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package net.maizegenetics.analysis.gobii;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.AbstractPlugin;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.DataSet;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.GeneratePluginCode;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.PluginParameter;
import net.maizegenetics.util.DirectoryCrawler;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Utils;
* BEWARE: Whenever you "pull" to update the GOBII projects, there could be
* changes that effect these plugins. Need to check if the .nmap or .dupmap
* files have changed, and make corresponding changes here as required.
* This class takes a hmp.txt file(s) or vcf file(s) with a mapping file and creates the
* intermediate files for the marker, marker_linkage_group, dataset_marker,
* dnarun, and dataset_dnarun tables.
* The inputFile variable can be a file or a directory. If it is a directory,
* the code will look for all files with format *(hmp.txt,hmp.txt.gz,vcf,vcf.gz)
* and process them. It is assumed all files use the same taxa.
* Because we assume it is all the same taxa, the dnarun and dataset_dnarun files
* are created from the first *.hmp.txt file processed. These are the intermediate
* files that map this dnarun to a dataset, and contain one entry for each taxa
* which contains the taxa name (in the name field), libraryPrepID (as the code field),
* and ids into experiment and dnasample tables.
* The "mapping file" needs to contain columnns for the following data:
* taxaname: as appears in the vcf/hmp file
* name: taxa name it maps to (do I need this?)
* MGID: MGID for this taxa name
* GID: GID for this dnarun
* libraryID: same as in dnasample file
* project_name: db will be queried to get project_id from project name.
* Needed by IFL get get dnasample_id
* experiment_name: name of experiment needed for dnarun table (IFL maps to id)
* platform_name: name of platform needed for marker table, (IFL maps to ID)
* reference_name: name of reference table (IFL maps to ID)
* dataset_name: needed for dataset_dnarun and dataset_marker tables (IFL Maps to ID)
* samplename: will be used for table field
* The mapping file needs an entry for all taxa that may appear in the data input file.
* It is ok if multiple taxa names appear with the same MGID/GID/etc. These are
* synonyms. We mostly aren't storing the names, just the MGID. It must be
* identified in the mapping file.
* THe dataset id must be gotten from the database. Check the dataset from the mapping
* file, query the database to get the dataset_id. GOBII creates the data_table and
* data_file names from the GUI when it creates the ID. It always names them DS_.h5
* and DS_ for the table. We must do this by hand as we want to maintain
* consistency.
* The marker_linkage_group: Their mapping now requires both marker_name and platform_id.
* So Platform_name must also be a parameter. The software will query the db to get the
* platform_id from platform name. Both the marker and the marker_linkage_group intermediate
* files need the platform_name. This could be moved to the mapping file, but currently
* is an input parameter.
* VCF file headers have these fields:
* HMP.txt file headers have these fields:
* rs# alleles chrom pos strand assembly# center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode taxa1 ...
* Class Gobii_IFLUtils is used to find chrom,pos, alt and strand values based on
* file type of hmp or vcf. THe type of file is determined by the file suffix (hmp.txt,
* hmp.txt.gz, vcf or vcf.gz)
* July 6, 2016: In addition, this method will create a file to be used
* with PostProcessMarkerPlugin(). This file will contain the marker name, platformid
* and alts array. It may be used at a future date to find existing markers in the DB and
* update the alts array. See PostProcessMarkerPlugin() for details. Currently any allele
* in A/C/G/T that is not the reference will appear on the alt list. This is per Ed who
* says given a large enough population, each allele will appear as an alternate.
* August 3: BEcause we continue to change the data that makes up the sample name
* (was GID:plate:well, now is extraction_id) I have added a column called "SampleName"
* to the mapping file. The software will take whatever is stored here and use it as
* the dnasample name. Biologists can then change at will without a need to change
* the software
* Problems with GOBII loaders: The GOBII dnarun.nmap file now takes "num" instead of "platename"
* EIther one can be a problem for BL as they are not required fields, and we often don't have
* values for these columns. The IFL scripts does not check for IS NULL.
* It merely checks if the input file and exsiting db column match. You can't compare blank to
* null in postgres. BEcause of this, I changed our copy of the dnarun.nmap file and removed "num"
* as a mapping criteria. I have left it in this code to alert me if I do a "pull" on GOBII
* and move over new scripts. Uploading DS_X.dnarun should reulst in no entries, which will
* hopefully remind me to chaneg the mapping script again.
* @author lcj34
public class MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
// String inputFile() = "/Users/lcj34/notes_files/gobiiANDBms/gobii_curator_training/Maize282_noComments.hmp.txt";
// String outputFileDir() = "/Users/lcj34/notes_files/gobiiANDBms/gobii_loading/gobii_ifl_files/";
// String platform_name = "GBSv27";
private PluginParameter dbConfigFile= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("dbConfigFile",null,String.class).guiName("dbConfigFile").required(true)
.description("DB connection config file").build();
private PluginParameter inputFile= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("inputFile",null,String.class).guiName("inputFile").required(true)
.description("Full path of file or directory, each file including the header line. Files with format *.hmp.txt, *.hmp.txt.gz,*.vcf, *.vcf.gz will be processed.").build();
private PluginParameter outputFileDir= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("outputFileDir",null,String.class).guiName("outputFileDir").required(true)
.description("Directory where created files will be written. Should end with /").build();
private PluginParameter refFile= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("refFile",null,String.class).guiName("Reference File").required(true)
.description("Species reference file used to determine ref allele at marker position").build();
private PluginParameter mappingFile = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("mappingFile",null,String.class).guiName("mappingFile").required(true)
.description("tab-delimited File containing columns: TaxaColumn, name, source,MGID, GID,libraryID, plate_code, well, species, type and project").build();
private PluginParameter mapsetName = new PluginParameter.Builder<>("mapsetName",null,String.class).guiName("Mapset Name").required(true)
.description("mapset name from the mapset table. Used to identify correct linkage group, e.g. chrom 1 from agpv2 vs chrom 1 from agpv3").build();
private PluginParameter expName= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("expName",null,String.class).guiName("Experiment Name").required(true)
.description("Name of experiment to which this data belongs. Must match an experiment name from the db experiment table.").build();
private PluginParameter platformName= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("platformName",null,String.class).guiName("Platform Name").required(true)
.description("THe platform on which this data set was run, e.g. GBSv27. Must match a platform name from the platform db table").build();
private PluginParameter refName= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("refName",null,String.class).guiName("Reference Name").required(true)
.description("Name of referenece, e.g agpv2. Must match name from entry in reference table in db.").build();
private PluginParameter datasetName= new PluginParameter.Builder<>("datasetName",null,String.class).guiName("Dataset Name").required(true)
.description("Name of dataset for this data. Must match the name of one of the administered datasets in the db.").build();
static int datasetId = -1;
static int projectId = -1;
static int platformId = -1;
static int mapsetId = -1;
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin(Frame parentFrame, boolean isInteractive) {
super(parentFrame, isInteractive);
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin() {
super(null, false);
protected void preProcessParameters(DataSet input) {
protected void postProcessParameters() {
public ImageIcon getIcon() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getButtonName() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public String getToolTipText() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public DataSet processData(DataSet input) {
// THis method creates tab-delimited text files to be used for loading the specified tables
DataOutputStream writerMarker = null;
DataOutputStream writerMarkerProp = null; // we'll ignore this for now until Cinta gives us properites file
DataOutputStream writerMarkerLink = null;
DataOutputStream writerDSMarker = null;
DataOutputStream writerVariants = null;
DataOutputStream writerMarkerAlts = null;
int marker_idx = 0; // incr by 1 as add in sequence to the marker table. THis is how GOBII populates the field.
long totalTime=System.nanoTime();
// Check if inputFile is file or directory
File dataFile = new File(inputFile());
if (!dataFile.exists()) {
System.out.println("ERROR - input file doesn't exit: " + inputFile());
return null;
// Create list of files
List directoryFiles = new ArrayList<>();
String inputFileGlob="glob:*{hmp.txt,hmp.txt.gz,vcf,vcf.gz}";
if (dataFile.isDirectory()) {
System.out.println("LCJ - input file is a directory");
directoryFiles= DirectoryCrawler.listPaths(inputFileGlob, Paths.get(inputFile.value()).toAbsolutePath());
} else {
Path inputPath= Paths.get(inputFile()).toAbsolutePath();
System.out.println("LCJ - postProcessParamers: size of DirectoryFiles is " + directoryFiles.size());
for (int idx = 0;idx taxaDataMap = createTaxaMap(dbConnection, mappingFile());
if (taxaDataMap == null) return null;
System.out.println("MarkerDNARunMGID: finished creating taxaDataMap, size: " + taxaDataMap.size());
// The "name" field is not required by the db. We require it here in
// order to find the correct dataset, AND to have a consistent identifier
// for this group of files. Constraints on the name are NO SPACES - must be
// alpha-numeric with underscore as term separator (my constraints for both GOBII
// IFL scripts and for this file)
// Grab from the input file
// THese need to be named DS_.
String markerOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".marker";
String markerPropOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".marker_prop";
String markerLinkOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".marker_linkage_group";
String dsMarkerOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".dataset_marker";
String dnarunOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".dnarun"; // passed to createDNARunFiles
String dsdnarunOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".dataset_dnarun"; // passed to createDNARunFiles
String variantOutFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + ".variant";
String markerAltsFile = outputFileDir() + "DS_" + datasetId + "_markerAlts.txt";
BufferedReader markerbr = null;
// Create reference file
GenomeSequence myRefSequence = GenomeSequenceBuilder.instance(refFile());
byte[] refChromBytes = null; // holds ref bytes on a per-chrom basis
// Create string builders for the 8 files - we'll append data, then write
StringBuilder markerSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder markerPropSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder markerLinkageSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder dsMarkerSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder variantsSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder markerAltsSB = new StringBuilder();
try {
// GOBII currently doesn't have an IFL file for dataset, so that should be loaded by hand
// prior to running this script. Or, could consider connecting and adding it in here
// Currently I create the dataset manually before running this plugin
writerMarker = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(markerOutFile)));
writerMarkerProp = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(markerPropOutFile)));
writerMarkerLink = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(markerLinkOutFile)));
writerDSMarker = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dsMarkerOutFile)));
writerVariants = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(variantOutFile)));
writerMarkerAlts = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(markerAltsFile)));
// write header lines - these are used when creating foreign table by the IFL scripts
// reset lengths to 0 after writing string
int prevChrom = -1;
int curChrom = -1;
int[] tabPos = new int[11]; // there are many values, we care about the first 10
// Process all input files. We could have 1 hmp.txt file, or there could be
// a directory of them (generally split by chromosome). Process all files on the list
System.out.println("LCJ - size of directoryFiles: " + directoryFiles);
for (int idx = 0; idx < directoryFiles.size(); idx++) {
int totalLines = 0;
long time=System.nanoTime();
Path infile = directoryFiles.get(idx);
String infileString = infile.toString();
System.out.println("\nMarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin: processing file " + infileString);
markerbr = Utils.getBufferedReader(infileString, 1 << 22);
// check each file on the directlyFiles list. If it ends with .vcf or .vcf.gz process vcf
// if file ends with hmp.txt or hmp.txt.gz process hapmap. Anything else should have been
// tossed.
boolean isVCF = false;
boolean wroteHeader = false;
if (infileString.endsWith("vcf.gz") || infileString.endsWith("vcf")) {
isVCF = true;
String mline;
// Process each line in the file
while ( (mline=markerbr.readLine() )!= null) {
if (mline.startsWith("##")) continue; // toss comments, assumes all comments are at top of file, followed by header
if (!wroteHeader) {
// after comments we get the header - write the dnarun and dataset_dnarun files
// dnarun IFL maps experiment name and dnasample name.
// format is: experiment_name, dnasample_name, name,code
boolean dnaSuccess = createDNARunFiles( dbConnection,mline, dnarunOutFile,dsdnarunOutFile, expName(),
projectId, datasetName(), taxaDataMap,isVCF);
if (!dnaSuccess) {
System.out.println("ERROR processing dnarun and dataset_dnarun tables - time to quit!");
return null;
wroteHeader = true;
System.out.println("LCJ - found header at line " + totalLines);
// Get tab positions in the string
int len = mline.length();
int tabIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; (tabIndex < 11) && (i < len); i++) {
if (mline.charAt(i) == '\t') {
tabPos[tabIndex++] = i;
// Get the chromosome
curChrom = GOBII_IFLUtils.getChromFromLine(mline, isVCF, tabPos);
if (curChrom < 1 || curChrom > 10) continue; // skipping all but chroms 1-10
if (curChrom != prevChrom) {
// get reference for this chromosome
System.out.println("LCJ - processing chromosome : " + curChrom);
Chromosome newChrom = new Chromosome(Integer.toString(curChrom));
try {
refChromBytes = myRefSequence.chromosomeSequence(newChrom);
} catch (Exception exc) {
System.out.println("LCJ - no data for chrom " + curChrom + " continuing ...");
if (refChromBytes == null) {
System.out.println("LCJ - NO BYTES found for chrom " + curChrom);
prevChrom = curChrom;
String linkageGroupName = Integer.toString(curChrom); // chrom is 3rd column
// Data for marker intermediary table :
// default mappings are reference name, platform name, strand name
// format is: platform_name/variant_id/name/code/ref/alts/sequence/reference_name/primers/probsets/strand_name/status
//platformname - will be mapped to platform id in db
markerSB.append("\t"); //skip variant field
int position = GOBII_IFLUtils.getPosFromLine(mline, isVCF, tabPos);
String markerName = GOBII_IFLUtils.getMarkerNameFromLine(mline,isVCF,tabPos,mapsetName());
if (markerName == null) {
System.out.println("LCJ - failure from call to Gobii_IFLUtils.getMarkerNameFromLine !!!");
return null;
markerSB.append(markerName); // name field
markerSB.append("dummycode\t"); // code field
byte[] oneAllele = new byte[1];
// Position from hmp.txt or vcf file is 1 based, nucleotideByteToString wants 0 based
oneAllele[0] = refChromBytes[position-1];
String ref = NucleotideAlignmentConstants.nucleotideBytetoString(oneAllele);
//String ref = aTokens[0]; // assumes ref is first one - believe GOBII processes this way
// Alts are A/C/G/T minus the ref
String alts = GOBII_IFLUtils.getAltsForRef(ref);
markerSB.append("\t"); // no sequence, just tab over
markerSB.append("\t\t"); // skip over primers and probsets - we leave these fields blank
// find the strand - column 5 in hmp.txt file, not present in VCF
String strand = GOBII_IFLUtils.getStrandFromLine(mline, isVCF, tabPos);
markerSB.append("1\n"); // last item in table, the status - default to 1
// add the markerAlts values
// Used when we handle deletions - need actual alts from the data file
String altsFromFile = GOBII_IFLUtils.getAltsFromLine(mline, ref, isVCF, tabPos);
// add the marker_prop Table entries
// format is: marker_name/props
// NOTE: Currently the markerProp table is NOT populated. I leave the
// creation of it here as an example of how to create the JSONB, but never
// run the IFL scripts with the created file.
// What entries from the hmp file do we want? SHould add more to marker
// from the headers. GOBII handles this mapping on the loader form.
// It has a table with specific marker properties and lets user fill in value.
// This would be an issue for us - we'd have to know what properties to add.
// Perhaps I keep a table somewhere that indicates type of input file,
// the group (AGPv2, AGPv3, etc) and can set them.
// I'm going to default to species and genome_build and source
// Note the cv entries here are hard-coded. These are not valid if that table changes.
// How to handle this? Could make db queries from here, or perhaps we don't fill in the prop table yet?
// NOTE - you need all the escaped " shown below for the postgres json entries.
// the actual file will look like this:
// S1_10045 "{""23"": ""2"",""24"": ""Zea Mays"",""25"": ""Maize282_GBSv27_raw_MAF02""}"
String propsString = "\"{\"\"23\"\": \"\"2\"\",\"\"24\"\": \"\"Zea Mays\"\",\"\"25\"\": \"\"Maize282_GBSv27_raw_MAF02\"\"}\"";
markerPropSB.append(propsString); // last column, no tab needed
// add marker_linkage_group_entries
// format is: marker_name, platformId,start,stop, linkage_group_name (IFL maps to linkage_group_id)
markerLinkageSB.append(platformId); // store the platformId
// the position is both the start and stop - we grabbed it above when finding the ref
markerLinkageSB.append(position); // no need to convert to string?
// add linkage group id - IFL maps to linkage_group_id based on name
markerLinkageSB.append(linkageGroupName); // last column, no tab needed
markerLinkageSB.append(mapsetId); // IFL uses linkageGroupName and mapset_id together to get linkage_group_id
markerLinkageSB.append("\n"); // end of line
// Write the dataset_marker file
// format is: dataset_name,marker_name,call_rate,maf,reproducibility,scores,marker_idx
// by default, dataset_marker.nmap only maps the marker_name. I added dataset_name to this conversion file
// only populating the first 3 columns
//int dsID = 2; // if using dataset_id vs name column . Shouldn't need id anymore
//dsMarkerSB.append(Integer.toString(dsID)); // switch back if I get mapping to work
//dsMarkerSB.append("\t\t\t\t\t\n"); // skip rest of columns
dsMarkerSB.append("\n"); // end of line
marker_idx++; // Marker_idx takes values 0-N, incr after each value is added
// Create the monetdb variants file with taxa info - no header
// This file is one of 3 files used for creating and loading
// the monetdb table for this dataset. The other 2 files are
// generated from postgres queries of table IDs, and cannot be
// created until the files created from this class have been
// run through the IFL scripts and loaded. THis is because the monetdb
// table creator script needs the dnarun_id and marker_id which will
// be generated by postgres upon loading those tables.
String variantLine = GOBII_IFLUtils.addMonetdbVariantData(ref,altsFromFile,mline, isVCF, tabPos);
if (variantLine != null) {
} else {
System.out.println("LCJ - failure from call to Gobii_IFLUtils.addMonetdbVariantData !!!");
return null;
// Write lines to all files
if (totalLines >1000) {
// Reset strings to null before processing next batch
totalLines = 0;
if (totalLines > 0) {
// writerMarkerAlts.writeBytes(markerAltsSB.toString());
// Reset strings to null before processing next batch
System.out.println("Process took " + (System.nanoTime() - time)/1e9 + " seconds for file " + infileString);
if (markerbr != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Caugh exception reading or writing hmp.txt files");
System.out.println("Total time to process all files: " + (System.nanoTime() - totalTime)/1e9 + " seconds ");
return null;
public HashMap createTaxaMap (Connection conn, String mappingFile) {
HashMap taxaDataMap = new HashMap<>();
// open the mapping file
BufferedReader mappingbr = Utils.getBufferedReader(mappingFile);
// read the mapping file, create hashmap with name as the key,
// then an object of MGID, libraryID. Project name, experiment,platform, reference and dataset
// names should be the same for all in this group and are separate parameters
// to this method. This allows the same format for germplasm/dnasample as we have
// for individual experiment/dataset runs.
System.out.println("MarkerDNARunMGID: creating taxaDataMap from mapping file");
try {
// column names: storing idxes so column names may appear in any order.
int taxaIdx=-1, nameIdx=-1, sourceIdx=-1, mgidIdx=-1, gidIdx=-1, libIdx=-1;
int plateIdx=-1, wellIdx=-1, speciesIdx=-1, typeIdx=-1, projectIdx = -1, sampleIdx = -1;
String mappingLine = mappingbr.readLine(); // header line
String [] headers = mappingLine.split("\\t");
int idx = 0;
for (String header : headers) {
if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("TAXACOLUMN")) {
taxaIdx = idx;
} else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("NAME")) {
nameIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("SOURCE")) {
sourceIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("MGID")) {
mgidIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("GID")) {
gidIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("LIBRARYID")) {
libIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("PLATE_CODE")) {
plateIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("WELL")) {
wellIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("SPECIES")) {
speciesIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("TYPE")) {
typeIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("PROJECT")) {
projectIdx = idx;
}else if (header.trim().toUpperCase().equals("SAMPLENAME")) {
sampleIdx = idx;
// LCJ _ return this when files are fixed to include sample name - WGS is not fixed!!
if (taxaIdx == -1 || nameIdx == -1 || sourceIdx == -1 || mgidIdx == -1 || gidIdx == -1 || libIdx == -1 ||
plateIdx == -1 || wellIdx == -1 || speciesIdx == -1 || typeIdx == -1 || projectIdx == -1 || sampleIdx == -1) {
System.out.println("Mappingfile is missing required header line. Expecting columns: TaxaColumn, name, source, MGID, GID, libraryID, plate_code, well, species, type, project, SampleName");
return null;
// if (taxaIdx == -1 || nameIdx == -1 || sourceIdx == -1 || mgidIdx == -1 || gidIdx == -1 || libIdx == -1 ||
// plateIdx == -1 || wellIdx == -1 || speciesIdx == -1 || typeIdx == -1 || projectIdx == -1 ) {
// System.out.println("Mappingfile is missing required header line. Expecting columns: TaxaColumn, name, source, MGID, GID, libraryID, plate_code, well, species, type, project, SampleName");
// return null;
// }
boolean first = true;
while ((mappingLine = mappingbr.readLine()) != null) {
String[] data = mappingLine.split("\\t");
if (first) {
// get the project id from project name - should be same for all taxa in file
// get the dataset id;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("select project_id from project where name = '");
projectId = getTableId( conn, sb.toString(), "project_id");
String taxa = data[taxaIdx].trim(); // taxa name to match from input data file
String mgid = data[mgidIdx].trim();
String libID = data[libIdx].trim();
String plateName = data[plateIdx].trim();
String well = data[wellIdx].trim();
String gid = data[gidIdx].trim();
String sampleName = null;
if (sampleIdx == -1 || data[sampleIdx].trim().equals("")) {
sampleName = data[gidIdx].trim() + ":" + data[plateIdx].trim() + ":" + data[wellIdx].trim();
} else {
sampleName = data[sampleIdx].trim();
// if (sampleIdx == -1) {
// sampleName = data[gidIdx].trim() + ":" + data[plateIdx].trim() + ":" + data[wellIdx].trim();
// } else {
// sampleName = data[sampleIdx].trim();
// }
HmpTaxaData taxaDataItem = new HmpTaxaData(mgid, gid, libID,plateName,well,sampleName);
taxaDataMap.put(taxa, taxaDataItem);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Caught exception reading mapping file");
return null;
return taxaDataMap;
private static int getTableId(Connection conn, String query, String column) {
try {
ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
while ( {
int id = rs.getInt(column);
return id;
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("getTableId barfed on query: " + query);
return -1;
return -1;
private static boolean createDNARunFiles(Connection dbConnection, String hdrLine, String dnarunOutFile,
String dsdnarunOutFile,String expName, int projectId, String dsName,
HashMap taxaDataMap, boolean isVCF) {
// create the dnarun and dataset_dnarun IFL files
System.out.println("LCJ - createDNARunFiles - begin ");
int dnarun_idx = 0;
boolean returnVal = true;
try {
// Get experiment id - needed together with name for dataset_dnarun to get dnarun ID
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("select experiment_id from experiment where name= '");
int experiment_id = getTableId( dbConnection, builder.toString(), "experiment_id");
if (experiment_id == -1) return false;
DataOutputStream writerDNARun = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dnarunOutFile)));
DataOutputStream writerDSdnaRun = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dsdnarunOutFile)));
String[] hdrTokens = hdrLine.split("\t");
System.out.println("LCJ - createDNARunFiles: size of hdrTokens: " + hdrTokens.length);
StringBuilder dsDNArunSB = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder dnaRunSB = new StringBuilder();
// create the header line dnasample_name,num,project_id (previously used platename vs num field - IFL changed)
// NOTE: BL doesn't use "num" and it has been removed from our copy of the loading scripts. The null values
// would not compare in postges (need IS NULL, GOBII IFL scripts hard to add for general query)
// dnaRunSB.append("experiment_name\tdnasample_name\tnum\tproject_id\tname\tcode\n");
// create header line for dataset_dnarun
// The initial tokens are skipped
int idx = 11; // for hmp, taxa start in 12th column (11 when 0-based)
if (isVCF) idx= 9; // for vcf, taxa starts at 10th column (9 when 0-based)
for ( ; idx < hdrTokens.length; idx++) {
//System.out.println("LCJ - createDNARUnFiles: processing taxa: " + hdrTokens[idx]);
HmpTaxaData taxaData = taxaDataMap.get(hdrTokens[idx].trim());
if (taxaData == null) {
System.out.println("LCJ - createDNARunFiles - NO DATA FOR taxa " + hdrTokens[idx]);
returnVal = false;
// create line for dnarun
// add dnasample_name. IFL gets dnasample_id from dnasmample name(extractionid, now "SampleName" in mapping file), num (null for us), project_id=project_id
// Used to use plateName instead of num. We don't always have either one. HOpefully it just matches on the null entry
dnaRunSB.append(taxaData.getDnasampleName()); // name
// LCJ - not appending getNum() as postgres does not consider "" to be equivalent to NULL
// SO these fields don't match when running the IFL scripts and no data is loaded.
//dnaRunSB.append(taxaData.getNum()); // should be "" - BL doesn't use this.
//dnaRunSB.append("\t"); // took out column and data now! don't need extra \t
// Programmer's meeting on 7/7/16: decided dnarun name is just library prep ID, NOT TAXA
String dnarun_name = taxaData.getLibraryID();
dnaRunSB.append(dnarun_name); // name field - store just the library prep ID
// dnaRunSB.append(taxaData.getMGID()); // MGID stored in "code" field
dnaRunSB.append("\n"); // that's it - end the line
// create line for dataset_dnarun
// format: datset_name, dnarun_name, experiment_id, dnarun_idx
dsDNArunSB.append(dsName); // IFL maps to dataset_id (I added this mapping )
dsDNArunSB.append(dnarun_name); // IFL maps name to dnarun_id
//dsDNArunSB.append("\t\n"); // skip the last field
// add the dnarun_idx value
dsDNArunSB.append("\n"); // end of line - add new line
dnarun_idx++; // next dnarun_idx
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("LCJ - error processing IFL files for dnarun or dataset_dnarun table");
return false;
System.out.println("LCJ - successful creation of DNARun and dataset_dnarun files");
//return true; // successful processing
// if (returnVal == false) {
// System.out.println("LCJ - hdrline has these taxa: ");
// System.out.println(hdrLine);
// }
return returnVal;
//return false; // LCJ - RETURN LINE ABOVE !! _ This is just to force quit after creating dnarun tables.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// The following getters and setters were auto-generated.
// Please use this method to re-generate.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// GeneratePluginCode.generate(MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin.class);
// }
* Convenience method to run plugin with one return object.
// TODO: Replace with specific type.
// public runPlugin(DataSet input) {
// return () performFunction(input).getData(0).getData();
// }
* DB connection config file
* @return dbConfigFile
public String dbConfigFile() {
return dbConfigFile.value();
* Set dbConfigFile. DB connection config file
* @param value dbConfigFile
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin dbConfigFile(String value) {
dbConfigFile = new PluginParameter<>(dbConfigFile, value);
return this;
* hmp.txt file including, including the header line,
* which will be used to create marker related and dnarun
* related intermediary files for GOBII loading
* @return inputFile
public String inputFile() {
return inputFile.value();
* Set inputFile. hmp.txt file including, including the
* header line, which will be used to create marker related
* and dnarun related intermediary files for GOBII loading
* @param value inputFile
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin inputFile(String value) {
inputFile = new PluginParameter<>(inputFile, value);
return this;
* Directory where created files will be written
* @return outputFileDir
public String outputFileDir() {
return outputFileDir.value();
* Set outputFileDir. Directory where created files will
* be written
* @param value outputFileDir
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin outputFileDir(String value) {
outputFileDir = new PluginParameter<>(outputFileDir, value);
return this;
* Species reference file used to determine ref allele
* at marker position
* @return Reference File
public String refFile() {
return refFile.value();
* Set Reference File. Species reference file used to
* determine ref allele at marker position
* @param value Reference File
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin refFile(String value) {
refFile = new PluginParameter<>(refFile, value);
return this;
* tab-delimited File containing columns for taxaname,
* name, MGID, libraryID, project_id, experiment_name,
* platform_name, reference_name and dataset_name
* @return mappingFile
public String mappingFile() {
return mappingFile.value();
* Set mappingFile. tab-delimited File containing columns
* for taxaname, name, MGID, libraryID, project_id, experiment_name,
* platform_name, reference_name and dataset_name
* @param value mappingFile
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin mappingFile(String value) {
mappingFile = new PluginParameter<>(mappingFile, value);
return this;
* Integer identifying the mapset_id from the linkage group
* table to use when mapping to marker_linkage_group.
* @return mapsetId
public String mapsetName() {
return mapsetName.value();
* Set mapsetId
* @param value mapsetId
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin mapsetName(String value) {
mapsetName = new PluginParameter<>(mapsetName, value);
return this;
* Name of experiment to which this data belongs. Must
* match an experiment name from the db experiment table.
* @return Experiment Name
public String expName() {
return expName.value();
* Set Experiment Name. Name of experiment to which this
* data belongs. Must match an experiment name from the
* db experiment table.
* @param value Experiment Name
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin expName(String value) {
expName = new PluginParameter<>(expName, value);
return this;
* THe platform on which this data set was run, e.g. GBSv27.
* Must match a platform name from the platform db table
* @return Platform Name
public String platformName() {
return platformName.value();
* Set Platform Name. THe platform on which this data
* set was run, e.g. GBSv27. Must match a platform name
* from the platform db table
* @param value Platform Name
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin platformName(String value) {
platformName = new PluginParameter<>(platformName, value);
return this;
* Name of referenece, e.g agpv2. Must match name from
* entry in reference table in db.
* @return Reference Name
public String refName() {
return refName.value();
* Set Reference Name. Name of referenece, e.g agpv2.
* Must match name from entry in reference table in db.
* @param value Reference Name
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin refName(String value) {
refName = new PluginParameter<>(refName, value);
return this;
* Name of dataset for this data. Must match one the
* name of one of the administered datasets in the db.
* @return Dataset Name
public String datasetName() {
return datasetName.value();
* Set Dataset Name. Name of dataset for this data. Must
* match one the name of one of the administered datasets
* in the db.
* @param value Dataset Name
* @return this plugin
public MarkerDNARun_IFLFilePlugin datasetName(String value) {
datasetName = new PluginParameter<>(datasetName, value);
return this;
public static class HmpTaxaData {
//While these values are acutally ints, they will come in
// as strings from the mapping file, and need to be stored
// in the output file as strings, so they're declared as
// strings to save on conversion processing
private String MGID;
private String libraryID;
private String plateName;
private String dnasampleName;
private String num;
HmpTaxaData (String MGID, String GID, String libraryID, String plateName, String well,String sampleName) {
this.MGID = MGID;
this.libraryID = libraryID;
this.plateName = plateName;
// THis will be changed to extraction_id. That will be passed in
// this.dnasampleName = GID + ":" + plateName + ":" + well;
// because it keeps changing, we now have a SampleName column, the value of which is passed in here.
this.dnasampleName = sampleName;
this.num = ""; // Currently, BL doesn't use this field but is needed for GOBII IFL mapping file
public String getMGID() {
return this.MGID;
public String getLibraryID() {
return this.libraryID;
public String getPlateName() {
return this.plateName;
public String getDnasampleName() {
return this.dnasampleName;
public String getNum() {
return this.num;