net.maizegenetics.taxa.tree.TreeUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// (c) 1999-2001 PAL Development Core Team
// This package may be distributed under the
// terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL)
package net.maizegenetics.taxa.tree;
import net.maizegenetics.util.FormattedOutput;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.math.MersenneTwisterFast;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaList;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.TaxaListBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
* various utility functions on trees.
* @author Alexei Drummond
* @author Korbinian Strimmer
* @author Matthew Goode
public class TreeUtils {
* computes Robinson-Foulds (1981) distance between two trees
* @param t1 tree 1
* @param t2 tree 2
* Definition: Assuming that t1 is the reference tree, let fn be the false
* negatives, i.e. the number of edges in t1 missing in t2, and fp the
* number of false positives, i.e. the number of edges in t2 missing in t1.
* The RF distance is then (fn + fp)/2
public static double getRobinsonFouldsDistance(Tree t1, Tree t2) {
SplitSystem s1 = SplitUtils.getSplits(t1);
return getRobinsonFouldsDistance(s1, t2);
* computes Robinson-Foulds (1981) distance between two trees
* @param s1 tree 1 (as represented by a SplitSystem)
* @param t2 tree 2
public static double getRobinsonFouldsDistance(SplitSystem s1, Tree t2) {
TaxaList idGroup = s1.getIdGroup();
SplitSystem s2 = SplitUtils.getSplits(idGroup, t2);
if (s1.getLabelCount() != s2.getLabelCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of labels must be the same!");
int ns1 = s1.getSplitCount();
int ns2 = s2.getSplitCount();
// number of splits in t1 missing in t2
int fn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ns1; i++) {
if (!s2.hasSplit(s1.getSplit(i))) {
// number of splits in t2 missing in t1
int fp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ns2; i++) {
if (!s1.hasSplit(s2.getSplit(i))) {
return 0.5 * ((double) fp + (double) fn);
* computes Robinson-Foulds (1981) distance between two trees rescaled to a
* number between 0 and 1
* @param t1 tree 1
* @param t2 tree 2
public static double getRobinsonFouldsRescaledDistance(Tree t1, Tree t2) {
SplitSystem s1 = SplitUtils.getSplits(t1);
return getRobinsonFouldsRescaledDistance(s1, t2);
* computes Robinson-Foulds (1981) distance between two trees rescaled to a
* number between 0 and 1
* @param s1 tree 1 (as represented by a SplitSystem)
* @param t2 tree 2
public static double getRobinsonFouldsRescaledDistance(SplitSystem s1, Tree t2) {
return getRobinsonFouldsDistance(s1, t2) / (double) s1.getSplitCount();
private static MersenneTwisterFast random = new MersenneTwisterFast();
* Returns a uniformly distributed random node from the tree, including both
* internal and external nodes.
public static Node getRandomNode(Tree tree) {
int index = random.nextInt(tree.getExternalNodeCount() + tree.getInternalNodeCount());
if (index >= tree.getExternalNodeCount()) {
return tree.getInternalNode(index - tree.getExternalNodeCount());
} else {
return tree.getExternalNode(index);
* @return the first found node that has a certain name (as determined by
* the nodes Taxon) in the tree defined by a root node.
* @param tree The Tree supposidly containing such a named node
* @param name The name of the node to find.
* @return The node with the name, or null if no such node exists
* @see net.maizegenetics.pal.taxa.Taxon , Node
public static final Node getNodeByName(Tree tree, String name) {
return getNodeByName(tree.getRoot(), name);
* @return the first found node that has a certain name (as determined by
* the nodes Taxon) in the tree defined by a root node.
* @param root The root node of a tree
* @param name The name of the node to find.
* @return The node with the name, or null if no such node exists
* @see net.maizegenetics.pal.taxa.Taxon , Node
public static final Node getNodeByName(Node root, String name) {
if (root.getIdentifier().getName().equals(name)) {
return root;
for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) {
Node result = getNodeByName(root.getChild(i), name);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
* Rotates branches by leaf count. WARNING: assumes binary tree!
public static void rotateByLeafCount(Tree tree) {
* get list of the identifiers of the external nodes
* @return leaf identifier group
public static final TaxaList getLeafIdGroup(Tree tree) {
TaxaListBuilder labelList = new TaxaListBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < tree.getExternalNodeCount(); i++) {
* print a this tree in New Hampshire format (including distances and
* internal labels)
* @param out output stream
public static void printNH(Tree tree, PrintWriter out) throws IOException {
printNH(tree, out, true, true);
* print this tree in New Hampshire format
* @param out output stream
* @param printLengths boolean variable determining whether branch lengths
* should be included in output
* @param printInternalLabels boolean variable determining whether internal
* labels should be included in output
public static void printNH(Tree tree, PrintWriter out,
boolean printLengths, boolean printInternalLabels) throws IOException {
NodeUtils.printNH(out, tree.getRoot(),
printLengths, printInternalLabels);
* a tree that has been re-rooted at the given internal node. The original
* root of the tree must have had at least 3 children.
public static void reroot(Tree tree, Node node) {
* Return node with the highest average minimum and maximum distance. Ed
* thinks this is roughly the midpoint - need to look this up
* @param tree
* @return
public static Node findMidpointNode(Tree tree) {
Node midNode = null;
double maxAvgDist = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < tree.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
Node iNode = tree.getInternalNode(i);
double[] d = NodeUtils.getPathLengthInfo(iNode);
double avg = (d[0] + d[1]) / 2.0;
if (maxAvgDist < avg) {
maxAvgDist = avg;
midNode = iNode;
return midNode;
* compute distance of external node a to all other leaves
* (computational complexity of this method is only O(n), following
* D.Bryant and P. Wadell. 1998. MBE 15:1346-1359)
* @param tree tree
* @param a node
* @param dist array for the node-to-node distance distances
* @param idist array for the distance between a and all internal nodes
* @param countEdges boolean variable deciding whether the actual
* branch lengths are used in computing the distance
* or whether simply all edges larger or equal a certain
* threshold length are counted (each with weight 1.0)
* @param epsilon minimum branch length for a which an edge is counted
public static void computeAllDistances(Tree tree,
int a, double[] dist, double[] idist,
boolean countEdges, double epsilon) {
dist[a] = 0.0;
Node node = tree.getExternalNode(a);
computeNodeDist(node, node.getParent(), dist, idist, countEdges, epsilon);
private static void computeNodeDist(Node origin, Node center,
double[] dist, double[] idist,
boolean countEdges, double epsilon) {
int indexCenter = center.getNumber();
int indexOrigin = origin.getNumber();
double[] distCenter;
double[] distOrigin;
if (center.isLeaf()) {
distCenter = dist;
} else {
distCenter = idist;
if (origin.isLeaf()) {
distOrigin = dist;
} else {
distOrigin = idist;
double len;
double tmp;
if (origin.getParent() == center) {
// center is parent of origin
tmp = origin.getBranchLength();
} else {
// center is child of origin
tmp = center.getBranchLength();
if (countEdges) // count all edges >= epsilon
if (tmp < epsilon) {
len = 0.0;
} else {
len = 1.0;
} else // use branch lengths
len = tmp;
distCenter[indexCenter] = distOrigin[indexOrigin] + len;
if (!center.isLeaf()) {
for (int i = 0; i < center.getChildCount(); i++) {
Node c = center.getChild(i);
if (c != origin) {
computeNodeDist(center, c, dist, idist, countEdges, epsilon);
if (!center.isRoot()) {
Node p = center.getParent();
if (p != origin) {
computeNodeDist(center, p, dist, idist, countEdges, epsilon);
private static Node[] path;
* compute distance between two external nodes
* @param tree tree
* @param a external node 1
* @param b external node 2
* @return distance between node a and b
public static final double computeDistance(Tree tree, int a, int b) {
int maxLen = tree.getInternalNodeCount() + 1;
if (path == null || path.length < maxLen) {
path = new Node[maxLen];
// len might be different from path.length
int len = findPath(tree, a, b);
double dist = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
dist += path[i].getBranchLength();
return dist;
// Find path between external nodes a and b
// After calling this method path contains all nodes
// with edges lying between a and b (including a and b)
// (note that the node lying on the intersection of a-root
// and b-root is NOT contained because this node does
// not contain a branch of the path)
// The length of the path is also returned
private static final int findPath(Tree tree, int a, int b) {
// clean path
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
path[i] = null;
// path from node a to root
Node node = tree.getExternalNode(a);
int len = 0;
path[len] = node;
while (!node.isRoot()) {
node = node.getParent();
path[len] = node;
// find intersection with path from node b to root
Node stopNode = null;
node = tree.getExternalNode(b);
while (!node.isRoot()) {
node = node.getParent();
int pos = findInPath(node);
if (pos != -1) {
len = pos;
stopNode = node;
// fill rest of path
node = tree.getExternalNode(b);
path[len] = node;
node = node.getParent();
while (node != stopNode) {
path[len] = node;
node = node.getParent();
// clean rest
for (int i = len; i < path.length; i++) {
path[i] = null;
return len;
private static final int findInPath(Node node) {
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (path[i] == node) {
return i;
} else if (path[i] == null) {
return -1;
return -1;
* Rotates branches by leaf count. WARNING: assumes binary tree!
private static void rotateByLeafCount(Node node) {
if (!node.isLeaf()) {
if (NodeUtils.getLeafCount(node.getChild(0))
> NodeUtils.getLeafCount(node.getChild(1))) {
Node temp = node.getChild(0);
for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
public static void report(Tree tree, Writer out) throws IOException {
printASCII(tree, out);
branchInfo(tree, out);
heightInfo(tree, out);
private static FormattedOutput format;
private static double proportion;
private static int minLength;
private static boolean[] umbrella;
private static int[] position;
private static int numExternalNodes;
private static int numInternalNodes;
private static int numBranches;
// Print picture of current tree in ASCII
private static void printASCII(Tree tree, Writer out) throws IOException {
format = FormattedOutput.getInstance();
numExternalNodes = tree.getExternalNodeCount();
numInternalNodes = tree.getInternalNodeCount();
numBranches = numInternalNodes + numExternalNodes - 1;
umbrella = new boolean[numExternalNodes];
position = new int[numExternalNodes];
minLength = (Integer.toString(numBranches)).length() + 1;
int MAXCOLUMN = 40;
Node root = tree.getRoot();
if (root.getNodeHeight() == 0.0) {
proportion = (double) MAXCOLUMN / root.getNodeHeight();
for (int n = 0; n < numExternalNodes; n++) {
umbrella[n] = false;
position[0] = 1;
for (int i = root.getChildCount() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
printNodeInASCII(out, root.getChild(i), 1, i, root.getChildCount());
if (i != 0) {
putCharAtLevel(out, 0, '|');
// Print branch information
private static void branchInfo(Tree tree, Writer out) throws IOException {
// check if some SE values differ from the default zero
boolean showSE = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numExternalNodes && showSE == false; i++) {
if (tree.getExternalNode(i).getBranchLengthSE() != 0.0) {
showSE = true;
if (i < numInternalNodes - 1) {
if (tree.getInternalNode(i).getBranchLengthSE() != 0.0) {
showSE = true;
format.displayIntegerWhite(out, numExternalNodes);
out.write(" Length ");
if (showSE) {
out.write("S.E. ");
out.write("Label ");
if (numInternalNodes > 1) {
format.displayIntegerWhite(out, numBranches);
out.write(" Length ");
if (showSE) {
out.write("S.E. ");
for (int i = 0; i < numExternalNodes; i++) {
format.displayInteger(out, i + 1, numExternalNodes);
out.write(" ");
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getExternalNode(i).getBranchLength(), 5);
out.write(" ");
if (showSE) {
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getExternalNode(i).getBranchLengthSE(), 5);
out.write(" ");
format.displayLabel(out, tree.getExternalNode(i).getIdentifier().getName(), 10);
if (i < numInternalNodes - 1) {
format.multiplePrint(out, ' ', 5);
format.displayInteger(out, i + 1 + numExternalNodes, numBranches);
out.write(" ");
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getInternalNode(i).getBranchLength(), 5);
out.write(" ");
if (showSE) {
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getInternalNode(i).getBranchLengthSE(), 5);
out.write(" ");
format.displayLabel(out, tree.getInternalNode(i).getIdentifier().getName(), 10);
// Print height information
private static void heightInfo(Tree tree, Writer out) throws IOException {
if (tree.getRoot().getNodeHeight() == 0.0) {
// check if some SE values differ from the default zero
//boolean showSE = false;
//for (int i = 0; i < numInternalNodes && showSE == false; i++)
// if (tree.getInternalNode(i).getNodeHeightSE() != 0.0)
// {
// showSE = true;
// }
format.displayIntegerWhite(out, numExternalNodes);
out.write(" Height ");
format.displayIntegerWhite(out, numBranches);
out.write(" Height ");
//if (showSE) out.print("S.E.");
for (int i = 0; i < numExternalNodes; i++) {
format.displayInteger(out, i + 1, numExternalNodes);
out.write(" ");
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getExternalNode(i).getNodeHeight(), 7);
out.write(" ");
if (i < numInternalNodes) {
format.multiplePrint(out, ' ', 5);
if (i == numInternalNodes - 1) {
format.multiplePrint(out, ' ', Integer.toString(numBranches).length() - 1);
} else {
format.displayInteger(out, i + 1 + numExternalNodes, numBranches);
out.write(" ");
format.displayDecimal(out, tree.getInternalNode(i).getNodeHeight(), 7);
out.write(" ");
private static void printNodeInASCII(Writer out, Node node, int level, int m, int maxm) throws IOException {
position[level] = (int) (node.getBranchLength() * proportion);
if (position[level] < minLength) {
position[level] = minLength;
if (node.isLeaf()) // external branch
if (m == maxm - 1) {
umbrella[level - 1] = true;
printlnNodeWithNumberAndLabel(out, node, level);
if (m == 0) {
umbrella[level - 1] = false;
} else // internal branch
for (int n = node.getChildCount() - 1; n > -1; n--) {
printNodeInASCII(out, node.getChild(n), level + 1, n, node.getChildCount());
if (m == maxm - 1 && n == node.getChildCount() / 2) {
umbrella[level - 1] = true;
if (n != 0) {
if (n == node.getChildCount() / 2) {
printlnNodeWithNumberAndLabel(out, node, level);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < level + 1; i++) {
if (umbrella[i]) {
putCharAtLevel(out, i, '|');
} else {
putCharAtLevel(out, i, ' ');
if (m == 0 && n == node.getChildCount() / 2) {
umbrella[level - 1] = false;
private static void printlnNodeWithNumberAndLabel(Writer out, Node node, int level) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < level - 1; i++) {
if (umbrella[i]) {
putCharAtLevel(out, i, '|');
} else {
putCharAtLevel(out, i, ' ');
putCharAtLevel(out, level - 1, '+');
int branchNumber;
if (node.isLeaf()) {
branchNumber = node.getNumber() + 1;
} else {
branchNumber = node.getNumber() + 1 + numExternalNodes;
String numberAsString = Integer.toString(branchNumber);
int numDashs = position[level] - numberAsString.length();
for (int i = 0; i < numDashs; i++) {
if (node.isLeaf()) {
out.write(" " + node.getIdentifier() + "\n");
} else {
if (!node.getIdentifier().equals(Taxon.ANONYMOUS)) {
out.write("(" + node.getIdentifier() + ")");
private static void putCharAtLevel(Writer out, int level, char c) throws IOException {
int n = position[level] - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out.write(' ');
* make given node the root node
* @param node new root node
private static void reroot(Node node) {
if (node.isRoot() || node.isLeaf()) {
if (!node.getParent().isRoot()) {
// Now the parent of node is root
if (node.getParent().getChildCount() < 3) {
// Rerooting not possible
// Exchange branch label, length et cetera
NodeUtils.exchangeInfo(node.getParent(), node);
// Rearrange topology
Node parent = node.getParent();
NodeUtils.removeChild(parent, node);
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