Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016-2022
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.Jvm;
import net.openhft.chronicle.threads.NamedThreadFactory;
import net.openhft.chronicle.threads.PauserMode;
import net.openhft.chronicle.wire.Comment;
import net.openhft.chronicle.wire.Marshallable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
* The {@code ChronicleGatewayMain} class represents the primary access point for the Chronicle Gateway.
* This gateway is pivotal in processing incoming connections and effectively handling requests based on a predetermined protocol.
* By extending {@link ChronicleContext} and implementing {@link Closeable} and {@link Runnable}, instances of this class
* have the ability to manage their lifecycle autonomously and can operate in individual threads. Configuration of the Gateway
* can be done utilizing system properties.
public class ChronicleGatewayMain extends ChronicleContext implements Closeable, Runnable {
// Default port for the gateway
public static final int PORT = Integer.getInteger("port", 1248);
// Determines the pausing strategy for the gateway
private static final PauserMode PAUSER_MODE = PauserMode.valueOf(
// Flag to determine if affinity should be used
private static final boolean USE_AFFINITY = Jvm.getBoolean("useAffinity");
// Server socket channel to handle network communications
transient ServerSocketChannel ssc;
// Thread for executing the gateway
transient Thread thread;
// Determines the pausing strategy for buffered channels
@Comment("PauserMode to use in buffered channels")
PauserMode pauserMode = PauserMode.balanced;
// Buffering state for the handler
@Comment("Default buffering configuration if not set by the Handler")
private boolean buffered = false;
// Service to manage thread execution
private ExecutorService service;
* Constructs a new ChronicleGatewayMain instance with a specific URL.
* The gateway will use the default system context and a new socket registry.
* @param url the URL for the Gateway
* @throws InvalidMarshallableException if there's an issue while creating the gateway
public ChronicleGatewayMain(String url) throws InvalidMarshallableException {
this(url, new SocketRegistry(), SystemContext.INSTANCE);
* Constructs a new ChronicleGatewayMain instance with a specific URL,
* socket registry, and system context.
* @param url the URL for the Gateway
* @param socketRegistry the SocketRegistry used by the gateway for managing socket connections
* @param systemContext the SystemContext that defines system-level configuration for the gateway
* @throws InvalidMarshallableException if there's an issue while creating the gateway
public ChronicleGatewayMain(String url, SocketRegistry socketRegistry, SystemContext systemContext) throws InvalidMarshallableException {
super(url, socketRegistry);
* The main method acts as the entry point to start the ChronicleGatewayMain.
* It creates a new instance of the class and runs it.
* The URL for the gateway can be optionally specified as a command-line argument.
* @param args Command line arguments. If the first argument is provided, it will be used as the URL for the gateway.
* @throws IOException if there is an I/O issue while starting the gateway
* @throws InvalidMarshallableException if there's an issue while creating the gateway
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException, InvalidMarshallableException {
main(ChronicleGatewayMain.class, ChronicleGatewayMain::new, args.length == 0 ? "" : args[0]).run();
* Generates an instance of the {@code ChronicleGatewayMain} class based on the supplied configuration.
* @param Represents the subclass type of {@code ChronicleGatewayMain}.
* @param mainClass The main class type for creating an instance.
* @param supplier Provides an instance of the main class based on the configuration string.
* @param config The configuration string used for creating the main instance.
* @return An instance of the {@code ChronicleGatewayMain} class, created and configured based on the provided arguments.
* @throws IOException If there's a problem reading the configuration.
protected static ChronicleGatewayMain main(Class mainClass, Function supplier, String config) throws IOException {
ChronicleGatewayMain main;
if (config.isEmpty()) {
// Default configuration setup for the gateway
ChronicleGatewayMain chronicleGatewayMain =
supplier.apply("tcp://localhost:" + PORT)
chronicleGatewayMain.pauserMode = PAUSER_MODE;
main = chronicleGatewayMain;
} else {
// Load the gateway configuration from the specified file
main = Marshallable.fromFile(mainClass, config);
return main;
* Sets the PauserMode to control the balance between CPU usage and minimising latency
* @param pauserMode The pauser mode to be set.
* @return The current instance of {@code ChronicleGatewayMain} for chained calls.
public ChronicleGatewayMain pauserMode(PauserMode pauserMode) {
this.pauserMode = pauserMode;
return this;
* Checks if the gateway is operating in buffered mode.
* @return {@code true} if in buffered mode, otherwise {@code false}.
public boolean buffered() {
return buffered;
* Sets whether new connections will be buffered if the client doesn't specify whether buffering should be used.
* @param buffered Set to {@code true} if buffering should be enabled.
* @return The current instance of {@code ChronicleGatewayMain} for chained calls.
public ChronicleGatewayMain buffered(boolean buffered) {
this.buffered = buffered;
return this;
* Starts the gateway, binding the server socket channel and starting the acceptor thread if not already running.
* @throws IOException If there's a hiccup during the gateway's startup.
public synchronized ChronicleGatewayMain start() throws IOException {
if (isClosed())
throw new IllegalStateException("Closed");
if (thread == null) {
// Initializing the acceptor thread
thread = new Thread(this::run, "acceptor");
return this;
* Secures the server socket channel if it hasn't been initialized yet.
* @throws IOException If there's an issue accessing or creating the socket channel.
private void bindSSC() throws IOException {
if (ssc == null) {
ssc = socketRegistry().acquireServerSocketChannel(url());
* Main execution loop for the gateway. Accepts incoming connections and handles requests.
public void run() {
// Jvm.startup().on(getClass(), "Starting " + this);
service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new NamedThreadFactory("connections"));
Throwable thrown = null;
try {
ChronicleChannelCfg> channelCfg = new ChronicleChannelCfg<>().addHostnamePort(null, url().getPort()).pauserMode(pauserMode).buffered(buffered);
while (!isClosed()) {
final SocketChannel sc = ssc.accept();
final TCPChronicleChannel channel = new TCPChronicleChannel(systemContext(), channelCfg, sc, this::replaceInHeader, this::replaceOutHeader);
service.submit(() -> handle(channel));
} catch (Throwable e) {
thrown = e;
} finally {
boolean closing = isClosing() || socketRegistry().isClosing();
if (thrown != null && !closing)
Jvm.error().on(getClass(), thrown);
* Allows replacing of the inbound channel header.
* By default, it retains the given header without making any changes.
* @param channelHeader the inbound channel header
* @return the possibly replaced channel header
protected ChannelHeader replaceInHeader(ChannelHeader channelHeader) {
return channelHeader;
* Allows replacing of the outbound channel header.
* If the outbound channel header is an instance of a ChannelHandler,
* it replaces it with the response header from the handler.
* @param channelHeader the outbound channel header
* @return the possibly replaced channel header
protected ChannelHeader replaceOutHeader(ChannelHeader channelHeader) {
if (channelHeader instanceof ChannelHandler) {
ChannelHandler handler = (ChannelHandler) channelHeader;
return handler.responseHeader(this);
return channelHeader;
* Waits for the service to terminate, giving it 1 second before proceeding.
* If interrupted, it logs a warning and re-interrupts the current thread.
private void waitForService() {
try {
service.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Logging the interruption and setting the interrupt flag back
Jvm.warn().on(getClass(), e);
protected void performClose() {
if (service != null)
* Manages an incoming connection. This involves decoding the request and dispatching it
* to the correct handler based on the read channel header. The method ensures that proper
* error handling is in place for various exceptions, including HTTP GET detection and
* invalid protocol scenarios.
* @param channel The incoming TCP channel to be managed.
void handle(TCPChronicleChannel channel) {
// Indicate whether the channel should be closed when done handling
boolean close = true;
ChronicleChannel channel2 = null;
try {
// Retrieve the inbound channel header
final ChannelHeader channelHeader = channel.headerInToUse();
// Validate the channel header and retrieve the handler
ChannelHandler bh = validateHandler(channelHeader);
if (bh == null) return;
// Determine whether buffering is enabled
boolean buffered = this.buffered;
if (bh.buffered() != null)
buffered = bh.buffered();
Jvm.debug().on(ChronicleGatewayMain.class, "Server got " + bh);
// Retrieve the outbound channel header
final ChannelHeader headerOut = channel.headerOut();
// If the outbound channel header is a redirect, print a message and return
if (headerOut instanceof RedirectHeader) {
System.out.println("Server redirected " + headerOut);
// Instantiate the secondary channel based on whether buffering is enabled
channel2 = buffered
? new BufferedChronicleChannel(channel, pauserMode.get())
: channel;
Jvm.debug().on(ChronicleGatewayMain.class, "Running " + channel2);
// Run the channel handler, channel2);
// Determine whether to close the channel when done
close = bh.closeWhenRunEnds();
} catch (HTTPDetectedException e) {
// Handle the exception case where an HTTP GET request is detected
Jvm.warn().on(getClass(), "HTTP GET Detected", e);
} catch (InvalidProtocolException e) {
// Handle the exception case where an invalid protocol is detected
Jvm.warn().on(getClass(), "Invalid Protocol", e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// Pause for a moment before checking if the resource is closing
// Log any other exceptions if not closing
if (!isClosing() && !channel.isClosing())
if (t instanceof ClosedIORuntimeException)
Jvm.warn().on(getClass(), t.toString());
Jvm.error().on(getClass(), t);
} finally {
// Close the channels if the close flag is set
if (close)
Closeable.closeQuietly(channel2, channel);
* Validates that the incoming request contains a valid handler.
* @param marshallable the incoming request
* @return a ChannelHandler instance if the request is valid; otherwise null
protected ChannelHandler validateHandler(Marshallable marshallable) {
if (!(marshallable instanceof ChannelHandler)) {
return new ErrorReplyHandler().errorMsg("The header must be a ChannelHandler");
return (ChannelHandler) marshallable;
* Returns the port number on which the gateway is listening.
* @return the port number
public int port() {
return ssc.socket().getLocalPort();