net.maizegenetics.dna.pd.PDAnnotation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage
package net.maizegenetics.dna.pd;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.hdf5.HDF5Factory;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.hdf5.IHDF5Writer;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.hdf5.IHDF5WriterConfigurator;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.HapMapHDF5Constants;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.ImportUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Utils;
import java.util.*;
public class PDAnnotation {
private static final String HAS_DATA = "HasData"; // summary index where if any trait has a value at that location, value is set to 1
private String hapMapFile_prefix = "/maizeHapMapV2_B73RefGenV2_201203028_";
private String hapMapFile_suffix = "h.hmp.txt.gz";
private static final int PHYSICAL_POSITION_COLUMN = 0;
private static final int MINOR_ALLELE_FREQUENCY_COLUMN = 1;
private static final int COLUMN_OFFSET = 1; // one for physical position column and another for minor allele frequency column
private int traitIndex = 0;
private int chrIndex = 1;
private int physPosIndex = 2;
private int resultIndex = 5;
private String[] allTraits;
private int[][] allPositions;
private float[][] allResults;
private int[][] featurePositions;
private String[] allFeatures;
public PDAnnotation(String hapMapPath, String pathGwas, String annoPath, String outputFile,
int startChr, int endChr) {
File aHapMapDir = new File(hapMapPath);
File aGwasDir = new File(pathGwas);
// Ed
// loadGWAS(aGwasDir, outputFile, startChr); // previous version - for comparison/testing
// Dallas
createAnnoHDF5WithHapMap(aHapMapDir, outputFile, startChr);
loadGWAS(aGwasDir, outputFile, startChr, "\t"); // new version
// File annoFile = new File(annoPath);
//instatiate annotations in the HDF5 file - GENE (String), DistToGene (Integer),
//downstream_gene_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant, missense_variant, synonymous_variant
// loadAnnotationsByFile(annoFile, "\t");
public void createAnnoHDF5WithHapMap(File hapMapDir, String outputFile, int currChr) {
IHDF5WriterConfigurator config = HDF5Factory.configure(outputFile);
IHDF5Writer writer = config.writer();
int[] hasData = null; //recorder if there is any GWAS data for a site; TODO perhaps increment
String chromosomeFile = hapMapDir + hapMapFile_prefix + "chr" + currChr + hapMapFile_suffix;
System.out.println("Loading:" + chromosomeFile);
GenotypeTable bna = ImportUtils.readFromHapmap(chromosomeFile, null /*progressListener*/);
//System.out.printf("Sites:%d StartPosition:%d EndPosition:%d %n", bna.numberOfSites(), bna.chromosomalPosition(0), bna.chromosomalPosition(bna.numberOfSites() - 1));
int siteCnt = bna.numberOfSites();
int[] alignmentPhysPos = bna.physicalPositions();
hasData = new int[siteCnt];
float[] maf = new float[siteCnt];
byte[] mjAllele = new byte[siteCnt];
byte[] mnAllele = new byte[siteCnt];
for (int j = 0; j < siteCnt; j++) {
mjAllele[j] = bna.majorAlleleAsString(j).getBytes()[0];
mnAllele[j] = bna.minorAlleleAsString(j).getBytes()[0];
maf[j] = (float) bna.minorAlleleFrequency(j);
//write positions to hdf "pos"+chromosome
String chrGroup = "chr" + currChr + "/";
writer.int32().setAttr(chrGroup, HapMapHDF5Constants.NUM_SITES, siteCnt);
writer.int32().createArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.POSITIONS, alignmentPhysPos.length);
writer.writeIntArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.POSITIONS, alignmentPhysPos);
//write alleles to hdf "allele"+chromosome
// which version? String[][] ?
writer.int8().createArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MAJOR_ALLELE, mjAllele.length);
writer.writeByteArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MAJOR_ALLELE, mjAllele);
writer.int8().createArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MINOR_ALLELE, mnAllele.length);
writer.writeByteArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MINOR_ALLELE, mnAllele);
// write minor allele frequencies
writer.float32().createArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MAF, maf.length);
writer.float32().writeArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.MAF, maf);
writer.object().createGroup(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.GWAS);
writer.object().createGroup(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.GENOMIC);
writer.object().createGroup(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.POP_GEN);
* For the provided chromosome, writes out all positions and gwas results on a trait-by-trait basis
* @param gwasFileIn
* @param outputFile
* @param currChr
* @param delimiter
private void loadGWAS(File gwasFileIn, String outputFile, int currChr, String delimiter){
IHDF5Writer writer =;
System.out.println("Loading GWAS by chromosome");
//1. ArrayList traitsInFile=getTraitListFromGWASInputFile();
//2. Evaluate whether the traits already exist in the HDF5 file, if not create
//3. Add GWAS results to the HDF5 file
loadDataByChromosome(gwasFileIn, currChr, delimiter);
String chrGroup = "chr" + currChr + "/";
int[] positions = writer.readIntArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.POSITIONS);
for(int i =0; i < allTraits.length; i++){
int posMatch = 0, posMisMatch = 0;
float[] rmip = new float[positions.length];
for(int j = 0; j < allPositions[i].length; j++) {
if(allPositions[i][j]>3600000) continue; // TODO: remove after testing
// for the current traits, transfer result values to array
int[] aInt = allPositions[i];
int site = Arrays.binarySearch(positions, allPositions[i][j]);
if (site < 0) {
System.out.println("Error Position not found:" + allPositions[i][j]);
} else {
rmip[site] = allResults[i][j];
System.out.printf("Hit Chr:%d Trait:%s Position:%d site:%d rmip:%f %n ", currChr, allTraits[i], allPositions[i][j], site, allResults[i][j]);
System.out.printf("Position matches:%d errors:%d %n", posMatch, posMisMatch);
String dataSetName = chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.GWAS + "/" + allTraits[i];
writer.float32().createArray(dataSetName, rmip.length);
writer.writeFloatArray(dataSetName, rmip);
// Original - deprecated
private void loadGWAS(File gwasFileIn, String outputFile, int currChr) {
IHDF5Writer writer =;
String[] traits =getGWASTraits(gwasFileIn, traitIndex, "\t");
String chrGroup = "chr" + currChr + "/";
//read in all chromosome position
//create a method to hold this memory
int[] positions = writer.readIntArray(chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.POSITIONS);
for (int j = 0; j < traits.length; j++) {
// pull out the physical location and p-value
int posMatch = 0, posMisMatch = 0;
float[] rmip = new float[positions.length];
Arrays.fill(rmip, Float.NaN);
try {
BufferedReader fileIn = Utils.getBufferedReader(gwasFileIn, 1000000);
String s;
while ((s = fileIn.readLine()) != null) {
String[] fields = s.split("\t");
try {
int theChr = Integer.parseInt(fields[chrIndex]);
int position = Integer.parseInt(fields[physPosIndex]);
float rmipValue = Float.parseFloat(fields[resultIndex]);
if(theChr!=9) continue;
if(position>7600000) continue;
//int site = Arrays.binarySearch(allPositions[theChr-1], position);
int site = Arrays.binarySearch(positions, position);
if (site < 0) {
System.out.println("Error Position not found:"+position);
} else {
rmip[site] = rmipValue;
System.out.printf("Hit Chr:%d Trait:%s Position:%d site:%d rmip:%d %n ",theChr, traits[j], position, site, rmipValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Header");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.printf("Position matches:%d errors:%d %n", posMatch, posMisMatch);
String dataSetName = chrGroup + HapMapHDF5Constants.GWAS + "/" + traits[j];
writer.float32().createArray(dataSetName, rmip.length);
writer.writeFloatArray(dataSetName, rmip);
} // end of traits loop
// Only used in deprecated version of loadGWAS
private String[] getGWASTraits(File gwasResults, int traitIndex, String delimiter){
BufferedReader br = Utils.getBufferedReader(gwasResults, 1000000);
String line = null;
Set aSet = new HashSet();
while((line = br.readLine()) != null){
String[] fields = line.split(delimiter);
}catch(IOException ioe){
String[] result = new String[aSet.size()];
return result;
* For a given chromosome, loads all positions and results for all traits
* @param gwasFileIn
* @param currChr
* @param delimiter
private void loadDataByChromosome(File gwasFileIn, int currChr, String delimiter){
BufferedReader br = Utils.getBufferedReader(gwasFileIn, 1000000);
String line = null;
Map traitPosition = new HashMap();
Map traitResult = new HashMap();
while(( line = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] fields = line.split(delimiter);
// for the current chromosome and trait, hold the positions
try {
int chromosome = Integer.parseInt(fields[chrIndex]);
if (currChr != chromosome) continue;
String aTrait = fields[traitIndex].trim();
if (traitPosition.containsKey(aTrait)) {
List l = traitResult.get(aTrait);
} else {
List position = new ArrayList();
Object o=traitPosition.put(aTrait, position);
System.out.printf("%s %s %d %n", o, aTrait, position);
List result = new ArrayList();
traitResult.put(fields[traitIndex], result);
} catch (Exception e) {
}catch(IOException ioe){
allTraits = new String[traitPosition.size()];
// create a two-dimensional array of positions for each trait
// first dimension index is shared with allTraits
int traitCount = allTraits.length;
allPositions = new int[traitCount][];
allResults = new float[traitCount][];
for(int i = 0; i < traitCount; i++){
List posList = traitPosition.get(allTraits[i]);
int posCount = posList.size();
allPositions[i] = new int[posCount];
Iterator posIt = posList.iterator();
int count = 0;
allPositions[i][count++] = Integer.parseInt((String);
List resList = traitResult.get(allTraits[i]);
int resCount = resList.size();
allResults[i] = new float[resCount];
Iterator resIt = resList.iterator();
count = 0;
allResults[i][count++] = Float.parseFloat((String);
private void loadAnnotations(){
// annotations files have been organized by chromosome
private void loadAnnotationsByFile(File annoFile, String delimiter){
int snpIdIndex = 0;
int locationIndex = 1; // location is specified as :, e.g., 9:30
// TODO: how to handle range locations? e.g., 9:513883-513884
String locationDelimiter = ":";
int featureIndex = 6; // Feature_typeConsequence
Map featurePosition = new HashMap();
BufferedReader br = Utils.getBufferedReader(annoFile, 1000000);
String line = null;
try {
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
String[] fields = line.split(delimiter);
try {
String aLoc = fields[locationIndex];
int aPosition = getPosition(aLoc, locationDelimiter);
String feature = fields[featureIndex].trim();
if (featurePosition.containsKey(feature)) {
List l = featurePosition.get(feature);
featurePosition.put(feature, l);
} else {
List l = new ArrayList();
featurePosition.put(feature, l);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// convert to a two dimensional array
int featureCount = featurePosition.size();
featurePositions = new int[featureCount][];
allFeatures = new String[featureCount];
for(int i = 0; i < featureCount; i++){
List posList = featurePosition.get(allFeatures[i]);
int posCount = posList.size();
featurePositions[i] = new int[posCount];
Iterator iterator = posList.iterator();
for(int j = 0; j < posCount; j++){
featurePositions[i][j] =;
private int getPosition(String location, String delimiter){
String[] fields = location.split(delimiter);
int position = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
return position;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Dallas
// String hapMapPath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dkroon\\My Documents\\PD\\HapMap\\compressed";
// String pathGwas = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dkroon\\My Documents\\PD\\gwas\\gwas_hits_all.txt";
// String PDfile = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dkroon\\My Documents\\PD\\out\\testPD.h5";
// String annoPath = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\dkroon\\My Documents\\PD\\Annotations\\20130522_SnpAnnotations_FromJason\\maizeHapMapV2_B73RefGenV2_201203028_chr9h.WorstPerSnp.vcf";
// Ed
String hapMapPath = "/Volumes/LaCie/HapMapV2/compressed/";
String pathGwas = "/Volumes/LaCie/PolymorphismDescriptors/gwas_hits_all.txt";
String PDfile = "/Volumes/LaCie/PolymorphismDescriptors/XtestPD.h5";
String annoPath = "/Volumes/LaCie/PolymorphismDescriptors/maizeHapMapV2_B73RefGenV2_201203028_chr9h.WorstPerSnp.vcf";
PDAnnotation p = new PDAnnotation(hapMapPath, pathGwas, annoPath, PDfile, 9, 9);
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