commonMain.ExceptionCollector.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
public open class ExceptionCollector {
public constructor()
public constructor(initial: Throwable?) {
public constructor(vararg initials: Throwable?) {
for (initial in initials) {
protected open fun beforeCollect(throwable: Throwable) {
private var last: Throwable? = null
private val hashCodes = mutableSetOf()
* @return `true` if [e] is new.
public fun collect(e: Throwable?): Boolean {
if (e == null) return false
if (!hashCodes.add(hash(e))) return false // filter out duplications
// we can also check suppressed exceptions of [e] but actual influence would be slight.
this.last?.let { e.addSuppressed(it) }
this.last = e
return true
private fun hash(e: Throwable): Long {
return e.stackTrace.fold(0L) { acc, stackTraceElement ->
acc * 31 + hash(stackTraceElement).toLongUnsigned()
private fun hash(element: StackTraceElement): Int {
return element.lineNumber.hashCode() xor element.className.hashCode() xor element.methodName.hashCode()
public fun collectGet(e: Throwable?): Throwable {
return getLast()!!
* Alias to [collect] to be used inside [withExceptionCollector]
* @return `true` if [e] is new.
public fun collectException(e: Throwable?): Boolean = collect(e)
public fun getLast(): Throwable? = last
@TerminalOperation // to give it a color for a clearer control flow
public fun collectThrow(exception: Throwable): Nothing {
throw getLast()!!
public fun throwLast(): Nothing {
throw getLast() ?: error("Internal error: expected at least one exception collected.")
private annotation class TerminalOperation
@TestOnly // very slow
public fun asSequence(): Sequence {
fun Throwable.itr(): Iterator {
return (sequenceOf(this) + this.suppressed.asSequence().flatMap { it.itr().asSequence() }).iterator()
val last = getLast() ?: return emptySequence()
return Sequence { last.itr() }
public fun dispose() { // help gc
this.last = null
* Run with a coverage of `throw`. All thrown exceptions will be caught and rethrown with [ExceptionCollector.collectThrow]
public inline fun withExceptionCollector(action: ExceptionCollector.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return ExceptionCollector().run {
withExceptionCollector(action).also { dispose() }
* Run with a coverage of `throw`. All thrown exceptions will be caught and rethrown with [ExceptionCollector.collectThrow]
public inline fun ExceptionCollector.withExceptionCollector(action: ExceptionCollector.() -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) } {
try {
return action()
} catch (e: Throwable) {
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