net.neoforged.camelot.db.transactionals.TricksDAO Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.neoforged.camelot.db.transactionals;
import net.neoforged.camelot.db.api.RegisterExecutionCallbacks;
import net.neoforged.camelot.db.callback.TrickCallbacks;
import net.neoforged.camelot.db.schemas.Trick;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.config.RegisterRowMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.customizer.Bind;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.statement.SqlQuery;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.statement.SqlUpdate;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.transaction.Transactional;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
* A transactional used to interact with {@link Trick tricks}.
public interface TricksDAO extends Transactional {
* Gets all known tricks in the given range.
* @param from the 0-based index of the first trick to query, inclusive
* @param limit the maximum amount of tricks to query
* @return the tricks
@SqlQuery("select * from tricks limit :limit offset :from")
List getTricks(@Bind("from") int from, @Bind("limit") int limit);
* {@return the ID of the trick with the given {@code name}, or {@code null} if a trick with that alias does not exist}
@SqlQuery("select trick from trick_names where name = :name")
Integer getTrickByName(@Bind("name") String name);
* {@return the trick with the given {@code id}, or {@code null} if one was not found}
@SqlQuery("select * from tricks where id = :id")
Trick getTrick(@Bind("id") int id);
* {@return the number of tricks}
@SqlQuery("select count(*) from tricks")
int getTrickAmount();
* Get a trick by name.
* First, the {@code name} will be attempted to be parsed as an integer, and then a {@link #getTrick(int) query by ID} is attempted.
* If that fails, a {@link #getTrickByName(String) query by alias} is attempted.
* If both fail, {@code null} is returned.
default Trick getTrick(String name) {
try {
final int id = Integer.parseInt(name);
final Trick byId = getTrick(id);
if (byId != null) return byId;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
final Integer trickId = getTrickByName(name);
if (trickId == null) return null;
return getTrick(trickId);
* {@return the {@link #getTrickByName(String) trick} with the given {@code name}, or {@code null} if one with that name doesn't exist}
default Trick getNamedTrick(String name) {
final Integer trickId = getTrickByName(name);
if (trickId == null) return null;
return getTrick(trickId);
* Update the script of a given trick.
* @param trickId the ID of the trick to update
* @param script the new script of the trick
@SqlUpdate("update tricks set script = :script where id = :id")
void updateScript(@Bind("id") int trickId, @Bind("script") String script);
* Changes the owner of a trick.
* @param trickId the trick whose owner to change
* @param newOwner the new owner of the trick
@SqlUpdate("update tricks set owner = :owner where id = :id")
void updateOwner(@Bind("id") int trickId, @Bind("owner") long newOwner);
* {@return all the aliases of the trick with the given {@code trickId}}
@SqlQuery("select name from trick_names where trick = :id")
List getTrickNames(@Bind("id") int trickId);
* Inserts a trick into the database.
* @param script the script of the trick
* @param owner the owner of the trick
* @return the ID of the newly-created trick
default int insertTrick(String script, long owner) {
return getHandle().createUpdate("insert into tricks(script, owner, privileged) values (?, ?, false) returning id;")
.bind(0, script)
.bind(1, owner)
.execute((rs, _) -> rs.get().getResultSet().getInt("id"));
* Add an alias to a trick.
* @param trickId the ID of the trick to add an alias to
* @param alias the alias to add
@SqlUpdate("insert into trick_names(name, trick) values (:alias, :trick)")
void addAlias(@Bind("trick") int trickId, @Bind("alias") String alias);
* Delete the given {@code alias} from the database.
* @param alias the trick alias to delete
@SqlUpdate("delete from trick_names where name = :alias")
void deleteAlias(@Bind("alias") String alias);
* {@return all trick aliases matching the given {@code query}}
@SqlQuery("select name from trick_names where name like :query")
List findTricksMatching(@Bind("query") String query);
* Delete a trick with the given {@code trickId}.
* @param trickId the ID of the trick to delete
@SqlUpdate("delete from tricks where id = :id")
void delete(@Bind("id") int trickId);
@SqlUpdate("update tricks set privileged = :privileged where id = :id")
void setPrivileged(@Bind("id") int trickId, @Bind("privileged") boolean privileged);