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import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minestom.server.ServerFlag;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Player;
import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher;
import net.minestom.server.event.player.AsyncPlayerConfigurationEvent;
import net.minestom.server.event.player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance;
import net.minestom.server.listener.preplay.LoginListener;
import net.minestom.server.registry.StaticProtocolObject;
import net.minestom.server.utils.StringUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.async.AsyncUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check;
import org.jctools.queues.MessagePassingQueue;
import org.jctools.queues.MpscUnboundedArrayQueue;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Manages the connected clients.
public final class ConnectionManager {
    private static final Component TIMEOUT_TEXT = Component.text("Timeout", NamedTextColor.RED);

    // All players once their Player object has been instantiated.
    private final Map connectionPlayerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    // Players waiting to be spawned (post configuration state)
    private final MessagePassingQueue waitingPlayers = new MpscUnboundedArrayQueue<>(64);
    // Players in configuration state
    private final Set configurationPlayers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
    // Players in play state
    private final Set playPlayers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();

    // The players who need keep alive ticks. This was added because we may not send a keep alive in
    // the time after sending finish configuration but before receiving configuration end (to swap to play).
    // I(mattw) could not come up with a better way to express this besides completely splitting client/server
    // states. Perhaps there will be an improvement in the future.
    private final Set keepAlivePlayers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();

    private final Set unmodifiableConfigurationPlayers = Collections.unmodifiableSet(configurationPlayers);
    private final Set unmodifiablePlayPlayers = Collections.unmodifiableSet(playPlayers);

    private final CachedPacket resetChatPacket = new CachedPacket(new ResetChatPacket());

    // The uuid provider once a player login
    private volatile UuidProvider uuidProvider = (playerConnection, username) -> UUID.randomUUID();
    // The player provider to have your own Player implementation
    private volatile PlayerProvider playerProvider = Player::new;

     * Gets the number of "online" players, eg for the query response.

Only includes players in the play state, not players in configuration.

*/ public int getOnlinePlayerCount() { return playPlayers.size(); } /** * Returns an unmodifiable set containing the players currently in the play state. */ public @NotNull Collection<@NotNull Player> getOnlinePlayers() { return unmodifiablePlayPlayers; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable set containing the players currently in the configuration state. */ public @NotNull Collection<@NotNull Player> getConfigPlayers() { return unmodifiableConfigurationPlayers; } /** * Gets the {@link Player} linked to a {@link PlayerConnection}. * *

The player will be returned whether they are in the play or config state, * so be sure to check before sending packets to them.

* * @param connection the player connection * @return the player linked to the connection */ public Player getPlayer(@NotNull PlayerConnection connection) { return connectionPlayerMap.get(connection); } /** * Gets the first player in the play state which validates {@link String#equalsIgnoreCase(String)}. *

* This can cause issue if two or more players have the same username. * * @param username the player username (case-insensitive) * @return the first player who validate the username condition, null if none was found */ public @Nullable Player getOnlinePlayerByUsername(@NotNull String username) { for (Player player : getOnlinePlayers()) { if (player.getUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(username)) return player; } return null; } /** * Gets the first player in the play state which validates {@link UUID#equals(Object)}. *

* This can cause issue if two or more players have the same UUID. * * @param uuid the player UUID * @return the first player who validate the UUID condition, null if none was found */ public @Nullable Player getOnlinePlayerByUuid(@NotNull UUID uuid) { for (Player player : getOnlinePlayers()) { if (player.getUuid().equals(uuid)) return player; } return null; } /** * Finds the closest player in the play state matching a given username. * * @param username the player username (can be partial) * @return the closest match, null if no players are online */ public @Nullable Player findOnlinePlayer(@NotNull String username) { Player exact = getOnlinePlayerByUsername(username); if (exact != null) return exact; final String username1 = username.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); Function distanceFunction = player -> { final String username2 = player.getUsername().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return StringUtils.jaroWinklerScore(username1, username2); }; return getOnlinePlayers().stream() .min(Comparator.comparingDouble(distanceFunction::apply)) .filter(player -> distanceFunction.apply(player) > 0) .orElse(null); } /** * Changes how {@link UUID} are attributed to players. *

* Shouldn't be override if already defined. *

* Be aware that it is possible for an UUID provider to be ignored, for example in the case of a proxy (eg: velocity). * * @param uuidProvider the new player connection uuid provider, * setting it to null would apply a random UUID for each player connection * @see #getPlayerConnectionUuid(PlayerConnection, String) */ public void setUuidProvider(@Nullable UuidProvider uuidProvider) { this.uuidProvider = uuidProvider != null ? uuidProvider : (playerConnection, username) -> UUID.randomUUID(); } /** * Computes the UUID of the specified connection. * Used in {@link ClientLoginStartPacket} in order * to give the player the right {@link UUID}. * * @param playerConnection the player connection * @param username the username given by the connection * @return the uuid based on {@code playerConnection} * return a random UUID if no UUID provider is defined see {@link #setUuidProvider(UuidProvider)} */ public @NotNull UUID getPlayerConnectionUuid(@NotNull PlayerConnection playerConnection, @NotNull String username) { return uuidProvider.provide(playerConnection, username); } /** * Changes the {@link Player} provider, to change which object to link to him. * * @param playerProvider the new {@link PlayerProvider}, can be set to null to apply the default provider */ public void setPlayerProvider(@Nullable PlayerProvider playerProvider) { this.playerProvider = playerProvider != null ? playerProvider : Player::new; } /** * Creates a player object and begins the transition from the login state to the config state. */ @ApiStatus.Internal public @NotNull Player createPlayer(@NotNull PlayerConnection connection, @NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull String username) { final Player player = playerProvider.createPlayer(uuid, username, connection); this.connectionPlayerMap.put(connection, player); var future = transitionLoginToConfig(player); if (ServerFlag.INSIDE_TEST) future.join(); return player; } @ApiStatus.Internal public @NotNull CompletableFuture transitionLoginToConfig(@NotNull Player player) { return AsyncUtils.runAsync(() -> { final PlayerConnection playerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection(); // Compression if (playerConnection instanceof PlayerSocketConnection socketConnection) { final int threshold = MinecraftServer.getCompressionThreshold(); if (threshold > 0) socketConnection.startCompression(); } // Call pre login event LoginPluginMessageProcessor pluginMessageProcessor = playerConnection.loginPluginMessageProcessor(); AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent asyncPlayerPreLoginEvent = new AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent(player, pluginMessageProcessor);; if (!player.isOnline()) return; // Player has been kicked // Change UUID/Username based on the event { final String eventUsername = asyncPlayerPreLoginEvent.getUsername(); final UUID eventUuid = asyncPlayerPreLoginEvent.getPlayerUuid(); if (!player.getUsername().equals(eventUsername)) { player.setUsernameField(eventUsername); } } // Wait for pending login plugin messages try { pluginMessageProcessor.awaitReplies(ServerFlag.LOGIN_PLUGIN_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (Throwable t) { player.kick(LoginListener.INVALID_PROXY_RESPONSE); throw new RuntimeException("Error getting replies for login plugin messages", t); } // Send login success packet (and switch to configuration phase) LoginSuccessPacket loginSuccessPacket = new LoginSuccessPacket(player.getUuid(), player.getUsername(), 0, true); playerConnection.sendPacket(loginSuccessPacket); }); } @ApiStatus.Internal public void transitionPlayToConfig(@NotNull Player player) { player.sendPacket(new StartConfigurationPacket()); configurationPlayers.add(player); } /** * Return value exposed for testing */ @ApiStatus.Internal public CompletableFuture doConfiguration(@NotNull Player player, boolean isFirstConfig) { if (isFirstConfig) { configurationPlayers.add(player); keepAlivePlayers.add(player); } final PlayerConnection connection = player.getPlayerConnection(); connection.setConnectionState(ConnectionState.CONFIGURATION); player.sendPacket(PluginMessagePacket.getBrandPacket()); // Request known packs immediately, but don't wait for the response until required (sending registry data). final var knownPacksFuture = connection.requestKnownPacks(List.of(SelectKnownPacksPacket.MINECRAFT_CORE)); return AsyncUtils.runAsync(() -> { var event = new AsyncPlayerConfigurationEvent(player, isFirstConfig);; if (!player.isOnline()) return; // Player was kicked during config. player.sendPacket(new UpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket(event.getFeatureFlags().stream().map(StaticProtocolObject::namespace).collect(Collectors.toSet()))); // send player features that were enabled or disabled during async config event final Instance spawningInstance = event.getSpawningInstance(); Check.notNull(spawningInstance, "You need to specify a spawning instance in the AsyncPlayerConfigurationEvent"); if (event.willClearChat()) { player.sendPacket(resetChatPacket); } // Registry data (if it should be sent) if (event.willSendRegistryData()) { List knownPacks; try { knownPacks = knownPacksFuture.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException | TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Client failed to respond to known packs request", e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error receiving known packs", e); } boolean excludeVanilla = knownPacks.contains(SelectKnownPacksPacket.MINECRAFT_CORE); var serverProcess = MinecraftServer.process(); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.chatType().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.dimensionType().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.biome().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.damageType().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.trimMaterial().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.trimPattern().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.bannerPattern().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.wolfVariant().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.enchantment().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.paintingVariant().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(serverProcess.jukeboxSong().registryDataPacket(excludeVanilla)); player.sendPacket(TagsPacket.DEFAULT_TAGS); } // Wait for pending resource packs if any var packFuture = player.getResourcePackFuture(); if (packFuture != null) packFuture.join(); keepAlivePlayers.remove(player); player.setPendingOptions(spawningInstance, event.isHardcore()); player.sendPacket(new FinishConfigurationPacket()); }); } @ApiStatus.Internal public void transitionConfigToPlay(@NotNull Player player) { this.waitingPlayers.relaxedOffer(player); } /** * Removes a {@link Player} from the players list. *

* Used during disconnection, you shouldn't have to do it manually. * * @param connection the player connection * @see PlayerConnection#disconnect() to properly disconnect a player */ @ApiStatus.Internal public synchronized void removePlayer(@NotNull PlayerConnection connection) { final Player player = this.connectionPlayerMap.remove(connection); if (player == null) return; this.configurationPlayers.remove(player); this.playPlayers.remove(player); this.keepAlivePlayers.remove(player); } /** * Shutdowns the connection manager by kicking all the currently connected players. */ public synchronized void shutdown() { this.configurationPlayers.clear(); this.playPlayers.clear(); this.keepAlivePlayers.clear(); this.connectionPlayerMap.clear(); } public void tick(long tickStart) { // Let waiting players into their instances updateWaitingPlayers(); // Send keep alive packets handleKeepAlive(keepAlivePlayers, tickStart); // Interpret packets for configuration players configurationPlayers.forEach(Player::interpretPacketQueue); } /** * Connects waiting players. */ @ApiStatus.Internal public void updateWaitingPlayers() { this.waitingPlayers.drain(player -> { if (!player.isOnline()) return; // Player disconnected while in queued to join player.getPlayerConnection().setConnectionState(ConnectionState.PLAY); playPlayers.add(player); keepAlivePlayers.add(player); // This fixes a bug with Geyser. They do not reply to keep alive during config, meaning that // `Player#didAnswerKeepAlive()` will always be false when entering the play state, so a new keep // alive will never be sent and they will disconnect themselves or we will kick them for not replying. player.refreshAnswerKeepAlive(true); // Spawn the player at Player#getRespawnPoint CompletableFuture spawnFuture = player.UNSAFE_init(); // Required to get the exact moment the player spawns if (ServerFlag.INSIDE_TEST) spawnFuture.join(); }); } /** * Updates keep alive by checking the last keep alive packet and send a new one if needed. * * @param tickStart the time of the update in milliseconds, forwarded to the packet */ private void handleKeepAlive(@NotNull Collection playerGroup, long tickStart) { final KeepAlivePacket keepAlivePacket = new KeepAlivePacket(tickStart); for (Player player : playerGroup) { final long lastKeepAlive = tickStart - player.getLastKeepAlive(); if (lastKeepAlive > ServerFlag.KEEP_ALIVE_DELAY && player.didAnswerKeepAlive()) { player.refreshKeepAlive(tickStart); player.sendPacket(keepAlivePacket); } else if (lastKeepAlive >= ServerFlag.KEEP_ALIVE_KICK) { player.kick(TIMEOUT_TEXT); } } } }

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