net.openhft.chronicle.hash.ChronicleHashBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 higherfrequencytrading.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package net.openhft.chronicle.hash;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.replication.SingleChronicleHashReplication;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.replication.TcpTransportAndNetworkConfig;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.replication.TimeProvider;
import net.openhft.chronicle.hash.serialization.*;
import net.openhft.chronicle.map.ChronicleMap;
import net.openhft.chronicle.map.ChronicleMapBuilder;
import net.openhft.chronicle.set.ChronicleSet;
import net.openhft.chronicle.set.ChronicleSetBuilder;
import net.openhft.lang.io.Bytes;
import net.openhft.lang.io.serialization.*;
import net.openhft.lang.io.serialization.impl.AllocateInstanceObjectFactory;
import net.openhft.lang.io.serialization.impl.NewInstanceObjectFactory;
import net.openhft.lang.io.serialization.impl.VanillaBytesMarshallerFactory;
import net.openhft.lang.model.Byteable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.io.Externalizable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* This interface defines the meaning of configurations, common to {@link
* ChronicleMapBuilder} and {@link ChronicleSetBuilder}, i.
* e. Chronicle hash container configurations.
* {@code ChronicleHashBuilder} is mutable. Configuration methods mutate the builder and return
* the builder itself back to support chaining pattern, rather than the builder copies with
* the corresponding configuration changed. To make an independent configuration, {@linkplain
* #clone} the builder.
There are some "low-level" configurations in this builder,
* that require deep understanding of the Chronicle implementation design to be properly used.
* Know what you do. These configurations are picked up strictly as-is, without extra round-ups,
* adjustments, etc.
* @param the type of keys in hash containers, created by this builder
* @param the container type, created by this builder, i. e. {@link ChronicleMap} or {@link
* ChronicleSet}
* @param the concrete builder type, i. e. {@link ChronicleMapBuilder}
* or {@link ChronicleSetBuilder}
public interface ChronicleHashBuilder> extends Cloneable {
* Clones this builder. Useful for configuration persisting, because {@code
* ChronicleHashBuilder}s are mutable and changed on each configuration method call. Original
* and cloned builders are independent.
* @return a new clone of this builder
B clone();
* Set minimum number of segments in hash containers, constructed by this builder. See
* concurrencyLevel in {@link ConcurrentHashMap}.
* @param minSegments the minimum number of segments in containers, constructed by this builder
* @return this builder object back
B minSegments(int minSegments);
* Configures the average number of bytes, taken by serialized form of keys, put into hash
* containers, created by this builder. If key size is always the same, call {@link
* #constantKeySizeBySample(Object)} method instead of this one.
* {@code ChronicleHashBuilder} implementation heuristically chooses
* {@linkplain #actualChunkSize(int) the actual chunk size} based on this configuration, that,
* however, might result to quite high internal fragmentation, i. e. losses because only
* integral number of chunks could be allocated for the entry. If you want to avoid this, you
* should manually configure the actual chunk size in addition to this average key size
* configuration, which is anyway needed.
If key is a boxed primitive type or {@link Byteable} subclass, i. e. if key size is known
* statically, it is automatically accounted and shouldn't be specified by user.
* @param averageKeySize the average number of bytes, taken by serialized form of keys
* @return this builder back
* @throws IllegalStateException if key size is known statically and shouldn't be configured
* by user
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code keySize} is non-positive
* @see #constantKeySizeBySample(Object)
* @see #actualChunkSize(int)
B averageKeySize(double averageKeySize);
* Configures the constant number of bytes, taken by serialized form of keys, put into hash
* containers, created by this builder. This is done by providing the {@code sampleKey}, all
* keys should take the same number of bytes in serialized form, as this sample object.
If keys are of boxed primitive type or {@link Byteable} subclass, i. e. if key size is
* known statically, it is automatically accounted and this method shouldn't be called.
If key size varies, method {@link #averageKeySize(double)} should be called instead of
* this one.
* @param sampleKey the sample key
* @return this builder back
* @see #averageKeySize(double)
B constantKeySizeBySample(K sampleKey);
* Configures the size in bytes of allocation unit of hash container instances, created by this
* builder.
{@link ChronicleMap} and {@link ChronicleSet} store their data off-heap, so it is required
* to serialize key (and values, in {@code ChronicleMap} case) (unless they are direct {@link
* Byteable} instances). Serialized key bytes (+ serialized value bytes, in {@code ChronicleMap}
* case) + some metadata bytes comprise "entry space", which {@code ChronicleMap} or {@code
* ChronicleSet} should allocate. So chunk size is the minimum allocation portion in the
* hash containers, created by this builder. E. g. if chunk size is 100, the created container
* could only allocate 100, 200, 300... bytes for an entry. If say 150 bytes of entry space are
* required by the entry, 200 bytes will be allocated, 150 used and 50 wasted. This is called
* internal fragmentation.
To minimize memory overuse and improve speed, you should pay decent attention to this
* configuration. Alternatively, you can just trust the heuristics and doesn't configure
* the chunk size.
Specify chunk size so that most entries would take from 5 to several dozens of chunks.
* However, remember that operations with entries that span several chunks are a bit slower,
* than with entries which take a single chunk. Particularly avoid entries to take more than
* 64 chunks.
Example: if values in your {@code ChronicleMap} are adjacency lists of some social graph,
* where nodes are represented as {@code long} ids, and adjacency lists are serialized in
* efficient manner, for example as {@code long[]} arrays. Typical number of connections is
* 100-300, maximum is 3000. In this case chunk size of
* 30 * (8 bytes for each id) = 240 bytes would be a good choice:
* Map socialGraph = ChronicleMapOnHeapUpdatableBuilder
* .of(Long.class, long[].class)
* .entries(1_000_000_000L)
* .averageValueSize(150 * 8) // 150 is average adjacency list size
* .actualChunkSize(30 * 8) // average 5-6 chunks per entry
* .create();}
* This is a low-level configuration. The configured number
* of bytes is strictly used as-is, without anything like round-up to the multiple of 8 or
* 16, or any other adjustment.
* @param actualChunkSize the "chunk size" in bytes
* @return this builder back
* @see #entries(long)
* @see #maxChunksPerEntry(int)
B actualChunkSize(int actualChunkSize);
* Configures how many chunks a single entry, inserted into {@code ChronicleHash}es, created
* by this builder, could take. If you try to insert larger entry, {@link IllegalStateException}
* is fired. This is useful as self-check, that you configured chunk size right and you
* keys (and values, in {@link ChronicleMap} case) take expected number of bytes. For example,
* if {@link #constantKeySizeBySample(Object)} is configured or key size is statically known
* to be constant (boxed primitives, data value generated implementations, {@link Byteable}s,
* etc.), and the same for value objects in {@code ChronicleMap} case, max chunks per entry
* is configured to 1, to ensure keys and values are actually constantly-sized.
* @param maxChunksPerEntry how many chunks a single entry could span at most
* @return this builder back
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code maxChunksPerEntry} is lesser than 1
* or greater than 64
* @see #actualChunkSize(int)
B maxChunksPerEntry(int maxChunksPerEntry);
* Configures the maximum number of entries, that could be inserted into the hash containers,
* created by this builder. If you try to insert more data, {@link IllegalStateException}
* might be thrown, because currently {@link ChronicleMap} and {@link ChronicleSet}
* don't support resizing.
You shouldn't put additional margin over the actual maximum number of entries.
* This bad practice was popularized by {@link HashMap#HashMap(int)} and {@link
* HashSet#HashSet(int)} constructors, which accept capacity, that should be multiplied
* by load factor to obtain the actual maximum expected number of entries.
* {@code ChronicleMap} and {@code ChronicleSet} don't have a notion of load factor.
Default maximum entries is 2^20 (~ 1 million).
* @param entries maximum size of the maps or sets, created by this builder
* @return this builder back
B entries(long entries);
* Configures the actual maximum number entries, that could be inserted into any single segment
* of the hash containers, created by this builder. Configuring both the actual number of
* entries per segment and {@linkplain #actualSegments(int) actual segments} replaces a single
* {@link #entries(long)} configuration.
This is a low-level configuration.
* @param entriesPerSegment the actual maximum number entries per segment in the
* hash containers, created by this builder
* @return this builder back
* @see #entries(long)
* @see #actualSegments(int)
B entriesPerSegment(long entriesPerSegment);
* Configures the actual number of chunks, that will be reserved for any single segment of the
* hash containers, created by this builder. This configuration is a lower-level version of
* {@link #entriesPerSegment(long)}. Makes sense only if {@link #actualChunkSize(int)},
* {@link #actualSegments(int)} and {@link #entriesPerSegment(long)} are also configured
* manually.
* @param actualChunksPerSegment the actual number of segments, reserved per segment in the
* hash containers, created by this builder
* @return this builder back
B actualChunksPerSegment(long actualChunksPerSegment);
* Configures the actual number of segments in the hash containers, created by this builder.
* With {@linkplain #entriesPerSegment(long) actual number of segments}, this
* configuration replaces a single {@link #entries(long)} call.
This is a low-level configuration. The configured number
* is used as-is, without anything like round-up to the closest power of 2.
* @param actualSegments the actual number of segments in hash containers, created by
* this builder
* @return this builder back
* @see #minSegments(int)
* @see #entriesPerSegment(long)
B actualSegments(int actualSegments);
* Configures timeout of locking on {@linkplain #actualSegments(int) segments} of hash
* containers, created by this builder, when performing any queries, as well as bulk operations
* like iteration. If timeout expires, {@link ChronicleHashErrorListener#onLockTimeout(long)} is
* called, and then thread tries to obtain the segment lock one more time, and so in a loop,
* until thread is interrupted. However, you can configure {@linkplain
* #errorListener(ChronicleHashErrorListener) error listener} to throw an exception on the first
* (or n-th) lock acquisition fail.
Default lock time out is 2 seconds.
* @param lockTimeOut new lock timeout for segments of containers created by this builder, in
* the given time units
* @param unit time unit of the given lock timeout
* @return this builder back
B lockTimeOut(long lockTimeOut, TimeUnit unit);
B errorListener(ChronicleHashErrorListener errorListener);
B metaDataBytes(int metaDataBytes);
* Configures a time provider, used by hash containers, created by this builder, for needs of
* replication consensus protocol (conflicting data updates resolution).
Default time provider is {@link TimeProvider#SYSTEM}.
* @param timeProvider a new time provider for replication needs
* @return this builder back
* @see #replication(SingleChronicleHashReplication)
B timeProvider(TimeProvider timeProvider);
* Configures a {@link BytesMarshallerFactory} to be used with {@link
* BytesMarshallableSerializer}, which is a default {@link #objectSerializer ObjectSerializer},
* to serialize/deserialize data to/from off-heap memory in hash containers, created by this
* builder.
Default {@code BytesMarshallerFactory} is an instance of {@link
* VanillaBytesMarshallerFactory}. This is a convenience configuration method, it has no effect
* on the resulting hash containers, if {@linkplain #keyMarshaller(BytesMarshaller) custom data
* marshallers} are configured, data types extends one of specific serialization interfaces,
* recognized by this builder (e. g. {@code Externalizable} or {@code BytesMarshallable}), or
* {@code ObjectSerializer} is configured.
* @param bytesMarshallerFactory the marshaller factory to be used with the default {@code
* ObjectSerializer}, i. e. {@code BytesMarshallableSerializer}
* @return this builder back
* @see #objectSerializer(ObjectSerializer)
B bytesMarshallerFactory(BytesMarshallerFactory bytesMarshallerFactory);
* Configures the serializer used to serialize/deserialize data to/from off-heap memory, when
* specified class doesn't implement a specific serialization interface like {@link
* Externalizable} or {@link BytesMarshallable} (for example, if data is loosely typed and just
* {@code Object} is specified as the data class), or nullable data, and if custom marshaller is
* not {@linkplain #keyMarshaller(BytesMarshaller) configured}, in hash containers, created by
* this builder. Please read {@link ObjectSerializer} docs for more info and available options.
Default serializer is {@link BytesMarshallableSerializer}, configured with the specified
* or default {@link #bytesMarshallerFactory(BytesMarshallerFactory) BytesMarshallerFactory}.
* @param objectSerializer the serializer used to serialize loosely typed or nullable data if
* custom marshaller is not configured
* @return this builder back
* @see #bytesMarshallerFactory(BytesMarshallerFactory)
* @see #keyMarshaller(BytesMarshaller)
B objectSerializer(ObjectSerializer objectSerializer);
* Configures the {@code BytesMarshaller} used to serialize/deserialize keys to/from off-heap
* memory in hash containers, created by this builder. See the
* section about serialization in ChronicleMap manual for more information.
* @param keyMarshaller the marshaller used to serialize keys
* @return this builder back
* @see #keyMarshallers(BytesWriter, BytesReader)
* @see #objectSerializer(ObjectSerializer)
B keyMarshaller(@NotNull BytesMarshaller super K> keyMarshaller);
* Configures the marshallers, used to serialize/deserialize keys to/from off-heap memory in
* hash containers, created by this builder. See the
* section about serialization in ChronicleMap manual for more information.
Configuring marshalling this way results to a little bit more compact in-memory layout of
* the map, comparing to a single interface configuration: {@link #keyMarshaller(BytesMarshaller)}.
Passing {@link BytesInterop} (which is a subinterface of {@link BytesWriter}) as the first
* argument is supported, and even more advantageous from performance perspective.
* @param keyWriter the new key object → {@link Bytes} writer (interop) strategy
* @param keyReader the new {@link Bytes} → key object reader strategy
* @return this builder back
* @see #keyMarshaller(BytesMarshaller)
B keyMarshallers(@NotNull BytesWriter keyWriter, @NotNull BytesReader keyReader);
* Configures the marshaller used to serialize actual key sizes to off-heap memory in hash
* containers, created by this builder.
* Default key size marshaller is so-called {@linkplain SizeMarshallers#stopBit() stop bit
* encoding marshalling}. If {@linkplain #constantKeySizeBySample(Object) constant key size} is
* configured, or defaulted if the key type is always constant and {@code ChronicleHashBuilder}
* implementation knows about it, this configuration takes no effect, because a special {@link
* SizeMarshaller} implementation, which doesn't actually do any marshalling, and just returns
* the known constant size on {@link SizeMarshaller#readSize(Bytes)} calls, is used instead of
* any {@code SizeMarshaller} configured using this method.
* @param keySizeMarshaller the new marshaller, used to serialize actual key sizes to off-heap
* memory
* @return this builder back
B keySizeMarshaller(@NotNull SizeMarshaller keySizeMarshaller);
* Configures factory which is used to create a new key instance, if key class is either {@link
* Byteable}, {@link BytesMarshallable} or {@link Externalizable} subclass, or key type is
* eligible for data value generation, or {@linkplain #keyMarshallers(BytesWriter, BytesReader)
* configured custom key reader} implements {@link DeserializationFactoryConfigurableBytesReader
* }, in maps, created by this builder.
Default key deserialization factory is {@link NewInstanceObjectFactory}, which creates a
* new key instance using {@link Class#newInstance()} default constructor. You could provide an
* {@link AllocateInstanceObjectFactory}, which uses {@code Unsafe.allocateInstance(Class)} (you
* might want to do this for better performance or if you don't want to initialize fields), or a
* factory which calls a key class constructor with some arguments, or a factory which
* internally delegates to instance pool or {@link ThreadLocal}, to reduce allocations.
* @param keyDeserializationFactory the key factory used to produce instances to deserialize
* data in
* @return this builder back
* @throws IllegalStateException if it is not possible to apply deserialization factory to
* key deserializers, currently configured for this builder
B keyDeserializationFactory(@NotNull ObjectFactory keyDeserializationFactory);
* Specifies that key objects, queried with the hash containers, created by this builder, are
* inherently immutable. Keys in {@link ChronicleMap} or {@link ChronicleSet} are not required
* to be immutable, as in ordinary {@link Map} or {@link Set} implementations, because they are
* serialized off-heap. However, {@code ChronicleMap} and {@code ChronicleSet} implementations
* can benefit from the knowledge that keys are not mutated between queries.
* By default, {@code ChronicleHashBuilder}s detects immutability automatically only for very
* few standard JDK types (for example, for {@link String}), it is not recommended to rely on
* {@code ChronicleHashBuilder} to be smart enough about this.
* @return this builder back
B immutableKeys();
* Configures replication of the hash containers, created by this builder. See the section about
* replication in ChronicleMap manual for more information.
By default, hash containers, created by this builder doesn't replicate their data.
This method call overrides all previous replication configurations of this builder, made
* either by this method or {@link #replication(byte, TcpTransportAndNetworkConfig)} shortcut
* method.
* @param replication the replication config
* @return this builder back
* @see ChronicleHashInstanceBuilder#replicated(SingleChronicleHashReplication)
* @see #replication(byte, TcpTransportAndNetworkConfig)
B replication(SingleChronicleHashReplication replication);
* Shortcut for {@code replication(SimpleReplication.builder() .tcpTransportAndNetwork(tcpTransportAndNetwork).createWithId(identifier))}.
* @param identifier the network-wide identifier of the containers, created by this
* builder
* @param tcpTransportAndNetwork configuration of tcp connection and network
* @return this builder back
* @see #replication(SingleChronicleHashReplication)
* @see ChronicleHashInstanceBuilder#replicated(byte, TcpTransportAndNetworkConfig)
B replication(byte identifier, TcpTransportAndNetworkConfig tcpTransportAndNetwork);
B replication(byte identifier);
ChronicleHashInstanceBuilder instance();
* Creates a new hash container, storing it's data in off-heap memory, not mapped to any file.
* On {@link ChronicleHash#close()} called on the returned container, or after the container
* object is collected during GC, or on JVM shutdown the off-heap memory used by the returned
* container is freed.
* This method is a shortcut for {@code instance().create()}.
* @return a new off-heap hash container
* @see #createPersistedTo(File)
* @see #instance()
C create();
* Opens a hash container residing the specified file, or creates a new one if the file not yet
* exists and maps its off-heap memory to the file. All changes to the map are persisted to disk
* (this is an operating system guarantee) independently from JVM process lifecycle.
Multiple containers could give access to the same data simultaneously, either inside a
* single JVM or across processes. Access is synchronized correctly across all instances, i. e.
* hash container mapping the data from the first JVM isn't able to modify the data,
* concurrently accessed from the second JVM by another hash container instance, mapping the
* same data.
On container's {@link ChronicleHash#close() close()} the data isn't removed, it remains on
* disk and available to be opened again (given the same file name) or during different JVM
* run.
This method is shortcut for {@code instance().persistedTo(file).create()}.
* @param file the file with existing hash container or a desired location of a new off-heap
* persisted hash container
* @return a hash container mapped to the given file
* @throws IOException if any IO error, related to off-heap memory allocation or file mapping,
* or establishing replication connections, occurs
* @see ChronicleHash#file()
* @see ChronicleHash#close()
* @see #create()
* @see ChronicleHashInstanceBuilder#persistedTo(File)
C createPersistedTo(File file) throws IOException;