Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalApi
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.asImmutable
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.replaceAllKotlin
// region image
@Suppress("unused", "UNUSED_PARAMETER")
private fun Message.hasDuplicationOfConstrain(key: MessageKey<*>): Boolean {
return true
return when (this) {
is SingleMessage -> (this as? ConstrainSingle)?.key == key
is CombinedMessage -> return this.left.hasDuplicationOfConstrain(key) || this.tail.hasDuplicationOfConstrain(key)
is MessageChainImplByCollection -> this.delegate.any { (it as? ConstrainSingle)?.key == key }
else -> error("stub")
internal fun Message.contentEqualsStrictImpl(another: Message, ignoreCase: Boolean): Boolean {
if (!this.contentToString().equals(another.contentToString(), ignoreCase = ignoreCase)) return false
return when {
this is SingleMessage && another is SingleMessage -> true
this is SingleMessage && another is MessageChain -> another.all { it is MessageMetadata || it is PlainText }
this is MessageChain && another is SingleMessage -> this.all { it is MessageMetadata || it is PlainText }
this is MessageChain && another is MessageChain -> {
val anotherIterator = another.iterator()
* 逐个判断非 [PlainText] 的 [Message] 是否 [equals]
this.contentsSequence().forEach { thisElement ->
if (thisElement is PlainText) return@forEach
for (it in anotherIterator) {
if (it is PlainText || it !is MessageContent) continue
if (thisElement != it) return false
return true
else -> error("shouldn't be reached")
internal fun Message.followedByImpl(tail: Message): MessageChain {
return MessageChainImplBySequence(this.toMessageChain().asSequence() + tail.toMessageChain().asSequence())
when {
this is SingleMessage && tail is SingleMessage -> {
if (this is ConstrainSingle && tail is ConstrainSingle) {
if (this.key == tail.key)
return SingleMessageChainImpl(tail)
return CombinedMessage(this, tail)
this is SingleMessage -> { // tail is not
tail as MessageChain
if (this is ConstrainSingle) {
val key = this.key
if (tail.any { (it as? ConstrainSingle)?.key == key }) {
return tail
return CombinedMessage(this, tail)
tail is SingleMessage -> {
this as MessageChain
if (tail is ConstrainSingle && this.hasDuplicationOfConstrain(tail.key)) {
return MessageChainImplByCollection(constrainSingleMessagesImpl(this.asSequence() + tail))
return CombinedMessage(this, tail)
else -> { // both chain
this as MessageChain
tail as MessageChain
return MessageChainImplByCollection(
constrainSingleMessagesImpl(this.asSequence() + tail)
internal fun Sequence.constrainSingleMessages(): List =
* - [Sequence.toMutableList]
* - Replace in-place with marker null
internal fun constrainSingleMessagesImpl(sequence: Sequence): List {
val list: MutableList = sequence.toMutableList()
for (singleMessage in list.asReversed()) {
if (singleMessage is ConstrainSingle) {
val key = singleMessage.key.topmostKey
val firstOccurrence = list.first { it != null && key.isInstance(it) } // may be singleMessage itself
list.replaceAllKotlin {
when {
it == null -> null
it === firstOccurrence -> singleMessage
key.isInstance(it) -> null // remove duplicates
else -> it
return list.filterNotNull().asImmutable()
internal fun Iterable.constrainSingleMessages(): List =
internal fun Sequence.constrainSingleMessages(): List =
this.flatMap { it.toMessageChain() }.constrainSingleMessages()
internal fun MessageChain.getImpl(key: MessageKey): M? {
return this.asSequence().mapNotNull { key.safeCast.invoke(it) }.firstOrNull()
* @return [EmptyMessageChain] if [delegate] is empty, otherwise [MessageChainImpl]
internal fun createMessageChainImplOptimized(delegate: List): MessageChain {
return if (delegate.isEmpty()) EmptyMessageChain
else MessageChainImpl(delegate)
* 使用 [Collection] 作为委托的 [MessageChain]
internal data class MessageChainImpl constructor(
internal val delegate: List // 必须 constrainSingleMessages, 且为 immutable
) : Message, MessageChain, List by delegate {
override val size: Int get() = delegate.size
override fun iterator(): Iterator = delegate.iterator()
private val toStringTemp: String by lazy { this.delegate.joinToString("") { it.toString() } }
override fun toString(): String = toStringTemp
private val contentToStringTemp: String by lazy { this.delegate.joinToString("") { it.contentToString() } }
override fun contentToString(): String = contentToStringTemp
override fun hashCode(): Int = delegate.hashCode()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is MessageChainImpl && other.delegate == this.delegate
@Suppress("FunctionName") // source compatibility with 1.x
internal fun MessageChainImplBySequence(
delegate: Sequence // 可以有重复 ConstrainSingle
): MessageChain = createMessageChainImplOptimized(delegate.constrainSingleMessages())
// region Image impl
internal val EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = ByteArray(0)
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // no stack waste
internal inline fun Char.hexDigitToByte(): Int {
return when (this) {
in '0'..'9' -> this - '0'
in 'A'..'F' -> 10 + (this - 'A')
in 'a'..'f' -> 10 + (this - 'a')
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal hex digit: $this")
internal fun String.skipToSecondHyphen(): Int {
var count = 0
this.forEachIndexed { index, c ->
if (c == '-' && ++count == 2) return index
error("Internal error: failed skipToSecondHyphen, cannot find two hyphens. Input=$this")
internal fun String.imageIdToMd5(offset: Int): ByteArray {
val result = ByteArray(16)
var cur = 0
var hasCurrent = false
var lastChar: Char = 0.toChar()
for (index in offset..this.lastIndex) {
val char = this[index]
if (char == '-') continue
if (hasCurrent) {
result[cur++] = (lastChar.hexDigitToByte().shl(4) or char.hexDigitToByte()).toByte()
if (cur == 16) return result
hasCurrent = false
} else {
lastChar = char
hasCurrent = true
error("Internal error: failed imageIdToMd5, no enough chars. Input=$this, offset=$offset")
"ImageId must match Regex `${IMAGE_RESOURCE_ID_REGEX_1.pattern}`, " +
"`${IMAGE_RESOURCE_ID_REGEX_2.pattern}` or " +
// endregion
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