net.openhft.chronicle.hash.hashing.Access Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 higherfrequencytrading.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package net.openhft.chronicle.hash.hashing;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
* Strategy of reading bytes, defines the abstraction of {@code T} class instances as ordered byte
* sequence. All {@code getXXX(input, offset)} should be consistent to each other in terms of
* ordered byte sequence each {@code T} instance represents. For example, if some {@code
* Access} implementation returns {@link ByteOrder#LITTLE_ENDIAN} on {@link #byteOrder(Object)
* byteOrder(input)} call, the following expressions should always have the same value:
* - {@code getLong(input, 0)}
* - {@code getUnsignedInt(input, 0) | (getUnsignedInt(input, 4) << 32)}
* {@code getUnsignedInt(input, 0) |
* ((long) getUnsignedShort(input, 4) << 32) |
* ((long) getUnsignedByte(input, 6) << 48) |
* ((long) getUnsignedByte(input, 7) << 56)}
* - And so on
* {@code getXXX(input, offset)} methods could throw unchecked exceptions when requested bytes
* range is outside of the bounds of the byte sequence, represented by the given {@code input}.
* However, they could omit checks for better performance.
{@code Access} API is designed for inputs, that actually represent byte sequences that lay
* continuously in memory. Theoretically {@code Access} strategy could be implemented for
* non-continuous byte sequences, or abstractions which aren't actually present in memory as they
* are accessed, but this should be awkward, and hashing using such {@code Access} is expected to
* be slow.
* @param the type of the object to access
public interface Access {
* Reads {@code [offset, offset + 7]} bytes of the byte sequence represented by the given
* {@code input} as a single {@code long} value.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the first byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return eight bytes as a {@code long} value, in {@linkplain #byteOrder(Object) the expected
* order}
long getLong(T input, long offset);
* Shortcut for {@code getInt(input, offset) & 0xFFFFFFFFL}. Could be implemented more
* efficiently.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the first byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return four bytes as an unsigned int value, in {@linkplain #byteOrder(Object) the expected
* order}
long getUnsignedInt(T input, long offset);
* Reads {@code [offset, offset + 3]} bytes of the byte sequence represented by the given
* {@code input} as a single {@code int} value.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the first byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return four bytes as an {@code int} value, in {@linkplain #byteOrder(Object) the expected
* order}
int getInt(T input, long offset);
* Shortcut for {@code getShort(input, offset) & 0xFFFF}. Could be implemented more
* efficiently.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the first byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return two bytes as an unsigned short value, in {@linkplain #byteOrder(Object) the expected
* order}
int getUnsignedShort(T input, long offset);
* Reads {@code [offset, offset + 1]} bytes of the byte sequence represented by the given
* {@code input} as a single {@code short} value, returned widened to {@code int}.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the first byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return two bytes as a {@code short} value, in {@linkplain #byteOrder(Object) the expected
* order}, widened to {@code int}
int getShort(T input, long offset);
* Shortcut for {@code getByte(input, offset) & 0xFF}. Could be implemented more efficiently.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return a byte by the given {@code offset}, interpreted as unsigned
int getUnsignedByte(T input, long offset);
* Reads a single byte at the given {@code offset} in the byte sequence represented by the given
* {@code input}, returned widened to {@code int}.
* @param input the object to access
* @param offset offset to the byte to read within the byte sequence represented
* by the given object
* @return a byte by the given {@code offset}, widened to {@code int}
int getByte(T input, long offset);
* The byte order in which all multi-byte {@code getXXX()} reads from the given {@code input}
* are performed.
* @param input the accessed object
* @return the byte order of all multi-byte reads from the given {@code input}
ByteOrder byteOrder(T input);