net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.ParentPhasingPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.AbstractPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Datum;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginParameter;
import net.maizegenetics.util.SimpleTableReport;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReport;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReportBuilder;
public class ParentPhasingPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
private static Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(ParentPhasingPlugin.class);
private static final byte N = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
private PluginParameter phaseParents = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("phase", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Phase Parents")
.description("Phase parents")
private PluginParameter rephaseParents = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("rephase", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Re-Phase Parents")
.description("Rephase parents")
private PluginParameter parentageFile = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("parentage", null, String.class)
.guiName("Parentage File")
.description("The file containing the parentage which lists the parents of each progeny and whether they were derived by self or outcross.")
//dependent on phaseParents
private PluginParameter selfonly = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("self", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Self Families Only")
.description("If checked or true, phases using only families created by selfing a single parent. The alternative is to use all families. "
+ "Compared to using all families, self only generally does a better job of phasing with a lot less missing data.")
private PluginParameter windowSize = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("window", 50, Integer.class)
.guiName("Window Size")
private PluginParameter maxMissing = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("maxMissing", 0.7, Double.class)
.guiName("Max Proportion Missing Data")
.description("Maximum allowable proportion of missing data for a site.")
private PluginParameter outputFile = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("out", null, String.class)
.guiName("Output File")
.description("The file contain the phased parent haplotypes in binary format. A .bin extension will be added to the filename.")
private PluginParameter separator1 = PluginParameter.getLabelInstance("Files ------------------------------");
//dependent on rephase
//need progeny parentcalls, parent haplotypes, and output filename
private PluginParameter parentCallFilename = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("parentcalls", null, String.class)
.guiName("Progeny States (parentcalls)")
.description("The genotype file containing the imputed progeny states, probably identified as parentcalls.")
private PluginParameter parentHaplotypeFilename = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("parentHaplotypes", null, String.class)
.guiName("Parent Haplotype File")
.description("The file containing the haplotypes of the parents. Rephasing parents uses the progeny states to improve these haplotype calls.")
private PluginParameter rephaseOutFile = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("rephaseOut", null, String.class)
.guiName("Rephase Output File")
.description("The file that will contain the rephased, improved parent haplotype calls.")
//dependent on combine
private PluginParameter separator2 = PluginParameter.getLabelInstance("Combine phased data ------------------------------");
private PluginParameter combine = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("combine", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Combine Phasing")
.description("Combines two methods of phasing parents. Any sites that disagree are set to missing. Uses binary files as input. A report comparing the sites in common between the files will be generated.")
private PluginParameter phased1 = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("phased1", null, String.class)
.guiName("First Phased File")
.description("One of the binary phased parent haplotype files.")
private PluginParameter phased2 = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("phased2", null, String.class)
.guiName("Second Phased File")
.description("The other binary phased parent haplotype file.")
private PluginParameter combineOut = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("combineout", null, String.class)
.guiName("Combine Output Filename")
.description("The name of the combined output file. A .bin extension will be added. If this is blank, the files will not be combined and only a report comparing the two files will be generated.")
private PluginParameter separator3 = PluginParameter.getLabelInstance("Convert binary haplotypes to text ------------------------------");
private PluginParameter convert = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("convert", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Convert Phasing")
.description("Converts a binary phasing results file to text.")
//dependent on convert
private PluginParameter phasedIn = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("binaryinput", null, String.class)
.guiName("File to convert")
.description("The name of the binary file to be converted.")
private PluginParameter convertOut = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("convertout", null, String.class)
.guiName("Combine Output Filename")
.description("The name of the converted output file. A .txt extension will be added if not present.")
private PluginParameter separator4 = PluginParameter.getLabelInstance("Correct self phasing ------------------------------");
private PluginParameter correct = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("correct", false, Boolean.class)
.guiName("Correct Self Phasing")
.description("Exchanges sections of chromosomes so that self phase matches cross phase.")
private PluginParameter parentname = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("parent", null, String.class)
.guiName("Parent Name")
.description("The parent for which phase will be corrected. Required for phase correction.")
private PluginParameter chrname = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("chrom", null, String.class)
.guiName("Chromosome Name")
.description("The chromosome for which phase will be corrected. Required for phase correction.")
private PluginParameter selfPhased = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("selfPhased", null, String.class)
.guiName("Self Phased File")
.description("Phased parent haplotype files from self progeny.")
private PluginParameter crossPhased = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("crossPhased", null, String.class)
.guiName("Cross Phased File")
.description("Phased parent haplotype files from self progeny.")
private PluginParameter selfOut = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("selfOut", null, String.class)
.guiName("Corrected Output Filename")
.description("The name of the corrected self phased output file. A .bin extension will be added. If this is blank, the files will not be combined and only a report comparing the two files will be generated.")
public ParentPhasingPlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive) {
super(parentFrame, isInteractive);
protected void preProcessParameters(DataSet input) {
if (phaseParents.value()) {
if (rephaseParents.value()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both phase and rephase cannot be chosen. Check at most one of those.");
if (input.getDataOfType(GenotypeTable.class).size() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Phasing parents requires exactly one genotype dataset as input.");
if (outputFile.value() == null || outputFile.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No output file name for phaseParents.");
if (parentageFile.value() == null || parentageFile.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parentage file name for phaseParents.");
if (combine.value()) {
if (phased1.value() == null || phased1.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Combining haplotypes phased1 input filename is missing.");
if (phased2.value() == null || phased2.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Combining haplotypes phased2 input filename is missing.");
if (combineOut.value() == null || combineOut.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Combining haplotypes output filename is missing.");
if (convert.value()) {
if (phasedIn.value() == null || phasedIn.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Converting binary to text requires exactly one input file.");
if (convertOut.value() == null || convertOut.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Converting binary to text requires exactly one output file.");
if (rephaseParents.value()) {
if (parentageFile.value() == null || parentageFile.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parentage file name for rephaseParents.");
if (parentCallFilename.value() == null || parentCallFilename.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parent call file name for rephaseParents.");
if (parentHaplotypeFilename.value() == null || parentHaplotypeFilename.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parent haplotype input file name for rephaseParents.");
if (rephaseOutFile.value() == null || rephaseOutFile.value().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parent haplotype output file name for rephaseParents.");
if (correct.value()) {
if (selfPhased.value() == null || selfPhased.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correcting haplotypes self input filename is missing.");
if (crossPhased.value() == null || crossPhased.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correcting haplotypes cross input filename is missing.");
if (selfOut.value() == null || selfOut.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correcting haplotypes output filename is missing.");
if (parentname.value() == null || parentname.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correcting haplotypes requires a parent name.");
if (chrname.value() == null || chrname.value().trim().length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Correcting haplotypes requires a chromosome.");
public DataSet processData(DataSet input) {
List resultList = new ArrayList<>();
GenotypeTable myGeno = (GenotypeTable) input.getDataOfType(GenotypeTable.class).get(0).getData();
if (phaseParents.value()) {
Path parentPath = Paths.get(parentageFile.value());
Path savepath = Paths.get(appendbin(outputFile.value()));
if (selfonly.value()) {
int window = windowSize.value();
double minNotMiss = 1 - maxMissing.value();
SelfedHaplotypeFinder shf = new SelfedHaplotypeFinder(window, minNotMiss);
shf.phaseSelfedParents(parentPath, savepath);
} else {
PhaseHighCoverage phc = new PhaseHighCoverage(myGeno);
phc.phaseParentsUsingAllAvailableProgeny(2.0, savepath);
if(rephaseParents.value()) {
RephaseParents rp = new RephaseParents(myGeno, parentCallFilename.value(),parentageFile.value(), parentHaplotypeFilename.value());
ImputationUtils.serializePhasedHaplotypes(rp.rephaseUsingCrossProgeny(), rephaseOutFile.value());
if (combine.value()) {
String comment = String.format("Comparison of phasing for:\n%s\n%s.", phased1.value(), phased2.value());
Datum report = new Datum("Phase Comparison Report", comparePhasing(myGeno), comment);
if (combineOut.value() != null && combineOut.value().trim().length() > 0) {
if (convert.value()) {
if (convertOut.value() != null && convertOut.value().trim().length() > 0) {
if (correct.value()) {
SelfedHaplotypeFinder shf = new SelfedHaplotypeFinder(50, 1); //parameters are not used for this, so anything works
shf.correctSelfPhaseUsingCross(selfPhased.value(), crossPhased.value(), parentname.value(), Integer.parseInt(chrname.value()), selfOut.value());
return new DataSet(resultList, this);
public ImageIcon getIcon() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getButtonName() {
return "Phase Parents";
public String getToolTipText() {
return "Phase parents using progeny genotypes";
public String pluginDescription() {
return "This plugin phases parents of full-sib families using parent and progeny genotypes and a parentage file as input."
+ "The method can use either selfed families only or all families.";
private TableReport comparePhasing(GenotypeTable myGenotype) {
//String head = "parent\tchr\tphased_same\tphased_diff\tmonoPhased\tphasedMono\tsameMono\tdiffMono\n";
String[] columnNames = new String[]{"parent","chr","phased_same","phased_diff","monoPhased","phasedMono","sameMono","diffMono"};
TableReportBuilder reportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance("Phasing Comparison", columnNames);
byte N = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
Map hapmap1 = loadHaplotypes(phased1.value());
Map hapmap2 = loadHaplotypes(phased2.value());
List crossParents = new ArrayList<>(hapmap1.keySet());
int numberOfChromomsomes = myGenotype.numChromosomes();
for (String parent : crossParents) {
byte[][] firstHaps = hapmap1.get(parent);
byte[][] secondHaps = hapmap2.get(parent);
if (secondHaps != null) {"Comparing phasing for %s\n", parent));
int[] countPhaseSame = new int[numberOfChromomsomes];
int[] countPhaseDifferent = new int[numberOfChromomsomes];
int[] countMonoPhased = new int[numberOfChromomsomes]; //self is monomorphic, cross is polymorphic
int[] countPhasedMono = new int[numberOfChromomsomes]; //selfed is polymorphic, cross is monomorphic
int[] sameMono = new int[numberOfChromomsomes];
int[] differentMono = new int[numberOfChromomsomes];
int n = firstHaps[0].length;
for (int s = 0; s < n; s++) {
if (firstHaps[0][s] == N) continue;
if (firstHaps[1][s] == N) continue;
if (secondHaps[0][s] == N) continue;
if (secondHaps[1][s] == N) continue;
int chr = myGenotype.chromosome(s).getChromosomeNumber() - 1;
if (firstHaps[0][s] == firstHaps[1][s]) {
if (secondHaps[0][s] == secondHaps[1][s]) {
if (firstHaps[0][s] == secondHaps[0][s]) sameMono[chr]++;
else differentMono[chr]++;
} else {
} else if (secondHaps[0][s] == secondHaps[1][s]) {
} else {
if (firstHaps[0][s] == secondHaps[0][s]) countPhaseSame[chr]++;
else countPhaseDifferent[chr]++;
for (int c = 0; c < numberOfChromomsomes; c++) {
int same, diff;
if (countPhaseSame[c] >= countPhaseDifferent[c]) {
same = countPhaseSame[c];
diff = countPhaseDifferent[c];
} else {
diff = countPhaseSame[c];
same = countPhaseDifferent[c];
Object[] row = new Object[8];
row[0] = parent;
row[1] = myGenotype.chromosomes()[c].getName();
row[2] = same;
row[3] = diff;
row[4] = countMonoPhased[c];
row[5] = countPhasedMono[c];
row[6] = sameMono[c];
row[7] = differentMono[c];
private void mergePhasedHaplotypes(GenotypeTable myGeno) {
System.out.println("merging self and cross haplotypes");
int[] chrstart = myGeno.chromosomesOffsets();
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
int[] chrend = new int[numberOfChromosomes];
System.arraycopy(chrstart, 1, chrend, 0, numberOfChromosomes - 1);
chrend[numberOfChromosomes - 1] = myGeno.numberOfSites();
Map hapmap1 = loadHaplotypes(phased1.value());
Map hapmap2 = loadHaplotypes(phased2.value());
Map combinedHapmap = new HashMap<>();
//combine the parent lists
//for each parent if only one type is present use that
//if both types are present use consensus
TreeSet parentSet = new TreeSet<>();
for (String parent : parentSet) {
byte[][] hap1 = hapmap1.get(parent);
byte[][] hap2 = hapmap2.get(parent);
Optional combinedhap = smashHap(hap1, hap2, chrstart, chrend, parent);
if (combinedhap.isPresent()) combinedHapmap.put(parent, combinedhap.get());
storeHaplotypes(combinedHapmap, appendbin(combineOut.value()));
System.out.println("Finished merging self and cross haplotypes");
private Optional smashHap(byte[][] hap0, byte[][] hap1, int[] chrstart, int[] chrend, String parent) {
//hap0 will be the one used if there is any conflict
if (hap0 == null && hap1 == null) return Optional.empty();
if (hap0 == null) return Optional.of(hap1);
if (hap1 == null) return Optional.of(hap0);
int nsites = hap0[0].length;
byte[][] combined = new byte[2][];
combined[0] = Arrays.copyOf(hap0[0], nsites);
combined[1] = Arrays.copyOf(hap0[1], nsites);
int numberOfChromosomes = chrstart.length;
for (int c = 0; c < numberOfChromosomes; c++) {
byte[] chap00 = Arrays.copyOfRange(hap0[0], chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
byte[] chap01 = Arrays.copyOfRange(hap0[1], chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
byte[] chap10 = Arrays.copyOfRange(hap1[0], chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
byte[] chap11 = Arrays.copyOfRange(hap1[1], chrstart[c], chrend[c]);
int[] comp00 = compareHaplotypes(chap00, chap10);
int[] comp01 = compareHaplotypes(chap00, chap11);
int[] comp10 = compareHaplotypes(chap01, chap10);
int[] comp11 = compareHaplotypes(chap01, chap11);
//test whether the haplotype orders match
double originalMatch = (comp00[0] + comp11[0]) / (double)(comp00[1] + comp11[1]);
double reverseMatch = (comp01[0] + comp10[0]) / (double)(comp01[1] + comp10[1]);
System.out.printf("%s, chr %d: original order match = %1.3f, reverse match = %1.3f\n", parent, c + 1, originalMatch, reverseMatch);
if (originalMatch > reverseMatch && originalMatch > 0.9) {
//they do. If more than 0.9 similar combine them, else return
for (int s = chrstart[c]; s < chrend[c]; s++) {
if (hap0[0][s] == N && hap1[0][s] != N) {
combined[0][s] = hap1[0][s];
combined[1][s] = hap1[1][s];
} else if (hap0[0][s] != N && hap1[0][s] != N) {
if (hap0[0][s] != hap1[0][s] || hap0[1][s] != hap1[1][s]) {
combined[0][s] = N;
combined[1][s] = N;
} else if (reverseMatch > originalMatch && reverseMatch > 0.9){
//no, reverse them. If more than 0.9 similar, combine them
for (int s = chrstart[c]; s < chrend[c]; s++) {
if (hap0[0][s] == N && hap1[0][s] != N) {
combined[0][s] = hap1[1][s];
combined[1][s] = hap1[0][s];
} else if (hap0[0][s] != N && hap1[0][s] != N) {
if (hap0[0][s] != hap1[1][s] || hap0[1][s] != hap1[0][s]) {
combined[0][s] = N;
combined[1][s] = N;
return Optional.of(combined);
private int[] compareHaplotypes(byte[] h0, byte[] h1) {
int totalCount = 0;
int sameCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < h0.length; i++) {
if (h0[i] != N & h1[i] != N) {
if (h0[i] == h1[i]) sameCount++;
return new int[]{sameCount, totalCount};
private void formatPhasedDataAsText(GenotypeTable myGeno) {
Map myHaps = loadHaplotypes(phasedIn.value());
List taxa = new ArrayList<>(myHaps.keySet());
int nsites = myHaps.get(taxa.get(0))[0].length;
int ntaxa = taxa.size();
try(BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(appendtxt(convertOut.value())))) {
for (String name : taxa) bw.write(String.format("\t%s\t%s", name + "_hap1", name + "_hap2"));
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
String snpname = myGeno.siteName(s);
String chrname = myGeno.chromosomeName(s);
int pos = myGeno.chromosomalPosition(s);
bw.write(String.format("%s\t%s\t%d", snpname, chrname, pos));
for (String taxonName : taxa) {
byte[][] haps = myHaps.get(taxonName);
bw.write(String.format("\t%s\t%s", NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide(haps[0][s]),
} catch(IOException e) {
System.out.println("Finished writing formatted data to file.");
private GenotypeTable loadGenotype(String filename) {
FileLoadPlugin flp = new FileLoadPlugin(null, false);
flp.setOpenFiles(new File[]{new File(filename)});
return (GenotypeTable) flp.performFunction(null).getData(0).getData();
private Map loadHaplotypes(String filename) {
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(filename));
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
Map phasedHaps = (Map) ois.readObject();
return phasedHaps;
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void storeHaplotypes(Map hapmap, String name) {
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(name);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to save phased haplotypes.", e);
private String appendbin(String original) {
if (original.endsWith(".bin")) return original;
else return original + ".bin";
private String appendtxt(String original) {
if (original.endsWith(".txt")) return original;
else return original + ".txt";
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