All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
 * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.


import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.AbstractBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*

internal class ReserveUinInfo(
    val imgType: ByteArray,
    val imgFormat: ByteArray,
    val imgUrl: ByteArray,
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "ReserveUinInfo(imgType=${imgType.toUHexString()}, imgFormat=${imgFormat.toUHexString()}, imgUrl=${imgUrl.toUHexString()})"

internal class WFastLoginInfo(
    val outA1: ByteReadPacket,
    var adUrl: String = "",
    var iconUrl: String = "",
    var profileUrl: String = "",
    var userJson: String = "",
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "WFastLoginInfo(outA1=$outA1, adUrl='$adUrl', iconUrl='$iconUrl', profileUrl='$profileUrl', userJson='$userJson')"

internal class WLoginSimpleInfo(
    val uin: Long, // uin
    val imgType: ByteArray,
    val imgFormat: ByteArray,
    val imgUrl: ByteArray,
    val mainDisplayName: ByteArray,
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "WLoginSimpleInfo(uin=$uin, imgType=${imgType.toUHexString()}, imgFormat=${imgFormat.toUHexString()}, imgUrl=${imgUrl.toUHexString()}, mainDisplayName=${mainDisplayName.toUHexString()})"

internal class LoginExtraData(
    val uin: Long,
    val ip: ByteArray,
    val time: Int,
    val version: Int,
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "LoginExtraData(uin=$uin, ip=${ip.toUHexString()}, time=$time, version=$version)"

internal fun BytePacketBuilder.writeLoginExtraData(loginExtraData: LoginExtraData) { {

@Suppress("ArrayInDataClass") // for `copy`
internal data class WLoginSigInfo(
    val uin: Long,
    var encryptA1: ByteArray?, // sigInfo[0]
     * WARNING, please check [QQAndroidClient.tlv16a]
    var noPicSig: ByteArray?, // sigInfo[1]

    val simpleInfo: WLoginSimpleInfo,

    var appPri: Long,
    var a2ExpiryTime: Long,
    var loginBitmap: Long,
    var tgt: ByteArray,
    var a2CreationTime: Long,
    var tgtKey: ByteArray,
    var userStSig: KeyWithCreationTime,
     * TransEmpPacket 加密使用
    var userStKey: ByteArray,
    var userStWebSig: KeyWithExpiry,
    var userA5: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var userA8: KeyWithExpiry,
    var lsKey: KeyWithExpiry,
    var sKey: KeyWithExpiry,
    var userSig64: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var openId: ByteArray,
    var openKey: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var vKey: KeyWithExpiry,
    var accessToken: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var d2: KeyWithExpiry,
    var d2Key: ByteArray,
    var sid: KeyWithExpiry,
    var aqSig: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var psKeyMap: PSKeyMap,
    var pt4TokenMap: MutableMap = mutableMapOf(), // = Pt4TokenMap  maybe compiler bug
    var superKey: ByteArray,
    var payToken: ByteArray,
    var pf: ByteArray,
    var pfKey: ByteArray,
    var da2: ByteArray,
    // val pt4Token: ByteArray,
    var wtSessionTicket: KeyWithCreationTime,
    var wtSessionTicketKey: ByteArray,
    var deviceToken: ByteArray,
    var encryptedDownloadSession: EncryptedDownloadSession? = null,
) {

     * 获取 获取群公告 所需的 bkn 参数
     * */
    val bkn: Int
        get() =
            .fold(5381) { acc: Int, b: Byte -> acc + acc.shl(5) + b.toInt() }

    internal class EncryptedDownloadSession(
        val appId: Long, //1600000226L
        val stKey: ByteArray,
        val stSig: ByteArray,

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "WLoginSigInfo(uin=$uin, encryptA1=${encryptA1?.toUHexString()}, noPicSig=${noPicSig?.toUHexString()}, simpleInfo=$simpleInfo, appPri=$appPri, a2ExpiryTime=$a2ExpiryTime, loginBitmap=$loginBitmap, tgt=${tgt.toUHexString()}, a2CreationTime=$a2CreationTime, tgtKey=${tgtKey.toUHexString()}, userStSig=$userStSig, userStKey=${userStKey.toUHexString()}, userStWebSig=$userStWebSig, userA5=$userA5, userA8=$userA8, lsKey=$lsKey, sKey=$sKey, userSig64=$userSig64, openId=${openId.toUHexString()}, openKey=$openKey, vKey=$vKey, accessToken=$accessToken, d2=$d2, d2Key=${d2Key.toUHexString()}, sid=$sid, aqSig=$aqSig, psKey=$psKeyMap, superKey=${superKey.toUHexString()}, payToken=${payToken.toUHexString()}, pf=${pf.toUHexString()}, pfKey=${pfKey.toUHexString()}, da2=${da2.toUHexString()}, wtSessionTicket=$wtSessionTicket, wtSessionTicketKey=${wtSessionTicketKey.toUHexString()}, deviceToken=${deviceToken.toUHexString()})"

    fun getPsKey(name: String): String {
        return psKeyMap[name]?.data?.decodeToString() ?: error("Cannot find PsKey $name")

internal typealias PSKeyMap = MutableMap
internal typealias Pt4TokenMap = MutableMap

internal fun parsePSKeyMapAndPt4TokenMap(
    data: ByteArray,
    creationTime: Long,
    expireTime: Long,
    outPSKeyMap: PSKeyMap,
    outPt4TokenMap: Pt4TokenMap,
) = {
        repeat(readShort().toInt()) {
            val domain = readUShortLVString()
            val psKey = readUShortLVByteArray()
            val pt4token = readUShortLVByteArray()

            when {
                psKey.isNotEmpty() -> outPSKeyMap[domain] = KeyWithExpiry(psKey, creationTime, expireTime)
                pt4token.isNotEmpty() -> outPt4TokenMap[domain] = KeyWithExpiry(pt4token, creationTime, expireTime)

internal open class KeyWithExpiry(
    @SerialName("data1") override val data: ByteArray,
    @SerialName("creationTime1") override val creationTime: Long,
    val expireTime: Long,
) : KeyWithCreationTime(data, creationTime) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "KeyWithExpiry(data=${data.toUHexString()}, creationTime=$creationTime)"

internal val KeyWithExpiry.str get() = data.decodeToString()
internal val AbstractBot.sKey get() = client.wLoginSigInfo.sKey.str
internal fun AbstractBot.psKey(name: String) = client.wLoginSigInfo.getPsKey(name)
internal val AbstractBot.client get() = components[BotClientHolder].client

internal open class KeyWithCreationTime(
    open val data: ByteArray,
    open val creationTime: Long,
) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "KeyWithCreationTime(data=${data.toUHexString()}, creationTime=$creationTime)"

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