net.mingsoft.basic.dao.IModelDao.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" > <mapper namespace="net.mingsoft.basic.dao.IModelDao"> <cache /> <!-- 表字段 --> <sql id="column_list"> id,MODEL_TITLE,MODEL_CODE,MODEL_ID,MODEL_URL,MODEL_DATETIME,MODEL_ICON,MODEL_SORT,MODEL_ISMENU,MODEL_PARENT_IDS,IS_CHILD </sql> <resultMap id="resultMap" type="net.mingsoft.basic.entity.ModelEntity"> <id column="id" property="id" /><!--模块自增长id --> <result column="MODEL_TITLE" property="modelTitle" /><!--模块标题 --> <result column="MODEL_CODE" property="modelCode" /><!--模块编码 --> <result column="MODEL_ID" property="modelId" /><!--模块的父模块id --> <result column="MODEL_URL" property="modelUrl" /><!--模块连接地址 --> <result column="MODEL_DATETIME" property="modelDatetime" /><!-- --> <result column="MODEL_ICON" property="modelIcon" /><!--模块图标 --> <result column="MODEL_SORT" property="modelSort" /><!--模块的排序 --> <result column="MODEL_ISMENU" property="modelIsMenu" /><!--模块是否是菜单 --> <result column="MODEL_PARENT_IDS" property="modelParentIds" /><!--模块是否是菜单 --> <result column="IS_CHILD" property="isChild" /><!--菜单类型--> <result column="DEPTH" property="depth" /><!--菜单层级--> </resultMap> <sql id="insertColumns"> <if test="modelTitle != null and modelTitle != ''">MODEL_TITLE,</if> <if test="modelCode != null and modelCode != ''">MODEL_CODE,</if> <if test="modelId > 0">MODEL_ID,</if> <if test="modelUrl != null and modelUrl != ''">MODEL_URL,</if> <if test="modelDatetime != null">MODEL_DATETIME,</if> <if test="modelIcon != null and modelIcon != ''">MODEL_ICON,</if> <if test="modelSort != null">MODEL_SORT,</if> <if test="modelIsMenu != null">MODEL_ISMENU,</if> <if test="isChild != null and isChild != ''">IS_CHILD,</if> <if test="modelParentIds != null and modelParentIds != ''">MODEL_PARENT_IDS,</if> </sql> <sql id="insertValues"> <if test="modelTitle != null and modelTitle != ''">#{modelTitle},</if> <if test="modelCode != null and modelCode != ''">#{modelCode},</if> <if test="modelId > 0">#{modelId},</if> <if test="modelUrl != null and modelUrl != ''">#{modelUrl},</if> <if test="modelDatetime != null">#{modelDatetime},</if> <if test="modelIcon != null and modelIcon != ''">#{modelIcon},</if> <if test="modelSort != null">#{modelSort},</if> <if test="modelIsMenu != null">#{modelIsMenu},</if> <if test="isChild != null and isChild != ''">#{isChild},</if> <if test="modelParentIds != null and modelParentIds != ''">#{modelParentIds},</if> </sql> <insert id="saveEntity" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" parameterType="net.mingsoft.basic.entity.ModelEntity" flushCache="true"> insert into model <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <include refid="insertColumns"></include> </trim> <!-- 注入控制层字段 --> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <include refid="insertValues"></include> </trim> </insert> <!-- 查询 --> <select id="queryAll" resultMap="resultMap"> select <include refid="column_list" /> from model </select> <!-- 查询结束 --> <!-- 查询带分页 --> <select id="queryByPage" resultMap="resultMap" parameterType="java.util.Map"> select <include refid="column_list" /> from model order by id desc </select> <!-- 查询带分页结束 --> <!-- 查询模块总数 --> <select id="queryCount" resultType="int"> select count(*) from model </select> <!-- 查询模块总数结束 --> <!-- 根据模块id查询model开始 --> <select id="getEntity" resultMap="resultMap" parameterType="int"> select <include refid="column_list" /> from model where id=#{id} </select> <!--根据模块id查询model结束 --> <!-- 根据模块查询model开始 --> <select id="getByEntity" resultMap="resultMap" parameterType="net.mingsoft.basic.entity.ModelEntity"> select <include refid="column_list" /> from model <where> <if test="modelTitle != null">MODEL_TITLE=#{modelTitle}</if> <if test="modelIsMenu != null">and MODEL_ISMENU=#{modelIsMenu}</if> <if test="modelId == null">and MODEL_ID is null</if> <if test="modelId != null">and MODEL_ID=#{modelId}</if> </where> </select> <!--根据模块查询model结束 --> <!-- 根据角色id查询model开始 --> <select id="queryModelByRoleId" resultMap="resultMap" parameterType="int"> select * from model where id in (select MODEL_ID from role_model where ROLE_ID=#{roleId}) order by MODEL_SORT desc,id desc </select> <!--根据角色id查询model结束 --> <!-- 更新 --> <update id="updateEntity" parameterType="net.mingsoft.basic.entity.ModelEntity" flushCache="true"> update model <set> <if test="modelTitle != null">MODEL_TITLE=#{modelTitle},</if> <if test="modelCode != null">MODEL_CODE=#{modelCode},</if> MODEL_ID=#{modelId}, <if test="modelUrl != null">MODEL_URL=#{modelUrl},</if> <if test="modelDatetime != null">MODEL_DATETIME=#{modelDatetime},</if> <if test="modelIcon != null">MODEL_ICON=#{modelIcon},</if> <if test="modelIsMenu != null">MODEL_ISMENU=#{modelIsMenu},</if> <if test="modelSort != null">MODEL_SORT=#{modelSort},</if> <if test="isChild != null and isChild != ''">IS_CHILD=#{isChild},</if> <if test="modelParentIds != null and modelParentIds != ''">MODEL_PARENT_IDS=#{modelParentIds} </if> </set> where id=#{id} </update> <!-- 更新结束 --> <!-- 更新缓存开始 --> <update id="updateCache" flushCache="true"> UPDATE model set model_id=0 where model_id=-1 </update> <!-- 更新缓存结束 --> <!-- 删除 --> <delete id="deleteEntity" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" flushCache="true"> delete from model where id = #{id} </delete> <!-- 更具模块编号查询模块实体开始 --> <select id="getEntityByModelCode" resultMap="resultMap"> select <include refid="column_list" /> from model where MODEL_CODE = #{modelCode} </select> <!-- 更具模块编号查询模块实体结束 --> <!-- 根据应用编号与模块编号查处通用的模块信息 --> <select id="getModel" resultMap="resultMap" > select id,MODEL_TITLE,MODEL_CODE,MODEL_ID,MODEL_URL,MODEL_DATETIME,MODEL_ICON from model where substring(model_code,3,2)=#{modelCodeRegex} and (MODEL_ID = (select MODEL_ID from model where id=#{id}) or MODEL_ID = (select id from model where id=#{id})) </select> <!--条件查询--> <select id="query" resultMap="resultMap"> select * from model <where> <if test="modelTitle != null and modelTitle != ''"> and MODEL_TITLE=#{modelTitle} </if> <if test="modelCode != null and modelCode != ''"> and MODEL_CODE=#{modelCode} </if> <if test="modelId > 0"> and MODEL_ID=#{modelId} </if> <if test="modelUrl != null and modelUrl != ''"> and MODEL_URL=#{modelUrl} </if> <if test="modelDatetime != null"> and MODEL_DATETIME=#{modelDatetime} </if> <if test="modelIcon != null and modelIcon != ''"> and MODEL_ICON=#{modelIcon} </if> <if test="modelSort > 0"> and MODEL_SORT=#{modelSort} </if> <if test="modelIsMenu != null"> and MODEL_ISMENU=#{modelIsMenu} </if> <if test="isChild != null and isChild != ''"> and IS_CHILD=#{isChild}</if> <if test="modelParentIds != null and modelParentIds != ''"> and FIND_IN_SET(#{modelParentIds}, model_parent_ids )>0 </if> </where> order by MODEL_ISMENU desc,MODEL_SORT,id </select> <!--批量删除--> <delete id="delete" flushCache="true"> delete from model <where> id in <foreach collection="ids" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> <foreach collection="ids" item="item" index="index"> or find_in_set(#{item}, model_parent_ids) > 0 </foreach> </where> </delete> </mapper>