net.rcarz.jiraclient.Issue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* jira-client - a simple JIRA REST client
* Copyright (c) 2013 Bob Carroll (bob.carroll@alum.rit.edu)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package net.rcarz.jiraclient;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.sf.json.JSON;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
* Represents a JIRA issue.
public class Issue extends Resource {
* Used to chain fields to a create action.
public static final class FluentCreate {
Map fields = new HashMap();
RestClient restclient = null;
JSONObject createmeta = null;
private FluentCreate(RestClient restclient, JSONObject createmeta) {
this.restclient = restclient;
this.createmeta = createmeta;
* Executes the create action (issue includes all fields).
* @throws JiraException when the create fails
public Issue execute() throws JiraException {
return executeCreate(null);
* Executes the create action and specify which fields to retrieve.
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included
* in the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @throws JiraException when the create fails
public Issue execute(String includedFields) throws JiraException {
return executeCreate(includedFields);
* Executes the create action and specify which fields to retrieve.
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included
* in the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @throws JiraException when the create fails
private Issue executeCreate(String includedFields) throws JiraException {
JSONObject fieldmap = new JSONObject();
if (fields.size() == 0) {
throw new JiraException("No fields were given for create");
for (Map.Entry ent : fields.entrySet()) {
Object newval = Field.toJson(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue(), createmeta);
fieldmap.put(ent.getKey(), newval);
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
req.put("fields", fieldmap);
JSON result = null;
try {
result = restclient.post(getRestUri(null), req);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to create issue", ex);
if (!(result instanceof JSONObject) || !((JSONObject) result).containsKey("key")
|| !(((JSONObject) result).get("key") instanceof String)) {
throw new JiraException("Unexpected result on create issue");
if (includedFields != null) {
return Issue.get(restclient, (String) ((JSONObject) result).get("key"), includedFields);
} else {
return Issue.get(restclient, (String) ((JSONObject) result).get("key"));
* Appends a field to the update action.
* @param name Name of the field
* @param value New field value
* @return the current fluent update instance
public FluentCreate field(String name, Object value) {
fields.put(name, value);
return this;
* Used to chain fields to an update action.
public final class FluentUpdate {
Map fields = new HashMap();
Map fieldOpers = new HashMap();
JSONObject editmeta = null;
private FluentUpdate(JSONObject editmeta) {
this.editmeta = editmeta;
* Executes the update action.
* @throws JiraException when the update fails
public void execute() throws JiraException {
JSONObject fieldmap = new JSONObject();
JSONObject updatemap = new JSONObject();
if (fields.size() == 0 && fieldOpers.size() == 0)
throw new JiraException("No fields were given for update");
for (Map.Entry ent : fields.entrySet()) {
Object newval = Field.toJson(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue(), editmeta);
fieldmap.put(ent.getKey(), newval);
for (Map.Entry ent : fieldOpers.entrySet()) {
Object newval = Field.toJson(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue(), editmeta);
updatemap.put(ent.getKey(), newval);
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
if (fieldmap.size() > 0)
req.put("fields", fieldmap);
if (updatemap.size() > 0)
req.put("update", updatemap);
try {
restclient.put(getRestUri(key), req);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to update issue " + key, ex);
* Appends a field to the update action.
* @param name Name of the field
* @param value New field value
* @return the current fluent update instance
public FluentUpdate field(String name, Object value) {
fields.put(name, value);
return this;
private FluentUpdate fieldOperation(String oper, String name, Object value) {
if (!fieldOpers.containsKey(name))
fieldOpers.put(name, new ArrayList());
fieldOpers.get(name).add(new Field.Operation(oper, value));
return this;
* Adds a field value to the existing value set.
* @param name Name of the field
* @param value Field value to append
* @return the current fluent update instance
public FluentUpdate fieldAdd(String name, Object value) {
return fieldOperation("add", name, value);
* Removes a field value from the existing value set.
* @param name Name of the field
* @param value Field value to remove
* @return the current fluent update instance
public FluentUpdate fieldRemove(String name, Object value) {
return fieldOperation("remove", name, value);
* Used to chain fields to a transition action.
public final class FluentTransition {
Map fields = new HashMap();
JSONArray transitions = null;
private FluentTransition(JSONArray transitions) {
this.transitions = transitions;
private JSONObject getTransition(String id, boolean name) throws JiraException {
JSONObject result = null;
for (Object item : transitions) {
if (!(item instanceof JSONObject) || !((JSONObject)item).containsKey("id"))
throw new JiraException("Transition metadata is malformed");
JSONObject t = (JSONObject)item;
if ((!name && Field.getString(t.get("id")).equals(id)) ||
(name && Field.getString(t.get("name")).equals(id))) {
result = t;
if (result == null)
throw new JiraException("Transition was not found in metadata");
return result;
private void realExecute(JSONObject trans) throws JiraException {
if (trans.isNullObject() || !trans.containsKey("fields") ||
!(trans.get("fields") instanceof JSONObject))
throw new JiraException("Transition metadata is missing fields");
JSONObject editmeta = (JSONObject)trans.get("fields");
JSONObject fieldmap = new JSONObject();
for (Map.Entry ent : fields.entrySet()) {
Object newval = Field.toJson(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue(), editmeta);
fieldmap.put(ent.getKey(), newval);
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
if (fieldmap.size() > 0)
req.put("fields", fieldmap);
JSONObject t = new JSONObject();
t.put("id", Field.getString(trans.get("id")));
req.put("transition", t);
try {
restclient.post(getRestUri(key) + "/transitions", req);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to transition issue " + key, ex);
* Executes the transition action.
* @param id Internal transition ID
* @throws JiraException when the transition fails
public void execute(int id) throws JiraException {
realExecute(getTransition(Integer.toString(id), false));
* Executes the transition action.
* @param name Transition name
* @throws JiraException when the transition fails
public void execute(String name) throws JiraException {
realExecute(getTransition(name, true));
* Appends a field to the transition action.
* @param name Name of the field
* @param value New field value
* @return the current fluent transition instance
public FluentTransition field(String name, Object value) {
fields.put(name, value);
return this;
* Issue search results structure.
public static class SearchResult {
public int start = 0;
public int max = 0;
public int total = 0;
public List issues = null;
private String key = null;
private Map fields = null;
/* system fields */
private User assignee = null;
private List attachments = null;
private ChangeLog changeLog = null;
private List comments = null;
private List components = null;
private String description = null;
private Date dueDate = null;
private List fixVersions = null;
private List issueLinks = null;
private IssueType issueType = null;
private List labels = null;
private Issue parent = null;
private Priority priority = null;
private Project project = null;
private User reporter = null;
private Resolution resolution = null;
private Date resolutionDate = null;
private Status status = null;
private List subtasks = null;
private String summary = null;
private TimeTracking timeTracking = null;
private List versions = null;
private Votes votes = null;
private Watches watches = null;
private List workLogs = null;
private Integer timeEstimate = null;
private Integer timeSpent = null;
* Creates an issue from a JSON payload.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param json JSON payload
protected Issue(RestClient restclient, JSONObject json) {
if (json != null)
private void deserialise(JSONObject json) {
Map map = json;
id = Field.getString(map.get("id"));
self = Field.getString(map.get("self"));
key = Field.getString(map.get("key"));
fields = (Map)map.get("fields");
assignee = Field.getResource(User.class, fields.get(Field.ASSIGNEE), restclient);
attachments = Field.getResourceArray(Attachment.class, fields.get(Field.ATTACHMENT), restclient);
changeLog = Field.getResource(ChangeLog.class, map.get(Field.CHANGE_LOG), restclient);
comments = Field.getComments(fields.get(Field.COMMENT), restclient);
components = Field.getResourceArray(Component.class, fields.get(Field.COMPONENTS), restclient);
description = Field.getString(fields.get(Field.DESCRIPTION));
dueDate = Field.getDate(fields.get(Field.DUE_DATE));
fixVersions = Field.getResourceArray(Version.class, fields.get(Field.FIX_VERSIONS), restclient);
issueLinks = Field.getResourceArray(IssueLink.class, fields.get(Field.ISSUE_LINKS), restclient);
issueType = Field.getResource(IssueType.class, fields.get(Field.ISSUE_TYPE), restclient);
labels = Field.getStringArray(fields.get(Field.LABELS));
parent = Field.getResource(Issue.class, fields.get(Field.PARENT), restclient);
priority = Field.getResource(Priority.class, fields.get(Field.PRIORITY), restclient);
project = Field.getResource(Project.class, fields.get(Field.PROJECT), restclient);
reporter = Field.getResource(User.class, fields.get(Field.REPORTER), restclient);
resolution = Field.getResource(Resolution.class, fields.get(Field.RESOLUTION), restclient);
resolutionDate = Field.getDate(fields.get(Field.RESOLUTION_DATE));
status = Field.getResource(Status.class, fields.get(Field.STATUS), restclient);
subtasks = Field.getResourceArray(Issue.class, fields.get(Field.SUBTASKS), restclient);
summary = Field.getString(fields.get(Field.SUMMARY));
timeTracking = Field.getTimeTracking(fields.get(Field.TIME_TRACKING));
versions = Field.getResourceArray(Version.class, fields.get(Field.VERSIONS), restclient);
votes = Field.getResource(Votes.class, fields.get(Field.VOTES), restclient);
watches = Field.getResource(Watches.class, fields.get(Field.WATCHES), restclient);
workLogs = Field.getWorkLogs(fields.get(Field.WORKLOG), restclient);
timeEstimate = Field.getInteger(fields.get(Field.TIME_ESTIMATE));
timeSpent = Field.getInteger(fields.get(Field.TIME_SPENT));
private static String getRestUri(String key) {
return getBaseUri() + "issue/" + (key != null ? key : "");
public static JSONObject getCreateMetadata(
RestClient restclient, String project, String issueType) throws JiraException {
final String pval = project;
final String itval = issueType;
JSON result = null;
try {
URI createuri = restclient.buildURI(
getBaseUri() + "issue/createmeta",
new HashMap() {{
put("expand", "projects.issuetypes.fields");
put("projectKeys", pval);
put("issuetypeNames", itval);
result = restclient.get(createuri);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to retrieve issue metadata", ex);
if (!(result instanceof JSONObject))
throw new JiraException("JSON payload is malformed");
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject)result;
if (jo.isNullObject() || !jo.containsKey("projects") ||
!(jo.get("projects") instanceof JSONArray))
throw new JiraException("Create metadata is malformed");
List projects = Field.getResourceArray(
if (projects.isEmpty() || projects.get(0).getIssueTypes().isEmpty())
throw new JiraException("Project '"+ project + "' or issue type '" + issueType +
"' missing from create metadata. Do you have enough permissions?");
return projects.get(0).getIssueTypes().get(0).getFields();
private JSONObject getEditMetadata() throws JiraException {
JSON result = null;
try {
result = restclient.get(getRestUri(key) + "/editmeta");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to retrieve issue metadata", ex);
if (!(result instanceof JSONObject))
throw new JiraException("JSON payload is malformed");
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject)result;
if (jo.isNullObject() || !jo.containsKey("fields") ||
!(jo.get("fields") instanceof JSONObject))
throw new JiraException("Edit metadata is malformed");
return (JSONObject)jo.get("fields");
private JSONArray getTransitions() throws JiraException {
JSON result = null;
try {
URI transuri = restclient.buildURI(
getRestUri(key) + "/transitions",
new HashMap() {{
put("expand", "transitions.fields");
result = restclient.get(transuri);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to retrieve transitions", ex);
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject)result;
if (jo.isNullObject() || !jo.containsKey("transitions") ||
!(jo.get("transitions") instanceof JSONArray))
throw new JiraException("Transition metadata is missing from jos");
return (JSONArray)jo.get("transitions");
* Adds an attachment to this issue.
* @param file java.io.File
* @throws JiraException when the comment creation fails
public void addAttachment(File file) throws JiraException {
try {
restclient.post(getRestUri(key) + "/attachments", file);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed add attachment to issue " + key, ex);
* Adds a comment to this issue.
* @param body Comment text
* @throws JiraException when the comment creation fails
public void addComment(String body) throws JiraException {
addComment(body, null, null);
* Adds a comment to this issue with limited visibility.
* @param body Comment text
* @param visType Target audience type (role or group)
* @param visName Name of the role or group to limit visibility to
* @throws JiraException when the comment creation fails
public void addComment(String body, String visType, String visName)
throws JiraException {
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
req.put("body", body);
if (visType != null && visName != null) {
JSONObject vis = new JSONObject();
vis.put("type", visType);
vis.put("value", visName);
req.put("visibility", vis);
try {
restclient.post(getRestUri(key) + "/comment", req);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed add comment to issue " + key, ex);
* Links this issue with another issue.
* @param issue Other issue key
* @param type Link type name
* @throws JiraException when the link creation fails
public void link(String issue, String type) throws JiraException {
link(issue, type, null, null, null);
* Links this issue with another issue and adds a comment.
* @param issue Other issue key
* @param type Link type name
* @param body Comment text
* @throws JiraException when the link creation fails
public void link(String issue, String type, String body) throws JiraException {
link(issue, type, body, null, null);
* Links this issue with another issue and adds a comment with limited visibility.
* @param issue Other issue key
* @param type Link type name
* @param body Comment text
* @param visType Target audience type (role or group)
* @param visName Name of the role or group to limit visibility to
* @throws JiraException when the link creation fails
public void link(String issue, String type, String body, String visType, String visName)
throws JiraException {
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
JSONObject t = new JSONObject();
t.put("name", type);
req.put("type", t);
JSONObject inward = new JSONObject();
inward.put("key", key);
req.put("inwardIssue", inward);
JSONObject outward = new JSONObject();
outward.put("key", issue);
req.put("outwardIssue", outward);
if (body != null) {
JSONObject comment = new JSONObject();
comment.put("body", body);
if (visType != null && visName != null) {
JSONObject vis = new JSONObject();
vis.put("type", visType);
vis.put("value", visName);
comment.put("visibility", vis);
req.put("comment", comment);
try {
restclient.post(getBaseUri() + "issueLink", req);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to link issue " + key + " with issue " + issue, ex);
* Creates a new JIRA issue.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param project Key of the project to create the issue in
* @param issueType Name of the issue type to create
* @return a fluent create instance
* @throws JiraException when the client fails to retrieve issue metadata
public static FluentCreate create(RestClient restclient, String project, String issueType)
throws JiraException {
FluentCreate fc = new FluentCreate(
getCreateMetadata(restclient, project, issueType));
return fc
.field(Field.PROJECT, project)
.field(Field.ISSUE_TYPE, issueType);
* Creates a new sub-task.
* @return a fluent create instance
* @throws JiraException when the client fails to retrieve issue metadata
public FluentCreate createSubtask() throws JiraException {
return Issue.create(restclient, getProject().getKey(), "Sub-task")
.field(Field.PARENT, getKey());
private static JSONObject realGet(RestClient restclient, String key, Map queryParams)
throws JiraException {
JSON result = null;
try {
URI uri = restclient.buildURI(getBaseUri() + "issue/" + key, queryParams);
result = restclient.get(uri);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to retrieve issue " + key, ex);
if (!(result instanceof JSONObject)) {
throw new JiraException("JSON payload is malformed");
return (JSONObject) result;
* Retrieves the given issue record.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param key Issue key (PROJECT-123)
* @return an issue instance (issue includes all navigable fields)
* @throws JiraException when the retrieval fails
public static Issue get(RestClient restclient, String key)
throws JiraException {
return new Issue(restclient, realGet(restclient, key, new HashMap()));
* Retrieves the given issue record.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param key Issue key (PROJECT-123)
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included in
* the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @return an issue instance
* @throws JiraException when the retrieval fails
public static Issue get(RestClient restclient, String key, final String includedFields)
throws JiraException {
Map queryParams = new HashMap() {
put("fields", includedFields);
return new Issue(restclient, realGet(restclient, key, queryParams));
* Retrieves the given issue record.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param key Issue key (PROJECT-123)
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included in
* the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @param expand fields to expand when obtaining the issue
* @return an issue instance
* @throws JiraException when the retrieval fails
public static Issue get(RestClient restclient, String key, final String includedFields,
final String expand) throws JiraException {
Map queryParams = new HashMap() {
put("fields", includedFields);
if (expand != null) {
put("expand", expand);
return new Issue(restclient, realGet(restclient, key, queryParams));
* Search for issues with the given query.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param jql JQL statement
* @return a search result structure with results (issues include all
* navigable fields)
* @throws JiraException when the search fails
public static SearchResult search(RestClient restclient, String jql)
throws JiraException {
return search(restclient, jql, null, null);
* Search for issues with the given query and specify which fields to
* retrieve.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param jql JQL statement
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included in
* the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @return a search result structure with results
* @throws JiraException when the search fails
public static SearchResult search(RestClient restclient, String jql, String includedFields, Integer maxResults)
throws JiraException {
return search(restclient, jql, includedFields, maxResults, null);
* Search for issues with the given query and specify which fields to
* retrieve. If the total results is bigger than the maximum returned
* results, then further calls can be made using different values for
* the startAt
field to obtain all the results.
* @param restclient REST client instance
* @param jql JQL statement
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included in
* the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @param maxResults if non-null
, defines the maximum number of
* results that can be returned
* @param startAt if non-null
, defines the first issue to
* return
* @return a search result structure with results
* @throws JiraException when the search fails
public static SearchResult search(RestClient restclient, String jql,
String includedFields, Integer maxResults, Integer startAt)
throws JiraException {
final String j = jql;
JSON result = null;
try {
Map queryParams = new HashMap() {
put("jql", j);
if(maxResults != null){
queryParams.put("maxResults", String.valueOf(maxResults));
if (includedFields != null) {
queryParams.put("fields", includedFields);
if (startAt != null) {
queryParams.put("startAt", String.valueOf(startAt));
URI searchUri = restclient.buildURI(getBaseUri() + "search", queryParams);
result = restclient.get(searchUri);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to search issues", ex);
if (!(result instanceof JSONObject)) {
throw new JiraException("JSON payload is malformed");
SearchResult sr = new SearchResult();
Map map = (Map) result;
sr.start = Field.getInteger(map.get("startAt"));
sr.max = Field.getInteger(map.get("maxResults"));
sr.total = Field.getInteger(map.get("total"));
sr.issues = Field.getResourceArray(Issue.class, map.get("issues"), restclient);
return sr;
* Reloads issue data from the JIRA server (issue includes all navigable
* fields).
* @throws JiraException when the retrieval fails
public void refresh() throws JiraException {
JSONObject result = realGet(restclient, key, new HashMap());
* Reloads issue data from the JIRA server and specify which fields to
* retrieve.
* @param includedFields Specifies which issue fields will be included in
* the result.
Some examples how this parameter works:
* - *all - include all fields
* - *navigable - include just navigable fields
* - summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
* - *all,-comment - include all fields
* @throws JiraException when the retrieval fails
public void refresh(final String includedFields) throws JiraException {
Map queryParams = new HashMap() {
put("fields", includedFields);
JSONObject result = realGet(restclient, key, queryParams);
* Gets an arbitrary field by its name.
* @param name Name of the field to retrieve
* @return the field value or null if not found
public Object getField(String name) {
return fields != null ? fields.get(name) : null;
* Begins a transition field chain.
* @return a fluent transition instance
* @throws JiraException when the client fails to retrieve issue metadata
public FluentTransition transition() throws JiraException {
return new FluentTransition(getTransitions());
* Begins an update field chain.
* @return a fluent update instance
* @throws JiraException when the client fails to retrieve issue metadata
public FluentUpdate update() throws JiraException {
return new FluentUpdate(getEditMetadata());
* Casts a vote in favour of an issue.
* @throws JiraException when the voting fails
public void vote() throws JiraException {
try {
restclient.post(getRestUri(key) + "/votes");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to vote on issue " + key, ex);
* Removes the current user's vote from the issue.
* @throws JiraException when the voting fails
public void unvote() throws JiraException {
try {
restclient.delete(getRestUri(key) + "/votes");
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to unvote on issue " + key, ex);
* Adds a watcher to the issue.
* @param username Username of the watcher to add
* @throws JiraException when the operation fails
public void addWatcher(String username) throws JiraException {
try {
URI uri = restclient.buildURI(getRestUri(key) + "/watchers");
restclient.post(uri, username);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException(
"Failed to add watcher (" + username + ") to issue " + key, ex
* Removes a watcher to the issue.
* @param username Username of the watcher to remove
* @throws JiraException when the operation fails
public void deleteWatcher(String username) throws JiraException {
try {
final String u = username;
URI uri = restclient.buildURI(
getRestUri(key) + "/watchers",
new HashMap() {{
put("username", u);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException(
"Failed to remove watch (" + username + ") from issue " + key, ex
public String toString() {
return getKey();
public ChangeLog getChangeLog() {
return changeLog;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public User getAssignee() {
return assignee;
public List getAttachments() {
return attachments;
public List getComments() {
return comments;
public List getComponents() {
return components;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Date getDueDate() {
return dueDate;
public List getFixVersions() {
return fixVersions;
public List getIssueLinks() {
return issueLinks;
public IssueType getIssueType() {
return issueType;
public List getLabels() {
return labels;
public Issue getParent() {
return parent;
public Priority getPriority() {
return priority;
public Project getProject() {
return project;
public User getReporter() {
return reporter;
public Resolution getResolution() {
return resolution;
public Date getResolutionDate() {
return resolutionDate;
public Status getStatus() {
return status;
public List getSubtasks() {
return subtasks;
public String getSummary() {
return summary;
public TimeTracking getTimeTracking() {
return timeTracking;
public List getVersions() {
return versions;
public Votes getVotes() {
return votes;
public Watches getWatches() {
return watches;
public List getWorkLogs() {
return workLogs;
public List getAllWorkLogs() throws JiraException {
JSONObject obj;
try {
URI uri = restclient.buildURI(getRestUri(key) + "/worklog");
JSON json = restclient.get(uri);
obj = (JSONObject) json;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new JiraException("Failed to get worklog for issue "
+ key, ex);
return Field.getWorkLogs(obj, restclient);
public Integer getTimeSpent() {
return timeSpent;
public Integer getTimeEstimate() {
return timeEstimate;