net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.adapter.common.StateCode.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.adapter.common
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.adapter.internal.dto.DTO
open class StateCode(val code: Int, var msg: String) : DTO {
companion object {
val Success = StateCode(0, "success")
val AuthKeyFail = StateCode(1, "Auth Key错误")
val NoBot = StateCode(2, "指定Bot不存在")
val IllegalSession = StateCode(3, "Session失效或不存在")
val NotVerifySession = StateCode(4, "Session未认证")
val NoElement = StateCode(5, "指定对象不存在")
val NoOperateSupport = StateCode(6, "指定操作不支持")
val PermissionDenied = StateCode(10, "无操作权限")
val BotMuted = StateCode(20, "Bot被禁言")
val MessageTooLarge = StateCode(30, "消息过长")
val InvalidParameter = StateCode(400, "无效参数")
fun NoFile(file: File? = null) = StateCode(6, file?.run { "文件不存在:${absolutePath}" } ?: "")
fun IllegalAccess(msg: String? = null) = StateCode(400, msg ?: "")
fun InternalError(msg: String? = null) = StateCode(500, msg ?: "")