Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014 Higher Frequency Trading
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.replication.AbstractReplication;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.replication.TimeProvider;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.BytesInterop;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.BytesReader;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.internal.BytesBytesInterop;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.internal.DelegatingMetaBytesInterop;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.internal.MetaBytesInterop;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.internal.MetaBytesWriter;
import net.openhft.lang.Maths;
import net.openhft.lang.collection.ATSDirectBitSet;
import net.openhft.lang.threadlocal.ThreadLocalCopies;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import static net.openhft.chronicle.hash.hashing.Hasher.hash;
import static net.openhft.lang.MemoryUnit.*;
import static net.openhft.lang.collection.DirectBitSet.NOT_FOUND;
* A Replicating Multi Master HashMap
Each remote hash map, mirrors its changes over to
* another remote hash map, neither hash map is considered the master store of data, each hash map
* uses timestamps to reconcile changes. We refer to an instance of a remote hash-map as a node. A
* node will be connected to any number of other nodes, for the first implementation the maximum
* number of nodes will be fixed. The data that is stored locally in each node will become
* eventually consistent. So changes made to one node, for example by calling put() will be
* replicated over to the other node. To achieve a high level of performance and throughput, the
* call to put() won’t block, with concurrentHashMap, It is typical to check the return code of some
* methods to obtain the old value for example remove(). Due to the loose coupling and lock free
* nature of this multi master implementation, this return value will only be the old value on the
* nodes local data store. In other words the nodes are only concurrent locally. Its worth realising
* that another node performing exactly the same operation may return a different value. However
* reconciliation will ensure the maps themselves become eventually consistent.
* Reconciliation
If two ( or more nodes ) were to receive a change to their maps for
* the same key but different values, say by a user of the maps, calling the put(key, value). Then,
* initially each node will update its local store and each local store will hold a different value,
* but the aim of multi master replication is to provide eventual consistency across the nodes. So,
* with multi master when ever a node is changed it will notify the other nodes of its change. We
* will refer to this notification as an event. The event will hold a timestamp indicating the time
* the change occurred, it will also hold the state transition, in this case it was a put with a key
* and value. Eventual consistency is achieved by looking at the timestamp from the remote node, if
* for a given key, the remote nodes timestamp is newer than the local nodes timestamp, then the
* event from the remote node will be applied to the local node, otherwise the event will be
* ignored.
However there is an edge case that we have to concern ourselves with, If two
* nodes update their map at the same time with different values, we have to deterministically
* resolve which update wins, because of eventual consistency both nodes should end up locally
* holding the same data. Although it is rare two remote nodes could receive an update to their maps
* at exactly the same time for the same key, we have to handle this edge case, its therefore
* important not to rely on timestamps alone to reconcile the updates. Typically the update with the
* newest timestamp should win, but in this example both timestamps are the same, and the decision
* made to one node should be identical to the decision made to the other. We resolve this simple
* dilemma by using a node identifier, each node will have a unique identifier, the update from the
* node with the smallest identifier wins.
* @param the entries key type
* @param the entries value type
final class ReplicatedChronicleMap,
V, VI, MVI extends MetaBytesInterop>
extends VanillaChronicleMap
implements Replica, Replica.EntryExternalizable, Replica.EntryResolver {
// for file, jdbc and UDP replication
public static final int RESERVED_MOD_ITER = 8;
public static final int ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES = 10;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReplicatedChronicleMap.class);
private static final long LAST_UPDATED_HEADER_SIZE = 128L * 8L;
private final TimeProvider timeProvider;
private final byte localIdentifier;
transient Set closeables;
private transient Bytes identifierUpdatedBytes;
private transient ATSDirectBitSet modIterSet;
private transient AtomicReferenceArray modificationIterators;
private transient long startOfModificationIterators;
private boolean bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries;
public ReplicatedChronicleMap(@NotNull ChronicleMapBuilder builder,
AbstractReplication replication)
throws IOException {
this.timeProvider = builder.timeProvider();
this.localIdentifier = replication.identifier();
this.bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries = replication.bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries();
if (localIdentifier == -1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("localIdentifier should not be -1");
private int assignedModIterBitSetSizeInBytes() {
return (int) CACHE_LINES.align(BYTES.alignAndConvert(127 + RESERVED_MOD_ITER, BITS), BYTES);
VanillaChronicleMap.Segment createSegment(
NativeBytes segmentHeader, NativeBytes bytes, int index) {
return new Segment(segmentHeader, bytes, index);
Class segmentType() {
return Segment.class;
void initTransients() {
modificationIterators =
new AtomicReferenceArray(127 + RESERVED_MOD_ITER);
closeables = new CopyOnWriteArraySet();
long modIterBitSetSizeInBytes() {
long bytes = BITS.toBytes(bitsPerSegmentInModIterBitSet() * segments.length);
return CACHE_LINES.align(bytes, BYTES);
private long bitsPerSegmentInModIterBitSet() {
// min 128 * 8 to prevent false sharing on updating bits from different segments
// TODO this doesn't prevent false sharing. There should be GAPS between per-segment bits
return Maths.nextPower2(actualChunksPerSegment, 128L * 8L);
long getHeaderSize() {
return super.getHeaderSize() + LAST_UPDATED_HEADER_SIZE +
(modIterBitSetSizeInBytes() * (128 + RESERVED_MOD_ITER)) +
void setLastModificationTime(byte identifier, long timestamp) {
final long offset = identifier * 8L;
// purposely not volatile as this will impact performance,
// and the worst that will happen is we'll end up loading more data on a bootstrap
if (identifierUpdatedBytes.readLong(offset) < timestamp)
identifierUpdatedBytes.writeLong(offset, timestamp);
public long lastModificationTime(byte remoteIdentifier) {
assert remoteIdentifier != this.identifier();
// purposely not volatile as this will impact performance,
// and the worst that will happen is we'll end up loading more data on a bootstrap
return identifierUpdatedBytes.readLong(remoteIdentifier * 8L);
void onHeaderCreated() {
long offset = super.getHeaderSize();
identifierUpdatedBytes = ms.bytes(offset, LAST_UPDATED_HEADER_SIZE).zeroOut();
Bytes modDelBytes = ms.bytes(offset, assignedModIterBitSetSizeInBytes()).zeroOut();
offset += assignedModIterBitSetSizeInBytes();
startOfModificationIterators = offset;
modIterSet = new ATSDirectBitSet(modDelBytes);
* @param segmentNum a unique index of the segment
* @return the segment associated with the {@code segmentNum}
private Segment segment(int segmentNum) {
return (Segment) segments[segmentNum];
private long currentTime() {
return timeProvider.currentTimeMillis();
void putBytes(ThreadLocalCopies copies, SegmentState segmentState, Bytes key, long keySize,
GetRemoteBytesValueInterops getRemoteBytesValueInterops, MultiStoreBytes value,
boolean replaceIfPresent, ReadValue readValue) {
put(copies, segmentState,
BytesBytesInterop.INSTANCE, key, keySize, keyBytesToInstance,
getRemoteBytesValueInterops, value, valueBytesToInstance,
replaceIfPresent, readValue, false, localIdentifier, currentTime());
* Used in conjunction with map replication, all put events that originate from a remote node
* will be processed using this method.
* @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
* @param value value to be associated with the specified key
* @param identifier a unique identifier for a replicating node
* @param timeStamp timestamp in milliseconds, when the put event originally occurred
* @return the previous value
* @see #put(Object, Object)
V put(K key, V value, byte identifier, long timeStamp) {
assert identifier > 0;
return put0(key, value, true, identifier, timeStamp);
V put1(@NotNull K key, V value, boolean replaceIfPresent) {
return put0(key, value, replaceIfPresent, localIdentifier, currentTime());
* @param key key with which the specified value is associated
* @param value value expected to be associated with the specified key
* @param replaceIfPresent set to false for putIfAbsent()
* @param identifier used to identify which replicating node made the change
* @param timeStamp the time that that change was made, this is used for replication
* @return the value that was replaced
V put0(K key, V value, boolean replaceIfPresent,
final byte identifier, long timeStamp) {
ThreadLocalCopies copies = keyInteropProvider.getCopies(null);
KI keyInterop = keyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalKeyInterop);
copies = metaKeyInteropProvider.getCopies(copies);
MKI metaKeyInterop =
metaKeyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalMetaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key);
long keySize = metaKeyInterop.size(keyInterop, key);
return put(copies, null, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, keyIdentity(),
this, value, valueIdentity(), replaceIfPresent, this, putReturnsNull,
identifier, timeStamp);
Object remoteRemove(K key,
final byte remoteIdentifier, long timeStamp) {
K key1 = (K) key;
ThreadLocalCopies copies = SegmentState.getCopies(null);
SegmentState segmentState = SegmentState.get(copies);
KI keyInterop = keyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalKeyInterop);
MKI metaKeyInterop =
metaKeyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalMetaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key1);
long keySize = metaKeyInterop.size(keyInterop, key1);
long hash = metaKeyInterop.hash(keyInterop, key1);
int segmentNum = getSegment(hash);
long segmentHash = segmentHash(hash);
ReplicatedChronicleMap.Segment segment = segment(segmentNum);
try {
return segment.removeWithoutLock(copies, segmentState, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key1,
keySize, keyIdentity(), this, (V) null, valueIdentity(), segmentHash, this,
removeReturnsNull, timeStamp, remoteIdentifier, true, false);
} finally {
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
RV put2(ThreadLocalCopies copies, SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB value,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance super VB, V> toValue,
boolean replaceIfPresent, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused) {
return put(copies, segmentState, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, toKey,
getValueInterops, value, toValue, replaceIfPresent, readValue, resultUnused,
localIdentifier, currentTime());
public void clear() {
// we have to make sure that every calls notifies on remove,
// so that the replicators can pick it up
for (K k : keySet()) {
private ,
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
RV put(ThreadLocalCopies copies, SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB value,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance super VB, V> toValue,
boolean replaceIfPresent, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused,
byte identifier, long timeStamp) {
long hash = metaKeyInterop.hash(keyInterop, key);
int segmentNum = getSegment(hash);
long segmentHash = segmentHash(hash);
return segment(segmentNum).put(copies, segmentState,
metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, toKey,
getValueInterops, value, toValue,
segmentHash, replaceIfPresent, readValue, resultUnused,
identifier, timeStamp);
void addCloseable(Closeable closeable) {
public void close() {
for (Closeable closeable : closeables) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("", e);
public byte identifier() {
return localIdentifier;
public Replica.ModificationIterator acquireModificationIterator(
byte remoteIdentifier, @NotNull final ModificationNotifier modificationNotifier) {
ModificationIterator modificationIterator = modificationIterators.get(remoteIdentifier);
if (modificationIterator != null)
return modificationIterator;
synchronized (modificationIterators) {
modificationIterator = modificationIterators.get(remoteIdentifier);
if (modificationIterator != null)
return modificationIterator;
final Bytes bytes = ms.bytes(startOfModificationIterators +
(modIterBitSetSizeInBytes() * remoteIdentifier),
final ModificationIterator newModificationIterator = new ModificationIterator(
bytes, modificationNotifier);
modificationIterators.set(remoteIdentifier, newModificationIterator);
return newModificationIterator;
void onPut(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment, long pos) {
for (long next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(0L); next > 0L;
next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(next + 1L)) {
try {
modificationIterators.get((int) next).onPut(pos, segment);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("", e);
void onRemotePut(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment, long pos) {
onRelocation(segment, pos); // erase modification bits
void onRemove(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment, long pos) {
for (long next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(0L); next > 0L;
next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(next + 1L)) {
try {
modificationIterators.get((int) next).onRemove(pos, segment);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("", e);
void onRemoteRemove(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment, long pos) {
onRelocation(segment, pos); // erase modification bits
void onRelocation(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment, long pos) {
for (long next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(0L); next > 0L;
next = modIterSet.nextSetBit(next + 1L)) {
try {
modificationIterators.get((int) next).onRelocation(pos, segment);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("", e);
public boolean identifierCheck(@NotNull Bytes entry, int chronicleId) {
long start = entry.position();
try {
final long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
entry.skip(keySize + 8); // we skip 8 for the timestamp
final byte identifier = entry.readByte();
return identifier == localIdentifier;
} finally {
public int sizeOfEntry(@NotNull Bytes entry, int chronicleId) {
long start = entry.position();
try {
final long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
entry.skip(keySize + 8); // we skip 8 for the timestamp
final byte identifier = entry.readByte();
if (identifier != localIdentifier) {
// although unlikely, this may occur if the entry has been updated
return 0;
final boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
long valueSize;
if (!isDeleted) {
valueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
} else {
valueSize = 0L;
long result = (entry.position() + valueSize - start);
// entries can be larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE as we are restricted to the size we can
// make a byte buffer
assert result < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return (int) result;
} finally {
* This method does not set a segment lock, A segment lock should be obtained before calling
* this method, especially when being used in a multi threaded context.
public void writeExternalEntry(@NotNull Bytes entry,
@NotNull Bytes destination,
int chronicleId) {
final long initialLimit = entry.limit();
final long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
final long keyPosition = entry.position();
final long keyLimit = entry.position();
final long timeStamp = entry.readLong();
final byte identifier = entry.readByte();
if (identifier != localIdentifier) {
// although unlikely, this may occur if the entry has been updated
final boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
long valueSize;
if (!isDeleted) {
valueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
} else {
valueSize = 0L;
final long valuePosition = entry.position();
keySizeMarshaller.writeSize(destination, keySize);
valueSizeMarshaller.writeSize(destination, valueSize);
// write the key
boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
String message = null;
if (debugEnabled) {
if (isDeleted) {
LOG.debug("WRITING ENTRY TO DEST - into local-id={}, remove(key={})",
localIdentifier, entry.toString().trim());
} else {
message = String.format(
"WRITING ENTRY TO DEST - into local-id=%d, put(key=%s,",
localIdentifier, entry.toString().trim());
if (isDeleted)
// skipping the alignment, as alignment wont work when we send the data over the wire.
// writes the value
entry.limit(entry.position() + valueSize);
if (debugEnabled) {
LOG.debug(message + "value=" + entry.toString().trim() + ")");
* This method does not set a segment lock, A segment lock should be obtained before calling
* this method, especially when being used in a multi threaded context.
public void readExternalEntry(
@NotNull ThreadLocalCopies copies, @NotNull SegmentState segmentState,
@NotNull Bytes source) {
final long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(source);
final long valueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(source);
final long timeStamp = source.readStopBit();
final byte id = source.readByte();
final boolean isDeleted = source.readBoolean();
final byte remoteIdentifier;
if (id != 0) {
remoteIdentifier = id;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("identifier can't be 0");
if (remoteIdentifier == ReplicatedChronicleMap.this.identifier()) {
// this may occur when working with UDP, as we may receive our own data
final long keyPosition = source.position();
final long keyLimit = keyPosition + keySize;
long hash = hash(source);
int segmentNum = getSegment(hash);
long segmentHash = segmentHash(hash);
boolean debugEnabled = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
if (isDeleted) {
if (debugEnabled) {
LOG.debug("READING FROM SOURCE - into local-id={}, remote={}, remove(key={})",
localIdentifier, remoteIdentifier, source.toString().trim()
segment(segmentNum).remoteRemove(copies, segmentState,
source, segmentHash, timeStamp, remoteIdentifier);
setLastModificationTime(remoteIdentifier, timeStamp);
String message = null;
if (debugEnabled) {
message = String.format(
"READING FROM SOURCE - into local-id=%d, remote-id=%d, put(key=%s,",
localIdentifier, remoteIdentifier, source.toString().trim());
final long valuePosition = keyLimit;
final long valueLimit = valuePosition + valueSize;
segment(segmentNum).remotePut(copies, segmentState, source,
keySize, valueSize, segmentHash, remoteIdentifier, timeStamp);
setLastModificationTime(remoteIdentifier, timeStamp);
if (debugEnabled) {
LOG.debug(message + "value=" + source.toString().trim() + ")");
Set> newEntrySet() {
return new EntrySet();
public K key(@NotNull Bytes entry, K usingKey) {
final long start = entry.position();
try {
long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
ThreadLocalCopies copies = keyReaderProvider.getCopies(null);
return keyReaderProvider.get(copies, originalKeyReader).read(entry, keySize);
} finally {
public V value(@NotNull Bytes entry, V usingValue) {
final long start = entry.position();
try {
final byte identifier = entry.readByte();
if (identifier != localIdentifier) {
return null;
final boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
long valueSize;
if (!isDeleted) {
valueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
assert valueSize > 0;
} else {
return null;
ThreadLocalCopies copies = valueReaderProvider.getCopies(null);
BytesReader valueReader = valueReaderProvider.get(copies, originalValueReader);
return, valueSize, usingValue);
} finally {
public boolean wasRemoved(@NotNull Bytes entry) {
final long start = entry.position();
try {
return entry.readBoolean(keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry) + 9L);
} finally {
class Segment extends VanillaChronicleMap.Segment {
Segment(NativeBytes segmentHeader, NativeBytes bytes, int index) {
super(segmentHeader, bytes, index);
long sizeOfEverythingBeforeValue(long keySize, long valueSize) {
return super.sizeOfEverythingBeforeValue(keySize, valueSize) + ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES;
, RV>
RV acquireWithoutLock(
@NotNull ThreadLocalCopies copies, @NotNull SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
ReadValue readValue, RV usingValue, InstanceOrBytesToInstance toValue,
long hash2, boolean create, MutableLockedEntry lock) {
MultiStoreBytes entry = segmentState.tmpBytes;
MultiMap hashLookup = hashLookup();
SearchState searchState = segmentState.searchState;
hashLookup.startSearch(hash2, searchState);
for (long pos; (pos = hashLookup.nextPos(searchState)) >= 0L; ) {
long offset = offsetFromPos(pos);
reuse(entry, offset);
if (!keyEquals(keyInterop, metaKeyInterop, key, keySize, entry))
// key is found
boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
if (isDeleted) {
if (!create)
return readValue.readNull();
long valueSizePos = entry.position();
entry.position(valueSizePos - ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES);
// todo theoretically, currentTime() call should be outside locking
// because locking might take time > 1 ms. but making current time a param
// of acquireWithoutLock would complicate code much, requiring putting
// lookupUsing() back into ReplicatedChMap, and other methods
// deleted flag
long prevValueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
long sizeOfEverythingBeforeValue = entry.position();
long valueAddr = entry.positionAddr();
long entryEndAddr = valueAddr + prevValueSize;
// todo add api which doesn't require key instance
K keyInstance = toKey.toInstance(copies, key, keySize);
MetaBytesWriter metaElemWriter;
Object elemWriter;
Object elem;
if (defaultValueProvider != null) {
V defaultValue = defaultValueProvider.get(keyInstance);
elem = defaultValue;
VI valueInterop = valueInteropProvider.get(copies, originalValueInterop);
elemWriter = valueInterop;
metaElemWriter = metaValueInteropProvider.get(
copies, originalMetaValueInterop, valueInterop, defaultValue);
} else if (prepareValueBytesAsWriter != null) {
elem = keyInstance;
elemWriter = null;
metaElemWriter = prepareValueBytesAsWriter;
} else {
throw defaultValueOrPrepareBytesShouldBeSpecified();
putValue(pos, offset, entry, valueSizePos, entryEndAddr, segmentState,
metaElemWriter, elemWriter, elem, metaElemWriter.size(elemWriter, elem),
hashLookup, sizeOfEverythingBeforeValue);
pos = segmentState.pos;
long valueSize = readValueSize(entry);
long valuePos = entry.position();
RV v = readValue.readValue(copies, entry, usingValue, valueSize);
// put callbacks
onPut(this, pos);
if (bytesEventListener != null) {
bytesEventListener.onPut(entry, 0L, metaDataBytes, valuePos, true);
if (eventListener != null) {
V valueInstance = toValue.toInstance(copies, v, valueSize);
eventListener.onPut(keyInstance, valueInstance, null);
return v;
} else {
segmentState.pos = pos; // for WriteLocked.close()
return readValueAndNotifyGet(copies, key, keySize, toKey,
readValue, usingValue, toValue, entry);
if (!create)
return readValue.readNull();
RV result = createEntryOnAcquire(copies, segmentState,
metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, toKey,
readValue, usingValue, toValue, entry);
// notify the context that the entry was created
if (lock instanceof WriteLocked)
((WriteLocked) lock).created(false);
return result;
* called from a remote node as part of replication
void remoteRemove(
@NotNull ThreadLocalCopies copies, @NotNull SegmentState segmentState,
Bytes keyBytes, long hash2, final long timestamp, final byte identifier) {
try {
ReadValueToBytes readValueToLazyBytes = segmentState.readValueToLazyBytes;
Boolean removed = (Boolean) removeWithoutLock(copies, segmentState,
BytesBytesInterop.INSTANCE, keyBytes, keyBytes.remaining(),
keyBytesToInstance, null, null, outputValueBytesToInstance,
hash2, readValueToLazyBytes, true,
timestamp, identifier, true, true);
if (!removed && LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Segment.remoteRemove() : key=" + keyBytes.toString().trim() +
" was not found (or the remote update is late)");
} finally {
* called from a remote node when it wishes to propagate a remove event
void remotePut(@NotNull ThreadLocalCopies copies, @NotNull SegmentState segmentState,
@NotNull final Bytes entry, long keySize, long valueSize, long hash2,
final byte identifier, final long timestamp) {
GetRemoteBytesValueInterops getRemoteBytesValueInterops =
MultiStoreBytes value = getRemoteBytesValueInterops.getValueBytes(
entry, entry.position() + keySize);
ReadValueToBytes readValueToLazyBytes = segmentState.readValueToLazyBytes;
try {
putWithoutLock(copies, segmentState,
BytesBytesInterop.INSTANCE, entry, keySize, keyBytesToInstance,
getRemoteBytesValueInterops, value, valueBytesToInstance,
hash2, true, readValueToLazyBytes, true, identifier, timestamp,
} finally {
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
RV put(@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB value,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance super VB, V> toValue,
long hash2, boolean replaceIfPresent,
ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused,
byte identifier, long timeStamp) {
segmentStateNotNullImpliesCopiesNotNull(copies, segmentState);
if (segmentState == null) {
copies = SegmentState.getCopies(copies);
segmentState = SegmentState.get(copies);
try {
return putWithoutLock(copies, segmentState,
metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, toKey,
getValueInterops, value, toValue,
hash2, replaceIfPresent, readValue, resultUnused,
identifier, timeStamp, false);
} finally {
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
RV putWithoutLock(
@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB value,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance super VB, V> toValue, long hash2,
boolean replaceIfPresent, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused) {
return putWithoutLock(copies, segmentState, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize,
toKey, getValueInterops, value, toValue, hash2, replaceIfPresent, readValue,
resultUnused, localIdentifier, currentTime(), false);
private ,
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
RV putWithoutLock(
@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, final @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB value,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance super VB, V> toValue,
long hash2, boolean replaceIfPresent,
ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused,
byte identifier, long timestamp, boolean remote) {
MultiMap hashLookup = hashLookup();
SearchState searchState = segmentState.searchState;
hashLookup.startSearch(hash2, searchState);
MultiStoreBytes entry = segmentState.tmpBytes;
for (long pos; (pos = hashLookup.nextPos(searchState)) >= 0L; ) {
long offset = offsetFromPos(pos);
reuse(entry, offset);
if (!keyEquals(keyInterop, metaKeyInterop, key, keySize, entry))
// key is found
final long timeStampPosAddr = entry.positionAddr();
if (shouldIgnore(entry, timestamp, identifier)) {
// the following assert should be enabled, but TimeBasedReplicationTest
// intentionally violates the explained invariant, => assertion fails.
// todo do something with this
// we should ignore only external remote updates
// which don't use put and remove results
// assert resultUnused;
return null;
boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
if (replaceIfPresent || isDeleted) {
// deleted flag
RV prevValue = replaceValueAndNotifyPut(copies, segmentState,
key, keySize, toKey,
getValueInterops, value, toValue,
entry, pos, offset, hashLookup, readValue,
resultUnused, isDeleted, remote);
// for DRY (reusing replaceValueAndNotifyPut() method),
// size is updated AFTER callbacks are called.
// however this shouldn't be an issue because exclusive segment lock
// is still held
if (isDeleted) {
// if they are NOT equal, it means the entry was relocated in putValue(),
// hence position is already set
if (pos == segmentState.pos) {
} else {
assert hashLookup.getPositions().isSet(segmentState.pos);
if (resultUnused)
return null;
return isDeleted ? readValue.readNull() : prevValue;
} else {
long valueSize = readValueSize(entry);
return resultUnused ? null :
readValue.readValue(copies, entry, null, valueSize);
// key is not found
VBI valueInterop = getValueInterops.getValueInterop(copies);
MVBI metaValueInterop =
getValueInterops.getMetaValueInterop(copies, valueInterop, value);
long valueSize = metaValueInterop.size(valueInterop, value);
putEntry(segmentState, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize,
metaValueInterop, valueInterop, value, entry, false);
entry.position(segmentState.valueSizePos - ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES);
// put callbacks
onPutMaybeRemote(segmentState.pos, remote);
if (bytesEventListener != null)
bytesEventListener.onPut(entry, 0L, metaDataBytes,
segmentState.valueSizePos, true);
if (eventListener != null)
eventListener.onPut(toKey.toInstance(copies, key, keySize),
toValue.toInstance(copies, value, valueSize), null);
return resultUnused ? null : readValue.readNull();
* Used only with replication, its sometimes possible to receive an old ( or stale update )
* from a remote map. This method is used to determine if we should ignore such updates.
* We can reject put() and removes() when comparing times stamps with remote systems
* @param entry the maps entry
* @param timestamp the time the entry was created or updated
* @param identifier the unique identifier relating to this map
* @return true if the entry should not be processed
private boolean shouldIgnore(@NotNull final NativeBytes entry, final long timestamp,
final byte identifier) {
final long lastModifiedTimeStamp = entry.readLong();
// if the readTimeStamp is newer then we'll reject this put()
// or they are the same and have a larger id
if (lastModifiedTimeStamp < timestamp) {
entry.skip(1); // skip the byte used for the identifier
return false;
if (lastModifiedTimeStamp > timestamp)
return true;
// check the identifier
return entry.readByte() > identifier;
void manageReplicationBytes(Bytes entry, boolean writeDefaultInitialReplicationValues,
boolean remove) {
if (!writeDefaultInitialReplicationValues) {
} else {
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop super VB, ? super VBI>>
Object remove(@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB expectedValue,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toValue,
long hash2, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused) {
segmentStateNotNullImpliesCopiesNotNull(copies, segmentState);
if (segmentState == null) {
copies = SegmentState.getCopies(copies);
segmentState = SegmentState.get(copies);
try {
return removeWithoutLock(copies, segmentState,
metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize, toKey,
getValueInterops, expectedValue, toValue,
hash2, readValue, resultUnused, currentTime(), localIdentifier, false,
expectedValue != null);
} finally {
boolean isDeleted(Bytes entry, long keySize) {
return entry.readBoolean(entry.position() + keySize + ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES - 1L);
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop super VB, ? super VBI>>
Object removeWithoutLock(
@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB expectedValue,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toValue,
long hash2, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused) {
return removeWithoutLock(copies, segmentState, metaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key, keySize,
toKey, getValueInterops, expectedValue, toValue, hash2, readValue, resultUnused,
currentTime(), localIdentifier, false, expectedValue != null);
* - if expectedValue is not null, returns Boolean.TRUE (removed) or Boolean.FALSE (entry
* not found), regardless the expectedValue object is Bytes instance (RPC call) or the value
* instance - if expectedValue is null: - if resultUnused is false, null or removed value is
* returned - if resultUnused is true, null is always returned
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop super VB, ? super VBI>>
Object removeWithoutLock(
@NotNull ThreadLocalCopies copies, @NotNull SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getValueInterops, VB expectedValue,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toValue,
long hash2, ReadValue readValue, boolean resultUnused,
long timestamp, byte identifier, boolean remote, boolean booleanResult) {
assert identifier > 0;
expectedValueNotNullImpliesBooleanResult(expectedValue, booleanResult);
MultiMap hashLookup = hashLookup();
SearchState searchState = segmentState.searchState;
hashLookup.startSearch(hash2, searchState);
MultiStoreBytes entry = segmentState.tmpBytes;
for (long pos; (pos = hashLookup.nextPos(searchState)) >= 0L; ) {
long offset = offsetFromPos(pos);
reuse(entry, offset);
if (!keyEquals(keyInterop, metaKeyInterop, key, keySize, entry))
// key is found
long timestampPos = entry.position();
if (shouldIgnore(entry, timestamp, identifier)) {
// the following assert should be enabled, but TimeBasedReplicationTest
// intentionally violates the explained invariant, => assertion fails.
// todo do something with this
// we should ignore only remote updates
// which don't use remove, put results
// assert booleanResult || resultUnused;
return booleanResult ? Boolean.FALSE : null;
boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
if (isDeleted) {
if (expectedValue != null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
onRemoveMaybeRemote(pos, remote);
break returnNothing;
long valueSizePos = entry.position();
long valueSize = readValueSize(entry);
long valuePos = entry.position();
// check the value assigned for the key is that we expect
if (expectedValue != null) {
VBI valueInterop = getValueInterops.getValueInterop(copies);
MVBI metaValueInterop = getValueInterops.getMetaValueInterop(
copies, valueInterop, expectedValue);
if (metaValueInterop.size(valueInterop, expectedValue) != valueSize)
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (!metaValueInterop.startsWith(valueInterop, entry, expectedValue))
return Boolean.FALSE;
return removeEntry(copies, searchState, key, keySize, toKey, toValue, readValue,
resultUnused, hashLookup, entry, pos, valueSizePos,
valueSize, remote, false, booleanResult);
// key is not found
if (remote) {
long minEncodableValueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.minEncodableSize();
long entrySize = entrySize(keySize, minEncodableValueSize);
int allocatedChunks = inChunks(entrySize);
long pos = alloc(allocatedChunks);
long offset = offsetFromPos(pos);
reuse(entry, offset);
keySizeMarshaller.writeSize(entry, keySize);
metaKeyInterop.write(keyInterop, entry, key);
valueSizeMarshaller.writeSize(entry, minEncodableValueSize);
freeExtraAllocatedChunks(pos, allocatedChunks, entry);
hashLookup.putAfterFailedSearch(searchState, pos);
// return nothing
if (booleanResult) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
return resultUnused ? null : readValue.readNull();
RV, VB extends RV, VBI, MVBI extends MetaBytesInterop>
Object replace(
@Nullable ThreadLocalCopies copies, @Nullable SegmentState segmentState,
MKBI metaKeyInterop, KBI keyInterop, KB key, long keySize,
InstanceOrBytesToInstance toKey,
GetValueInterops getExpectedValueInterops, VB expectedValue,
GetValueInterops getNewValueInterops, VB newValue,
ReadValue readValue, InstanceOrBytesToInstance super RV, V> toValue,
long hash2) {
segmentStateNotNullImpliesCopiesNotNull(copies, segmentState);
if (segmentState == null) {
copies = SegmentState.getCopies(copies);
segmentState = SegmentState.get(copies);
long timestamp = currentTime();
byte identifier = localIdentifier;
try {
MultiMap hashLookup = hashLookup();
SearchState searchState = segmentState.searchState;
hashLookup.startSearch(hash2, searchState);
MultiStoreBytes entry = segmentState.tmpBytes;
for (long pos; (pos = hashLookup.nextPos(searchState)) >= 0L; ) {
long offset = offsetFromPos(pos);
reuse(entry, offset);
if (!keyEquals(keyInterop, metaKeyInterop, key, keySize, entry))
// key is found
long timestampPos = entry.position();
if (shouldIgnore(entry, timestamp, identifier)) {
LOG.error("Trying to replace a value for key={} on the node with id={} " +
"at time={} (current time), but the entry is updated " +
"by node with id={} at time={}. Time is not monotonic " +
"across nodes!?",
key, identifier, timestamp, entry.readByte(entry.position() - 1),
entry.readLong(entry.position() - ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES + 1));
return readValue.readNull();
boolean isDeleted = entry.readBoolean();
if (isDeleted)
Object result = onKeyPresentOnReplace(copies, segmentState, key, keySize, toKey,
getExpectedValueInterops, expectedValue, getNewValueInterops, newValue,
readValue, toValue, pos, offset, entry, hashLookup);
if (result != Boolean.FALSE) {
return result;
// key is not found
return readValue.readNull();
} finally {
* @param bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries if true - only entries that have been create from this
* node will be published during a bootstrap
public void dirtyEntries(final long timeStamp,
final ModificationIterator.EntryModifiableCallback callback,
final boolean bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries) {
ThreadLocalCopies copies = SegmentState.getCopies(null);
try (SegmentState segmentState = SegmentState.get(copies)) {
final int index = Segment.this.getIndex();
final MultiStoreBytes tmpBytes = segmentState.tmpBytes;
hashLookup().forEach(new MultiMap.EntryConsumer() {
public void accept(long hash, long pos) {
final NativeBytes entry = reuse(tmpBytes, offsetFromPos(pos));
long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
final long entryTimestamp = entry.readLong();
if (entryTimestamp >= timeStamp && (!bootstrapOnlyLocalEntries ||
entry.readByte() == ReplicatedChronicleMap.this.identifier()))
callback.set(index, pos);
} finally {
public Entry getEntry(@NotNull SegmentState segmentState, long pos) {
Bytes entry = reuse(segmentState.tmpBytes, offsetFromPos(pos));
long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
ThreadLocalCopies copies = keyReaderProvider.getCopies(null);
K key = keyReaderProvider.get(copies, originalKeyReader).read(entry, keySize);
long timestamp = entry.readLong();
entry.skip(2L); // identifier and isDeleted flag
long valueSize = valueSizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
copies = valueReaderProvider.getCopies(copies);
V value = valueReaderProvider.get(copies, originalValueReader).read(entry, valueSize);
return new TimestampTrackingEntry(key, value, timestamp);
boolean isDeleted(long pos) {
bytes.position(offsetFromPos(pos) + metaDataBytes);
long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(bytes);
return bytes.readBoolean(bytes.position() + keySize + ADDITIONAL_ENTRY_BYTES - 1L);
void shouldNotBeCalledFromReplicatedChronicleMap(String method) {
throw new AssertionError(method + "() method should not be called by " +
"ReplicatedChronicleMap instance");
class TimestampTrackingEntry extends SimpleEntry {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
transient long timestamp;
public TimestampTrackingEntry(K key, V value, long timestamp) {
super(key, value);
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public V setValue(V value) {
long newTimestamp = timestamp = currentTime();
put(getKey(), value, localIdentifier, newTimestamp);
return super.setValue(value);
class EntryIterator extends VanillaChronicleMap.EntryIterator {
public Entry next() {
void removePresent(VanillaChronicleMap.Segment seg, long pos) {
Segment segment = (Segment) seg;
final long offset = segment.offsetFromPos(pos);
final NativeBytes entry = segment.reuse(this.entry, offset);
final long keySize = keySizeMarshaller.readSize(entry);
long keyPosition = entry.position();
long timestamp = entry.readLong();
if (timestamp > ((TimestampTrackingEntry) returnedEntry).timestamp) {
// The entry was updated after being returned from
// Check that it is still the entry with the same key
K key = returnedEntry.getKey();
ThreadLocalCopies copies = keyInteropProvider.getCopies(null);
KI keyInterop = keyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalKeyInterop);
copies = metaKeyInteropProvider.getCopies(copies);
MKI metaKeyInterop =
metaKeyInteropProvider.get(copies, originalMetaKeyInterop, keyInterop, key);
long returnedKeySize = metaKeyInterop.size(keyInterop, key);
if (returnedKeySize != keySize ||
!metaKeyInterop.startsWith(keyInterop, entry, key)) {
// The case:
// 1. - thread 1
// 2. map.put() which cause relocation of the key, returned above - thread 2
// OR map.remove() which remove this key - thread 2
// 3. map.put() which place a new key on the `pos` in current segment - thread 3
// 4. iterator.remove() - thread 1
removePresent(segment, pos, entry, keySize, 0L, false);
class EntrySet extends VanillaChronicleMap.EntrySet {
public Iterator> iterator() {
return new EntryIterator();
* Once a change occurs to a map, map replication requires that these changes are picked up
* by another thread, this class provides an iterator like interface to poll for such changes.
In most cases the thread that adds data to the node is unlikely to be the same thread
* that replicates the data over to the other nodes, so data will have to be marshaled between
* the main thread storing data to the map, and the thread running the replication.
* way to perform this marshalling, would be to pipe the data into a queue. However, This class
* takes another approach. It uses a bit set, and marks bits which correspond to the indexes of
* the entries that have changed. It then provides an iterator like interface to poll for such
* changes.
* @author Rob Austin.
class ModificationIterator implements Replica.ModificationIterator {
private final ModificationNotifier modificationNotifier;
private final ATSDirectBitSet changes;
private final int segmentIndexShift;
private final long posMask;
private final EntryModifiableCallback entryModifiableCallback =
new EntryModifiableCallback();
// records the current position of the cursor in the bitset
private long position = -1L;
// todo get rid of this
private final MultiStoreBytes tmpBytes = new MultiStoreBytes();
* @param bytes the back the bitset, used to mark which entries have changed
* @param modificationNotifier called when ever there is a change applied
public ModificationIterator(@NotNull final Bytes bytes,
@NotNull final ModificationNotifier modificationNotifier) {
this.modificationNotifier = modificationNotifier;
long bitsPerSegment = bitsPerSegmentInModIterBitSet();
segmentIndexShift = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bitsPerSegment);
posMask = bitsPerSegment - 1L;
changes = new ATSDirectBitSet(bytes);
* used to merge multiple segments and positions into a single index used by the bit map
* @param segmentIndex the index of the maps segment
* @param pos the position within this {@code segmentIndex}
* @return and index the has combined the {@code segmentIndex} and {@code pos} into a
* single value
private long combine(int segmentIndex, long pos) {
return (((long) segmentIndex) << segmentIndexShift) | pos;
public void onPut(long pos, SharedSegment segment) {
changes.set(combine(segment.getIndex(), pos));
public void onRemove(long pos, SharedSegment segment) {
changes.set(combine(segment.getIndex(), pos));
* Ensures that garbage in the old entry's location won't be broadcast as changed entry.
void onRelocation(long pos, SharedSegment segment) {
changes.clear(combine(segment.getIndex(), pos));
* you can continue to poll hasNext() until data becomes available. If are are in the middle
* of processing an entry via {@code nextEntry}, hasNext will return true until the bit is
* cleared
* @return true if there is an entry
public boolean hasNext() {
final long position = this.position;
return changes.nextSetBit(position == NOT_FOUND ? 0L : position) != NOT_FOUND ||
(position > 0L && changes.nextSetBit(0L) != NOT_FOUND);
* @param entryCallback call this to get an entry, this class will take care of the locking
* @return true if an entry was processed
public boolean nextEntry(@NotNull final EntryCallback entryCallback, final int chronicleId) {
long position = this.position;
while (true) {
long oldPosition = position;
position = changes.nextSetBit(oldPosition + 1L);
if (position == NOT_FOUND) {
if (oldPosition == NOT_FOUND) {
this.position = NOT_FOUND;
return false;
this.position = position;
final VanillaChronicleMap.Segment segment =
segment((int) (position >>> segmentIndexShift));
try {
if (changes.get(position)) {
final long segmentPos = position & posMask;
final NativeBytes entry =
segment.reuse(tmpBytes, segment.offsetFromPos(segmentPos));
// if the entry should be ignored, we'll move the next entry
if (entryCallback.shouldBeIgnored(entry, chronicleId)) {
// it may not be successful if the buffer can not be resided so we will
// process it later, by NOT clearing the changes.clear(position)
final boolean success = entryCallback.onEntry(entry, chronicleId);
if (success)
return success;
// if the position was already cleared by another thread
// while we were trying to obtain segment lock (for example, in onRelocation()),
// go to pick up next (next iteration in while (true) loop)
} finally {
public void dirtyEntries(long fromTimeStamp) {
// iterate over all the segments and mark bit in the modification iterator
// that correspond to entries with an older timestamp
for (final Segment segment : (Segment[]) segments) {
segment.dirtyEntries(fromTimeStamp, entryModifiableCallback,
* details about when a modification to an entry was made
class EntryModifiableCallback {
* set the bit related to {@code segment} and {@code pos}
* @param segmentIndex the segment relating to the bit to set
* @param pos the position relating to the bit to set
public void set(int segmentIndex, long pos) {
final long combine = combine(segmentIndex, pos);