net.maizegenetics.analysis.rna.FindMatchByWordHash Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.rna;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.BaseEncoder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.tag.Tag;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Tuple;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.Alignments;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.SimpleGapPenalty;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.SubstitutionMatrixHelper;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.template.GapPenalty;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.template.SequencePair;
import org.biojava.nbio.alignment.template.SubstitutionMatrix;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.DNASequence;
import org.biojava.nbio.core.sequence.compound.NucleotideCompound;
import java.util.*;
* Find Match by Words using a simple hashmap of fixed length word (kmers) to determine most similar sequence.
* @author Ed Buckler
* @author Karl Kremling
public class FindMatchByWordHash {
private final List tags;
private final Map kmerMap;
private final Map completeSeqMap;
private final int wordLength;
private final int maxWordCopies;
private final MatchType matchType;
private final int[] emptyInts=new int[0];
private final boolean searchBiDirectional;
* Create kmer
* @param tagSet unique set sequences to be indexed with kmers
* @param wordLength length of all the kmers
* @param maxWordCopies retain only those kmers appearing less then this value
private FindMatchByWordHash(Set tagSet, MatchType matchType, int wordLength, int maxWordCopies,
boolean searchBiDirectional) { //find a contig which is the consensus source of the kmers from a read
this.wordLength=wordLength; // length of kmers for matching
this.maxWordCopies=maxWordCopies; // kmer appearance frequency cutoff. Kmers are later discarded if they appear in the contigs more than maxKmerCopies times
tags=new ArrayList<>(tagSet); //holds all the sequences or contigs in an array
long bpLength=0;
Multimap completeKmerMap = HashMultimap.create(4_000_000,2); //? hashmap pointing from each kmer to its Contig of origin
for (int ti = 0; ti < tags.size(); ti++) { //iterates through the ArrayList of tags
String seq=tags.get(ti).sequence(); //pulls the sequence of contig/tag ti
bpLength+=seq.length(); //increase the bpLength counter by ti's length
for (int i = 0; i <= seq.length() - wordLength; i++) { //slides through the contig to pull out each kmer
String sub = seq.substring(i, i + wordLength);
completeKmerMap.put(sub, (ti+1)); //appends a key value pair to the KmerMap in which the k=kmer and the v=contig of origin
//reverse complement reads are given negative values
if(searchBiDirectional==true) completeKmerMap.put(BaseEncoder.getReverseComplement(sub), -(ti+1));
System.out.printf("Total bp %,d Kmer Map Size: %d %n", bpLength,completeKmerMap.size());
//purge high copy kmers from the multimap
//consider making it immutable
kmerMap=new HashMap<>(completeKmerMap.size()*3/2); //? why make it 1.5x larger than the complete kmer multimap if we know we will have kmers <= CompleteKmerMap.size?
for (String kmer : completeKmerMap.keySet()) {
Collection tagIndices=completeKmerMap.get(kmer);
if(tagIndices.size()<= this.maxWordCopies) { //only record key-value pairs for kmers appearing <= maxKmerCopies times
kmerMap.put(kmer, Ints.toArray(tagIndices));
//Allow direct searching for the complete sequence
completeSeqMap = new HashMap<>(tags.size()*3/2);
for (int ti = 0; ti < tags.size(); ti++) {
if(searchBiDirectional==true) completeKmerMap.put(BaseEncoder.getReverseComplement(tags.get(ti).sequence()), -(ti+1));
* Total number of tags (reference sequences)
public int totalNumberOfTags() {
return tags.size();
* Returns a unmodifiable list of the tags (reference sequences)
public List getTags() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(tags);
* Return the first unique kmer match found starting at the 5' end of the sequence.
* @param seq query sequence - usually the reads
* @return matching sequence
public Match match(String seq) {
switch(matchType) {
case COMPLETE_SEQ:return lookForCompleteMatch(seq);
case FIRST_KMER:return getFirstUniqueMatchIndex(seq);
case MODAL_KMER:return getMostCommonMatchIndex(seq);
default: return new Match();
* Return the first unique kmer match found starting at the 5' end of the sequence.
* @param seq query sequence - usually the reads
* @return matching sequence
private Match getFirstUniqueMatchIndex(String seq) {
OptionalInt index= IntStream.range(0,seq.length() - wordLength)
.mapToObj(i -> kmerMap.getOrDefault(seq.substring(i, i + wordLength), emptyInts)) //search the kmer map
.filter(hits -> hits.length == 1) //only return kmer hits with a single match
.mapToInt(hits -> hits[0])
if(index.isPresent()) return new Match(index.getAsInt(),Double.NaN);
return new Match();
* Returns the sequence match with the most kmer hits across the entire length of the query sequence.
* @param seq query sequence - usually the reads
* @return matching sequence
private Match getMostCommonMatchIndex(String seq) {
int[] allHits=IntStream.range(0, seq.length() - wordLength).filter(i -> i%3==0) //stream formatting of a loop to only consider kmers starting at evey 3rd position
.flatMap(i -> IntStream.of(kmerMap.getOrDefault(seq.substring(i, i + wordLength), emptyInts))) // load kmer from pos i through wordLength
if(allHits.length==0) return new Match(); //if there are no hits for any of the kmers in a read, return an emtpy hit entry
return new Match(mode(allHits),Double.NaN);
private Match lookForCompleteMatch(String seq) {
Integer tagIndex=completeSeqMap.get(seq);
if (tagIndex!=null) {return new Match(tagIndex,Double.NaN);}
else {return new Match();}
private static GapPenalty penalty = new SimpleGapPenalty();
private static SubstitutionMatrix matrix = SubstitutionMatrixHelper.getNuc4_4();
static {
penalty.setOpenPenalty((short) 10);
penalty.setExtensionPenalty((short) 2);
* Tools for evaluating the quality of alignments. Slow but useful for evaluating quality.
private double identity(String query, String target) {
try {
DNASequence querySeq = new DNASequence(query);
DNASequence refSeq = new DNASequence(target);
SequencePair pair = Alignments.getPairwiseAlignment(refSeq, querySeq,
Alignments.PairwiseSequenceAlignerType.LOCAL, penalty, matrix);
long gaps = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, pair.getLength()).filter(pair::hasGap).count();
double identity = (double) pair.getNumIdenticals() / (double) pair.getLength();
double snpIdentity = (double) pair.getNumIdenticals() / (double) (pair.getLength() - gaps);
boolean debug=false;
if (debug) System.out.println("Ref :" + refSeq.getSequenceAsString());
if (debug) System.out.println("Query:" + querySeq.getSequenceAsString());
if (debug) System.out.println("Alignment\n" + pair.toString());
if (debug) System.out.println("pair.getNumIdenticals() = " + pair.getNumIdenticals());
if (debug) System.out.println("pair.getLength() = " + pair.getLength());
if (debug) System.out.printf("identity:%.3g snpidentity: %.3g %n", identity, snpIdentity);
if (debug) System.out.println("-----------------------");
return snpIdentity;
}catch (Exception e) {
return Double.NaN;
public String toString() {
return "FindMatchByKmers{" +
"searchBiDirectional=" + searchBiDirectional +
", matchType=" + matchType +
", maxWordCopies=" + maxWordCopies +
", wordLength=" + wordLength +
public static Tuple calcIdentity(String querySeq, String refSeq) {
int seedLength=6;
int start=refSeq.indexOf(querySeq.substring(0,seedLength));
int matchLength=0;
int identical=0;
for (int i = 0; i (matchLength,identical);
public static int LevenshteinDistance(byte[] s, byte[] t) {
// degenerate cases
if (s == t) return 0;
if (s.length == 0) return t.length;
if (t.length == 0) return s.length;
// create two work vectors of integer distances
int[] v0 = new int[t.length + 1];
int[] v1 = new int[s.length + 1];
// initialize v0 (the previous row of distances)
// this row is A[0][i]: edit distance for an empty s
// the distance is just the number of characters to delete from t
for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
// calculate v1 (current row distances) from the previous row v0
// first element of v1 is A[i+1][0]
// edit distance is delete (i+1) chars from s to match empty t
v1[0] = i + 1;
// use formula to fill in the rest of the row
for (int j = 0; j < t.length; j++)
v1[j + 1] = Math.min(v1[j] + 1, Math.min(v0[j + 1] + 1, v0[j] + mismatchCost(s, i, t, j)));
// copy v1 (current row) to v0 (previous row) for next iteration
//CopyArray(v0, v1);
System.arraycopy(v1, 0, v0, 0, v0.length);
return v1[t.length];
private static void FillConsecutive(int[] v) {
for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++)
v[i] = i;
private static int mismatchCost(byte[] s, int i, byte[] t, int j) {
return (s[i] != t[j])?1:0;
private static int mode(int[] array) {
HashMap cntMap = new HashMap<>();
int maxCnt = 1, mode = array[0];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
int count = cntMap.compute(array[i], (k, cnt) -> cnt == null ? 1 : cnt + 1);
if (count > maxCnt) {
maxCnt = count;
mode = array[i];
return mode;
public static Builder getBuilder(Set tagSet) {
return new Builder(tagSet);
public static class Builder {
private Set tagSet;
private FindMatchByWordHash.MatchType matchType = MatchType.MODAL_KMER;
private int wordLength = 16;
private int maxWordCopies = 10;
private boolean searchBiDirectional = true;
public Builder(Set tagSet) {
this.tagSet = tagSet;
public Builder matchType(FindMatchByWordHash.MatchType matchType) {
this.matchType = matchType;
return this;
public Builder wordLength(int wordLength) {
this.wordLength = wordLength;
return this;
public Builder maxWordCopies(int maxWordCopies) {
this.maxWordCopies = maxWordCopies;
return this;
public Builder searchBiDirectional(boolean searchBiDirectional) {
this.searchBiDirectional = searchBiDirectional;
return this;
public FindMatchByWordHash build() {
return new FindMatchByWordHash(tagSet, matchType, wordLength, maxWordCopies, searchBiDirectional);
public class Match {
private final Tag tag;
private final int tagIndex;
private final boolean direction;
private final double quality;
public Match(int mapIndex, double quality) {
this.tagIndex = Math.abs(mapIndex)-1;
this.direction = mapIndex>0;
this.quality = quality;
public Match() {
this.tagIndex = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
this.tag= null;
this.direction = true;
this.quality = Double.NaN;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return tag==null;
public boolean isPresent() {
return tag!=null;
public Tag tag() {
return tag;
public String sequence() {
return isEmpty()?"":tag.sequence();
public int tagIndex() {
return tagIndex;
public boolean direction() {
return direction;
public double quality() {
return quality;
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