commonMain.WeakRef.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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@file:Suppress("unused", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
* WeakRef that `getValue` for delegation throws an [IllegalStateException] if the referent is released by GC. Therefore it returns notnull value only
public class UnsafeWeakRef(private val weakRef: WeakRef) {
public fun get(): T = weakRef.get() ?: error("WeakRef is released")
public fun clear(): Unit = weakRef.clear()
* Provides delegate value.
* ```kotlin
* val bot: Bot by param.unsafeWeakRef()
* ```
public inline operator fun UnsafeWeakRef.getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = get()
* Weak Reference.
* On JVM, it is implemented as a typealias referring to `WeakReference` from JDK.
* Details:
* On JVM, instances of objects are stored in the JVM Heap and are accessed via references.
* GC(garbage collection) can automatically collect and release the memory used by objects that are not directly referred by any other.
* [WeakRef] is not a direct reference, therefore it doesn't hinder GC.
* @see weakRef provides a WeakRef
* @see unsafeWeakRef provides a UnsafeWeakRef
public typealias WeakRef = java.lang.ref.WeakReference
* Indicates that the property is delegated by a [WeakRef]
* @see weakRef
public annotation class WeakRefProperty
* Provides a weak reference to [this]
* The `getValue` for delegation returns [this] when [this] is not released by GC
public inline fun T.weakRef(): WeakRef = WeakRef(this)
* Constructs an unsafe inline delegate for [this]
public inline fun WeakRef.unsafe(): UnsafeWeakRef = UnsafeWeakRef(this)
* Provides a weak reference to [this].
* The `getValue` for delegation throws an [IllegalStateException] if the referent is released by GC. Therefore it returns notnull value only
* **UNSTABLE API**: It is strongly suggested not to use this api
public inline fun T.unsafeWeakRef(): UnsafeWeakRef = UnsafeWeakRef(this.weakRef())
* Provides delegate value.
* ```kotlin
* val bot: Bot? by param.weakRef()
* ```
public inline operator fun WeakRef.getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? = this.get()
* Call the block if the referent is absent
public inline fun WeakRef.ifAbsent(block: (T) -> R): R? = this.get()?.let(block)
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