net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" > <mapper namespace="net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao"> <!-- mysql根据sql动态查询开始 --> <select id="queryBySQL" resultType="Map" databaseId="mysql"> select <if test="fields !=null"> <foreach item="field" collection="fields" open="" separator="," close=""> ${field} </foreach> </if> <if test="fields ==null"> * </if> from ${table} <where> del = 0 <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" open="AND" separator="AND" close=""> ${key} = #{item} </foreach> <include refid="net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao.sqlWhere"></include> </where> <if test="orderBy !=null"> order by ${orderBy} <if test="order != null"> <if test="order =='desc'"> desc </if> <if test="order =='asc'"> asc </if> </if> <if test="order==null">desc</if> </if> <if test="begin != null"> limit ${begin} <if test="end !=null "> ,${end} </if> </if> </select> <!-- mysql根据sql动态查询结束 --> <!-- oracle根据sql动态查询开始 --> <select id="queryBySQL" resultType="Map" databaseId="oracle"> select <if test="fields !=null"> <foreach item="field" collection="fields" open="" separator="," close=""> ${field} </foreach> </if> <if test="fields ==null"> * </if> from ${table} <where> del = 0 <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" close=""> <if test="item != null"> AND ${key} = #{item} </if> </foreach> <include refid="net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao.sqlWhere"></include> </where> <if test="orderBy !=null"> order by ${orderBy} <if test="order != null"> <if test="order =='desc'"> desc </if> <if test="order =='asc'"> asc </if> </if> <if test="order==null">desc</if> </if> </select> <!-- oracle根据sql动态查询结束 --> <!-- sqlserver根据sql动态查询开始 --> <select id="queryBySQL" resultType="Map" databaseId="sqlserver"> select <if test="end !=null "> TOP ${end} </if> <if test="fields !=null"> <foreach item="field" collection="fields" open="" separator="," close=""> ${field} </foreach> </if> <if test="fields ==null"> * </if>,ROW_NUMBER ( ) OVER ( ORDER BY RAND( ) ) PAGE_ROW_NUMBER from ${table} <where> del = 0 <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" open="AND" separator="AND" close=""> ${key} = #{item} </foreach> <include refid="net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao.sqlWhere"></include> </where> <if test="begin != null"> and PAGE_ROW_NUMBER > ${begin} </if> <if test="orderBy !=null"> order by ${orderBy} <if test="order != null"> <if test="order =='desc'"> desc </if> <if test="order =='asc'"> asc </if> </if> <if test="order==null">desc</if> </if> </select> <!-- sqlserver根据sql动态查询结束 --> <!-- 根据sql动态查询开始 --> <select id="countBySQL" resultType="int"> select count(*) from ${table} <where> <if test="wheres != null"> <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" open="" separator="AND" close=""> ${key} = ${item} </foreach> </if> <if test="wheres == null"> del = 0 </if> <include refid="net.mingsoft.base.dao.IBaseDao.sqlWhere"></include> </where> </select> <!-- 根据sql动态查询结束 --> <!-- mysql或SqlServer根据sql动态更新开始 --> <update id="updateBySQL"> update ${table} set <foreach item="field" index="name" collection="fields" open="" separator="," close=""> ${name}=#{field} </foreach> <where> <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" open="" separator="AND" close=""> ${key} = ${item} </foreach> </where> </update> <!-- mysql或SqlServer根据sql动态更新结束 --> <!-- 根据sql动态删除开始 --> <update id="deleteBySQL"> delete from ${table} where <foreach item="item" index="key" collection="wheres" open="" separator="AND" close=""> ${key} = #{item} </foreach> </update> <!-- 根据sql动态删除结束 --> <!-- 根据sql动态新增开始 --> <insert id="insertBySQL"> insert into ${table} <foreach item="field" index="key" collection="fields" open="(" separator="," close=")">${key} </foreach> values <foreach item="field" index="key" collection="fields" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{field} </foreach> </insert> <!-- 根据sql动态新增结束 --> <!-- 根据sql动态创建表开始 --> <sql id="createTables"> CONSTRAINT fk_${table}_id FOREIGN KEY (basicId) REFERENCES basic (basic_id) ON DELETE CASCADE </sql> <update id="createTable" statementType="STATEMENT" databaseId="mysql"> CREATE TABLE ${table} ( basicId int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (basicId), <include refid="createTables"></include> ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 </update> <!-- 根据sql动态创建表结束 --> <!-- 根据sql动态更新表开始 --> <sql id="alterTableSql" databaseId="mysql"> ALTER TABLE ${table} change ${fileds.fieldOldName} ${fileds.fieldName} ${fileds.fieldType} <if test="fileds.default !=null and fileds.default !=''">default '${fileds.default}'</if> </sql> <sql id="alterTableSql" databaseId="sqlserver"> ALTER TABLE ${table} change ${fileds.fieldOldName} ${fileds.fieldName} ${fileds.fieldType} <if test="fileds.default !=null and fileds.default !=''">default '${fileds.default}'</if> </sql> <sql id="alterTableSql" databaseId="oracle"> ALTER TABLE ${table} RENAME TO ${fileds.fieldOldName} ${fileds.fieldName} ${fileds.fieldType} <if test="fileds.default !=null and fileds.default !=''">default '${fileds.default}'</if> </sql> <sql id="alterTableAddType">${fileds.fieldType}</sql> <update id="alterTable" statementType="STATEMENT"> <choose> <when test="type=='add'"> ALTER TABLE ${table} add ${fileds.fieldName} <include refid="alterTableAddType"></include> <if test="fileds.default !=null and fileds.default != ''">default '${fileds.default}'</if> </when> <when test="type=='modify'"> <include refid="alterTableSql"></include> </when> <when test="type=='drop'"> ALTER TABLE ${table} drop column ${fileds.fieldName} </when> </choose> </update> <!-- 根据sql动态更新表结束 alterTable--> <!-- 根据sql动态删除表开始 --> <update id="dropTable" statementType="STATEMENT"> DROP TABLE ${table} </update> <!-- 根据sql动态删除表结束 --> <!-- 导入sql语句 --> <select id="excuteSql" parameterType="String" statementType="STATEMENT" resultType="java.util.Map"> ${sql} </select> <!--导入sql语句 --> <sql id="sqlWhere" databaseId="mysql"> <if test="sqlWhereList != null"> <foreach collection="sqlWhereList" item="item" index="index" open="and( " separator=" " close=" )"> <if test="item.el == 'eq'"> <choose> <when test="item.multiple != null and item.multiple == true"> FIND_IN_SET(#{item.value}, ${item.field})>0 </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} = #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') > date_format(#{item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') > date_format(#{item.value},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} > #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gte'"> ${item.field} >= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'lt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') < date_format(#{item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') < date_format(#{item.value},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} < #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'lte'"> ${item.field} <= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'like'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeLeft'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT(#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeRight'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT('%',#{item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'in'"> ${item.field} in (${item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'range'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') BETWEEN date_format(#{item.value[0]},'%T') AND date_format(#{item.value[1]},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') BETWEEN date_format(#{item.value[0]},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AND date_format(#{item.value[1]},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </if> <if test="index != (sqlWhereList.size() - 1)"> <choose> <!--防注入--> <when test="item.action == 'and' or item.action == 'or'"> ${item.action} </when> <otherwise> and </otherwise> </choose> </if> </foreach> </if> </sql> <sql id="sqlWhere" databaseId="sqlserver"> <if test="sqlWhereList != null"> <foreach collection="sqlWhereList" item="item" index="index" open="and( " separator=" " close=" )"> <if test="item.el == 'eq'"> <choose> <when test="item.multiple != null and item.multiple == true"> FIND_IN_SET(#{item.value}, ${item.field})>0 </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} = #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') > date_format(#{item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') > date_format(#{item.value},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} > #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gte'"> ${item.field} >= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'lt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') < date_format(#{item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') < date_format(#{item.value},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} < #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'lte'"> ${item.field} <= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'like'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeLeft'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT(#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeRight'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT('%',#{item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'in'"> ${item.field} in (${item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'range'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> date_format(${item.field},'%T') BETWEEN date_format(#{item.value[0]},'%T') AND date_format(#{item.value[1]},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> date_format(${item.field},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') BETWEEN date_format(#{item.value[0]},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AND date_format(#{item.value[1]},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') </if> </if> <if test="index != (sqlWhereList.size() - 1)"> <choose> <!--防注入--> <when test="item.action == 'and' or item.action == 'or'"> ${item.action} </when> <otherwise> and </otherwise> </choose> </if> </foreach> </if> </sql> <sql id="sqlWhere" databaseId="oracle"> <if test="sqlWhereList != null"> <foreach collection="sqlWhereList" item="item" index="index" open="and( " separator=" " close=" )"> <if test="item.value != null"> <if test="item.el == 'eq'"> <choose> <when test="item.multiple != null and item.multiple == true"> FIND_IN_SET('${item.value}', ${item.field})>0 </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} = '${item.value}' </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> to_date(${item.field},'%T') > to_date(${item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> ${item.field} > to_date('${item.value}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} > #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'gte'"> ${item.field} >= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'lt'"> <choose> <when test="item.type=='time'||item.type=='date'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> to_date(${item.field},'%T') < to_date(${item.value},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> ${item.field} < to_date('${item.value}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') </if> </when> <otherwise> ${item.field} < #{item.value} </otherwise> </choose> </if> <if test="item.el == 'lte'"> ${item.field} <= #{item.value} </if> <if test="item.el == 'like'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeLeft'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT(CONCAT(#{item.value}),'%') </if> <if test="item.el == 'likeRight'"> ${item.field} like CONCAT('%',#{item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'in'"> ${item.field} in (${item.value}) </if> <if test="item.el == 'range'"> <if test="item.type=='time'"> to_date(${item.field},'%T') BETWEEN to_date(#{item.value[0]},'%T') AND to_date(#{item.value[1]},'%T') </if> <if test="item.type=='date'"> ${item.field} BETWEEN to_date('${item.value[0]}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND to_date('${item.value[1]}','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') </if> </if> <if test="index != (sqlWhereList.size() - 1)"> <choose> <!--防注入--> <when test="item.action == 'and' or item.action == 'or'"> ${item.action} </when> <otherwise> and </otherwise> </choose> </if> </if> </foreach> </if> </sql> </mapper>