api.structured.api Maven / Gradle / Ivy
[SQL RDBMS support]
api(Structured) {
[Create a repository for structured data]
@public void createStructuredRepo(String uri, String config);
[Delete a repository for structured data]
@public void deleteStructuredRepo(String uri);
[check existence]
@public Boolean structuredRepoExists(String uri);
[get a specific structured repo config given a uri]
@public StructuredRepoConfig getStructuredRepoConfig(String uri);
[get list of all configurations]
@public List(StructuredRepoConfig) getStructuredRepoConfigs();
[create a structured table using raw sql]
@public void createTableUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[create a structured table using a column name to SQL column type map]
@public void createTable(String tableUri, Map(String, String) columns);
[drop a structured table and all of its data]
@public void dropTable(String tableUri);
[check if table exists]
@public Boolean tableExists(String tableUri);
[get all schemas]
@public List getSchemas();
[get all tables of a certain schema]
@public List getTables(String repoUri);
[get table description]
@public Map describeTable(String tableUri);
[add column(s) to an existing table. Table must exist beforehand]
@public void addTableColumns(String tableUri, Map(String, String) columns);
[remove column(s) from an existing table. Table must exist beforehand]
@public void deleteTableColumns(String tableUri, List(String) columnNames);
[update column(s) in an existing table. Table must exist beforehand]
@public void updateTableColumns(String tableUri, Map(String, String) columns);
[rename column(s) in an existing table. Table must exist beforehand]
@public void renameTableColumns(String tableUri, Map(String, String) columnNames);
[create an index on a structured table]
@public void createIndex(String tableUri, String indexName, List(String) columnNames);
[remove an index that was previously created on a table]
@public void dropIndex(String tableUri, String indexName);
[get all indexes on a structured table]
@public List getIndexes(String tableUri);
[retrieve data from multiple tables]
@public List(Map(String, Object)) selectJoinedRows(List(String) tableUris, List(String) columnNames, String from, String where, List(String) order, Boolean ascending, int limit);
[retrieve data with raw sql]
@public List(Map(String, Object)) selectUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[retrieve data from a single table]
@public List(Map(String, Object)) selectRows(String tableUri, List(String) columnNames, String where, List(String) order, Boolean ascending, int limit);
[insert new data with raw sql]
@public void insertUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[insert new data into a single table]
@public void insertRow(String tableUri, Map(String, Object) values);
[insert one or more rows of data into a single table]
@public void insertRows(String tableUri, List(Map(String, Object)) values);
[delete data with raw sql]
@public void deleteUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[delete data from a single table]
@public void deleteRows(String tableUri, String where);
[update existing data with raw sql]
@public void updateUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[update existing data from a single table]
@public void updateRows(String tableUri, Map(String, Object) values, String where);
[start a transaction]
@public Boolean begin();
[commit a transaction]
@public Boolean commit();
[rollback a transaction]
@public Boolean rollback();
[abort a transaction of given id]
@public Boolean abort(String transactionId);
[get active transactions]
@public List(String) getTransactions();
[generate the DDL sql that represents an entire schema or an individual table in the schema]
@public String getDdl(String uri, Boolean includeTableData);
[retrieve a cursor for row-by-row access to data using raw sql]
@public String getCursorUsingSql(String schema, String rawSql);
[retrieve a cursor for row-by-row access to data]
@public String getCursor(String tableUri, List(String) columnNames, String where, List(String) order, Boolean ascending, int limit);
[retrieve a cursor for data from multiple tables]
@public String getCursorForJoin(List(String) tableUris, List(String) columnNames, String from, String where, List(String) order, Boolean ascending, int limit);
[given a cursor id, get the next row in the result set]
@public List(Map(String, Object)) next(String tableUri, String cursorId, int count);
[given a cursor id, get the next row in the result set]
@public List(Map(String, Object)) previous(String tableUri, String cursorId, int count);
[close a cursor once done with it]
@public void closeCursor(String tableUri, String cursorId);
[Create a stored procedure with raw SQL]
@public void createProcedureCallUsingSql(String procUri, String rawSql);
[Call a stored procedure a value]
@public StoredProcedureResponse callProcedure(String procUri, StoredProcedureParams params);
[Delete a stored procedure with raw SQL]
@public void dropProcedureUsingSql(String procUri, String rawSql);
[Get primary key of a table]
@public String getPrimaryKey(String tableUri);
[Get foreign keys of a table]
@public List(ForeignKey) getForeignKeys(String tableUri);
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