bestMapIndex);
catch (Exception e) {
int[] priorityIndex = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(priorityAligner);
int[] alignerStartMapIndex = {0,5,10,15,20,25};
int[][] alignerIndex = new int[alignerStartMapIndex.length][];
alignerIndex[0] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.Bowtie2);
alignerIndex[1] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.BWA);
alignerIndex[2] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.Blast);
alignerIndex[3] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.BWAMEM);
alignerIndex[4] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.PEEnd1);
alignerIndex[5] = topm.getMappingIndicesOfAligner(Aligner.PEEnd2);
for (int i = 0; i < topm.getTagCount(); i++) {
if (bestStrand[i] == 0) {
int numRank0 = this.getNumOfRank0(i, priorityIndex);
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, priorityIndex[0]);
if (numRank0 == 1) {
bestStrand[i] = tmi.strand;
bestChr[i] = tmi.chromosome;
bestStartPos[i] = tmi.startPosition;
bestEndPos[i] = tmi.endPosition;
bestDivergence[i] = tmi.divergence;
bestMapP[i] = tmi.mapP;
bestDcoP[i] = tmi.dcoP;
bestMapIndex[i] = (byte)priorityIndex[0];
multimaps[i] = 1;
else {
bestStrand[i] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
bestChr[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
bestStartPos[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
bestEndPos[i] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
bestDivergence[i] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
bestMapP[i] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
bestDcoP[i] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
bestMapIndex[i] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
if (tmi.strand == Byte.MIN_VALUE) multimaps[i] = 0;
else multimaps[i] = 99;
boolean[] ifEvidence = AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.deCode(bestEvidence[i]);
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, alignerIndex[4][0]);
if (tmi.chromosome == bestChr[i] && tmi.startPosition == bestStartPos[i] && tmi.strand == bestStrand[i]) {
ifEvidence[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.PE.getIndex()] = true;
int numRank0 = this.getNumOfRank0(i, alignerIndex[0]);
tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, alignerIndex[0][0]);
if (numRank0 == 0 && tmi.chromosome == bestChr[i] && tmi.startPosition == bestStartPos[i] && tmi.strand == bestStrand[i]) {
ifEvidence[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.SingleBestBowtie2.getIndex()] = true;
tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, alignerIndex[1][0]);
if (tmi.chromosome == bestChr[i] && tmi.startPosition == bestStartPos[i] && tmi.strand == bestStrand[i]) {
ifEvidence[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.BestBWA.getIndex()] = true;
tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, alignerIndex[2][0]);
if (numRank0 == 0 && tmi.chromosome == bestChr[i] && tmi.startPosition == bestStartPos[i] && tmi.strand == bestStrand[i]) {
ifEvidence[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.SingleBestBlast.getIndex()] = true;
tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(i, alignerIndex[3][0]);
if (numRank0 == 0 && tmi.chromosome == bestChr[i] && tmi.startPosition == bestStartPos[i] && tmi.strand == bestStrand[i]) {
ifEvidence[AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.SingleBestBWAMEM.getIndex()] = true;
bestEvidence[i] = AnnotateTOPM.EvidenceType.code(ifEvidence);
topm.writeBestMappingDataSets(bestStrand, bestChr, bestStartPos, bestEndPos, bestDivergence, bestMapP, bestDcoP, multimaps, bestEvidence, bestMapIndex);
* Incorperate the alignment with best genetic mapping, contain hard coding on map index
* @param tagIndex
* @param mapIndices
* @param br
* @param bestStrand
* @param bestChr
* @param bestEvidence
private void incorperateBestGeneticMapping (int tagIndex, Integer[] mapIndices, BufferedReader br, byte[] bestStrand, int[] bestChr, int[] bestStartPos, int[] bestEndPos, byte[] bestDivergence, byte[] bestMapP, byte[] bestDcoP, byte[] bestEvidence, byte[] bestMapIndices) {
ArrayList yMapIndexList = new ArrayList();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < mapIndices.length; i++) {
String in = br.readLine();
String[] temp;
if (in.startsWith(" ")) {
temp = in.split("\\s+")[3].split(":");
else {
temp = in.split("\\s+")[2].split(":");
if (temp[1].equals("N")) continue;
if (yMapIndexList.isEmpty()) return;
double pBest = 1;
int bestMapIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < yMapIndexList.size(); i++) {
TagGeneticMappingInfo tgmi = topm.getGeneticMappingInfo(tagIndex, yMapIndexList.get(i));
if (tgmi.p < 0) continue;
if (tgmi.p < pBest) {
pBest = tgmi.p;
bestMapIndex = yMapIndexList.get(i);
if (bestMapIndex == -1) return;
if (bestMapIndex >= 25) bestMapIndex-=5;
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(tagIndex, bestMapIndex);
bestStrand[tagIndex] = tmi.strand;
bestChr[tagIndex] = tmi.chromosome;
bestStartPos[tagIndex] = tmi.startPosition;
bestEndPos[tagIndex] = tmi.endPosition;
bestDivergence[tagIndex] = tmi.divergence;
bestMapP[tagIndex] = tmi.mapP;
bestDcoP[tagIndex] = tmi.dcoP;
bestEvidence[tagIndex] = (byte)(1< topm.getTagCount()) endTagIndex = topm.getTagCount();
try {
BufferedWriter bwp = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter(predictFileS), 65536);
BufferedWriter bwi = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter(indexFileS), 65536);
bwp.write("@relation trainingFinalSet\n\n");
for (int j = 0; j < attributeName.length-1; j++) {
bwp.write("@attribute "+ attributeName[j]+ " numeric\n");
bwp.write("@attribute Rorw {Y,N}\n");
for (int j = startTagIndex; j < endTagIndex; j++) {
int cnt = 0;
long[] tag = topm.getTag(j);
int index = tc.getTagIndex(tag);
if (index < 0) {
System.out.println("TagCount file and TOPM file don't match, program quits");
int readCount = tc.getReadCount(index);
String seq = BaseEncoder.getSequenceFromLong(tag);
for (int k = 0; k < topm.getTagLength(j); k++) {
if (seq.charAt(k) == 'G' || seq.charAt(k) == 'C') cnt++;
double gc = (double)cnt/topm.getTagLength(j);
int[] numOfRank0 = new int[alignerStartMapIndex.length];
int[] numOfAlign = new int[alignerStartMapIndex.length];
for (int k = 0; k < numOfRank0.length; k++) {
numOfRank0[k] = this.getNumOfRank0(j, alignerIndex[k]);
numOfAlign[k] = this.getNumOfAlign(j, alignerIndex[k]);
double pBest = this.getPBest(j);
if (pBest == 1) continue;
int numOfAlignAll = this.getNumOfAlignAll(j);
for (int k = 0; k < topm.getMappingNum(); k++) {
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(j, k);
TagGeneticMappingInfo tgmi = topm.getGeneticMappingInfo(j, k);
if (tmi.chromosome < 0) continue;
if (tgmi.p < 0) continue;
bwp.write(String.valueOf(this.boxcox(readCount, -0.181818))+",");
if (tmi.mappingScore < 0) {
else {
if (tgmi.sigSiteNum < 0) {
else {
double boxValue = this.boxcox(tgmi.sigSiteNum, 0.101010); //262414 tags
if (tgmi.sigSiteRange < 0) {
else {
double boxValue = this.boxcox(tgmi.sigSiteRange, 0.424242); // 65536 tags and 262414 tags
if (tgmi.p < 0) {
else {
double boxValue = this.boxcox(minusLog10P(tgmi.p), -0.060606); // 262414 tags
if (tgmi.p == 0) {
else {
index = Arrays.binarySearch(alignerStartMapIndex, k);
if (index < 0) index = -index -2;
catch (Exception e) {
for (int i = 0; i < fileNum; i++) {
String predictFileS = String.valueOf(i)+".pre.arff";
predictFileS = new File(inputDirS, predictFileS).getAbsolutePath();
String outputFileS = String.valueOf(i)+".out.txt";
outputFileS = new File(outputDirS, outputFileS).getAbsolutePath();
try {
Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
String cmd = "cmd /c java weka.classifiers.trees.RandomForest -p 0 -T " + predictFileS + " -l " + modelFileS + " > " +outputFileS;
Process p = run.exec(cmd);
System.out.println("Prediction is made at " + outputFileS);
catch (Exception e) {
* Return the number of Rank0 in an aligner
* @param tagIndex
* @param mapIndex
* @return
public int getNumOfRank0 (int tagIndex, int[] mapIndex) {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mapIndex.length; i++) {
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(tagIndex, mapIndex[i]);
if (tmi.chromosome < 0) continue;
if (tmi.mappingRank != 0) continue;
return cnt;
* Return number of alignment in an aligner
* @param tagIndex
* @param mapIndex
* @return
public int getNumOfAlign (int tagIndex, int[] mapIndex) {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mapIndex.length; i++) {
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(tagIndex, mapIndex[i]);
if (tmi.chromosome < 0) continue;
return cnt;
* Return the most significant p-value across all hypotheses
* @param tagIndex
* @return
public double getPBest (int tagIndex) {
double p = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < topm.getMappingNum(); i++) {
TagGeneticMappingInfo tgmi = topm.getGeneticMappingInfo(tagIndex, i);
if (tgmi.p < 0) continue;
if (tgmi.p < p) p = tgmi.p;
if (p == 0) p = Double.MIN_VALUE;
return p;
* Return number of alignment hypotheses across all aligners, excluding PEEnd1 and PEEnd2
* @param tagIndex
* @return
public int getNumOfAlignAll (int tagIndex) {
int cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
TagMappingInfoV3 tmi = topm.getMappingInfo(tagIndex, i);
if (tmi.chromosome < 0) continue;
return cnt;
* Return -log10(p-value), if p-value doesn't exist(p < 0), reutrn Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
* @param p
* @return
public double minusLog10P (double p) {
if (p < 0) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
p = -Math.log10(p);
if (p == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) p = -Math.log10(Double.MIN_VALUE);
return p;
* Boxcox transform
* @param y
* @param lambda
* @return
private double boxcox (double y, double lambda) {
if (lambda != 0) {
return (Math.pow(y, lambda)-1)/lambda;
else {
return Math.log(y);
* Annotate the TOPM file using Bowtie2
* @param samFileS
* @param maxMappingNum is the max number of multiple alignment
public void annotateWithBowtie2 (String samFileS, int maxMappingNum) {
String[] dataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
this.iniTMIBuffers(bufferNum, maxMappingNum);
System.out.println("Reading SAM format tag alignment (Bowtie2) from: " + samFileS);
System.out.println("Coverting SAM to TOPMHDF5...");
byte mappingSource = Aligner.Bowtie2.getValue();
int chunkCnt = 0;
try {
BufferedReader br;
if (samFileS.endsWith(".gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(samFileS)))));
} else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(samFileS)), 65536);
while(br.readLine().startsWith("@PG")==false) {};
String inputStr = null;
while((inputStr = br.readLine())!=null) {
String[] temp =inputStr.split("\\s");
int orientiation=Integer.parseInt(temp[1]);
int chr = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
byte strand = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
int startPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int endPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short mappingScore = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte divergence = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
byte perfectMatch = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
String seqS = temp[9];
if (orientiation == 4) {
else if (orientiation == 16 || orientiation == 272) {
seqS = BaseEncoder.getReverseComplement(seqS);
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = -1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[1];
endPos = alignSpan[0];
mappingScore = Short.parseShort(temp[11].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[17].startsWith("NM")) {
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[17].split(":")[2]);
else {
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[16].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqS.length())+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
else {
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = 1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[0];
endPos = alignSpan[1];
mappingScore = Short.parseShort(temp[11].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[17].startsWith("NM")) {
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[17].split(":")[2]);
else {
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[16].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqS.length())+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
long[] seq = BaseEncoder.getLongArrayFromSeq(seqS,topm.getTagSizeInLong()*BaseEncoder.chunkSize);
int tagIndex = topm.getTagIndex(seq);
if (tagIndex < this.bufferTagIndexRange[0] || tagIndex >= this.bufferTagIndexRange[1]) {
System.out.println("The index of the tag from sam file is out of buffer range. Program quits.");
System.out.println("Please increase the buffer number");
int bufferIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(bufferStartTagIndex, tagIndex);
if (bufferIndex < 0) bufferIndex = -bufferIndex-2;
int bufferTagIndex = tagIndex % topm.getChunkSize();
int mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) continue;
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
if (bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] == false) {
bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] = true;
if (lightCounts[0] == topm.getChunkSize() && lightCounts[1] > this.updateBufferCountCutoff) {
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Annotate the TOPM with BWA
* @param samFileS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithBWA (String samFileS, int maxMappingNum) {
String[] dataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
this.iniTMIBuffers(bufferNum, maxMappingNum);
System.out.println("Reading SAM format tag alignment (BWA) from: " + samFileS);
System.out.println("Coverting SAM to TOPMHDF5...");
byte mappingSource = Aligner.BWA.getValue();
int chunkCnt = 0;
try {
BufferedReader br;
if (samFileS.endsWith(".gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(samFileS)))));
} else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(samFileS)), 65536);
String inputStr = null;
while ((inputStr=br.readLine()).startsWith("@")) {};
while(inputStr!=null) {
String[] temp =inputStr.split("\\s");
int orientiation=Integer.parseInt(temp[1]);
int chr = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
byte strand = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
int startPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int endPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short mappingScore = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte divergence = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
byte perfectMatch = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
String seqS = temp[9];
String XAString = null;
if (temp[temp.length-1].startsWith("XA")) {
XAString = temp[temp.length-1].replaceFirst("XA:Z:", "");
if (orientiation == 4) {
else if (orientiation == 16) {
seqS = BaseEncoder.getReverseComplement(seqS);
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = -1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[1];
endPos = alignSpan[0];
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[12].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqS.length())+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
else {
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = 1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[0];
endPos = alignSpan[1];
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[12].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqS.length())+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
long[] seq = BaseEncoder.getLongArrayFromSeq(seqS,topm.getTagSizeInLong()*BaseEncoder.chunkSize);
int tagIndex = topm.getTagIndex(seq);
if (tagIndex < this.bufferTagIndexRange[0] || tagIndex >= this.bufferTagIndexRange[1]) {
System.out.println("The index of the tag from sam file is out of buffer range. Program quits.");
System.out.println("Please increase the buffer number");
int bufferIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(bufferStartTagIndex, tagIndex);
if (bufferIndex < 0) bufferIndex = -bufferIndex-2;
int bufferTagIndex = tagIndex % topm.getChunkSize();
int mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) continue;
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
if (bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] == false) {
if (XAString != null) {
temp = XAString.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) break;
String[] tem = temp[i].split(",");
chr = Integer.parseInt(tem[0]);
if (tem[1].startsWith("+")) {
strand = 1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(tem[2], Integer.parseInt(tem[1].substring(1)));
startPos = alignSpan[1];
endPos = alignSpan[0];
else {
strand = -1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(tem[2], Integer.parseInt(tem[1].substring(1)));
startPos = alignSpan[0];
endPos = alignSpan[1];
divergence = Byte.parseByte(tem[3]);
if (tem[2].equals(String.valueOf(seqS.length())+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] = true;
if (lightCounts[0] == topm.getChunkSize() && lightCounts[1] > this.updateBufferCountCutoff) {
this.saveBWATMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
this.saveBWATMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Annotate the TOPM file using bwa-mem
* @param samFileS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithBWAMEM (String samFileS, int maxMappingNum) {
String[] dataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
this.iniTMIBuffers(bufferNum, maxMappingNum);
System.out.println("Reading SAM format tag alignment (BWAMEM) from: " + samFileS);
System.out.println("Coverting SAM to TOPMHDF5...");
byte mappingSource = Aligner.BWAMEM.getValue();
try {
BufferedReader br;
if (samFileS.endsWith(".gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(samFileS)))));
} else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(samFileS)), 65536);
String inputStr = null;
while ((inputStr=br.readLine()).startsWith("@")) {};
int mapCnt = 0;
int tagIndex = 0;
int chunkCnt = 0;
int seqLength = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
while(inputStr!=null) {
String[] temp =inputStr.split("\\s");
int orientiation=Integer.parseInt(temp[1]);
int chr = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
byte strand = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
int startPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int endPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
short mappingScore = Short.MIN_VALUE;
byte divergence = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
byte perfectMatch = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
String seqS = temp[9];
if (seqS.equals("*")) {
else {
mapCnt = 1;
seqLength = seqS.length();
if (mapCnt > maxMappingNum) {
if (orientiation == 4) {
else if (orientiation == 16 || orientiation == 272) {
if (!seqS.equals("*")) seqS = BaseEncoder.getReverseComplement(seqS);
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = -1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[1];
endPos = alignSpan[0];
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[11].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqLength)+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
else perfectMatch = 0;
mappingScore = Byte.parseByte(temp[12].split(":")[2]);
else if (orientiation == 0 || orientiation == 256) {
chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[2]);
strand = 1;
int[] alignSpan = SAMUtils.adjustCoordinates(temp[5], Integer.parseInt(temp[3]));
startPos = alignSpan[0];
endPos = alignSpan[1];
divergence = Byte.parseByte(temp[11].split(":")[2]);
if (temp[5].equals(String.valueOf(seqLength)+"M") && divergence == 0) perfectMatch = 1;
perfectMatch = 0;
mappingScore = Byte.parseByte(temp[12].split(":")[2]);
else {
//handle flag value of 2048 and 2064, use sequence in SAM can't find the tag in TOPM, since seqs are choped
//but seems they are all secondary alignment
//2048 and 2064 are very rare 0.04%, ignore for now.
//Todo, change tag identification from seq to index
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
if (!seqS.equals("*")) {
long[] seq = BaseEncoder.getLongArrayFromSeq(seqS,topm.getTagSizeInLong()*BaseEncoder.chunkSize);
tagIndex = topm.getTagIndex(seq);
if (tagIndex < this.bufferTagIndexRange[0] || tagIndex >= this.bufferTagIndexRange[1]) {
System.out.println("The index of the tag from sam file is out of buffer range. Program quits.");
System.out.println("Please increase the buffer number");
int bufferIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(bufferStartTagIndex, tagIndex);
if (bufferIndex < 0) bufferIndex = -bufferIndex-2;
int bufferTagIndex = tagIndex % topm.getChunkSize();
int mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
if (bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] == false) {
bufferLights[bufferIndex][bufferTagIndex] = true;
//since the MT output of bwamem are in the same order the fastq
if (lightCounts[1] > this.updateBufferCountCutoff) {
this.saveBWATMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Annotate the TOPM with BLAST from a directory, where slices of blast result are stored
* @param blastDirS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithBlastFromDir (String blastDirS, int maxMappingNum) {
String[] dataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
this.iniTMIBuffers(2, maxMappingNum);
System.out.println("Reading BLAST table format tag alignment (BLAST) from: " + blastDirS);
System.out.println("Coverting BLAST to TOPMHDF5...");
byte mappingSource = Aligner.Blast.getValue();
File[] infiles = new File (blastDirS).listFiles();
int chunkCnt = 0;
try {
BufferedReader br;
for (int i = 0; i < infiles.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Reading BLAST table format tag alignment (BLAST) from: " + infiles[i].getAbsolutePath());
if (infiles[i].getName().endsWith("gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(infiles[i]))));
else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infiles[i]), 65536);
String inputStr = null;
while((inputStr = br.readLine())!=null) {
String[] temp =inputStr.split("\\s+");
int chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]);
byte strand = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
int startPos = Integer.parseInt(temp[8]);
int endPos = Integer.parseInt(temp[9]);
if (startPos < endPos) {
strand = 1;
else {
strand = -1;
short mappingScore = Short.parseShort(temp[11].replaceAll("\\..+", ""));
byte divergence = Byte.valueOf(temp[4]);
byte perfectMatch = 0;
if (temp[2].startsWith("100")) perfectMatch = 1;
int tagIndex = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]);
if (tagIndex >= this.bufferStartTagIndex[1]) {
int n = (tagIndex - bufferStartTagIndex[1]) /topm.getChunkSize()+1;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
int bufferIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(bufferStartTagIndex, tagIndex);
if (bufferIndex < 0) bufferIndex = -bufferIndex-2;
int bufferTagIndex = tagIndex % topm.getChunkSize();
int mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) continue;
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
catch (Exception e) {
* Annotate the TOPM with BLAST
* @param blastM8FileS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithBLAST (String blastM8FileS, int maxMappingNum) {
String[] dataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
this.iniTMIBuffers(2, maxMappingNum);
System.out.println("Reading BLAST table format tag alignment (BLAST) from: " + blastM8FileS);
System.out.println("Coverting BLAST to TOPMHDF5...");
byte mappingSource = Aligner.Blast.getValue();
int chunkCnt = 0;
try {
BufferedReader br;
if (blastM8FileS.endsWith(".gz")) {
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new MultiMemberGZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(blastM8FileS)))));
} else {
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(blastM8FileS)), 65536);
String inputStr = null;
while((inputStr = br.readLine())!=null) {
String[] temp =inputStr.split("\\s+");
int chr = Integer.parseInt(temp[1]);
byte strand = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
int startPos = Integer.parseInt(temp[8]);
int endPos = Integer.parseInt(temp[9]);
if (startPos < endPos) {
strand = 1;
else {
strand = -1;
short mappingScore = Short.parseShort(temp[11].replaceAll("\\..+", ""));
byte divergence = Byte.valueOf(temp[4]);
byte perfectMatch = 0;
if (temp[2].startsWith("100")) perfectMatch = 1;
int tagIndex = Integer.parseInt(temp[0]);
if (tagIndex >= this.bufferStartTagIndex[1]) {
int n = (tagIndex - bufferStartTagIndex[1]) /topm.getChunkSize()+1;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
int bufferIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(bufferStartTagIndex, tagIndex);
if (bufferIndex < 0) bufferIndex = -bufferIndex-2;
int bufferTagIndex = tagIndex % topm.getChunkSize();
int mappingDatasetIndex = this.getMappingDatasetIndex(bufferIndex, bufferTagIndex);
if (mappingDatasetIndex == Integer.MIN_VALUE) continue;
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, endPos, divergence, perfectMatch, mappingSource, mappingScore);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][mappingDatasetIndex][bufferTagIndex] = theTMI;
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(tmiBuffers[0], dataSetNames, this.bufferStartTagIndex[0]/topm.getChunkSize(), mappingSource);
System.out.println(++chunkCnt + " chunks are annotated. " + topm.getChunkNum() + " chunks in total");
} catch (Exception e) {
* Annotate the TOPM with PE, using bowtie2 sam file
* @param PETOPMFileS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithPE (String PETOPMFileS, int maxMappingNum) {
byte forwardMappingSource = Aligner.PEEnd1.getValue(), backMappingSource = Aligner.PEEnd2.getValue();
PETagsOnPhysicalMapV3 ptopm = new PETagsOnPhysicalMapV3(PETOPMFileS);
String[] forwardDataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
String[] backwardDataSetNames = topm.creatTagMappingInfoDatasets(topm.getMappingNum(), maxMappingNum);
TagMappingInfoV3[][] forwardBuffer;
TagMappingInfoV3[][] backBuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < topm.getChunkNum(); i++) {
forwardBuffer = this.getPopulateTMIBuffer(maxMappingNum);
backBuffer = this.getPopulateTMIBuffer(maxMappingNum);
int startIndex = i*topm.getChunkSize();
int endIndex = startIndex+topm.getChunkSize();
if (endIndex > topm.getTagCount()) endIndex = topm.getTagCount();
for (int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++) {
long[] t = topm.getTag(j);
int index = ptopm.getTagIndexWithLongestSeq(t);
if (index == -1) continue;
int max = ptopm.getMappingNum(index);
if (max > maxMappingNum) max = maxMappingNum;
for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) {
int chr = ptopm.getChr(index, k);
byte strand = ptopm.getStrand(index, k);
int startPos = ptopm.getStartPos(index, k);
short mappingScore = ptopm.getScore(index, k);
byte divergence = ptopm.getDivergence(index, k);
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, divergence, Byte.MIN_VALUE, forwardMappingSource, mappingScore);
forwardBuffer[k][j-startIndex] = theTMI;
max = ptopm.getMappingNum(ptopm.getPairIndex(index));
if (max > maxMappingNum) max = maxMappingNum;
for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) {
int chr = ptopm.getChr(ptopm.getPairIndex(index), k);
byte strand = ptopm.getStrand(ptopm.getPairIndex(index), k);
int startPos = ptopm.getStartPos(ptopm.getPairIndex(index), k);
short mappingScore = ptopm.getScore(ptopm.getPairIndex(index), k);
byte divergence = ptopm.getDivergence(ptopm.getPairIndex(index), k);
TagMappingInfoV3 theTMI = new TagMappingInfoV3(chr, strand, startPos, Integer.MIN_VALUE, divergence, Byte.MIN_VALUE, backMappingSource, mappingScore);
backBuffer[k][j-startIndex] = theTMI;
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(forwardBuffer, forwardDataSetNames, i);
this.saveTMIBufferToTOPM(backBuffer, backwardDataSetNames, i);
System.out.println("Chunk " + i + "(index) with " + topm.getChunkSize() + " tags is annotated");
* Annotate the TOPM with whole genome genetic mapping
* @param TOGMFileS
* @param maxMappingNum
public void annotateWithGMGW (String TOGMFileS, int maxMappingNum) {
TagsOnGeneticMap togm = new TagsOnGeneticMap(TOGMFileS, FilePacking.Text);
TagGeneticMappingInfo[] gmChunk;
String dataSetName = topm.creatTagGeneticMappingInfoGWDataset();
for (int i = 0; i < topm.getChunkNum(); i++) {
gmChunk = new TagGeneticMappingInfo[topm.getChunkSize()];
for (int j = 0; j < topm.getChunkSize(); j++) {
gmChunk[j] = new TagGeneticMappingInfo();
int startIndex = i*topm.getChunkSize();
int endIndex = startIndex+topm.getChunkSize();
if (endIndex > topm.getTagCount()) endIndex = topm.getTagCount();
for (int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++) {
long[] t = topm.getTag(j);
int index = togm.getTagIndex(t);
if (index < 0) continue;
int chr = togm.getGChr(index);
int position = togm.getGPos(index); //rough pos in GM
TagGeneticMappingInfo tgmi = new TagGeneticMappingInfo(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, chr, position, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
gmChunk[j-startIndex] = tgmi;
topm.writeTagGeneticMappingInfoGWDataSet(dataSetName, gmChunk, i);
if (i%100 == 0) System.out.println("Chunk " + i + "(index) with " + topm.getChunkSize() + " tags is annotated with genome wide genetic mapping");
* Save mapping info (from BWA) in a buffer to TOPM
* BWA doesn't provide mapping score, so the rank is just based on the order provided for multiple hits
* @param tmiBuffer
* @param dataSetNames
* @param chunkIndex
* @param mappingSource
private void saveBWATMIBufferToTOPM (TagMappingInfoV3[][] tmiBuffer, String[] dataSetNames, int chunkIndex, byte mappingSource) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer[i].length; j++) {
if (tmiBuffer[i][j] != null) continue;
tmiBuffer[i][j] = new TagMappingInfoV3();
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer[i].length; j++) {
topm.writeTagMappingInfoDataSets(dataSetNames, tmiBuffer, chunkIndex);
* Save mapping info in a buffer to TOPM. This works for PE and Genetic mapping. When mappingSource == Byte.MIN_VALUE, it means the tag doesn't exist in PE list or Genetic mapping
* @param tmiBuffer
* @param dataSetNames
* @param chunkIndex
private void saveTMIBufferToTOPM (TagMappingInfoV3[][] tmiBuffer, String[] dataSetNames, int chunkIndex) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer[0].length; i++) {
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer.length; j++) {
if (tmiBuffer[j][i].mappingSource == Byte.MIN_VALUE) sum++;
if (sum == tmiBuffer.length) continue;
TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer.length; j++) {
Short[] sA = set.toArray(new Short[set.size()]);
byte[] rank = new byte[tmiBuffer.length];
for (int j = 0; j < rank.length; j++) {
rank[j] = (byte)(sA.length - Arrays.binarySearch(sA, tmiBuffer[j][i].mappingScore) -1);
topm.writeTagMappingInfoDataSets(dataSetNames, tmiBuffer, chunkIndex);
* Save mapping info in a buffer to TOPM. This works for bowtie2, blast and bwamem
* @param tmiBuffer
* @param dataSetNames
* @param chunkIndex
* @param mappingSource
private void saveTMIBufferToTOPM (TagMappingInfoV3[][] tmiBuffer, String[] dataSetNames, int chunkIndex, byte mappingSource) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer[i].length; j++) {
if (tmiBuffer[i][j] != null) continue;
tmiBuffer[i][j] = new TagMappingInfoV3();
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer[0].length; i++) {
TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer.length; j++) {
Short[] sA = set.toArray(new Short[set.size()]);
byte[] rank = new byte[tmiBuffer.length];
for (int j = 0; j < rank.length; j++) {
rank[j] = (byte)(sA.length - Arrays.binarySearch(sA, tmiBuffer[j][i].mappingScore) -1);
topm.writeTagMappingInfoDataSets(dataSetNames, tmiBuffer, chunkIndex);
* Update TMI buffers. After the buffers[0] is written to TOPM, buffers[i] moves to buffers[i-1]. This creats a new buffer at the end
private void updateTMIBuffer () {
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffers.length-1; i++) {
tmiBuffers[i] = tmiBuffers[i+1];
bufferStartTagIndex[i] = bufferStartTagIndex[i+1];
bufferLights[i] = bufferLights[i+1];
lightCounts[i] = lightCounts[i+1];
tmiBuffers[tmiBuffers.length-1] = new TagMappingInfoV3[tmiBuffers[0].length][topm.getChunkSize()];
bufferLights[tmiBuffers.length-1] = new boolean[topm.getChunkSize()];
lightCounts[tmiBuffers.length-1] = 0;
private TagMappingInfoV3[][] getPopulateTMIBuffer (int maxMappingNum) {
TagMappingInfoV3[][] tmiBuffer = new TagMappingInfoV3[maxMappingNum][topm.getChunkSize()] ;
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffer.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tmiBuffer[i].length; j++) {
tmiBuffer[i][j] = new TagMappingInfoV3();
return tmiBuffer;
* Initialize TagMappingInfo buffers
* @param bufferNum number of buffers
* @param maxMappingNum maximum mapping information which will be held
private void iniTMIBuffers (int bufferNum, int maxMappingNum) {
tmiBuffers = new TagMappingInfoV3[bufferNum][maxMappingNum][topm.getChunkSize()];
bufferStartTagIndex = new int[bufferNum];
for (int i = 0; i < bufferNum; i++) {
bufferStartTagIndex[i] = i*topm.getChunkSize();
this.bufferLights = new boolean[bufferNum][topm.getChunkSize()];
this.lightCounts = new int[bufferNum];
updateBufferCountCutoff = (int)((double)topm.getChunkSize() * 0.2);
* Calculate the tag index range in these buffers
private void calBufferTagIndexRange () {
this.bufferTagIndexRange = new int[2];
bufferTagIndexRange[0] = this.bufferStartTagIndex[0];
bufferTagIndexRange[1] = this.bufferStartTagIndex[tmiBuffers.length-1]+topm.getChunkSize();
private int getMappingDatasetIndex (int bufferIndex, int bufferTagIndex) {
for (int i = 0; i < tmiBuffers[0].length; i++) {
if (tmiBuffers[bufferIndex][i][bufferTagIndex] == null) {
return i;
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
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