net.openhft.chronicle.algo.hashing.CityHash_1_1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Higher Frequency Trading
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package net.openhft.chronicle.algo.hashing;
import net.openhft.chronicle.algo.bytes.ReadAccess;
import static java.lang.Long.reverseBytes;
import static java.lang.Long.rotateRight;
import static java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.algo.hashing.LongHashFunction.NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
* Adapted from the C++ CityHash implementation from Google at
class CityHash_1_1 {
private static final CityHash_1_1 INSTANCE = new CityHash_1_1();
private static final CityHash_1_1 NATIVE_CITY = NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN ?
CityHash_1_1.INSTANCE : BigEndian.INSTANCE;
private static final long K0 = 0xc3a5c85c97cb3127L;
private static final long K1 = 0xb492b66fbe98f273L;
private static final long K2 = 0x9ae16a3b2f90404fL;
private static final long K_MUL = 0x9ddfea08eb382d69L;
private CityHash_1_1() {
private static long shiftMix(long val) {
return val ^ (val >>> 47);
private static long hashLen16(long u, long v) {
return hashLen16(u, v, K_MUL);
private static long hashLen16(long u, long v, long mul) {
long a = shiftMix((u ^ v) * mul);
return shiftMix((v ^ a) * mul) * mul;
private static long mul(long len) {
return K2 + (len << 1);
private static long hash1To3Bytes(int len, int firstByte, int midOrLastByte, int lastByte) {
int y = firstByte + (midOrLastByte << 8);
int z = len + (lastByte << 2);
return shiftMix((((long) y) * K2) ^ (((long) z) * K0)) * K2;
private static long hash4To7Bytes(long len, long first4Bytes, long last4Bytes) {
long mul = mul(len);
return hashLen16(len + (first4Bytes << 3), last4Bytes, mul);
private static long hash8To16Bytes(long len, long first8Bytes, long last8Bytes) {
long mul = mul(len);
long a = first8Bytes + K2;
long c = rotateRight(last8Bytes, 37) * mul + a;
long d = (rotateRight(a, 25) + last8Bytes) * mul;
return hashLen16(c, d, mul);
public static LongHashFunction asLongHashFunctionWithoutSeed() {
return AsLongHashFunction.INSTANCE;
public static LongHashFunction asLongHashFunctionWithSeed(long seed) {
return new AsLongHashFunctionSeeded(K2, seed);
public static LongHashFunction asLongHashFunctionWithTwoSeeds(long seed0, long seed1) {
return new AsLongHashFunctionSeeded(seed0, seed1);
long fetch64(ReadAccess access, T in, long off) {
return access.readLong(in, off);
int fetch32(ReadAccess access, T in, long off) {
return access.readInt(in, off);
long toLittleEndian(long v) {
return v;
int toLittleEndian(int v) {
return v;
private long hashLen0To16(ReadAccess access, T in, long off, long len) {
if (len >= 8L) {
long a = fetch64(access, in, off);
long b = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 8L);
return hash8To16Bytes(len, a, b);
} else if (len >= 4L) {
long a = Primitives.unsignedInt(fetch32(access, in, off));
long b = Primitives.unsignedInt(fetch32(access, in, off + len - 4L));
return hash4To7Bytes(len, a, b);
} else if (len > 0L) {
int a = access.readUnsignedByte(in, off);
int b = access.readUnsignedByte(in, off + (len >> 1));
int c = access.readUnsignedByte(in, off + len - 1L);
return hash1To3Bytes((int) len, a, b, c);
return K2;
private long hashLen17To32(ReadAccess access, T in, long off, long len) {
long mul = mul(len);
long a = fetch64(access, in, off) * K1;
long b = fetch64(access, in, off + 8L);
long c = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 8L) * mul;
long d = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 16L) * K2;
return hashLen16(rotateRight(a + b, 43) + rotateRight(c, 30) + d,
a + rotateRight(b + K2, 18) + c, mul);
private long hashLen33To64(ReadAccess access, T in, long off, long len) {
long mul = mul(len);
long a = fetch64(access, in, off) * K2;
long b = fetch64(access, in, off + 8L);
long c = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 24L);
long d = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 32L);
long e = fetch64(access, in, off + 16L) * K2;
long f = fetch64(access, in, off + 24L) * 9L;
long g = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 8L);
long h = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 16L) * mul;
long u = rotateRight(a + g, 43) + (rotateRight(b, 30) + c) * 9L;
long v = ((a + g) ^ d) + f + 1L;
long w = reverseBytes((u + v) * mul) + h;
long x = rotateRight(e + f, 42) + c;
long y = (reverseBytes((v + w) * mul) + g) * mul;
long z = e + f + c;
a = reverseBytes((x + z) * mul + y) + b;
b = shiftMix((z + a) * mul + d + h) * mul;
return b + x;
long cityHash64(ReadAccess access, T in, long off, long len) {
if (len <= 32L) {
if (len <= 16L) {
return hashLen0To16(access, in, off, len);
} else {
return hashLen17To32(access, in, off, len);
} else if (len <= 64L) {
return hashLen33To64(access, in, off, len);
long x = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 40L);
long y = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 16L) + fetch64(access, in, off + len - 56L);
long z = hashLen16(fetch64(access, in, off + len - 48L) + len,
fetch64(access, in, off + len - 24L));
long vFirst, vSecond, wFirst, wSecond;
// This and following 3 blocks are produced by a single-click inline-function refactoring.
// IntelliJ IDEA ftw
// WeakHashLen32WithSeeds
long a3 = len;
long b3 = z;
long w4 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 64L);
long x4 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 64L + 8L);
long y4 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 64L + 16L);
long z4 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 64L + 24L);
a3 += w4;
b3 = rotateRight(b3 + a3 + z4, 21);
long c3 = a3;
a3 += x4 + y4;
b3 += rotateRight(a3, 44);
vFirst = a3 + z4;
vSecond = b3 + c3;
// WeakHashLen32WithSeeds
long a2 = y + K1;
long b2 = x;
long w3 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 32L);
long x3 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 32L + 8L);
long y3 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 32L + 16L);
long z3 = fetch64(access, in, off + len - 32L + 24L);
a2 += w3;
b2 = rotateRight(b2 + a2 + z3, 21);
long c2 = a2;
a2 += x3 + y3;
b2 += rotateRight(a2, 44);
wFirst = a2 + z3;
wSecond = b2 + c2;
x = x * K1 + fetch64(access, in, off);
len = (len - 1L) & (~63L);
do {
x = rotateRight(x + y + vFirst + fetch64(access, in, off + 8L), 37) * K1;
y = rotateRight(y + vSecond + fetch64(access, in, off + 48L), 42) * K1;
x ^= wSecond;
y += vFirst + fetch64(access, in, off + 40L);
z = rotateRight(z + wFirst, 33) * K1;
// WeakHashLen32WithSeeds
long a1 = vSecond * K1;
long b1 = x + wFirst;
long w2 = fetch64(access, in, off);
long x2 = fetch64(access, in, off + 8L);
long y2 = fetch64(access, in, off + 16L);
long z2 = fetch64(access, in, off + 24L);
a1 += w2;
b1 = rotateRight(b1 + a1 + z2, 21);
long c1 = a1;
a1 += x2 + y2;
b1 += rotateRight(a1, 44);
vFirst = a1 + z2;
vSecond = b1 + c1;
// WeakHashLen32WithSeeds
long a = z + wSecond;
long b = y + fetch64(access, in, off + 16L);
long w1 = fetch64(access, in, off + 32L);
long x1 = fetch64(access, in, off + 32L + 8L);
long y1 = fetch64(access, in, off + 32L + 16L);
long z1 = fetch64(access, in, off + 32L + 24L);
a += w1;
b = rotateRight(b + a + z1, 21);
long c = a;
a += x1 + y1;
b += rotateRight(a, 44);
wFirst = a + z1;
wSecond = b + c;
long tmp = x;
x = z;
z = tmp;
len -= 64L;
off += 64L;
} while (len != 0);
return hashLen16(hashLen16(vFirst, wFirst) + shiftMix(y) * K1 + z,
hashLen16(vSecond, wSecond) + x);
private static class BigEndian extends CityHash_1_1 {
private static final BigEndian INSTANCE = new BigEndian();
private BigEndian() {}
long fetch64(ReadAccess access, T in, long off) {
return reverseBytes(super.fetch64(access, in, off));
int fetch32(ReadAccess access, T in, long off) {
return Integer.reverseBytes(super.fetch32(access, in, off));
long toLittleEndian(long v) {
return reverseBytes(v);
int toLittleEndian(int v) {
return Integer.reverseBytes(v);
private static class AsLongHashFunction extends LongHashFunction {
public static final AsLongHashFunction INSTANCE = new AsLongHashFunction();
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static final int FIRST_SHORT_BYTE_SHIFT = NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? 0 : 8;
// JIT could probably optimize & -1 to no-op
private static final int FIRST_SHORT_BYTE_MASK = NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? 0xFF : -1;
private static final int SECOND_SHORT_BYTE_SHIFT = 8 - FIRST_SHORT_BYTE_SHIFT;
private static final int SECOND_SHORT_BYTE_MASK = NATIVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? -1 : 0xFF;
private Object readResolve() {
return INSTANCE;
public long hashLong(long input) {
input = NATIVE_CITY.toLittleEndian(input);
long hash = hash8To16Bytes(8L, input, input);
return finalizeHash(hash);
public long hashInt(int input) {
input = NATIVE_CITY.toLittleEndian(input);
long unsignedInt = Primitives.unsignedInt(input);
long hash = hash4To7Bytes(4L, unsignedInt, unsignedInt);
return finalizeHash(hash);
public long hashShort(short input) {
return hashChar((char) input);
public long hashChar(char input) {
int unsignedInput = (int) input;
int firstByte = (unsignedInput >> FIRST_SHORT_BYTE_SHIFT) & FIRST_SHORT_BYTE_MASK;
int secondByte = (unsignedInput >> SECOND_SHORT_BYTE_SHIFT) & SECOND_SHORT_BYTE_MASK;
long hash = hash1To3Bytes(2, firstByte, secondByte, secondByte);
return finalizeHash(hash);
public long hashByte(byte input) {
int unsignedByte = Primitives.unsignedByte(input);
long hash = hash1To3Bytes(1, unsignedByte, unsignedByte, unsignedByte);
return finalizeHash(hash);
public long hashVoid() {
return K2;
public long hash(T input, ReadAccess access, long off, long len) {
long hash;
if (access.byteOrder(input) == LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
hash = CityHash_1_1.INSTANCE.cityHash64(access, input, off, len);
} else {
hash = BigEndian.INSTANCE.cityHash64(access, input, off, len);
return finalizeHash(hash);
long finalizeHash(long hash) {
return hash;
private static class AsLongHashFunctionSeeded extends AsLongHashFunction {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private final long seed0, seed1;
private transient long voidHash;
private AsLongHashFunctionSeeded(long seed0, long seed1) {
this.seed0 = seed0;
this.seed1 = seed1;
voidHash = finalizeHash(K2);
public long hashVoid() {
return voidHash;
protected final long finalizeHash(long hash) {
return hashLen16(hash - seed0, seed1);
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