net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.UncheckedNativeBytes Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2016-2022
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.openhft.chronicle.bytes;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.internal.*;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.internal.migration.HashCodeEqualsUtil;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.render.DecimalAppender;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.render.Decimaliser;
import net.openhft.chronicle.bytes.render.StandardDecimaliser;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.Jvm;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.Memory;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.OS;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.UnsafeMemory;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.annotation.NonNegative;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.nio.BufferOverflowException;
import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.core.Jvm.uncheckedCast;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.Ints.requireNonNegative;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.Longs.requireNonNegative;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.ObjectUtils.requireNonNull;
* An optimized extension of AbstractBytes that performs unchecked read and write operations
* on a Bytes instance that is backed by native memory.
* The class bypasses bounds checking to provide high-performance access to the underlying data.
* This class is intended for use in performance-critical scenarios where the client can
* ensure that all operations stay within valid bounds, thus avoiding the overhead of bounds checking.
Warning: Using this class improperly can result in IndexOutOfBoundsException being thrown,
* corruption of data, JVM crashes, or other undefined behavior.
* @param The type of the object this Bytes can point to.
public class UncheckedNativeBytes
extends AbstractReferenceCounted
implements Bytes, HasUncheckedRandomDataInput, DecimalAppender {
private static final byte[] MIN_VALUE_TEXT = ("" + Long.MIN_VALUE).getBytes(ISO_8859_1);
@Deprecated(/* to remove in x.28 */)
private static final boolean APPEND_0 = Jvm.getBoolean("bytes.append.0", true);
// The real capacity of the BytesStore this UncheckedNativeBytes operates on
protected final long capacity;
// An instance of UncheckedRandomDataInput for accessing data without bounds checking
private final UncheckedRandomDataInput uncheckedRandomDataInput = new UncheckedRandomDataInputHolder();
// The Bytes instance this UncheckedNativeBytes operates on
private final Bytes underlyingBytes;
// The BytesStore that the underlying Bytes operates on
protected BytesStore, U> bytesStore;
// The position of the next byte to be read
protected long readPosition;
// The position of the next byte to be written
protected long writePosition;
// The limit of the write buffer
protected long writeLimit;
// Tracks the number of decimal places in the last number read
private int lastDecimalPlaces = 0;
// Tracks if the last number read had any digits
private boolean lastNumberHadDigits = false;
private Decimaliser decimaliser = StandardDecimaliser.STANDARD;
private boolean append0 = APPEND_0;
* Constructs an UncheckedNativeBytes instance by wrapping around the provided Bytes object.
* @param underlyingBytes the Bytes object to wrap around
* @throws ClosedIllegalStateException If the resource has been released or closed.
* @throws ThreadingIllegalStateException If this resource was accessed by multiple threads in an unsafe way
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "this-escape"})
public UncheckedNativeBytes(@NotNull Bytes underlyingBytes)
throws IllegalStateException {
this.underlyingBytes = underlyingBytes;
this.bytesStore = BytesInternal.failIfBytesOnBytes(underlyingBytes.bytesStore());
assert bytesStore.start() == 0;
writePosition = underlyingBytes.writePosition();
readPosition = underlyingBytes.readPosition();
capacity = bytesStore.realCapacity();
writeLimit = Math.min(capacity, underlyingBytes.writeLimit());
public void ensureCapacity(@NonNegative long desiredCapacity)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
if (desiredCapacity > realCapacity()) {
bytesStore = uncheckedCast(underlyingBytes.bytesStore());
public boolean unchecked() {
return true;
public boolean isDirectMemory() {
return true;
public Bytes unchecked(boolean unchecked) {
return this;
public void move(@NonNegative long from, @NonNegative long to, @NonNegative long length)
throws IllegalStateException, BufferUnderflowException {
ensureCapacity(to + length);
bytesStore.move(from - start(), to - start(), length);
public Bytes compact()
throws ClosedIllegalStateException, ThreadingIllegalStateException {
// Get the start position of the buffer
long start = start();
// Get the number of unread bytes in the buffer, ensuring that it is not set to a negative value
long readRemaining = Math.max(0, readRemaining());
// if the space freed is less a than 1/4 the data that would be moved, leave it.
if ((readPosition - start) < readRemaining / 4)
return this;
// Check if there are unread bytes and if they're not already at the start of the buffer
if (readRemaining > 0 && start < readPosition) {
// Move the unread bytes to the start of the buffer
bytesStore.move(readPosition, start, readRemaining);
// Reset the read position to the start of the buffer
readPosition = start;
// Set the write position to be after the unread bytes
writePosition = start + readRemaining;
// Return this Bytes object to allow for method chaining
return this;
public Bytes readPosition(@NonNegative long position) {
assert position <= bytesStore.capacity();
readPosition = position;
return this;
public Bytes readLimit(@NonNegative long limit) {
assert limit <= bytesStore.capacity();
writePosition = limit;
return this;
public Bytes writePosition(@NonNegative long position) {
assert position <= bytesStore.capacity();
writePosition = requireNonNegative(position);
return this;
public Bytes readSkip(long bytesToSkip) {
readPosition += bytesToSkip;
assert readPosition <= readLimit();
return this;
public byte readVolatileByte(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferUnderflowException {
return bytesStore.readVolatileByte(offset);
public short readVolatileShort(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferUnderflowException {
return bytesStore.readVolatileShort(offset);
public int readVolatileInt(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferUnderflowException {
return bytesStore.readVolatileInt(offset);
public long readVolatileLong(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferUnderflowException {
return bytesStore.readVolatileLong(offset);
public void uncheckedReadSkipOne() {
public void uncheckedReadSkipBackOne() {
public Bytes writeSkip(long bytesToSkip) {
writePosition += bytesToSkip;
return this;
public Bytes writeLimit(@NonNegative long limit) {
assert limit <= bytesStore.capacity();
writeLimit = requireNonNegative(limit);
return this;
public BytesStore, U> copy() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("todo");
public boolean isElastic() {
return false;
protected long readOffsetPositionMoved(@NonNegative long adding) {
long offset = readPosition;
readPosition += adding;
// TODO FIX MoldUdpHandlerTest
// assert readPosition <= readLimit();
return offset;
protected long writeOffsetPositionMoved(@NonNegative long adding) {
return writeOffsetPositionMoved(adding, adding);
protected long writeOffsetPositionMoved(@NonNegative long adding, @NonNegative long advance) {
long oldPosition = writePosition;
long writeEnd = oldPosition + adding;
assert writeEnd <= bytesStore.safeLimit();
writePosition += advance;
assert readPosition < writeLimit();
return oldPosition;
protected long prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(@NonNegative long substracting) {
readPosition -= substracting;
return readPosition;
public Bytes clear() {
readPosition = writePosition = start();
writeLimit = capacity();
return this;
public Bytes clearAndPad(@NonNegative long length)
throws BufferOverflowException {
if (start() + length > capacity())
throw new BufferOverflowException();
readPosition = writePosition = start() + length;
writeLimit = capacity();
return this;
public long readLimit() {
return writePosition;
public long writeLimit() {
return writeLimit;
public @NonNegative long realCapacity() {
return bytesStore.realCapacity();
public long realWriteRemaining() {
return writeRemaining();
public @NonNegative long capacity() {
return capacity;
public U underlyingObject() {
return bytesStore.underlyingObject();
public @NonNegative long readPosition() {
return readPosition;
public @NonNegative long writePosition() {
return writePosition;
public boolean compareAndSwapInt(@NonNegative long offset, int expected, int value)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
return bytesStore.compareAndSwapInt(offset, expected, value);
public void testAndSetInt(@NonNegative long offset, int expected, int value)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
bytesStore.testAndSetInt(offset, expected, value);
public boolean compareAndSwapLong(@NonNegative long offset, long expected, long value)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
return bytesStore.compareAndSwapLong(offset, expected, value);
protected void performRelease()
throws IllegalStateException {
final boolean interrupted = Thread.interrupted();
try {
// need to wait as checks rely on this completing.
} finally {
if (interrupted)
public int readUnsignedByte() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(1);
return bytesStore.readByte(offset) & 0xFF;
public int uncheckedReadUnsignedByte() {
return readUnsignedByte();
public byte readByte() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(1);
return bytesStore.readByte(offset);
public int peekUnsignedByte() {
try {
return readRemaining() > 0 ? bytesStore.readUnsignedByte(readPosition) : -1;
} catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
return -1;
public short readShort() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(2);
return bytesStore.readShort(offset);
public int readInt() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
return bytesStore.readInt(offset);
public long readLong() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
return bytesStore.readLong(offset);
public float readFloat() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
return bytesStore.readFloat(offset);
public double readDouble() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
return bytesStore.readDouble(offset);
public int readVolatileInt() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(4);
return bytesStore.readVolatileInt(offset);
public long readVolatileLong() {
long offset = readOffsetPositionMoved(8);
return bytesStore.readVolatileLong(offset);
public Bytes writeByte(@NonNegative long offset, byte i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 1);
bytesStore.writeByte(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes rawWriteByte(byte i8) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
bytesStore.writeByte(writePosition++, i8);
return this;
public Bytes writeShort(@NonNegative long offset, short i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 2);
bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeInt(@NonNegative long offset, int i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeOrderedInt(@NonNegative long offset, int i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
bytesStore.writeOrderedInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeLong(@NonNegative long offset, long i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeOrderedLong(@NonNegative long offset, long i)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
bytesStore.writeOrderedLong(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeFloat(@NonNegative long offset, float d)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
bytesStore.writeFloat(offset, d);
return this;
public Bytes writeDouble(@NonNegative long offset, double d)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
bytesStore.writeDouble(offset, d);
return this;
public Bytes writeVolatileByte(@NonNegative long offset, byte i8)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 1);
bytesStore.writeVolatileByte(offset, i8);
return this;
public Bytes writeVolatileShort(@NonNegative long offset, short i16)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 2);
bytesStore.writeVolatileShort(offset, i16);
return this;
public Bytes writeVolatileInt(@NonNegative long offset, int i32)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 4);
bytesStore.writeVolatileInt(offset, i32);
return this;
public Bytes writeVolatileLong(@NonNegative long offset, long i64)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offset, 8);
bytesStore.writeVolatileLong(offset, i64);
return this;
public Bytes write(@NonNegative final long offsetInRDO,
final byte[] byteArray,
@NonNegative final int offset,
@NonNegative int length) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offsetInRDO, length);
bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, byteArray, offset, length);
return this;
public void write(@NonNegative long offsetInRDO, @NotNull ByteBuffer bytes, @NonNegative int offset, @NonNegative int length)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(offsetInRDO, length);
bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes, offset, length);
public Bytes write(@NonNegative long writeOffset,
@NotNull RandomDataInput bytes, @NonNegative long readOffset, @NonNegative long length)
throws BufferUnderflowException, BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
writeCheckOffset(writeOffset, length);
bytesStore.write(writeOffset, bytes, readOffset, length);
return this;
void writeCheckOffset(@NonNegative long offset, long adding)
throws BufferOverflowException {
// Do nothing
public byte readByte(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readByte(offset);
public int readUnsignedByte(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readByte(offset) & 0xFF;
public int peekUnsignedByte(@NonNegative long offset) {
return offset < start() || writePosition <= offset ? -1 : readByte(offset);
public short readShort(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readShort(offset);
public int readInt(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readInt(offset);
public long readLong(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readLong(offset);
public float readFloat(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readFloat(offset);
public double readDouble(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readDouble(offset);
public Bytes writeByte(byte i8) {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(1);
bytesStore.writeByte(offset, i8);
return this;
public Bytes prewriteByte(byte i8) {
long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(1);
bytesStore.writeByte(offset, i8);
return this;
public Bytes writeShort(short i16)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(2);
bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i16);
return this;
public Bytes prewriteShort(short i16)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(2);
bytesStore.writeShort(offset, i16);
return this;
public Bytes writeInt(int i)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeIntAdv(int i, @NonNegative int advance)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4, advance);
bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes prewriteInt(int i)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(4);
bytesStore.writeInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeLong(long i64)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i64);
return this;
public Bytes writeLongAdv(long i64, @NonNegative int advance)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8, advance);
bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i64);
return this;
public Bytes prewriteLong(long i64)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(8);
bytesStore.writeLong(offset, i64);
return this;
public Bytes writeFloat(float f)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
bytesStore.writeFloat(offset, f);
return this;
public Bytes writeDouble(double d)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
bytesStore.writeDouble(offset, d);
return this;
public Bytes writeDoubleAndInt(double d, int i)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(12);
bytesStore.writeDouble(offset, d);
bytesStore.writeInt(offset + 8, i);
return this;
public Bytes write(final byte[] byteArray,
@NonNegative final int offset,
@NonNegative final int length) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
if (length + offset > byteArray.length)
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("bytes.length=" + byteArray.length + ", " +
"length=" + length + ", offset=" + offset);
if (length > writeRemaining())
throw new BufferOverflowException();
long offsetInRDO = writeOffsetPositionMoved(length);
bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, byteArray, offset, length);
return this;
public Bytes prewrite(@NotNull byte[] bytes)
throws IllegalStateException, BufferOverflowException {
long offsetInRDO = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(bytes.length);
bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes);
return this;
public Bytes prewrite(@NotNull BytesStore, ?> bytes)
throws IllegalStateException, BufferOverflowException {
long offsetInRDO = prewriteOffsetPositionMoved(bytes.length());
bytesStore.write(offsetInRDO, bytes);
return this;
public Bytes writeSome(@NotNull ByteBuffer buffer)
throws IllegalStateException {
bytesStore.write(writePosition, buffer, buffer.position(), buffer.limit());
writePosition += buffer.remaining();
assert writePosition <= writeLimit();
return this;
public Bytes writeOrderedInt(int i)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(4);
bytesStore.writeOrderedInt(offset, i);
return this;
public Bytes writeOrderedLong(long i)
throws IllegalStateException {
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(8);
bytesStore.writeOrderedLong(offset, i);
return this;
public long addressForRead(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferUnderflowException {
return bytesStore.addressForRead(offset);
public long addressForWrite(@NonNegative long offset)
throws BufferOverflowException {
return bytesStore.addressForWrite(offset);
public long addressForWritePosition()
throws UnsupportedOperationException, BufferOverflowException {
return bytesStore.addressForWrite(0);
public int hashCode() {
return HashCodeEqualsUtil.hashCode(this);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof BytesStore && BytesInternal.contentEqual(this, (BytesStore) obj);
public String toString() {
if (refCount() <= 0)
return "(released)";
return BytesInternal.toString(this);
public void lenient(boolean lenient) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean lenient() {
return false;
public void nativeRead(@NonNegative long position, long address, @NonNegative long size)
throws IllegalStateException, BufferUnderflowException {
bytesStore.nativeRead(position, address, size);
public void nativeWrite(long address, @NonNegative long position, @NonNegative long size)
throws IllegalStateException, BufferOverflowException {
bytesStore.nativeWrite(address, position, size);
public BytesStore, U> bytesStore() {
return bytesStore;
public int byteCheckSum()
throws IORuntimeException {
@Nullable NativeBytesStore nativeBytesStore = (NativeBytesStore) bytesStore();
return nativeBytesStore.byteCheckSum(readPosition(), readLimit());
public Bytes append8bit(@NotNull CharSequence cs)
throws BufferOverflowException, BufferUnderflowException, IllegalStateException {
if (cs instanceof BytesStore) {
return write((BytesStore) cs);
int length = cs.length();
long offset = writeOffsetPositionMoved(length);
long address = bytesStore.addressForWrite(offset);
@Nullable Memory memory = UnsafeMemory.MEMORY;
assert memory != null;
int i = 0;
for (; i < length - 1; i += 2) {
char c = cs.charAt(i);
char c2 = cs.charAt(i + 1);
memory.writeByte(address + i, (byte) c);
memory.writeByte(address + i + 1, (byte) c2);
for (; i < length; i++) {
char c = cs.charAt(i);
memory.writeByte(address + i, (byte) c);
return this;
public Bytes appendUtf8(char[] chars, @NonNegative int offset, @NonNegative int length)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
long actualUTF8Length = AppendableUtil.findUtf8Length(chars, offset, length);
ensureCapacity(writePosition + actualUTF8Length);
@NotNull BytesStore, ?> nbs = this.bytesStore;
long position = ((NativeBytesStore) nbs).appendUtf8(writePosition(), chars, offset, length);
return this;
public @NotNull UncheckedNativeBytes append(double d)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
if (!decimaliser.toDecimal(d, this))
return this;
public @NotNull UncheckedNativeBytes append(float f)
throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
if (!decimaliser.toDecimal(f, this))
return this;
public @NotNull Bytes append(int value) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
append(value < 0, Math.abs((long) value), 0);
return this;
public @NotNull Bytes append(long value) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException {
if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE)
append(value < 0, Math.abs(value), 0);
return this;
public Decimaliser decimaliser() {
return decimaliser;
public Bytes decimaliser(Decimaliser decimaliser) {
this.decimaliser = decimaliser;
return this;
public boolean fpAppend0() {
return append0;
public Bytes fpAppend0(boolean append0) {
this.append0 = append0;
return this;
public void append(boolean negative, long mantissa, int exponent) {
ensureCapacity(writePosition() + BytesInternal.digitsForExponent(exponent));
long length = bytesStore().appendAndReturnLength(writePosition(), negative, mantissa, exponent, fpAppend0());
public long appendAndReturnLength(long writePosition, boolean negative, long mantissa, int exponent, boolean append0) {
return bytesStore().appendAndReturnLength(writePosition, negative, mantissa, exponent, append0);
public int lastDecimalPlaces() {
return lastDecimalPlaces;
public void lastDecimalPlaces(int lastDecimalPlaces) {
this.lastDecimalPlaces = Math.max(0, lastDecimalPlaces);
public boolean lastNumberHadDigits() {
return lastNumberHadDigits;
public void lastNumberHadDigits(boolean lastNumberHadDigits) {
this.lastNumberHadDigits = lastNumberHadDigits;
public long write8bit(@NonNegative long position, @NotNull BytesStore, ?> bs) {
return bytesStore.write8bit(position, bs);
public long write8bit(@NonNegative long position, @NotNull String s, @NonNegative int start, @NonNegative int length) {
return bytesStore.write8bit(position, s, start, length);
public Bytes write8bit(@Nullable BytesStore, ?> bs) throws BufferOverflowException, IllegalStateException, BufferUnderflowException {
if (bs == null) {
} else {
final long offset = bs.readPosition();
final long readRemaining = Math.min(writeRemaining(), bs.readLimit() - offset);
write(bs, offset, readRemaining);
return this;
public @NotNull Bytes write8bit(final @NotNull String text, final @NonNegative int start, final @NonNegative int length) {
final long toWriteLength = UnsafeMemory.INSTANCE.stopBitLength(length) + (long) length;
final long position = writeOffsetPositionMoved(toWriteLength, 0);
bytesStore.write8bit(position, text, start, length);
writePosition += toWriteLength;
return this;
public @NotNull UncheckedRandomDataInput acquireUncheckedInput() {
return uncheckedRandomDataInput;
public void unmonitor() {
private final class UncheckedRandomDataInputHolder implements UncheckedRandomDataInput {
public byte readByte(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readByte(offset);
public short readShort(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readShort(offset);
public int readInt(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readInt(offset);
public long readLong(@NonNegative long offset) {
return bytesStore.readLong(offset);