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net.maizegenetics.analysis.association.AbstractFixedEffectLM Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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TASSEL is a software package to evaluate traits associations, evolutionary patterns, and linkage
package net.maizegenetics.analysis.association;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTableUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.score.SiteScore;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.GenotypePhenotype;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.PhenotypeAttribute;
import net.maizegenetics.phenotype.Phenotype.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
import net.maizegenetics.plugindef.Datum;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.CovariateModelEffect;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.FactorModelEffect;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.LinearModelUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.ModelEffect;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.ModelEffectUtils;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.SolveByOrthogonalizing;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.SweepFastLinearModel;
import net.maizegenetics.taxa.Taxon;
import net.maizegenetics.util.BitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.OpenBitSet;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReport;
import net.maizegenetics.util.TableReportBuilder;
public abstract class AbstractFixedEffectLM implements FixedEffectLM {
protected static Logger myLogger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractFixedEffectLM.class);
protected final Datum myDatum;
protected final GenotypePhenotype myGenoPheno;
protected final int numberOfObservations;
protected final int numberOfSites;
protected final List myDataAttributes;
protected final List myFactorAttributes;
protected final List myCovariateAttributes;
protected TableReportBuilder siteReportBuilder;
protected TableReportBuilder alleleReportBuilder;
protected int numberOfSiteReportColumns;
protected int numberOfAlleleReportColumns;
protected float[] allData;
protected int myCurrentSite;
protected int myCurrentSiteMinimumClassSize;
protected double[] siteData;
protected OpenBitSet missingObsForSite;
protected String currentTraitName;
protected boolean areTaxaReplicated;
protected boolean saveToFile = false;
protected String siteReportFilename;
protected String alleleReportFilename;
protected double maxP = 1.0;
protected FixedEffectLMPlugin myParentPlugin;
protected boolean appendAddDomEffects = false;
//filtering criteria
protected int minClassSize = 0;
protected boolean biallelicOnly = false;
protected boolean outputSiteStats = false;
protected String siteStatsFile = null;
//fields used for permutation testing
protected boolean permute = false;
protected int numberOfPermutations = 0;
protected double[] minP = null;
protected List permutedData;
protected double[] baseErrorSSdf;
protected double[] totalcfmSSdf;
protected double[] markerSSdf;
protected double[] errorSSdf;
protected List siteTableReportRows;
protected int markerpvalueColumn;
protected int permpvalueColumn;
protected ArrayList myModel;
protected DoubleMatrix G;
protected ArrayList myBaseModel;
protected int numberOfBaseEffects;
protected int taxaEffectNumber;
protected int randomSeed;
protected boolean useRandomSeed = false;
protected Random rand = null;
protected static final Map typeNameMap;
static {
typeNameMap = new HashMap();
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbA, "A");
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbC, "C");
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbG, "G");
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbT, "T");
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbGap, "-");
typeNameMap.put(SiteScore.SITE_SCORE_TYPE.ProbInsertion, "+");
public AbstractFixedEffectLM(Datum dataset, FixedEffectLMPlugin parentPlugin) {
myDatum = dataset;
myParentPlugin = parentPlugin;
myGenoPheno = (GenotypePhenotype) myDatum.getData();
numberOfObservations = myGenoPheno.phenotype().numberOfObservations();
numberOfSites = myGenoPheno.genotypeTable().numberOfSites();
myDataAttributes = myGenoPheno.phenotype().attributeListOfType(;
myFactorAttributes = myGenoPheno.phenotype().attributeListOfType(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.factor);
myCovariateAttributes = myGenoPheno.phenotype().attributeListOfType(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.covariate);
siteTableReportRows = new ArrayList();
public void initializeReportBuilders() {
String tableName = "GLM Statistics - " + myDatum.getName();
String[] columnNames = siteReportColumnNames();
numberOfSiteReportColumns = columnNames.length;
if (saveToFile) siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance(tableName, columnNames, siteReportFilename);
else siteReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance(tableName, columnNames);
tableName = "GLM Genotype Effects - " + myDatum.getName();
columnNames = alleleReportColumnNames();
numberOfAlleleReportColumns = columnNames.length;
if (saveToFile) alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance(tableName, columnNames, alleleReportFilename);
else alleleReportBuilder = TableReportBuilder.getInstance(tableName, columnNames);
public void solve() {
//loop through data attributes
// loop through sites
int numberOfAttributes = myDataAttributes.size();
int numberOfTestsTotal = numberOfAttributes * numberOfSites;
int numberOfTestsCalculated = 0;
int updateInterval = Math.max(1, numberOfTestsTotal / 100);
// long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (PhenotypeAttribute dataAttribute:myDataAttributes) {
currentTraitName =;
OpenBitSet missingObs = new OpenBitSet(dataAttribute.missing());
for (PhenotypeAttribute attr:myFactorAttributes) missingObs.or(attr.missing());
for (PhenotypeAttribute attr:myCovariateAttributes) missingObs.or(attr.missing());
allData = (float[]) dataAttribute.allValues();
if (permute) {
missingObsForSite = missingObs;
for (int s = 0; s < numberOfSites; s++) {
//updata missing obs for this site
myCurrentSite = s;
boolean keepSite = applySiteFilters();
if (!keepSite) continue;
siteData = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(allData, missingObsForSite);
myBaseModel = baseModel();
numberOfBaseEffects = myBaseModel.size();
if (permute) updateMinP(missingObs);
if (numberOfTestsCalculated % updateInterval == 0) {
double percentTested = 100.0 * ((double) numberOfTestsCalculated) / numberOfTestsTotal;
percentTested = Math.min(percentTested, 100);
if (myParentPlugin != null) myParentPlugin.updateProgress((int) percentTested);
// System.out.printf("Sites analyzed in %d ms\n", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
if (permute) updateReportsWithPermutationP();
if (saveToFile) {;;
private boolean applySiteFilters() {
//does the site pass the filter for biallelic sites
//start with the sites to be analyzed
if (!myGenoPheno.genotypeTable().hasGenotype()) return true;
byte[] siteGeno = myGenoPheno.genotypeAllTaxa(myCurrentSite);
int nsites = siteGeno.length;
Map genoCountMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
if (!missingObsForSite.get(s)) {
Integer genoCount = genoCountMap.get(siteGeno[s]);
if (genoCount == null) {
genoCountMap.put(siteGeno[s], 1);
} else {
genoCountMap.put(siteGeno[s], genoCount + 1);
boolean keepSite = true;
if (biallelicOnly) {
keepSite = false;
//the site is biallelic if genoCount = 2 or if genoCount == 3 and one of the genotypes is heterozygous
if (genoCountMap.size() == 2) keepSite = true;
else if (genoCountMap.size() == 3) {
int hetCount = 0;
for (Byte genoval : genoCountMap.keySet()) {
if (GenotypeTableUtils.isHeterozygous(genoval)) hetCount++;
if (hetCount == 1) keepSite = true;
//apply minClassSizeFilter
if (keepSite && minClassSize > 0) {
int numberBigEnough = 0;
int numberTooSmall = 0;
for (Integer ival : genoCountMap.values()) {
if (ival < minClassSize) numberTooSmall++;
else numberBigEnough++;
//if there is only one class that has enough taxa, eliminate the site
if (numberBigEnough < 2) keepSite = false;
//if the minimum class size is too small and there are more than two classes set that class to missing
else if (numberTooSmall > 0) {
for (Byte Bval : genoCountMap.keySet()) {
int classSize = genoCountMap.get(Bval);
if (classSize < minClassSize) {
byte classValue = Bval.byteValue();
for (int s = 0; s < nsites; s++) {
if (siteGeno[s] == classValue) missingObsForSite.set(s);
//calculate the minimum class size
//if two classes min class size = the smaller of the two class counts
//if three classes return second largest site count
List classSizes = new ArrayList<>(genoCountMap.values());
int nclasses = classSizes.size();
if (nclasses > 1) myCurrentSiteMinimumClassSize = classSizes.get(nclasses - 2);
else myCurrentSiteMinimumClassSize = 0;
return keepSite;
public TableReport siteReport() {
saveToFile = true;
public TableReport alleleReport() {
saveToFile = true;
public List datumList() {
List dataList = new ArrayList();
StringBuilder comment = new StringBuilder();
comment.append("GLM Output\nStatistical Tests for individual variants.\n");
comment.append("Input data: " + myDatum.getName()).append("\n");
dataList.add(new Datum("GLM_Stats_" + myDatum.getName(), siteReport(), comment.toString()));
comment = new StringBuilder();
comment.append("GLM Output\nGenotype Effect Estimates\n");
comment.append("Input data: " + myDatum.getName()).append("\n");
dataList.add(new Datum("GLM_Genotypes_" + myDatum.getName(), alleleReport(), comment.toString()));
return dataList;
public void permutationTest(boolean permute, int nperm) {
this.permute = permute;
numberOfPermutations = nperm;
* @param missingObsBeforeSite a BitSet with bits set for observations missing in model covariates and data
protected abstract void getGenotypeAndUpdateMissing(BitSet missingObsBeforeSite);
* updates the genotype after missingObsForSite has changed
protected abstract void getGenotypeAfterUpdatingMissing();
* @param siteNumber a site number
* This method tests the significance of this site and estimates the allele effects then appends the results to the site and allele reports.
protected abstract void analyzeSite();
protected String[] siteReportColumnNames() {
markerpvalueColumn = 5;
permpvalueColumn = 6;
if (appendAddDomEffects && !permute) return new String[] {AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,"marker_F",AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,"marker_Rsq","add_F","add_p","dom_F","dom_p", "marker_df","marker_MS","error_df","error_MS","model_df","model_MS","minorObs", "addEffect", "domEffect"};
if (appendAddDomEffects && permute) return new String[]{AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,"marker_F",AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,"perm_p","marker_Rsq","add_F","add_p","dom_F","dom_p", "marker_df","marker_MS","error_df","error_MS","model_df","model_MS","minorObs", "addEffect", "domEffect"};
if (permute) return new String[]{AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,"marker_F",AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,"perm_p","marker_Rsq","add_F","add_p","dom_F","dom_p", "marker_df","marker_MS","error_df","error_MS","model_df","model_MS","minorObs"};
return new String[] {AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,"marker_F",AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_P_VALUE,"marker_Rsq","add_F","add_p","dom_F","dom_p", "marker_df","marker_MS","error_df","error_MS","model_df","model_MS","minorObs"};
protected String[] alleleReportColumnNames() {
return new String[]{AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_TRAIT,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_MARKER,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_CHR,AssociationConstants.STATS_HEADER_POSITION,"Obs","Allele","Estimate"};
protected ArrayList baseModel() {
int numberOfNonmissingObs = numberOfObservations - (int) missingObsForSite.cardinality();
ArrayList modelEffects = new ArrayList();
FactorModelEffect meanEffect = new FactorModelEffect(new int[numberOfNonmissingObs], false);
//add factors to model
for (PhenotypeAttribute attr:myFactorAttributes) {
String[] factorLabels = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues((String[]) attr.allValues(), missingObsForSite);
FactorModelEffect fme = new FactorModelEffect(ModelEffectUtils.getIntegerLevels(factorLabels), true,;
//add covariates to model
for (PhenotypeAttribute attr:myCovariateAttributes) {
double[] values = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles((float[]) attr.allValues(), missingObsForSite);
CovariateModelEffect cme = new CovariateModelEffect(values,;
return modelEffects;
protected void createPermutedData() {
permutedData = new LinkedList<>();
double[] y = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(allData, missingObsForSite);
SweepFastLinearModel sflm = new SweepFastLinearModel(baseModel(), y);
DoubleMatrix residuals = sflm.getResiduals();
DoubleMatrix predicted = sflm.getPredictedValues();
baseErrorSSdf = sflm.getResidualSSdf();
totalcfmSSdf = new double[2];
double[] modelSSdf = sflm.getModelcfmSSdf();
totalcfmSSdf[0] = baseErrorSSdf[0] + modelSSdf[0];
totalcfmSSdf[1] = baseErrorSSdf[1] + modelSSdf[1];
if (rand == null) {
if (useRandomSeed) rand = new Random(randomSeed);
else rand = new Random();
for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPermutations; p++) {
LinearModelUtils.shuffle(residuals, rand);
DoubleMatrix permdm =;
minP = new double[numberOfPermutations];
Arrays.fill(minP, 1.0);
protected void updateReportsWithPermutationP() {
for (Object[] row : siteTableReportRows) {
double pval = ((Double) row[markerpvalueColumn]);
int ndx = Arrays.binarySearch(minP, pval);
if (ndx < 0) ndx = -(ndx + 1);
double permPval = (double) (ndx + 1) / (double) numberOfPermutations;
if (permPval > 1) permPval = 1;
row[permpvalueColumn] = new Double(permPval);
protected ModelEffect taxaEffect() {
Taxon[] myTaxa = myGenoPheno.phenotype().taxaAttribute().allTaxa();
Taxon[] myNonMissingTaxa = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingValues(myTaxa, missingObsForSite);
int[] taxaLevels = ModelEffectUtils.getIntegerLevels(myNonMissingTaxa);
FactorModelEffect taxaEffect = new FactorModelEffect(taxaLevels, true, "Taxon");
return taxaEffect;
// protected void testTaxaReplication() {
// int numberOfObservations = myGenoPheno.phenotype().numberOfObservations();
// int numberOfTaxa = myGenoPheno.genotypeTable().numberOfTaxa();
// if (numberOfTaxa < numberOfObservations) areTaxaReplicated = true;
// else areTaxaReplicated = false;
// }
protected void testTaxaReplication() {
areTaxaReplicated = false;
int numberOfObservations = myGenoPheno.phenotype().numberOfObservations();
int numberOfTaxa = myGenoPheno.genotypeTable().numberOfTaxa();
if (numberOfTaxa < numberOfObservations) {
// String msg = "Taxa are duplicated in the phenotype data set. Tassel version 5 will not run GLM when that is the case.";
String msg = "There are more phenotype observations than taxa with genotypes. Either some taxa have multiple phenotypes or some taxa do not have genotypes. Tassel version 5 will not run GLM when that is the case. Be sure to use an intersect join to merge genotypes and phenotypes.";
// myLogger.error(msg);
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
protected void updateMinP(BitSet missingObsBeforeSite) {
boolean useFastMethod = false;
int numberOfObsTotal = allData.length;
int numberOfMissingBeforeSite = (int) missingObsBeforeSite.cardinality();
int sizeOfPermutedData = permutedData.get(0).numberOfRows();
BitSet newMissing = new OpenBitSet(sizeOfPermutedData);
int permutedDataIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfObsTotal; i++) {
if (!missingObsBeforeSite.fastGet(i)) {
if (missingObsForSite.fastGet(i)) newMissing.fastSet(permutedDataIndex);
if (areTaxaReplicated) {
//if taxa are replicated
int iter = 0;
for (DoubleMatrix pdata : permutedData) {
double[] y = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(pdata.to1DArray(), newMissing);
SweepFastLinearModel sflm = new SweepFastLinearModel(myModel, y);
markerSSdf = sflm.getIncrementalSSdf(numberOfBaseEffects);
errorSSdf = sflm.getIncrementalSSdf(taxaEffectNumber);
double F = markerSSdf[0] / markerSSdf[1] / errorSSdf[0] * errorSSdf[1];
double p;
try {
p = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(F, markerSSdf[1], errorSSdf[1]);
if (minP[iter] > p) minP[iter] = p;
} catch (Exception e) {
//do nothing
} else if (useFastMethod) {
int numberOfModelEffects = myModel.size();
List thisBaseModel = new ArrayList<>(myModel);
ModelEffect markerEffect = thisBaseModel.remove(myModel.size() - 1);
List permutedArrays =
.map(dm -> dm.to1DArray())
.map(da -> AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(da, newMissing))
SolveByOrthogonalizing sbo = SolveByOrthogonalizing.getInstanceFromModel(thisBaseModel, permutedArrays);
DoubleMatrix X = markerEffect.getX();
SolveByOrthogonalizing.Marker markerRValues = null;
if (X.numberOfColumns() == 1) {
markerRValues = sbo.solveForR(null, X.to1DArray());
} else if (X.numberOfColumns() == 2) {
markerRValues = sbo.solveForR(null, X.column(0).to1DArray(), X.column(1).to1DArray());
if (markerRValues != null) {
int n = X.numberOfRows();
for (int iter = 0; iter < numberOfPermutations; iter++) {
if (minP[iter] > markerRValues.vector2()[iter]) minP[iter] = markerRValues.vector2()[iter];
} else {
int iter = 0;
int numberOfModelEffects = myModel.size();
for (DoubleMatrix pdata : permutedData) {
double[] y = AssociationUtils.getNonMissingDoubles(pdata.to1DArray(), newMissing);
SweepFastLinearModel sflm = new SweepFastLinearModel(myModel, y);
markerSSdf = sflm.getIncrementalSSdf(numberOfModelEffects - 1);
errorSSdf = sflm.getResidualSSdf();
double F = markerSSdf[0] / markerSSdf[1] / errorSSdf[0] * errorSSdf[1];
double p;
try {
p = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(F, markerSSdf[1], errorSSdf[1]);
if (minP[iter] > p) minP[iter] = p;
} catch (Exception e) {
//do nothing
public void maxP(double maxP) {
this.maxP = maxP;
public void siteReportFilepath(String savefile) {
saveToFile = true;
siteReportFilename = savefile;
public void alleleReportFilepath(String savefile) {
saveToFile = true;
alleleReportFilename = savefile;
public void biallelicOnly(boolean biallelic) {
biallelicOnly = biallelic;
public void minimumClassSize(int minsize) {
minClassSize = minsize;
public void saveSiteStats(boolean siteStats) {
outputSiteStats = siteStats;
public void siteStatsFile(String filename) {
siteStatsFile = filename;
public void appendAddDom(boolean append) {
appendAddDomEffects = append;
* This method is used mainly for testing in order to generate reproducible permutation results.
* If the seed is not set, the current time is used to initialize the random number generator.
* @param seed the seed used to initialize the random number generator used by permutation
public void setRandomSeed(int seed) {
randomSeed = seed;
useRandomSeed = true;