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net.maizegenetics.stats.EMMA.EMMAforDoubleMatrix Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package net.maizegenetics.stats.EMMA;

import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrix;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.Matrix.DoubleMatrixFactory;
import net.maizegenetics.matrixalgebra.decomposition.EigenvalueDecomposition;
import net.maizegenetics.stats.linearmodels.LinearModelUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * Class for implementation of the EMMA algorithm often used in GWAS.  Initially developer by
 * Kang et al Genetics March 2008 178:1709-1723
public class EMMAforDoubleMatrix {

    private static final Logger myLogger = LogManager.getLogger(EMMAforDoubleMatrix.class);
    protected DoubleMatrix y;

    protected double[] lambda;
    protected double[] eta2;
    protected double c;
    protected int N;
    protected int q;
    protected int Nran;
    protected int dfMarker = 0;

    protected DoubleMatrix Xoriginal = null;
    //    protected DoubleMatrix A;
    protected DoubleMatrix X;
    protected DoubleMatrix Zoriginal = null;
    protected DoubleMatrix Z = null;
    //    protected DoubleMatrix transZ;
    protected DoubleMatrix K;
    protected EigenvalueDecomposition eig;
    protected EigenvalueDecomposition eigA;
    protected DoubleMatrix U;
    protected DoubleMatrix invH;
    protected DoubleMatrix invXHX;

    protected DoubleMatrix beta;
    protected DoubleMatrix Xbeta;
    protected double ssModel;
    protected double ssError;
    protected double SST;
    protected double Rsq;
    protected int dfModel;
    protected int dfError;
    protected double delta;
    protected double varResidual;
    protected double varRandomEffect;
    protected DoubleMatrix blup;
    protected DoubleMatrix pred;
    protected DoubleMatrix res;
    protected DoubleMatrix pev;
    protected double lnLikelihood;
    protected boolean findDelta = true;
    protected boolean calculatePEV = false;

    protected double lowerlimit = 1e-5;
    protected double upperlimit = 1e5;
    protected int nregions = 100;
    protected double convergence = 1e-10;
    protected int maxiter = 50;
    protected int subintervalCount = 0;

    public EMMAforDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix y, DoubleMatrix fixed, DoubleMatrix kin, int nAlleles) {
        this(y, fixed, kin, nAlleles, Double.NaN);

     * This constructor assumes that Z is the identity matrix for calculating blups, predicted values and residuals. If that is not true use
     * the contstructor that explicity takes Z. This constructor treats A as ZKZ' so it can be used if blups and residuals are not needed.
     * @param data
     * @param fixed
     * @param kin
     * @param nAlleles
     * @param delta
    public EMMAforDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix data, DoubleMatrix fixed, DoubleMatrix kin, int nAlleles, double delta) {
        //throw an error if X is less than full column rank
        dfModel = fixed.numberOfColumns();

        int rank = fixed.columnRank();
        if (rank < dfModel)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fixed effect design matrix has less than full column rank. The analysis will not be run.");
        if (!Double.isNaN(delta)) {
   = delta;
            findDelta = false;

        y = data;
        if (y.numberOfColumns() > 1 && y.numberOfRows() == 1) this.y = y.transpose();

        N = y.numberOfRows();
        X = fixed;

        q = X.numberOfColumns();
//		A = kin;
        K = kin;
        Nran = K.numberOfRows();
        Z = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.identity(Nran);

        dfMarker = nAlleles - 1;

     * This constructor should be used when Z is not the identity matrix. Z is needed to calculate blups and residuals.
     * @param data
     * @param fixed
     * @param kin
     * @param inZ
     * @param nAlleles
     * @param delta
    public EMMAforDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix data, DoubleMatrix fixed, DoubleMatrix kin, DoubleMatrix inZ, int nAlleles, double delta) {
        dfModel = fixed.numberOfColumns();

        int rank = fixed.columnRank();
        if (rank < dfModel)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fixed effect design matrix has less than full column rank. The analysis will not be run.");
        if (!Double.isNaN(delta)) {
   = delta;
            findDelta = false;

        y = data;
        if (y.numberOfColumns() > 1 && y.numberOfRows() == 1) this.y = y.transpose();

        N = y.numberOfRows();
        X = fixed;

        q = X.numberOfColumns();
        Z = inZ;
        K = kin;

//		A = Z.mult(K).tcrossproduct(Z);

        Nran = Z.numberOfRows();
        dfMarker = nAlleles - 1;

     * This constructor is designed for G-BLUP.
     * Uses kinship matrix with phenotypes in same order.
     * Phenotypes = NaN for prediction set.
     * Assumes that Z is the identity matrix for calculating blups, predicted values and residuals. If that is not true use
     * the constructor that explicity takes Z. This constructor treats A as ZKZ' so it can be used if blups and residuals are not needed.
     * @param data A column double matrix of phenotypic values (number of individuals x 1 taxa ID column + number of traits)
     * @param fixed
     * @param kin
    public EMMAforDoubleMatrix(DoubleMatrix data, DoubleMatrix fixed, DoubleMatrix kin) {
        //throw an error if X is less than full column rank
        dfModel = fixed.numberOfColumns();

        int rank = fixed.columnRank();
        if (rank < dfModel)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fixed effect design matrix has less than full column rank. The analysis will not be run.");

        if (data.numberOfColumns() > 1 && data.numberOfRows() == 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The phenotype data must be a column matrix.");

        //remove rows in data with missing phenotypic values from Y and Z
        K = kin;
        Nran = K.numberOfRows();
        //int nonmissingY = (int) -> ! Double.isNaN(d)).count();
        //int[] nonmissingIndex = new int[nonmissingY];
        int[] nonmissingIndex = IntStream.range(0, Nran).filter(i -> !Double.isNaN(data.get(i, 0))).toArray();
        y = data.getSelection(nonmissingIndex, null);
        Zoriginal = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.identity(Nran);
        Z = Zoriginal.getSelection(nonmissingIndex, null);

        N = y.numberOfRows();

        Xoriginal = fixed;
        X = fixed.getSelection(nonmissingIndex, null);

        q = X.numberOfColumns();


    protected void init() {
        int nreml = N - q;
        c = nreml * Math.log(nreml / 2 / Math.PI) - nreml;

        lambda = new double[nreml];

        //find the eigenvalues of A
        DoubleMatrix A = Z.mult(K).tcrossproduct(Z);
        eigA = A.getEigenvalueDecomposition();
        double[] eigenvalA = eigA.getEigenvalues();
        int n = eigenvalA.length;

        double min = eigenvalA[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) min = Math.min(min, eigenvalA[i]);
        double bend = 0.0;
        if (min < 0.01) bend = -1 * min + 0.5;

        //S = I - X inv(X'X) X'
        //X is assumed to be of full column rank, i.e. X'X is non-singular
        DoubleMatrix[] XtXGM = X.getXtXGM();
        DoubleMatrix XtX = XtXGM[0];
        DoubleMatrix S = XtXGM[2];
        DoubleMatrix G = XtXGM[1];

        //determine the s
        //add bend to the diagonal of A
        //this is necessary to get correct decomposition of SAS
        n = A.numberOfRows();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) A.set(i, i, A.get(i, i) + bend);
        DoubleMatrix SAS = S.mult(A.mult(S));

        //decompose SAS
        eig = SAS.getEigenvalueDecomposition();

        //which are the zero eigenvalues?
        double[] eigenval = eig.getEigenvalues();
        int[] ndx = getSortedIndexofAbsoluteValues(eigenval);
        int[] eigndx = new int[nreml];
        for (int i = 0; i < nreml; i++) eigndx[i] = ndx[i];

        //sort V to get U
        DoubleMatrix V = eig.getEigenvectors();
        U = V.getSelection(null, ndx);

        //derive lambda
        for (int i = 0; i < nreml; i++) lambda[i] = eigenval[eigndx[i]] - bend;

    private int[] getSortedIndexofAbsoluteValues(double[] values) {
        int n = values.length;
        int[] index = new int[n];

        class Pair implements Comparable {
            int order;
            double absvalue;

            Pair(int order, double value) {
                this.order = order;
                this.absvalue = Math.abs(value);

            public int compareTo(Pair other) {
                if (absvalue < other.absvalue) return 1;
                if (absvalue > other.absvalue) return -1;
                return 0;

        Pair[] valuePairs = new Pair[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            valuePairs[i] = new Pair(i, values[i]);


        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) index[i] = valuePairs[i].order;
        return index;

    public void solve() {

        //calculate eta squared
        DoubleMatrix eta = U.crossproduct(y);
        int nrows = eta.numberOfRows();
        eta2 = new double[nrows];
        for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) eta2[i] = eta.get(i, 0) * eta.get(i, 0);

        if (findDelta) {
            double[] interval = new double[]{lowerlimit, upperlimit};
            delta = findDeltaInInterval(interval);


        lnLikelihood = lnlk(delta);
        invH = inverseH(delta);
        beta = calculateBeta();
        double genvar = getGenvar(beta);

        dfModel = q - 1;
        dfError = N - q;
        varResidual = genvar * delta;
        varRandomEffect = genvar;

    public void calculateBlupsPredictedResiduals() {
        pred = calculatePred();
        res = calculateRes();

    public void calculateBlupsPredicted() {
        pred = calculatePred();

    private double findDeltaInInterval(double[] interval) {
        double[][] d = scanlnlk(interval[0], interval[1]);

        double[][] sgnchange = findSignChanges(d);
        int nchanges = sgnchange.length;
        double[] bestd = new double[]{Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
        int n = d.length;

        //find the element of d with maximum ln Likelihood (bestd)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (Double.isNaN(bestd[1])) bestd = d[i];
            else if (!Double.isNaN(d[i][1]) && d[i][1] > bestd[1]) bestd = d[i];

        double bestdelta = bestd[0];
        double lkDelta = bestd[1];
        for (int i = 0; i < nchanges; i++) {
            double newdelta = findMaximum(sgnchange[i]);
            if (!Double.isNaN(newdelta)) {
                double newlk = lnlk(newdelta);
                if (!Double.isNaN(newlk) && newlk > lkDelta) {
                    bestdelta = newdelta;
                    lkDelta = newlk;
        return bestdelta;

    private double lnlk(double delta) {
        double term1 = 0;
        double term2 = 0;
        int n = N - q;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double val = (lambda[i] + delta);
            if (val < 0) return Double.NaN;
            term1 += eta2[i] / val;
            term2 += Math.log(val);
        return (c - n * Math.log(term1) - term2) / 2;

    private double d1lnlk(double delta) {
        double term1 = 0;
        double term2 = 0;
        double term3 = 0;
        int n = N - q;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double val = 1 / (lambda[i] + delta);
            double val2 = eta2[i] * val;
            term1 += val2;
            term2 += val2 * val;
            term3 += val;

        return n * term2 / term1 / 2 - term3 / 2;

    private double[][] scanlnlk(double lower, double upper) {
        double[][] result = new double[nregions][3];
        upper = Math.log10(upper);
        lower = Math.log10(lower);
        double incr = (upper - lower) / (nregions - 1);

        for (int i = 0; i < nregions; i++) {
            double delta = Math.pow(10.0, lower + i * incr);
            result[i][0] = delta;
            result[i][1] = lnlk(delta);
            result[i][2] = d1lnlk(delta);

        return result;

    private double[][] findSignChanges(double[][] scan) {
        ArrayList changes = new ArrayList();
        int n = scan.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
            if (scan[i][2] > 0 && scan[i + 1][2] <= 0 && !Double.isNaN(scan[i][1]))
                changes.add(new Double[]{scan[i][0], scan[i + 1][0]});
        n = changes.size();
        double[][] result = new double[n][2];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            result[i][0] = changes.get(i)[0];
            result[i][1] = changes.get(i)[1];
        return result;


    private double findMaximum(double[] interval) {

        //uses Newton Raphson to find local maximum
        //updates delta using delta' = delta - d1/d2
        //where d1 is the first derivative of lnlk at delta and
        //d2 is the second derivative of lnlk at delta

        //the local maximum is expected to fall between delta and max
        //if the algorithm finds a new delta outside this interval
        //then the likelihood is not well behaved in this interval 
        //subdivide the interval and try again
        double delta = interval[0];
        boolean end = false;
        int n = N - q;
        int nIterations = 0;
        while (!end && nIterations < maxiter) {
            //A = sum[eta2/(lambda + delta)]
            //B = sum[eta2/(lambda + delta)^2]
            //C = sum[eta2/(lambda + delta)^3]
            //D = sum[1/(lambda + delta)]
            //E = sum[1/(lambda + delta)^2]
            double A = 0;
            double B = 0;
            double C = 0;
            double D = 0;
            double E = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                double val = lambda[i] + delta;
                double val2 = val * val;
                double val3 = val2 * val;
                A += eta2[i] / val;
                B += eta2[i] / val2;
                C += eta2[i] / val3;
                D += 1 / val;
                E += 1 / val2;

            double d1 = n * B / A - D;
            if (Math.abs(d1) < convergence) end = true;
            else {
                double d2 = E + n * (B * B - 2 * A * C) / A / A;
                delta = delta - d1 / d2;

            if (delta < interval[0] || delta > interval[1]) {
                if (subintervalCount > 3) {
                    subintervalCount = 0;
                    return Double.NaN;
                delta = findDeltaInInterval(interval);
                end = true;

        subintervalCount = 0;
        return delta;

    private DoubleMatrix inverseH(double delta) {
        DoubleMatrix V = eigA.getEigenvectors();
        DoubleMatrix D = eigA.getEigenvalueMatrix();

        int n = D.numberOfRows();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) D.set(i, i, 1 / (D.get(i, i) + delta));
        return V.mult(D.tcrossproduct(V));

    private DoubleMatrix calculateBeta() {
        DoubleMatrix XtH = X.crossproduct(invH);
        invXHX = XtH.mult(X).inverse();
        return invXHX.mult(XtH.mult(y));

    public void calculateBLUP() {
        Xbeta = X.mult(beta);
        DoubleMatrix YminusXbeta = y.minus(Xbeta);
        DoubleMatrix KtransZ = K.mult(Z.transpose());
        DoubleMatrix KtransZinvH = KtransZ.mult(invH);
        blup = KtransZinvH.mult(YminusXbeta);

        if (calculatePEV) {
            DoubleMatrix KZHX = KtransZinvH.mult(X);
            DoubleMatrix pevMatrix = K.copy();
            pevMatrix = pevMatrix.minus(KtransZinvH.tcrossproduct(KtransZ));
            pevMatrix = pevMatrix.minus(KZHX.mult(invXHX).tcrossproduct(KZHX));
            int size = pevMatrix.numberOfRows();
            pev = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(size, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) pev.set(i, 0, pevMatrix.get(i, i));

    private DoubleMatrix calculatePred() {
        if (Xoriginal == null) {
            Xbeta = X.mult(beta);
            DoubleMatrix Zu = Z.mult(blup);
        } else {
            Xbeta = Xoriginal.mult(beta);
            //System.out.printf("Dimensions of Xbeta are %d,%d\n",Xbeta.numberOfRows(),Xbeta.numberOfColumns());
            DoubleMatrix Zu = Zoriginal.mult(blup);
            //System.out.printf("Dimensions of Zu are %d,%d\n",Zu.numberOfRows(),Zu.numberOfColumns());

    private DoubleMatrix calculateRes() {
        return y.minus(pred);

    private double getGenvar(DoubleMatrix beta) {
        DoubleMatrix res = y.copy();
        return res.crossproduct(invH.mult(res)).get(0, 0) / (N - q);

    public int getDfMarker() {
        return dfMarker;

    public DoubleMatrix getBeta() {
        return beta;

    public int getDfModel() {
        return dfModel;

    public int getDfError() {
        return dfError;

    public double getDelta() {
        return delta;

    public DoubleMatrix getInvH() {
        return invH;

    public double getVarRes() {
        return varResidual;

    public double getVarRan() {
        return varRandomEffect;

    public DoubleMatrix getBlup() {
        return blup;

    public DoubleMatrix getPev() {
        return pev;

    public DoubleMatrix getPred() {
        return pred;

    public DoubleMatrix getRes() {
        return res;

    public double getLnLikelihood() {
        return lnLikelihood;

     * @return For markers with 2 df, F.fullModel, p.fullModel, additive effect, Fadd, padd, dominance effect, Fdom, pdom
     * For markers with other than 2 df, F and p for the full model only
    public double[] getMarkerFp() {
        if (dfMarker < 1) return new double[]{Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN};
        int nparm = beta.numberOfRows();
        int firstmarker = nparm - dfMarker;
        DoubleMatrix M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(dfMarker, nparm);
        for (int i = 0; i < dfMarker; i++) M.set(i, i + firstmarker, 1);
        DoubleMatrix MB = M.mult(beta);
        DoubleMatrix invMiM = M.mult(invXHX.tcrossproduct(M));
        double F = MB.crossproduct(invMiM.mult(MB)).get(0, 0);
        F /= varRandomEffect;
        F /= dfMarker;
        double p;
        try {
            p = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(F, dfMarker, N - q);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            p = Double.NaN;

        if (dfMarker != 2) return new double[]{F, p};

        //calculate add and dom effects and tests
        //assumes the betas are for the two homozygous classes and that the het effect = 0;
        //additive test
        double Fadd, Fdom, padd, pdom;
        M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(1, nparm, 0);
        M.set(0, nparm - 2, 0.5);
        M.set(0, nparm - 1, -0.5);

        MB = M.mult(beta);
        double addEffect = MB.get(0, 0);
        try {
            Fadd = addEffect * addEffect / (M.mult(invXHX.tcrossproduct(M))).get(0, 0) / varRandomEffect;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Fadd = Double.NaN;
        try {
            padd = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(Fadd, 1, N - q);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            padd = Double.NaN;

        //dominance test
        M = DoubleMatrixFactory.DEFAULT.make(1, nparm, 0);
        M.set(0, nparm - 2, -0.5);
        M.set(0, nparm - 1, -0.5);

        MB = M.mult(beta);
        double domEffect = MB.get(0, 0);
        try {
            Fdom = domEffect * domEffect / (M.mult(invXHX.tcrossproduct(M))).get(0, 0) / varRandomEffect;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Fdom = Double.NaN;
        try {
            pdom = LinearModelUtils.Ftest(Fdom, 1, N - q);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            pdom = Double.NaN;

        return new double[]{F, p, addEffect, Fadd, padd, domEffect, Fdom, pdom};

    public void solveWithNewData(DoubleMatrix y) {
        this.y = y;

    public void setCalculatePEV(boolean calculatePEV) {
        this.calculatePEV = calculatePEV;

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