Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* VCFUtil
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Genotype;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.GenotypeBuilder;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContextBuilder;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.GenotypeTable;
import net.maizegenetics.dna.snp.NucleotideAlignmentConstants;
import net.maizegenetics.util.Tuple;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.*;
* @author Qi Sun
* @author Zack Miller
public class VCFUtil {
private static final Logger myLogger = LogManager.getLogger(VCFUtil.class);
// variables for calculating OS and PL for VCF, might not be in the correct class
private static double error;
private static double v1;
private static double v2;
private static double v3;
private static int[][][] myGenoScoreMap;
public static final int VCF_DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_ALLELES = 3;
static {
error = 0.001; //TODO this seems low, is this the standard
v1 = Math.log10(1.0 - error * 3.0 / 4.0);
v2 = Math.log10(error / 4);
v3 = Math.log10(0.5 - (error / 4.0));
myGenoScoreMap = new int[128][128][];
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
myGenoScoreMap[i][j] = calcScore(i, j);
private VCFUtil() {
// utility
public static int[] getScore(int i, int j) {
if (i > 127 || j > 127) return calcScore(i, j);
return myGenoScoreMap[i][j];
// Calculate QS and PL for VCF might not be in the correct class
private static int[] calcScore(int a, int b) {
int[] results = new int[4];
int n = a + b;
int m = a;
if (b > m) {
m = b;
double fact = 0;
if (n > m) {
for (int i = n; i > m; i--) {
fact += Math.log10(i);
for (int i = 1; i <= (n - m); i++) {
fact -= Math.log10(i);
double aad = Math.pow(10, fact + (double) a * v1 + (double) b * v2);
double abd = Math.pow(10, fact + (double) n * v3);
double bbd = Math.pow(10, fact + (double) b * v1 + (double) a * v2);
double md = aad;
if (md < abd) {
md = abd;
if (md < bbd) {
md = bbd;
int gq = 0;
if ((aad + abd + bbd) > 0) {
gq = (int) (md / (aad + abd + bbd) * 100);
int aa = (int) (-10 * (fact + (double) a * v1 + (double) b * v2));
int ab = (int) (-10 * (fact + (double) n * v3));
int bb = (int) (-10 * (fact + (double) b * v1 + (double) a * v2));
m = aa;
if (m > ab) {
m = ab;
if (m > bb) {
m = bb;
aa -= m;
ab -= m;
bb -= m;
results[0] = aa > 255 ? 255 : aa;
results[1] = ab > 255 ? 255 : ab;
results[2] = bb > 255 ? 255 : bb;
results[3] = gq;
return results;
public static byte resolveVCFGeno(byte[] alleles, int[][] allelesInTaxa, int tx) {
int[] alleleDepth = new int[allelesInTaxa.length];
for (int i = 0; i < allelesInTaxa.length; i++) {
alleleDepth[i] = allelesInTaxa[i][tx];
return resolveVCFGeno(alleles, alleleDepth);
public static byte resolveVCFGeno(byte[] alleles, int[] alleleDepth) {
int depth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < alleleDepth.length; i++) {
depth += alleleDepth[i];
if (depth == 0) {
return (byte) ((GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE << 4) | GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE);
int max = 0;
byte maxAllele = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
int nextMax = 0;
byte nextMaxAllele = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE;
for (int i = 0; i < alleles.length; i++) {
if (alleleDepth[i] > max) {
nextMax = max;
nextMaxAllele = maxAllele;
max = alleleDepth[i];
maxAllele = alleles[i];
} else if (alleleDepth[i] > nextMax) {
nextMax = alleleDepth[i];
nextMaxAllele = alleles[i];
if (alleles.length == 1) {
return (byte) ((alleles[0] << 4) | alleles[0]);
} else {
max = (max > 127) ? 127 : max;
nextMax = (nextMax > 127) ? 127 : nextMax;
int[] scores = getScore(max, nextMax);
if ((scores[1] <= scores[0]) && (scores[1] <= scores[2])) {
return (byte) ((maxAllele << 4) | nextMaxAllele);
} else if ((scores[0] <= scores[1]) && (scores[0] <= scores[2])) {
return (byte) ((maxAllele << 4) | maxAllele);
} else {
return (byte) ((nextMaxAllele << 4) | nextMaxAllele);
public static int[] resolveRefSorted(int[] sortedAlleles, byte refAllele) {
int[] sortedAllelesResolved = new int[sortedAlleles.length];
int indexOfRefAllele = Ints.indexOf(sortedAlleles, refAllele);
//If indexOfRefAllele is -1 the refAllele is not contained in sortedAlleles
//We need to add it
if (indexOfRefAllele < 0) {
//Set index to 0 as we want the Ref in the first position
indexOfRefAllele = 0;
if (refAllele != GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE) {
int[] sortedAllelesExpanded = new int[sortedAlleles.length + 1];
sortedAllelesExpanded[0] = refAllele;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAlleles.length; i++) {
sortedAllelesExpanded[i + 1] = sortedAlleles[i];
sortedAllelesResolved = sortedAllelesExpanded;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAllelesResolved.length; i++) {
sortedAllelesResolved[i] = sortedAlleles[i];
//Resort sorted Alleles if ref is not first in array
else if (indexOfRefAllele != 0) {
sortedAllelesResolved[0] = refAllele;
for (int i = indexOfRefAllele; i > 0; i--) {
sortedAllelesResolved[i] = sortedAlleles[i - 1];
for (int i = indexOfRefAllele + 1; i < sortedAllelesResolved.length; i++) {
sortedAllelesResolved[i] = sortedAlleles[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAllelesResolved.length; i++) {
sortedAllelesResolved[i] = sortedAlleles[i];
return sortedAllelesResolved;
public static boolean indelInKnownVariant(String[] knownVariants) {
for (String variant : knownVariants) {
if (variant.length() > 1) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean indelMinusInKnownVariant(String[] knownVariants) {
for (String variant : knownVariants) {
if (variant.equals("-") || variant.equals("+")) {
return true;
return false;
public static Tuple resolveSortedAndKnownVariantsExport(int[] sortedAllelesInput, String[] knownVariantsInput) {
int[] sortedAlleles = Arrays.copyOf(sortedAllelesInput, sortedAllelesInput.length);
String[] knownVariants = Arrays.copyOf(knownVariantsInput, knownVariantsInput.length);
if (knownVariants.length > 0) {
//ReOrder based on variant alleles
//Store a tempSortedAlleles so we can appropriately handle hapmap to vcf
//int[] tempSortedAlleles = new int[knownVariants.length];
//ArrayList to hold the Sorted Alleles Indices Temporarily as the ordering will change
ArrayList tempSortedAlleles = new ArrayList();
//Loop through all the knownVariants and check to see if we have an indel
boolean knownVariantIndel = VCFUtil.indelInKnownVariant(knownVariants);
//If we do have an indel, we can add the variants after picking off the first character to the tempSortedAlleles
if (knownVariantIndel) {
//Loop through the variants
for (int i = 0; i < knownVariants.length; i++) {
//Pull off the first character if it exists
if (knownVariants[i].length() > 1) {
String parsedVariant = knownVariants[i].substring(1);
tempSortedAlleles.add((int) NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(parsedVariant.charAt(0)));
} else {
//Mark as deletion
tempSortedAlleles.add((int) NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte('-'));
} else {
//If we dont have an indel, we can add it to the allele array
if (sortedAlleles.length < knownVariants.length) {
//Clear it out, we probably dont need to do this
tempSortedAlleles = new ArrayList();
int nIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < knownVariants.length; i++) {
//ZRM22 Mar 22
if (knownVariants[i].charAt(0) != 'N') {
tempSortedAlleles.add((int) NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte(knownVariants[i].charAt(0)));
} else {
//If N is in our known Variants list but we do not have an indel, we need to remove it
nIndex = i;
if (nIndex != -1) {
//if we have an N we need to resize KnownVariants
String[] knownVariantsSmall = new String[knownVariants.length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < knownVariants.length; i++) {
if (i < nIndex) {
knownVariantsSmall[i] = knownVariants[i];
} else if (i > nIndex) {
knownVariantsSmall[i - 1] = knownVariants[i];
knownVariants = knownVariantsSmall;
//END ZRM22 Jan7
//Make a copy of KnownVaraints in case we need to add some
ArrayList knownVariantsList = new ArrayList();
boolean indelsExist = false;
boolean indelsInKnownVariants = VCFUtil.indelInKnownVariant(knownVariants);
if (indelsInKnownVariants) {
indelsExist = true;
//Go through sorted alleles and also check for indels
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAlleles.length; i++) {
if (NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]).equals("-")) {
indelsExist = true;
//Move To Function/
for (String variant : knownVariants) {
if (indelsExist && !indelsInKnownVariants) {
knownVariantsList.add("N" + variant);
} else {
//Go through sorted alleles
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAlleles.length; i++) {
//If a sorted allele is not in tempSortedAlleles,
if (!tempSortedAlleles.contains(sortedAlleles[i])) {
//if its not add it to sorted alleles and knownVariants
//Check for an indel
if (indelsExist) {
if (NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]).equals("-")) {
} else {
knownVariantsList.add("N" + NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]));
// knownVariantsList.add("N"+NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte)sortedAlleles[i]));
} else {
knownVariantsList.add(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]));
//reset knownVariants and sortedAlleles to reflect the changes
String[] knownVariantsExtended = new String[knownVariantsList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < knownVariantsExtended.length; i++) {
knownVariantsExtended[i] = knownVariantsList.get(i);
knownVariants = knownVariantsExtended;
int[] sortedAllelesExtended = new int[tempSortedAlleles.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAllelesExtended.length; i++) {
sortedAllelesExtended[i] = tempSortedAlleles.get(i);
sortedAlleles = sortedAllelesExtended;
//sortedAlleles = tempSortedAlleles.toArray(new int[tempSortedAlleles.size()]);
} else {
//No known variants, but we need to handle indels
int indelIndex = -1;
//loop through sorted alleles
for (int i = 0; i < sortedAlleles.length; i++) {
//if we find an indel mark the index and set a boolean
if (sortedAlleles[i] == (int) NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getNucleotideAlleleByte('-')) {
indelIndex = i;
knownVariants = new String[sortedAlleles.length];
for (int i = 0; i < knownVariants.length; i++) {
if (indelIndex == -1) {
knownVariants[i] = "" + NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]);
} else {
if (indelIndex == i) {
knownVariants[i] = "N";
} else {
knownVariants[i] = "N" + NucleotideAlignmentConstants.getHaplotypeNucleotide((byte) sortedAlleles[i]);
return new Tuple(sortedAlleles, knownVariants);
//Utility method to find the top 2 depths from the depth array
public static int[][] calcTop2Depths(int[] siteAlleleDepths) {
//loop through the allele depths and figure out which one
int highestDepth = -1;
int highestIndex = -1;
int secondHighestDepth = -1;
int secondHighestIndex = -1;
for (int depthCounter = 0; depthCounter < siteAlleleDepths.length; depthCounter++) {
if (siteAlleleDepths[depthCounter] > highestDepth) {
//Take the Current Highest Depth and push it to the second highest
secondHighestDepth = highestDepth;
secondHighestIndex = highestIndex;
//Then set the highestDepth to the current value
highestDepth = siteAlleleDepths[depthCounter];
highestIndex = depthCounter;
} else {
//If not the best check for the second highest
if (siteAlleleDepths[depthCounter] > secondHighestDepth) {
//Then reset the second highest value with the current
secondHighestDepth = siteAlleleDepths[depthCounter];
secondHighestIndex = depthCounter;
//Otherwise let it fall through
int[][] top2Depths = {{highestIndex, highestDepth}, {secondHighestIndex, secondHighestDepth}};
return top2Depths;
* Method to convert a genotype table to a List of VariantContexts
* This is done by walking through the genotypeTable's positions in order.
* To Handle indels, we need to process a set of positions at a time
* It will start with the first position and hold its index temporarily
* Combine consecutive indel positions into this index list.
* A consecutive position is one where the chromosomes match, and the current position is less than 1 physical position away from the previous
* We need to check less than one as an insertion has the same physical reference position
* If the consecutive position also contains an indel character "+" or "-" we need to add it to the block
* Otherwise(either non indel or non-consecutive) process the previous block and setup a new block with the current site
* @param genotypeTable
* @return
public static List convertGenotypeTableToVariantContextList(GenotypeTable genotypeTable) {
List variantContextList = new ArrayList<>();
List indelSiteBlockList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < genotypeTable.numberOfSites(); i++) {
//Check to see if the current position is consecutive to the previous
//Note we need to check that the difference in physical position is less than 1 in case of insertions
if (genotypeTable.positions().get(i - 1).getChromosome().equals(genotypeTable.positions().get(i).getChromosome()) &&
(genotypeTable.positions().get(i - 1).getPosition() + 1) >= genotypeTable.positions().get(i).getPosition()) {
//Figure out if we have an insertion or deletion allele
boolean isIndel = false;
if(genotypeTable.referenceAllele(i)== NucleotideAlignmentConstants.INSERT_ALLELE || genotypeTable.referenceAllele(i)== NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_ALLELE ) {
for (byte allele : genotypeTable.alleles(i)) {
if (allele == NucleotideAlignmentConstants.INSERT_ALLELE || allele == NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_ALLELE) {
isIndel = true;
if (isIndel) {
//If we know it is an indel we want to add the site to the block
//Process the current block and add it to the variantContextList
variantContextList.add(convertGenotypeTableSiteToVariantContext(genotypeTable, indelSiteBlockList));
//Reset the block
indelSiteBlockList = new ArrayList<>();
//Process the remaining block
variantContextList.add(convertGenotypeTableSiteToVariantContext(genotypeTable, indelSiteBlockList));
return variantContextList;
* Method to convert a list of positions into a single variantContext record
* If sites only has one element, it will just create genotypes for that position(Fixing indels with missing information)
* If sites has multiple consecutive elements, it is likely an indel
* This needs to walk through the sites and combine the alleles together ignoring - and + nucleotides
* @param genotypeTable
* @param sites
* @return
public static VariantContext convertGenotypeTableSiteToVariantContext(GenotypeTable genotypeTable, List sites) {
//Get the start position for use later
int startPos = genotypeTable.positions().get(sites.get(0)).getPosition();
//Create a StringBuilder object for the left and the right alleles.
//The StringBuilders are building the alleleString in order of sites
List> alleleStrings = IntStream.range(0, genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa())
.map(index -> new Tuple<>(new StringBuilder(), new StringBuilder()))
//Set up the reference Allele String builder
StringBuilder referenceAlleleStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Set knownVariantSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
//Loop through each site and figure out the allele strings
//If it is a - or + we ignore it
for (Integer currentSite : sites) {
byte refAllele = genotypeTable.referenceAllele(currentSite);
if (refAllele != NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_ALLELE && refAllele != NucleotideAlignmentConstants.INSERT_ALLELE) {
//We add it because it is an actual allele value
String[] knownVariantsAtSite = genotypeTable.positions().get(currentSite).getKnownVariants();
if(knownVariantsAtSite!=null) {
//loop through each taxon
for (int taxonIndex = 0; taxonIndex < genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa(); taxonIndex++) {
String[] genotypeCalls = genotypeTable.genotypeAsStringArray(taxonIndex,currentSite);
if(genotypeCalls[0].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.UNDEFINED_ALLELE_STR)) {
genotypeCalls[0] = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR;
if(genotypeCalls[1].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.UNDEFINED_ALLELE_STR)) {
genotypeCalls[1] = GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR;
//Add the calls to the string builders for this taxon
//We only want to add in the alleles if they are not + or minus as those are not valid VCF characters
if (!genotypeCalls[0].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_ALLELE_STR) && !genotypeCalls[0].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.INSERT_ALLELE_STR)) {
if (!genotypeCalls[1].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.GAP_ALLELE_STR) && !genotypeCalls[1].equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.INSERT_ALLELE_STR)) {
//Because we are not going to change the String Builders any more, convert them to String objects
List> alleleStringVals =
.map(singleAlleleTuple -> new Tuple<>(singleAlleleTuple.getX().toString(), singleAlleleTuple.getY().toString()))
//We need to check to see if we have to add in Ns for indels where the previous position is not known
boolean fixIndels = sites.size() == 1 && -> Arrays.asList(alleleTuple.getX(), alleleTuple.getY()).stream()).anyMatch(alleleString -> alleleString.equals(""));
//Fix the allele values if we have an indel and no additional information
if (fixIndels) {
//Add an N to the reference allele
referenceAlleleStringBuilder.insert(0, "N");
//Subtract the startPosition by 1 bp as we are adding an allele to the start of the string
//Fix the indel positions by adding in the Ns
alleleStringVals = fixIndelPositions(alleleStringVals);
//We now have all the possible allele strings figured out we can get the Allele objects
Map alleleStringToObjMap = createAlleleStringToObjMap(referenceAlleleStringBuilder.toString(), alleleStringVals,knownVariantSet, genotypeTable.positions().get(sites.get(0)));
//Convert the allele objects into a list so we can add them to the VariantContextBuilder
List alleleObjectList = alleleStringToObjMap.keySet().stream()
.map(alleleString -> alleleStringToObjMap.get(alleleString))
.filter(alleleObject -> !alleleObject.equals(Allele.NO_CALL)) //Remove No_Call(missing) alleles as they will break the variantContext
.distinct()//need this as X, N and * all map to Allele("N",false)
//Get the genotype Calls for each taxon
List genotypeList = getGenotypes(genotypeTable, alleleStringVals, alleleStringToObjMap);
//Create the variant Context for this record
VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder(".", //Is there a better source to put here?
startPos + referenceAlleleStringBuilder.toString().length() - 1,
//Make the VaraintContext
return vcb.make();
* Fix the indel positions for the allele strings
* Basically just add in an N at the start of each String
* TODO handle indels at the start of the chromosome(Add N to the end)
* @param alleleStringVals
* @return
private static List> fixIndelPositions(List> alleleStringVals) {
.map(alleleTuple -> new Tuple<>("N" + alleleTuple.getX(), "N" + alleleTuple.getY()))
* Convert the alleleStrings into HTSJDK Allele objects and create a Mapping of String to Allele Object
* @param referenceString
* @param alleleStrings
* @return
private static Map createAlleleStringToObjMap(String referenceString, List> alleleStrings, Set knownVariantSet,Position position) {
//We need to loop through each possible allele string and make a new HTSJDK Allele object for each one
try {
//TODO setup a cache for the common ACGT ref and non Ref alleles for speed
Map stringValueToAlleleMap = new HashMap<>();
if (referenceString == null || referenceString.equals("")) {
myLogger.warn("NULL reference allele found: " + position.toString() + " Putting N in for ref.");
stringValueToAlleleMap.put(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR, Allele.create("N", true));
} else {
//Setup the reference allele
stringValueToAlleleMap.put(referenceString, Allele.create(referenceString, true));
Map uniqueAlternateAlleles =
.flatMap(sbTuple -> Arrays.asList(sbTuple.getX(), sbTuple.getY()).stream()) //FlatMap the tuples
.filter(alleleString -> !stringValueToAlleleMap.containsKey(alleleString))//Make sure we dont include the reference allele as we do not want to overwrite
.distinct() //Remove duplicates
.filter(alleleString -> alleleString != null)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(alleleString -> alleleString, alleleString -> {
if(alleleString.equals("*") || alleleString.equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.UNDEFINED_ALLELE_STR)) {
return Allele.NO_CALL;
else {
return Allele.create(alleleString, false);
})); //Convert each string to an Allele Object and add it to a map
//Add in all the unique alternate alleles to the map
Map uniqueKnownVariantAlleles =
.filter(alleleString -> !stringValueToAlleleMap.containsKey(alleleString))//Make sure we dont include the reference allele as we do not want to overwrite
.distinct() //Remove duplicates
.filter(alleleString -> alleleString != null)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(alleleString -> alleleString, alleleString -> {
if(alleleString.equals("*") || alleleString.equals(NucleotideAlignmentConstants.UNDEFINED_ALLELE_STR)) {
return Allele.NO_CALL;
else {
return Allele.create(alleleString, false);
})); //Convert each string to an Allele Object and add it to a map
//we need to check to see if we have an indel in our allele list. If we do not, we need to remove the N key object as these genotypes will not be in the GenotypeContext
boolean hasIndel = false;
int refLength = referenceString.length();
for (String alleleValue : stringValueToAlleleMap.keySet()) {
if (alleleValue.length() != refLength) {
hasIndel = true;
if (!hasIndel && !referenceString.equals(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR) && stringValueToAlleleMap.containsKey(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR)) {
//remove the N allele from the map as it is not valid
stringValueToAlleleMap.put(GenotypeTable.UNKNOWN_ALLELE_STR, Allele.NO_CALL);
return stringValueToAlleleMap;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Method to create a list of genotype objects for the sites
* @param genotypeTable
* @param listOfAlleleCalls
* @param callToAlleleObjMap
* @return
private static List getGenotypes(GenotypeTable genotypeTable, List> listOfAlleleCalls, Map callToAlleleObjMap) {
List genotypeList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int taxonIndex = 0; taxonIndex < genotypeTable.numberOfTaxa(); taxonIndex++) {
List currentTaxonsAlleles = Arrays.asList(callToAlleleObjMap.get(listOfAlleleCalls.get(taxonIndex).getX()),
GenotypeBuilder currentGenotypeBuilder = new GenotypeBuilder(genotypeTable.taxaName(taxonIndex), currentTaxonsAlleles);
// .AD(new int[0]) // For now we do not care about depth. TODO Figure out a better way to handle allele depth
// .DP(0)
// .GQ(0)
// .PL(new int[0]);
return genotypeList;
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