d4s.models.query.DynamoQuery.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package d4s.models.query
import java.time.ZonedDateTime
import d4s.codecs.CodecsUtils.DynamoDecoderException
import d4s.codecs.{AttributeNames, D4SDecoder, D4SEncoder}
import d4s.config.ProvisionedThroughputConfig
import d4s.implicits._
import d4s.models.conditions.Condition
import d4s.models.conditions.Condition.{attribute_exists, attribute_not_exists}
import d4s.models.query.DynamoRequest._
import d4s.models.query.requests.UpdateTable
import d4s.models.table.index.{GlobalIndexUpdate, ProvisionedGlobalIndex, TableIndex}
import d4s.models.table.{DynamoField, TableReference}
import d4s.models.{DynamoExecution, FnBIO}
import d4s.util.OffsetLimit
import izumi.functional.bio.{BIO, BIOError, F}
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.unused
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.dynamodb.model.{AttributeValue, ConsumedCapacity, ReturnValue, Select}
import scala.language.{implicitConversions, reflectiveCalls}
final case class DynamoQuery[DR <: DynamoRequest, +Dec](
request: DR,
decoder: FnBIO[DR#Rsp, Dec]
) {
def toAmz: DR#Rq = request.toAmz
def modify(f: DR => DR): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = copy(request = f(request))
def decode[C1](f: DR#Rsp => C1): DynamoQuery[DR, C1] = copy(decoder = FnBIO.lift(f))
def decodeF[C1](f: FnBIO[DR#Rsp, C1]): DynamoQuery[DR, C1] = copy(decoder = f)
def decodeWith[C1](f: (DR#Rsp, Dec) => C1): DynamoQuery[DR, C1] = decodeWithF(FnBIO.lift(f.tupled))
def decodeWithF[C1](f: FnBIO[(DR#Rsp, Dec), C1]): DynamoQuery[DR, C1] =
copy(decoder = new FnBIO[DR#Rsp, C1] {
override def apply[F[+_, +_]: BIO](b: DR#Rsp): F[Throwable, C1] = {
decoder[F](b).flatMap(c => f[F]((b, c)))
object DynamoQuery {
def apply[DR <: DynamoRequest](request: DR): DynamoQuery[DR, DR#Rsp] = DynamoQuery[DR, DR#Rsp](request, FnBIO.lift(identity[DR#Rsp]))
@inline implicit final def toDynamoExecution[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]): DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, Dec] = {
DynamoExecution(dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.single[DR, Dec])
implicit final class Exec[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](private val dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) extends AnyVal {
def exec: DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, Dec] = toDynamoExecution(dynamoQuery)
implicit final class ExecPagedFlatten[DR <: DynamoRequest: PageableRequest, Dec: ? <:< List[A], A](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) {
def execPagedFlatten(limit: Option[Int] = None): DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, List[A]] = {
DynamoExecution(dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.pagedFlatten[DR, Dec, A](limit))
implicit final class ExecPaged[DR <: DynamoRequest: PageableRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) {
def execPaged(limit: Option[Int] = None): DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, List[Dec]] = {
DynamoExecution(dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.paged[DR, Dec](limit))
def execStreamed: DynamoExecution.Streamed[DR, Dec, Dec] = {
DynamoExecution.Streamed[DR, Dec, Dec](dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.Streamed.streamed[DR, Dec])
implicit final class ExecStreamFlatten[DR <: DynamoRequest: PageableRequest, Dec: ? <:< List[A], A](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) {
def execStreamedFlatten: DynamoExecution.Streamed[DR, Dec, A] = {
DynamoExecution.Streamed[DR, Dec, A](dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.Streamed.streamedFlatten[DR, Dec, A])
implicit final class ExecOffset[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec, A](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(
paging: PageableRequest[DR],
ev1: DR <:< WithSelect[DR] with WithLimit[DR] with WithProjectionExpression[DR],
ev2: DR#Rsp => { def count(): Integer },
ev4: Dec <:< List[A]
) {
def execOffset(offsetLimit: OffsetLimit): DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, List[A]] = {
new DynamoExecution[DR, Dec, List[A]](dynamoQuery, DynamoExecution.offset[DR, Dec, A](offsetLimit))
implicit final class TweakFilterExpression[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithFilterExpression[DR])
extends WithFilterExpression[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withFilterExpression(c: Condition): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakAttributeValues[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithAttributeValues[DR])
extends WithAttributeValues[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withAttributeValues(f: Map[String, AttributeValue] => Map[String, AttributeValue]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakAttributeNames[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithAttributeNames[DR])
extends WithAttributeNames[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withAttributeNames(f: Map[String, String] => Map[String, String]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakProjectionExpression[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithProjectionExpression[DR])
extends WithProjectionExpression[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withProjectionExpression(f: Option[String] => Option[String]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakTableReference[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithTableReference[DR])
extends WithTableReference[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withTableReference(f: TableReference => TableReference): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
@inline def table: TableReference = dynamoQuery.request.table
implicit final class TweakIndex[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithIndex[DR])
extends WithIndex[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withIndex(index: TableIndex[_, _]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakLimit[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithLimit[DR])
extends WithLimit[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withLimit(limit: Int): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakStartKey[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithStartKey[DR])
extends WithStartKey[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withStartKeyMap(startKey: java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakBatchItems[DR <: DynamoRequest, BatchType[_], Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithBatch[DR, BatchType])
extends WithBatch[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec], BatchType] {
@inline override def withBatch[I: D4SEncoder](batchItems: List[BatchType[I]]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
@inline override def withBatch(batchItems: List[Map[String, AttributeValue]]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
@inline override def batchItems: List[Map[String, AttributeValue]] = dynamoQuery.request.batchItems
implicit final class TweakScanIndexForward[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithScanIndexForward[DR])
extends WithScanIndexForward[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withScanIndexForward(sif: Boolean): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakKey[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithKey[DR]) extends WithKey[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withKey(f: Map[String, AttributeValue] => Map[String, AttributeValue]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakItem[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithItem[DR]) extends WithItem[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline override def withItemAttributeValues(f: Map[String, AttributeValue] => Map[String, AttributeValue]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakExists[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithCondition[DR] with WithTableReference[DR]) {
def ifExists(): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
val table = dynamoQuery.table
dynamoQuery.withCondition(table.key.keyNames.toList.map(s => attribute_exists(List(s)): Condition).reduceLeft(_ && _))
def ifNotExists(): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
val table = dynamoQuery.table
dynamoQuery.withCondition(table.key.keyNames.toList.map(s => attribute_not_exists(List(s)): Condition).reduceLeft(_ && _))
implicit final class TweakCondition[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithCondition[DR])
extends WithCondition[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withCondition(c: Condition): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakUpdateExpression[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithUpdateExpression[DR])
extends WithUpdateExpression[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
@inline def withUpdateExpression(f: String => String): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class TweakWithTtl[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(
implicit ev: DR <:< WithAttributeValues[DR] with WithTableReference[DR] with WithFilterExpression[DR]
) {
def filterTtl(now: ZonedDateTime): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
def filterTtl(nowEpochSeconds: Long): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
dynamoQuery.modify {
rq =>
rq.table.ttlField.fold(rq) {
ttlField =>
rq.withFilterExpression(ttlField.of[Long] >= nowEpochSeconds || ttlField.notExists)
implicit final class TweakWithTtlField[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](private val dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) extends AnyVal {
def withTtlFieldOption(expiration: Option[ZonedDateTime])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithItem[DR] with WithTableReference[DR]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] =
def withTtlFieldOption(expirationEpochSeconds: Option[Long])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithItem[DR] with WithTableReference[DR],
@unused dummy: DummyImplicit): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
def withTtlField(expiration: ZonedDateTime)(implicit ev: DR <:< WithItem[DR] with WithTableReference[DR]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] =
def withTtlField(expirationEpochSeconds: Long)(implicit ev: DR <:< WithItem[DR] with WithTableReference[DR]): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
dynamoQuery.modify {
rq =>
rq.table.ttlField.fold(rq) {
t =>
implicit final class TweakWithConsistent[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithConsistent[DR])
extends WithConsistent[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
override def withConsistent(consistentRead: Boolean): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
def consistent: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = withConsistent(true)
implicit final class TweakReturnValue[DR <: DynamoRequest, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit ev: DR <:< WithReturnValue[DR])
extends WithReturnValue[DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]] {
override def withReturnValue(returnValue: ReturnValue): DynamoQuery[DR, Dec] = {
implicit final class UpdateOps[Dec](private val dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[UpdateTable, Dec]) extends AnyVal {
@inline def withNewProvisioning(provisioning: ProvisionedThroughputConfig): DynamoQuery[UpdateTable, Dec] = {
@inline def withIndexToCreate(index: ProvisionedGlobalIndex[_, _]): DynamoQuery[UpdateTable, Dec] = {
@inline def withIndexesToUpdate(indexes: Set[GlobalIndexUpdate]): DynamoQuery[UpdateTable, Dec] = {
@inline def withIndexToDelete(index: String): DynamoQuery[UpdateTable, Dec] = {
implicit final class QueryCount[DR <: DynamoRequest, Rb, Dec](private val dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]) extends AnyVal {
def countOnly(implicit ev1: DR <:< WithSelect[DR] with WithProjectionExpression[DR], ev3: DR#Rsp => { def count(): Integer }): DynamoQuery[DR, Int] =
dynamoQuery.modify(_.withSelect(Select.COUNT).withProjectionExpression(_ => None)).decode(_.count())
def scannedCountOnly(implicit ev1: DR <:< WithSelect[DR] with WithProjectionExpression[DR], ev2: DR#Rsp => { def scannedCount(): Integer }): DynamoQuery[DR, Int] =
dynamoQuery.modify(_.withSelect(Select.COUNT).withProjectionExpression(_ => None)).decode(_.scannedCount())
def consumedCapacityOnly(implicit ev4: DR#Rsp => { def consumedCapacity(): ConsumedCapacity }): DynamoQuery[DR, ConsumedCapacity] =
def withCount(implicit ev3: DR#Rsp => { def count(): Integer }): DynamoQuery[DR, (Dec, Int)] =
dynamoQuery.decodeWith((a, c) => (c, a.count()))
def withScannedCount(implicit ev2: DR#Rsp => { def scannedCount(): Integer }): DynamoQuery[DR, (Dec, Int)] =
dynamoQuery.decodeWith((a, c) => (c, a.scannedCount()))
def withConsumedCapacity(implicit ev4: DR#Rsp => { def consumedCapacity(): ConsumedCapacity }): DynamoQuery[DR, (Dec, ConsumedCapacity)] =
dynamoQuery.decodeWith((a, c) => (c, a.consumedCapacity()))
implicit final class DecodeItems[DR <: DynamoRequest, Rb, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit
ev1: DR <:< WithProjectionExpression[DR] with WithTableReference[DR],
ev3: DR#Rsp => {
def items(): java.util.List[java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]]
}) {
def decodeItems[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames]: DynamoQuery[DR, List[Item]] = {
).decodeF(FnBIO {
response => implicit F =>
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val itemsData = response.items().asScala.toList
def decodeItemsWithTTL[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames]: DynamoQuery[DR, List[(Item, Option[Long])]] = {
val ttlName = dynamoQuery.request.table.ttlField
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"TTL field for table=${dynamoQuery.request.table.fullName} not specified but requested."))
).decodeF(FnBIO {
response => implicit F =>
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val itemsData = response.items().asScala.toList
implicit final class DecodeBatchedItems[DR <: DynamoRequest, Rb, Dec, A](
dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec]
ev1: DR#Rsp <:< List[A],
ev2: A => { def responses(): java.util.Map[String, java.util.List[java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]]] }) {
def decodeItems[Item: D4SDecoder]: DynamoQuery[DR, List[Item]] = {
dynamoQuery.decodeF(FnBIO {
rsp => implicit F =>
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val itemsData = rsp.flatMap(_.responses().asScala.values.flatMap(_.asScala).toList)
implicit final class DecodeItem[DR <: DynamoRequest, Rb, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit
ev1: DR <:< WithProjectionExpression[DR] with WithTableReference[DR],
ev2: DR#Rsp => { def item(): java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue] }) {
def decodeItem[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames]: DynamoQuery[DR, Option[Item]] = {
).decodeF(FnBIO {
response => implicit F =>
def decodeItemWithTTL[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames]: DynamoQuery[DR, Option[(Item, Option[Long])]] = {
val ttlName = dynamoQuery.request.table.ttlField
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"TTL field for table=${dynamoQuery.request.table.fullName} not specified but requested."))
).decodeF(FnBIO {
response => implicit F =>
def decodeItemCheckTTL[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames](now: ZonedDateTime): DynamoQuery[DR, Option[Item]] = {
def decodeItemCheckTTL[Item: D4SDecoder: AttributeNames](nowEpochSeconds: Long): DynamoQuery[DR, Option[Item]] = {
decodeItemWithTTL.decodeWith {
case (_, Some((item, ttl))) if ttl.forall(_ >= nowEpochSeconds) => Some(item)
case (_, _) => None
implicit final class DecodeItemAttributes[DR <: DynamoRequest, Rb, Dec](dynamoQuery: DynamoQuery[DR, Dec])(implicit
ev: DR#Rsp => {
def attributes(): java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]
}) {
def decodeItem[Item: D4SDecoder]: DynamoQuery[DR, Option[Item]] = {
dynamoQuery.decodeF(FnBIO {
response => implicit F =>
@inline private[this] def decodeItemImpl[F[+_, +_]: BIOError, Item: D4SDecoder](
itemJavaMap: java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]
): F[DynamoDecoderException, Option[Item]] = {
if (!itemJavaMap.isEmpty) {
} else {
@inline private[this] def decodeItemTTLImpl[F[+_, +_]: BIOError, Item: D4SDecoder](ttlName: String)(
itemJavaMap: java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]
): F[DynamoDecoderException, Option[(Item, Option[Long])]] = {
if (!itemJavaMap.isEmpty) {
F.fromEither {
for {
item <- D4SDecoder[Item].decode(itemJavaMap)
ttl = Option(itemJavaMap.get(ttlName)).flatMap(i => Option(i.n()).map(_.toLong))
} yield Some((item, ttl))
} else {
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