Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.protocol.MessageProtocolFacade
import kotlin.reflect.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.allSupertypes
* A key for specific component [T]. Components are not polymorphic.
* Most components locate in `` while some like [MessageProtocolFacade] don't.
* @param T is a type hint.
internal interface ComponentKey {
companion object {
* Get name of `T`.
* - If [qualified] is `false`, example: `PacketCodec`.
* - If [qualified] is `true`, example: ``.
fun ComponentKey.componentName(qualified: Boolean = false): String {
val argument = getComponentTypeArgument()
argument?.render(qualified)?.let { return it }
return argument?.type?.classifier.renderClassifier(qualified)
fun ComponentKey.smartToString(qualified: Boolean = false): String {
return "ComponentKey<${componentName(qualified)}>"
// reflection is slow, but it is initialized once only (if memory sufficient).
private fun KTypeProjection.render(
fullName: Boolean
): String? {
val projection = this
projection.type?.classifier?.let { classifier ->
if (classifier is KClass<*>) {
return { if (fullName) qualifiedName else simpleName } ?: "?"
projection.type?.arguments?.firstOrNull()?.let { argument ->
return argument.render(fullName)
return null
private fun KClassifier?.renderClassifier(
fullName: Boolean
): String {
return when (val classifier = this) {
null -> "?"
is KClass<*> -> { if (fullName) qualifiedName else simpleName } ?: "?"
is KTypeParameter -> classifier.renderTypeParameter(fullName)
else -> "?"
private fun KType.renderType(fullName: Boolean) = classifier.renderClassifier(fullName)
private fun KTypeParameter.renderTypeParameter(fullName: Boolean): String {
val upperBounds = upperBounds
return when (upperBounds.size) {
0 -> toString()
1 -> upperBounds[0].renderType(fullName)
else -> upperBounds.joinToString(" & ") { it.renderType(fullName) }
private fun ComponentKey<*>.getComponentTypeArgument(): KTypeProjection? {
val thisType = this::class.allSupertypes.find { it.classifier == COMPONENT_KEY_K_CLASS }
return thisType?.arguments?.firstOrNull()
private val COMPONENT_KEY_K_CLASS = ComponentKey::class
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