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 * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
 * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.


import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collect
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.produceIn
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.asQQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.PlatformSocket
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.crypto.TEA
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.retryWithServers
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.sizeToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis

internal object Highway {

    data class BdhUploadResponse(
        var extendInfo: ByteArray? = null,

    fun interface ProgressionCallback {
        fun onProgression(size: Long)

    suspend fun uploadResourceBdh(
        bot: QQAndroidBot,
        resource: ExternalResource,
        kind: ResourceKind,
        commandId: Int,  // group image=2, friend image=1, groupPtt=29
        extendInfo: ByteArray? = null,
        encrypt: Boolean = false,
        initialTicket: ByteArray? = null, // null then use sig session
        tryOnce: Boolean = false,
        noBdhAwait: Boolean = false,
        fallbackSession: (Throwable) -> BdhSession = { throw IllegalStateException("Failed to get bdh session", it) },
        resultChecker: (CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead) -> Boolean = { it.errorCode == 0 },
        createConnection: suspend (ip: String, port: Int) -> HighwayProtocolChannel = { ip, port ->
            PlatformSocket.connect(ip, port)
        callback: ProgressionCallback? = null,
        dataFlag: Int = 4096,
        localeId: Int = 2052,
    ): BdhUploadResponse {
        val bdhSession = kotlin.runCatching {
            val deferred = bot.asQQAndroidBot().components[BdhSessionSyncer].bdhSession
            // no need to care about timeout. proceed by bot init
            if (noBdhAwait) deferred.getCompleted() else deferred.await()

        return tryServersUpload(
            bot = bot,
            servers = if (tryOnce) listOf(bdhSession.ssoAddresses.random()) else bdhSession.ssoAddresses,
            resourceSize = resource.size,
            resourceKind = kind,
            channelKind = ChannelKind.HIGHWAY
        ) { ip, port ->
            val md5 = resource.md5
            require(md5.size == 16) { "bad md5. Required size=16, got ${md5.size}" }

            val resp = BdhUploadResponse()
                client = bot.client,
                appId = bot.client.subAppId.toInt(),
                command = "PicUp.DataUp",
                commandId = commandId,
                initialTicket = initialTicket ?: bdhSession.sigSession,
                data = resource,
                dataFlag = dataFlag,
                localeId = localeId,
                fileMd5 = md5,
                extendInfo = extendInfo?.let {
                    if (encrypt) TEA.encrypt(extendInfo, bdhSession.sessionKey) else extendInfo
                callback = callback
                createConnection = { createConnection(ip, port) },
                coroutines = bot.configuration.highwayUploadCoroutineCount,
                resultChecker = resultChecker,
            ) { head ->
                if (head.rspExtendinfo.isNotEmpty()) {
                    resp.extendInfo = head.rspExtendinfo

internal enum class ResourceKind(
    private val display: String,
) {
    PRIVATE_IMAGE("private image"),
    GROUP_IMAGE("group image"),
    PRIVATE_AUDIO("private audio"),
    GROUP_AUDIO("group audio"),

    GROUP_FILE("group file"),

    LONG_MESSAGE("long message"),
    FORWARD_MESSAGE("forward message"),

    ANNOUNCEMENT_IMAGE("announcement image"),

    override fun toString(): String = display

internal enum class ChannelKind(
    private val display: String,
) {

    override fun toString(): String = display

internal suspend inline fun  tryServersUpload(
    bot: QQAndroidBot,
    servers: Collection>,
    resourceSize: Long,
    resourceKind: ResourceKind,
    channelKind: ChannelKind,
    crossinline implOnEachServer: suspend (ip: String, port: Int) -> R,
) = servers.retryWithServers(
    (resourceSize * 1000 / 1024 / 10).coerceAtLeast(5000),
    onFail = { throw IllegalStateException("cannot upload $resourceKind, failed on all servers.", it) }
) { ip, port -> {
        "[${channelKind}] Uploading $resourceKind to ${ip}:$port, size=${resourceSize.sizeToString()}"

    var resp: R? = null
    val time = measureTimeMillis {
        runCatching {
            resp = implOnEachServer(ip, port)
        }.onFailure {
                "[${channelKind}] Uploading $resourceKind to ${ip}:$port, size=${resourceSize.sizeToString()} failed: $it"
            throw it
    } {
        "[${channelKind}] Uploading $resourceKind: succeed at ${
            (resourceSize.toDouble() / 1024 / time.toDouble().div(1000)).roundToInt()
        } KiB/s"

    resp as R

internal suspend inline fun  tryServersDownload(
    bot: QQAndroidBot,
    servers: Collection>,
    resourceKind: ResourceKind,
    channelKind: ChannelKind,
    crossinline implOnEachServer: suspend (ip: String, port: Int) -> R,
) = servers.retryWithServers(
    onFail = { throw IllegalStateException("cannot download $resourceKind, failed on all servers.", it) }
) { ip, port ->
    tryDownloadImplEach(bot, channelKind, resourceKind, ip, port, implOnEachServer)

internal suspend inline fun  tryDownload(
    bot: QQAndroidBot,
    host: String,
    port: Int,
    times: Int = 1,
    resourceKind: ResourceKind,
    channelKind: ChannelKind,
    crossinline implOnEachServer: suspend (ip: String, port: Int) -> R,
) = retryCatching(times) {
    tryDownloadImplEach(bot, channelKind, resourceKind, host, port, implOnEachServer)
}.getOrElse { throw IllegalStateException("Cannot download $resourceKind", it) }

private suspend inline fun  tryDownloadImplEach(
    bot: QQAndroidBot,
    channelKind: ChannelKind,
    resourceKind: ResourceKind,
    host: String,
    port: Int,
    crossinline implOnEachServer: suspend (ip: String, port: Int) -> R,
): R { {
        "[${channelKind}] Downloading $resourceKind from ${host}:$port"

    var resp: R? = null
    runCatching {
        resp = implOnEachServer(host, port)
    }.onFailure { {
            "[${channelKind}] Downloading $resourceKind from ${host}:$port failed: $it"
        throw it
    } {
        "[${channelKind}] Downloading $resourceKind: succeed"

    return resp as R

internal suspend fun ChunkedFlowSession.sendSequentially(
    socket: PlatformSocket,
    respCallback: (resp: CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead) -> Unit = {},
) {
    contract { callsInPlace(respCallback, InvocationKind.UNKNOWN) }
    useAll {
        //0A 3C 08 01 12 0A 31 39 39 34 37 30 31 30 32 31 1A 0C 50 69 63 55 70 2E 44 61 74 61 55 70 20 E9 A7 05 28 00 30 BD DB 8B 80 02 38 80 20 40 02 4A 0A 38 2E 32 2E 30 2E 31 32 39 36 50 84 10 12 3D 08 00 10 FD 08 18 00 20 FD 08 28 C6 01 38 00 42 10 D4 1D 8C D9 8F 00 B2 04 E9 80 09 98 EC F8 42 7E 4A 10 D4 1D 8C D9 8F 00 B2 04 E9 80 09 98 EC F8 42 7E 50 89 92 A2 FB 06 58 00 60 00 18 53 20 01 28 00 30 04 3A 00 40 E6 B7 F7 D9 80 2E 48 00 50 00 {
            val headLength = readInt()
            val proto = readProtoBuf(CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead.serializer(), length = headLength)
            check(proto.errorCode == 0) { "highway transfer failed, error ${proto.errorCode}" }

private fun  Flow.produceIn0(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope): ReceiveChannel {
    return kotlin.runCatching {
        produceIn(coroutineScope) // this is experimental api
    }.getOrElse {
        // fallback strategy in case binary changes.

        val channel = Channel()
        coroutineScope.launch(CoroutineName("Flow collector")) {
            collect {

internal interface HighwayProtocolChannel {
    suspend fun send(packet: ByteReadPacket)
    suspend fun read(): ByteReadPacket

// backup

//            createConnection = { ip, port ->
//                SynchronousHighwayProtocolChannel { packet ->
//                    val http = Mirai.Http
//          "http://$ip:$port/cgi-bin/httpconn?htcmd=0x6FF0087&uin=${}") {
//                        userAgent("QQClient")
//                        val bytes = packet.readBytes()
//                        body = object : OutgoingContent.WriteChannelContent() {
//                            override val contentLength: Long get() = bytes.size.toLongUnsigned()
//                            override val contentType: ContentType get() = ContentType.Any
//                            override suspend fun writeTo(channel: ByteWriteChannel) {
//                                channel.writeFully(bytes)
//                            }
//                        }
//                    }
//                }
//            }

internal class SynchronousHighwayProtocolChannel(
    val action: suspend (ByteReadPacket) -> ByteArray,
) : HighwayProtocolChannel {
    var result: ByteArray? = null

    override suspend fun send(packet: ByteReadPacket) {
        result = action(packet)

    override suspend fun read(): ByteReadPacket {
        return result?.toReadPacket() ?: error("result is null")

internal suspend fun ChunkedFlowSession.sendConcurrently(
    createConnection: suspend () -> HighwayProtocolChannel,
    coroutines: Int = 5,
    resultChecker: (CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead) -> Boolean,
    respCallback: (resp: CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead) -> Unit = {},
) = coroutineScope {
    val channel = asFlow().produceIn0(this)

    coroutineContext.job.invokeOnCompletion {
        if (channel is Channel<*>) {
            try {
                channel.close() // safely closes resource
            } catch (ignored: Exception) {
    // 'single thread' producer emits chunks to channel

    repeat(coroutines) {
        launch(CoroutineName("Worker $it")) {
            val socket = createConnection()
            while (isActive) {
                val next = channel.receiveCatching().getOrNull() ?: return@launch // concurrent-safe receive
                val result = next.withUse {
                    socket.sendReceiveHighway(next, resultChecker)

private suspend fun HighwayProtocolChannel.sendReceiveHighway(
    it: ByteReadPacket,
    resultChecker: (CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead) -> Boolean,
): CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead {
    //0A 3C 08 01 12 0A 31 39 39 34 37 30 31 30 32 31 1A 0C 50 69 63 55 70 2E 44 61 74 61 55 70 20 E9 A7 05 28 00 30 BD DB 8B 80 02 38 80 20 40 02 4A 0A 38 2E 32 2E 30 2E 31 32 39 36 50 84 10 12 3D 08 00 10 FD 08 18 00 20 FD 08 28 C6 01 38 00 42 10 D4 1D 8C D9 8F 00 B2 04 E9 80 09 98 EC F8 42 7E 4A 10 D4 1D 8C D9 8F 00 B2 04 E9 80 09 98 EC F8 42 7E 50 89 92 A2 FB 06 58 00 60 00 18 53 20 01 28 00 30 04 3A 00 40 E6 B7 F7 D9 80 2E 48 00 50 00

    read().withUse {
        val headLength = readInt()
        val proto = readProtoBuf(CSDataHighwayHead.RspDataHighwayHead.serializer(), length = headLength)
        check(resultChecker(proto)) { "highway transfer failed, error ${proto.errorCode}" }
        // error 70: 某属性有误
        // error 79: 没有 body (可能)
        return proto

internal fun highwayPacketSession(
    // RequestDataTrans
    client: QQAndroidClient,
    command: String,
    appId: Int,
    dataFlag: Int = 4096,
    commandId: Int,
    localeId: Int = 2052,
    initialTicket: ByteArray,
    data: ExternalResource,
    fileMd5: ByteArray,
    sizePerPacket: Int = ByteArrayPool.BUFFER_SIZE,
    extendInfo: ByteArray? = null,
    callback: Highway.ProgressionCallback? = null,
): ChunkedFlowSession {
    //   require(ticket.size == 128) { "bad uKey. Required size=128, got ${ticket.size}" }

    val ticket = AtomicReference(initialTicket)

    return ChunkedFlowSession(data.inputStream(), ByteArray(sizePerPacket), callback) { buffer, size, offset ->
        val head = CSDataHighwayHead.ReqDataHighwayHead(
            msgBasehead = CSDataHighwayHead.DataHighwayHead(
                version = 1,
                uin = client.uin.toString(),
                command = command,
                seq = client.nextHighwayDataTransSequenceId(),
                retryTimes = 0,
                appid = appId,
                dataflag = dataFlag,
                commandId = commandId,
                localeId = localeId
            msgSeghead = CSDataHighwayHead.SegHead(
                //   cacheAddr = 812157193,
                datalength = size,
                dataoffset = offset,
                filesize = data.size,
                serviceticket = ticket.get(),
                md5 = buffer.md5(0, size),
                fileMd5 = fileMd5,
                flag = 0,
                rtcode = 0
            reqExtendinfo = extendInfo,
            msgLoginSigHead = null

        buildPacket {
            writeFully(buffer, 0, size)

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