net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.WritePopulationAlignmentPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.NucleotideImputationUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.analysis.imputation.PopulationData;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.WHICH_ALLELE;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.CombineGenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.ExportUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.FilterGenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.AbstractPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Datum;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginEvent;
import net.maizegenetics.util.BitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.OpenBitSet;
public class WritePopulationAlignmentPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
private static final Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(WritePopulationAlignmentPlugin.class);
public static final String brkptComment1 = "#Donor Haplotypes\n";
public static final String brkptComment2 = "#Taxa Breakpoints\n";
public static final String brkptComment3 = "#Block are defined chr:startPos:endPos:donor1:donor2 (-1 means no hypothesis)\n";
private static final byte NN = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_DIPLOID_ALLELE;
private static final byte AA = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("AA");
private static final byte CC = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("CC");
private static final byte AC = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("AC");
private static final byte CA = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideDiploidByte("AC");
boolean mergeAlignments = false;
boolean writeParentCalls = true;
boolean writeNucleotides = true;
boolean outputDiploid = false;
boolean writeBreakpoints = false;
double minSnpCoverage = Double.NaN;//0.1;
double maxMafForMono = Double.NaN;//0.01;
boolean outputAlternateNucleotides = true;
boolean writeToFile = false;
String baseFile = "";
String breakpointBase = "";
String algorithm = "";
Boolean breakpointHetsToMissing = false;
public WritePopulationAlignmentPlugin(Frame parentFrame) {
super(parentFrame, false);
public DataSet performFunction(DataSet input) {
List theData = input.getDataOfType(PopulationData.class);
List theResult = new ArrayList();
if (theData.size() > 0) {
if (writeParentCalls) {
theResult.addAll(writeOutput(theData, false));
if (writeNucleotides) {
theResult.addAll(writeOutput(theData, true));
if (writeBreakpoints && breakpointBase.length() > 1) {
for (Datum familyDatum : theData) {
PopulationData popdata = (PopulationData) familyDatum.getData();
DataSet resultDataSet = new DataSet(theResult, this);
fireDataSetReturned(new PluginEvent(resultDataSet, this));
return resultDataSet;
} else {
return null;
private List writeOutput(List theData, boolean asNucleotides) {
List theResult = new ArrayList();
if (mergeAlignments) {
GenotypeTable[] allOfTheAlignments = new GenotypeTable[theData.size()];
int count = 0;
for (Datum datum : theData) {
PopulationData family = (PopulationData) datum.getData();
if (asNucleotides) {
allOfTheAlignments[count++] =
} else {
allOfTheAlignments[count++] = createOutputAlignment(family, asNucleotides);
GenotypeTable myImputedGenotypes =
CombineGenotypeTable.getInstance(allOfTheAlignments, true);
String myDatumName;
String myDatumComment;
String filepath;
if (asNucleotides) {
myDatumName = "imputed_genotypes";
myDatumComment = "imputed genotypes, merged";
filepath = baseFile + ".nuc.hmp.txt.gz";
} else {
myDatumName = "imputed_parents";
myDatumComment =
"Imputed parents were coded as A and C.\nA and C were assigned at random for each chromosome independently.";
filepath = baseFile + ".parents.hmp.txt.gz";
Datum myDatum = new Datum(myDatumName, myImputedGenotypes, myDatumComment);
if (writeToFile)
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(myImputedGenotypes, filepath);
} else {
for (Datum datum : theData) {
PopulationData family = (PopulationData) datum.getData();
String familyName ='/', '.');
String chrName = family.original.chromosomeName(0);
GenotypeTable myImputedGenotypes;
StringBuilder myDatumName;
StringBuilder myDatumComment;
StringBuilder filepath = new StringBuilder(baseFile);
if (asNucleotides) {
myImputedGenotypes = createOutputAlignmentImputingAllNucleotides(family);
myDatumName = new StringBuilder("imputed_genotypes_Chr");
myDatumComment = new StringBuilder("imputed genotypes");
myDatumComment.append("\nchromosome ").append(chrName);
myDatumComment.append("\nfamily = ").append(familyName);
} else {
myImputedGenotypes = createOutputAlignment(family, asNucleotides);
myDatumName = new StringBuilder("imputed_parents_Chr");
myDatumComment = new StringBuilder("imputed parents");
myDatumComment.append("\nchromosome ").append(chrName);
myDatumComment.append("\nfamily = ").append(familyName);
myDatumComment.append("\nImputed parents have been coded as A and C.");
myDatumComment.append("\nA and C were assigned to parents at random for each chromosome independently.");
Datum myDatum =
new Datum(myDatumName.toString(), myImputedGenotypes, myDatumComment.toString());
if (writeToFile)
ExportUtils.writeToHapmap(myImputedGenotypes, filepath.toString());
return theResult;
private GenotypeTable createOutputAlignment(PopulationData popdata, boolean asNucleotides) {
GenotypeTable out = null;
if (!asNucleotides) {
out = popdata.imputed;
} else {
//change the parent calls to original nucleotides
GenotypeTable outPoly =
if (!Double.isNaN(minSnpCoverage) && !Double.isNaN(maxMafForMono)) {
int nsnps = popdata.original.numberOfSites();
double ngametes = 2 * popdata.original.numberOfTaxa();
int[] monomorphicSnps = new int[nsnps];
int snpCount = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < nsnps; s++) {
double coverage = popdata.original.totalGametesNonMissingForSite(s) / ngametes;
if (!popdata.snpIndex.fastGet(s)
&& popdata.original.minorAlleleFrequency(s) <= maxMafForMono
&& coverage >= minSnpCoverage) {
monomorphicSnps[snpCount++] = s;
monomorphicSnps = Arrays.copyOf(monomorphicSnps, snpCount);
GenotypeTable fa =
FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(popdata.original, monomorphicSnps);
if (fa.numberOfSites() == 0) { //If there are no monomorphic sites (e.g, have been pre-filtered), just return polymorphic ones
out = outPoly;
} else { //Return both monomorphic and polymorphic sites
GenotypeTableBuilder builder =
// fill in all values with the major allele
nsnps = fa.numberOfSites();
int ntaxa = fa.numberOfTaxa();
for (int s = 0; s < nsnps; s++) {
byte majorAllele = fa.majorAllele(s);
byte major = (byte) ((majorAllele << 4) | majorAllele);
byte[] snpgeno = new byte[ntaxa];
Arrays.fill(snpgeno, major);
builder.addSite(fa.positions().get(s), snpgeno);
out =;
} else
out = outPoly;
return out;
private GenotypeTable createOutputAlignmentImputingAllNucleotides(PopulationData family) {
GenotypeTable filledImputedGenotypes = NucleotideImputationUtils.fillGapsInImputedAlignment(family);
GenotypeTable filteredOriginalGenotypes = FilterGenotypeTable.getInstance(family.original, filledImputedGenotypes.taxa());
int nsites = filteredOriginalGenotypes.numberOfSites();
int nImputedSites = filledImputedGenotypes.numberOfSites();
int[] imputedPos = filledImputedGenotypes.physicalPositions();
int[] origPos = filteredOriginalGenotypes.physicalPositions();
//first fill in gaps flanked by the same parent in the imputed alignment
int ntaxa = filteredOriginalGenotypes.numberOfTaxa();
GenotypeTableBuilder genoBuilder =
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
byte[] nuc = filteredOriginalGenotypes.alleles(s);
int nalleles = nuc.length;
if (nalleles == 0) {
//do nothing
genoBuilder.addSite(filteredOriginalGenotypes.positions().get(s), filteredOriginalGenotypes.genotypeAllTaxa(s));
} else if (nalleles > 0) {
//find flanking markers in imputed
int ndx = Arrays.binarySearch(imputedPos, origPos[s]);
//do not impute if ndx is before the first or after the last marker
if (ndx != -1 && ndx > -nImputedSites - 1) {
//deal with original sites that fall before the first imputed site or after the last one
//assume no recombination and assign them to the haplotype of the first or last site
if (ndx == -1)
ndx = 0;
if (-ndx - 1 >= nImputedSites)
ndx = nImputedSites - 1;
OpenBitSet mjImputed;
OpenBitSet mnImputed;
byte[] genotype = new byte[ntaxa];
if (ndx >= 0) {
mjImputed = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Major));
mnImputed = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor));
} else {
ndx = -ndx - 1; //the original site falls between ndx-1 and ndx
mjImputed = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Major));
mnImputed = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor));
OpenBitSet flankingSame = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Major));
flankingSame.notXor(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx - 1, WHICH_ALLELE.Major));
OpenBitSet mnImputedSame = new OpenBitSet(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor));
mnImputedSame.notXor(filledImputedGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(ndx - 1, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor));
flankingSame.and(mnImputedSame); //are the flanking imputed markers the same?
BitSet mjOrig = filteredOriginalGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(s, WHICH_ALLELE.Major);
BitSet mnOrig = filteredOriginalGenotypes.allelePresenceForAllTaxa(s, WHICH_ALLELE.Minor);
OpenBitSet imj = new OpenBitSet(mjImputed);
imj.andNot(mnImputed); //homozygous major allele
OpenBitSet imn = new OpenBitSet(mnImputed);
imn.andNot(mjImputed); //homozygous minor allele
OpenBitSet omj = new OpenBitSet(mjOrig);
omj.andNot(mnOrig); //homozygous major allele
OpenBitSet omn = new OpenBitSet(mnOrig);
omn.andNot(mjOrig); //homozygous minor allele
int[][] counts = new int[2][2];
counts[0][0] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(imj, omj);
counts[0][1] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(imj, omn);
counts[1][0] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(imn, omj);
counts[1][1] = (int) OpenBitSet.intersectionCount(imn, omn);
byte[] alleles = getMajorAndMinorAllelesAtSite(counts, nuc);
byte[] genotypes = filteredOriginalGenotypes.genotypeAllTaxa(s);
if (alleles != null) {
byte major = GenotypeTableUtils.getUnphasedDiploidValue(alleles[0], alleles[0]);
byte minor = GenotypeTableUtils.getUnphasedDiploidValue(alleles[1], alleles[1]);
byte het;
if (alleles[0] == GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE || alleles[1] == GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE)
het = GenotypeTableUtils.getUnphasedDiploidValue(alleles[0], alleles[1]);
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
if (mjImputed.fastGet(t)) {
if (mnImputed.fastGet(t))
genotypes[t] = het;
genotypes[t] = major;
} else if (mnImputed.fastGet(t)) {
genotypes[t] = minor;
genoBuilder.addSite(filteredOriginalGenotypes.positions().get(s), genotypes);
} else {
genoBuilder.addSite(filteredOriginalGenotypes.positions().get(s), filteredOriginalGenotypes.genotypeAllTaxa(s));
private static byte[] getMajorAndMinorAllelesAtSite(int[][] counts, byte[] OriginalNucleotides) {
int minratio = 4;
int minPresent = 7;
int totalPresent = counts[0][0] + counts[0][1] + counts[1][0] + counts[1][1];
if ((counts[0][1] == 0 || counts[0][0] / counts[0][1] >= minratio)
&& (counts[1][0] == 0 || counts[1][1] / counts[1][0] >= minratio)) {
if (OriginalNucleotides.length == 1) {
if (totalPresent < minPresent)
return null; //not enough data to call
return new byte[] { OriginalNucleotides[0], GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE }; //biologically missing
return OriginalNucleotides;
if ((counts[0][0] == 0 || counts[0][1] / counts[0][0] >= minratio)
&& (counts[1][1] == 0 || counts[1][0] / counts[1][1] >= minratio)) {
if (OriginalNucleotides.length == 1) {
if (totalPresent < minPresent)
return null; //not enough data to call
return new byte[] { GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE, OriginalNucleotides[0] }; //biologically missing
return new byte[] { OriginalNucleotides[1], OriginalNucleotides[0] };
//the site may be monomorphic
//if so, one of the parents may be biologically missing
//if a column sum is 1 or 0, then the site is monomorphic
//if a row sum is 1 or 0, then that parent is biologically missing
minratio = 10;
int col0 = counts[0][0] + counts[1][0];
int col1 = counts[0][1] + counts[1][1];
int row0 = counts[0][0] + counts[0][1];
int row1 = counts[1][0] + counts[1][1];
if (row0 > 1 && row1 > 1) { //not biologically missing case
if (col1 <= 1 || col0 / col1 >= minratio)
return new byte[] { OriginalNucleotides[0], OriginalNucleotides[0] };
if (col0 <= 1 || col1 / col0 >= minratio)
return new byte[] { OriginalNucleotides[1], OriginalNucleotides[1] };
} else { //biologically missing case
if (row0 <= 1 && totalPresent >= minPresent)
return new byte[] { GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE, OriginalNucleotides[0] };
if (row1 <= 1 && totalPresent >= minPresent)
return new byte[] { OriginalNucleotides[0], GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE };
return null;
private void writeBreakpoints(PopulationData family) {
// String filepath = String.format("", breakpointBase, family.chromosome,, algorithm);
String filepath = String.format("", breakpointBase, family.chromosome,, algorithm);
// try (BufferedWriter bw =
// new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filepath.toString()))))) {
//count the number of taxa to be written. does not include parents
int nsites = family.imputed.numberOfSites();
int ntaxa = family.imputed.numberOfTaxa();
int nOutputTaxa = 0;
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
String tname = family.imputed.taxaName(t);
if (!tname.equals(family.parent1) && !tname.equals(family.parent2)) nOutputTaxa++;;
try (BufferedWriter bw =
new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filepath.toString())))) {
bw.write(String.format("%d\t%d\n", 2, nOutputTaxa));
bw.write(String.format("0\t%s\n", family.parent1));
bw.write(String.format("1\t%s\n", family.parent2));
for (int t = 0; t < ntaxa; t++) {
String tname = family.imputed.taxaName(t);
if (tname.equals(family.parent1) || tname.equals(family.parent2)) continue;
byte[] taxaGeno = family.imputed.genotypeAllSites(t);
int segStartPos = family.imputed.chromosomalPosition(0);
int segStart = 0;
int segGeno = taxaGeno[0];
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
byte tGeno = taxaGeno[s];
if (tGeno == CA)
tGeno = AC;
if (tGeno != segGeno) {
int segEndPos = family.imputed.chromosomalPosition(s - 1);
if (segGeno == AA)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 0, 0));
if (segGeno == CC)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 1, 1));
if (segGeno == AC && !breakpointHetsToMissing)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 0, 1));
segStart = s;
segGeno = tGeno;
segStartPos = family.imputed.chromosomalPosition(s);
int segEndPos = family.imputed.chromosomalPosition(nsites - 1);
if (segGeno == AA)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 0, 0));
if (segGeno == CC)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 1, 1));
if (segGeno == AC && !breakpointHetsToMissing)
bw.write(String.format("\t%s:%d:%d:%d:%d", family.chromosome, segStartPos, segEndPos, 0, 1));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error writing to file " + filepath, e);
public void setParameters(String[] args) {
if (args == null || args.length == 0) {;
int narg = args.length;
for (int i = 0; i < narg; i++) {
if (args[i].equals("-m") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-merge")) {
String val = args[++i];
if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("T")) {
mergeAlignments = true;
} else {
mergeAlignments = false;
} else if (args[i].equals("-f") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-file")) {
} else if (args[i].equals("-p") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-parentCalls")) {
String val = args[++i];
if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("T")) {
writeParentCalls = true;
writeNucleotides = false;
} else {
writeParentCalls = false;
writeNucleotides = true;
} else if (args[i].equals("-o") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-outputType")) {
String val = args[++i];
if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("P")) {
writeParentCalls = true;
writeNucleotides = false;
} else if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("N")) {
writeParentCalls = false;
writeNucleotides = true;
} else if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("B")) {
writeParentCalls = true;
writeNucleotides = true;
} else {
writeParentCalls = true;
writeNucleotides = false;
} else if (args[i].equals("-d") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-diploid")) {
String val = args[++i];
if (val.toUpperCase().startsWith("T")) {
outputDiploid = true;
} else {
outputDiploid = false;
} else if (args[i].equals("-c") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-minCoverage")) {
minSnpCoverage = Double.parseDouble(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-x") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-maxMono")) {
maxMafForMono = Double.parseDouble(args[++i]);
} else if (args[i].equals("-pa") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-breakpointFile")) {
writeBreakpoints = true;
breakpointBase = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equals("-al") || args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-algorithm")) {
algorithm = args[++i];
} else if (args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-bpHetsMissing")) {
breakpointHetsToMissing = true;
} else if (args[i].equals("?")) {;
public void setMergeAlignments(boolean mergeAlignments) {
this.mergeAlignments = mergeAlignments;
public void setWriteParentCalls(boolean writeParentCalls) {
this.writeParentCalls = writeParentCalls;
public void setOutputDiploid(boolean outputDiploid) {
this.outputDiploid = outputDiploid;
// public void setBaseFileName(String baseFileName) {
// this.baseFileName = baseFileName;
// }
public ImageIcon getIcon() {
return null;
public String getButtonName() {
return "Write Populations";
public String getToolTipText() {
return null;
public String getUsage() {
StringBuilder usage =
new StringBuilder("The WritePopulationAlignmentPlugin can take the following parameters:\n");
usage.append("-f or -file : the base file name and path to which output will be written");
usage.append("-m or -merge : if true families are merged into a data set, if false each family is output to a separate data set (default = false)\n");
usage.append("-o or -outputType : parents = output parent calls, nucleotides = output nucleotides, both = output both (the default)\n");
usage.append("-c or -minCoverage : the minimum coverage for a monomorphic snp to be included in the nucleotide output\n");
usage.append("-x or -maxMono : the maximum minor allele frequency used to call monomorphic snps\n");
usage.append("if -c or -x equals NaN and merge is true, then missing values at monomorphic sites (within a family) will be left missing\n");
usage.append("-pa or -breakpointFile : the stem for the basepoint file names. Chromosome, family, algorithm and .pa.txt.gz will be appended.");
usage.append("-al or -algorithm : the algorithm used for imputation. Only used to construct the full breakpoint file names.");
usage.append("? : print the parameter list.\n");
return usage.toString();
public void setWriteNucleotides(boolean writeNucleotides) {
this.writeNucleotides = writeNucleotides;
public void setMinSnpCoverage(double minSnpCoverage) {
this.minSnpCoverage = minSnpCoverage;
public void setMaxMafForMono(double maxMafForMono) {
this.maxMafForMono = maxMafForMono;
public void setBaseFile(String baseFile) {
this.baseFile = baseFile;
writeToFile = true;
public void setBreakpointBaseName(String bkptBase) {
breakpointBase = bkptBase;
writeBreakpoints = true;
public void setAlgorithmName(String algorithm) {
this.algorithm = algorithm;
public void setDeleteHetsInBreakpoints(boolean hetsToMissing) {
breakpointHetsToMissing = hetsToMissing;
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