Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012-2016 Steven C. Saliman
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
import org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginAware
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
* This is the main class for the properties plugin. When the properties
* plugin is applied to a project, it uses the values of the
* {@code environmentName} and {@code gradleUserName} properties to reload all
* the project properties in the following order:
* -
* in the parent project's directory, if the project
* is a module of a multi-project build.
* -
* gradle-${environmentName}.properties in the parent project's directory,
* if the project is a module of a multi-project build. If no
* environment name is specified, the default is "local".
* -
* in the project directory
* -
* gradle-${environmentName}.properties in the project directory. If no
* environment name is specified, the default is "local".
* -
* in the user's ${gradleUserHomeDir} directory.
* -
* If the ${gradleUserName} property is set, gradle-${gradleUserName}.properties
* in the user's ${gradleUserHomeDir} directory.
* -
* Environment variables starting with {@code ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_}.
* -
* System properties starting with {@code org.gradle.project.}.
* -
* properties defined on the command line with the -P option.
* When the plugin is applied to a {@code Settings} object, it uses the
* {@code environmentName} and {@code gradleUserName} properties to reload all
* the settings properties in the following order:
* *
* -
* in the directory where settings.gradle is located.
* -
* gradle-${environmentName}.properties in the directory where settings.gradle
* is located. If no environment name is specified, the default is "local".
* -
* in the user's ${gradleUserHomeDir} directory.
* -
* If the ${gradleUserName} property is set, gradle-${gradleUserName}.properties
* in the user's ${gradleUserHomeDir} directory.
* -
* Environment variables starting with {@code ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_}.
* -
* System properties starting with {@code org.gradle.project.}.
* -
* properties defined on the command line with the -P option.
* As mentioned, this plugin looks for the gradle-${environmentName}.properties
* file in the project directory for projects, or the directory with
* settings.gradle if the plugin is applied to a Settings object. You can
* change this behavior by specifying a value for the {@code environmentFileDir}
* property. It is strongly recommended to use a subdirectory of the project
* or settings directory when using this option. This property only effects
* where the environment specific files are located, it does not change where
* the plugin looks for the other files, such as the user files or default
* gradle files.
* {@code environmentFileDir}, {@code environmentName}, and
* {@code gradleUserName} are the properties that this plugin use by default to
* get the location of the environment files and the names of the environment
* and gradle user to use. If you don't like these names, or if there is a
* clash with properties you already use in your build, you can configure the
* properties the plugin will use. You can tell the plugin what property to
* use for the environment file directory by setting a value for the
* {@code propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty} property. You can tell
* the plugin what property to use for the name of the environment by setting
* the {@code propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty}, and you can tell the
* plugin what property to use to set the user name by setting a value for the
* {@code propertiesPluginGradleUserNameProperty} property. Those properties
* have to be set before this plugin is applied. That means you can put them in
* the standard property file locations supported by Gradle itself, in
* environment variables, system properties, -P options or in the build.gradle
* file itself before applying this plugin.
* The last thing to set a property wins. All files are optional unless an
* environment or user is specified, in which case the file belonging to the
* specified environment or user must exist. If an environment file directory
* is specified, that directory must exist, be a directory, and be readable.
* As properties are set, they are also placed in a filterTokens property.
* the filterTokens property is a map of tokens that can be used when doing a
* filtered file copy. There will be a token for each property defined by one
* of the listed methods. The name of each token will be the name of the
* property from the properties file, after converting the camel case property
* name to dot notation. For example, if you have a myPropertyName property in
* the file, the plugin will create a filter token, whose
* value is the property's value. The original camel case name will also be
* added as token.
* Finally, the properties plugin also adds some properties to every task in
* your build:
{@code requiredProperty} and {@code requiredProperties} can be used to
* define what properties must be present for that task to work. Required
* properties will be checked after configuration is complete, but before any
* tasks are executed.
* {@code recommendedProperty} and {@code recommendedProperties} can be used
* to define properties that the task can work without, but it (or the deployed
* application) will use a default value for the property. The value of this
* property is that we can prompt new developers to either provide a property,
* or make sure default config files are set up correctly.
* Special thanks to Hans Dockter at Gradleware for showing me how to attach
* to the right place in the Gradle build lifecycle.
* @author Steven C. Saliman
class PropertiesPlugin implements Plugin {
def logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger getClass()
* This method is called then the properties-plugin is applied. It can
* be applied to both {@code Project} and {@code Settings} objects.
* @param the object to which this plugin should be applied. Currently,
* this must be either a {@code Project} or {@code Settings} object.
void apply(PluginAware pluginAware) {
if (pluginAware instanceof Settings) {
doApply pluginAware, this.&buildPropertyFileListFromSettings
} else if (pluginAware instanceof Project) {
doApply pluginAware, this.&buildPropertyFileListFromProject
// Register a task listener that adds the property checking helper methods.
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${pluginAware.getClass()} is currently not supported as apply target, please report if you need it")
* Private method that does the actual work of applying the plugin.
* @param pluginAware the project or settings object to which we are applying
* the plugin.
* @param buildPropertyFileList a function that takes a PluginAware object and
* an environment name, and returns a list of property files to evaluate
* when the plugin is applied.
private doApply(pluginAware, propertyFileListBuilder) {
if ( !pluginAware.hasProperty('propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty' ) ) {
pluginAware.ext.propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty = 'environmentFileDir'
if ( !pluginAware.hasProperty('propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty' ) ) {
pluginAware.ext.propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty = 'environmentName'
if ( !pluginAware.hasProperty('propertiesPluginGradleUserNameProperty' ) ) {
pluginAware.ext.propertiesPluginGradleUserNameProperty = 'gradleUserName'
// If the user hasn't set a property file directory, assume the project
// directory.
if ( !pluginAware.hasProperty(pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty ) ) {
pluginAware.ext."$pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty" = '.'
def envFileDir = pluginAware."$pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentFileDirProperty"
// If the user hasn't set an environment, assume "local"
if ( !pluginAware.hasProperty(pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty ) ) {
pluginAware.ext."$pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty" = 'local'
def envName = pluginAware."$pluginAware.propertiesPluginEnvironmentNameProperty"
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens = [:]
// process files from least significant to most significant. With gradle
// properties, Last one in wins.
def foundEnvFile = false
def propertyFiles = propertyFileListBuilder(pluginAware, envFileDir, envName)
propertyFiles.each { PropertyFile file ->
def success = processPropertyFile(pluginAware, file)
// Fail right away if we're missing a required file.
if ( file.fileType == FileType.REQUIRED && !success ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("could not process required file ${file.filename} ")
// If we found an environment file, make note of it.
if ( file.fileType == FileType.ENVIRONMENT && success ) {
foundEnvFile = true;
// Make sure we got at least one environment file if we are not in the local environment.
if ( envName != 'local' && !foundEnvFile ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("No environment files were found for the '$envName' environment")
* Build a list of property files to process for a project, in the order in
* which they need to be processed.
* @param project the project applying the plugin.
* @param envFileDir the directory to search for environment files.
* @param envName the name of the environment to load.
* @return a List of {@link PropertyFile}s
private buildPropertyFileListFromProject(project, envFileDir, envName) {
def p = project
def files = []
while ( p != null ) {
// We'll need to process the files from the top down, so build the list
// backwards. Note that only the environment file can come from a special
// location. must come from the project itself.
def fileDir = p.projectDir
if ( envFileDir != '.') {
fileDir = "${fileDir}/${envFileDir}"
// Make sure the directory actually exists...
File d = new File(fileDir)
def exists = d.exists()
def isDirectory = d.isDirectory()
def isReadable = d.canRead()
if ( !exists || !isDirectory || !isReadable ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Environment File directory '$envFileDir' does not exist, or is not a readable directory")
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Using ${envFileDir} as the source of environment specific files.")
// Whether or not the project property files can contain system
// properties is entirely dependent on whether the project whose
// files we're currently processing is the root project.
def processSystemProperties = (p == project.rootProject)
files.add(0, new PropertyFile("${fileDir}/gradle-${envName}.properties", FileType.ENVIRONMENT, processSystemProperties))
files.add(0, new PropertyFile("${p.projectDir}/", FileType.OPTIONAL, processSystemProperties))
p = p.parent
return addCommonPropertyFileList(project, files)
* Build a list of property files to process for a settings object, in the
* order in which they need to be processed.
* @param settings the settings applying the plugin.
* @param envFileDir the directory to search for environment files.
* @param envName the name of the environment to load.
* @return a List of {@link PropertyFile}s
private buildPropertyFileListFromSettings(settings, envFileDir, envName) {
def fileDir = settings.settingsDir
if ( envFileDir != '.') {
fileDir = "${fileDir}/${envFileDir}"
// Make sure the directory actually exists...
File d = new File(fileDir)
def exists = d.exists()
def isDirectory = d.isDirectory()
def isReadable = d.canRead()
if ( !exists || !isDirectory || !isReadable ) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("Environment File directory '$envFileDir' does not exist, or is not a readable directory")
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Using ${envFileDir} as the source of environment specific files.")
def files = []
files.add(new PropertyFile("${settings.settingsDir}/", FileType.OPTIONAL, true))
files.add(new PropertyFile("${fileDir}/gradle-${envName}.properties", FileType.ENVIRONMENT, true))
return addCommonPropertyFileList(settings, files)
* Helper method that adds the files common to both projects and settings to
* the end of the property file list.
* @param pluginAware the project or settings object we're dealing with.
* @param files the files we have so far.
* @return a List of {@link PropertyFile}s.
private addCommonPropertyFileList(pluginAware, files) {
// Add the rest of the files to the end. The user property file is
// optional...
def userHome = pluginAware.getGradle().getGradleUserHomeDir();
files.add(new PropertyFile("${userHome}/", FileType.OPTIONAL, true))
if ( pluginAware.hasProperty(pluginAware.propertiesPluginGradleUserNameProperty) ) {
//... the gradleUserName file, if specified, is not.
def userName = pluginAware."$pluginAware.propertiesPluginGradleUserNameProperty"
files.add(new PropertyFile("${userHome}/gradle-${userName}.properties", FileType.REQUIRED, true))
return files
* Process a file, loading properties from it, and adding tokens.
* @param pluginAware the enclosing pluginAware.
* @param file the file to process
* @return whether or not we found the file requested.
private boolean processPropertyFile(pluginAware, PropertyFile file) {
def loaded = 0
def systemProperties = 0
def propFile = new File(file.filename)
if ( !propFile.exists() ) {"PropertiesPlugin:apply Skipping ${file.filename} because it does not exist")
return false
new File(file.filename).withReader {reader ->
def userProps= new Properties()
userProps.each { String key, String value ->
pluginAware.ext."$key" = value
// add the property to the filter tokens, both in camel case and dot
// notation.
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[key] = value;
def dotKey = camelCaseToDotNotation(key)
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[dotKey] = value
if ( file.containsSystemProperties && key.startsWith("systemProp.") ) {
def propName = key.substring(11)
System.setProperty(propName, value)
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Loaded ${loaded} properties from ${file.filename}")
if ( systemProperties > 0 ) {"PropertiesPlugin:apply Set ${systemProperties} system properties from ${file.filename}")
return true
* Process the environment properties, setting pluginAware properties and
* adding tokens for any environment variable starting with
* {@code ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_}, per the Gradle specification.
* @param pluginAware the enclosing pluginAware.
private processEnvironmentProperties(pluginAware) {
def loaded = 0
System.getenv().each { key, value ->
if ( key.startsWith("ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_") ) {
pluginAware.ext."${key.substring(19)}" = value
// add the property to the filter tokens, both in camel case and dot
// notation.
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[key.substring(19)] = value;
def dotKey = camelCaseToDotNotation(key.substring(19))
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[dotKey] = value
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Loaded ${loaded} properties from environment variables")
* Process the system properties, setting properties and adding tokens for
* any system property starting with {@code org.gradle.project.}, per the
* Gradle specification.
* @param pluginAware the enclosing pluginAware.
private processSystemProperties(pluginAware) {
def loaded = 0 { key, value ->
if ( key.startsWith("org.gradle.project.") ) {
pluginAware.ext."${key.substring(19)}" = value
// add the property to the filter tokens, both in camel case and dot
// notation.
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[key.substring(19)] = value;
def dotKey = camelCaseToDotNotation(key.substring(19))
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[dotKey] = value
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Loaded ${loaded} properties from system properties")
* Process the command line properties, setting properties and adding tokens.
* @param pluginAware the enclosing pluginAware.
private processCommandProperties(pluginAware) {
def loaded = 0
def commandProperties = pluginAware.gradle.startParameter.projectProperties
commandProperties.each { key, value ->
pluginAware.ext."$key" = value
// add the property to the filter tokens, both in camel case and dot
// notation.
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[key] = value;
def dotKey = camelCaseToDotNotation(key)
pluginAware.ext.filterTokens[dotKey] = value
}"PropertiesPlugin:apply Loaded ${loaded} properties from the command line")
* Register a task listener to add the property checking methods to all
* current tasks as well as tasks that are added to the project after the
* plugin is applied.
* @param project the project applying the plugin
private registerTaskListener(project) {
// "all" executes the closure against all tasks in the project, and any
// new tasks added in the future. This closure defines a requireProperty
// method for every task.
project.tasks.all { task ->
// This is the requireProperty method, which executes as soon as it is
// called in the build file...
task.ext.requiredProperty = { String propertyName ->
// ... but we don't want to execute at configuration time. We want to
// record that the property is needed for the task, and check it
// when the graph is ready, between configuration and execution.
// the whenReady method allows us to pass in a closure to be executed...
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
// ... But we only want to actually do it if the task needing the
// property is actually going to be executed.
if (graph.hasTask(task.path)) {
checkProperty(project, propertyName, task, "requiredProperty")
// now add the one that takes a list...
task.ext.requiredProperties = { String[] propertyNames ->
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (graph.hasTask(task.path)) {
for ( propertyName in propertyNames ) {
checkProperty(project, propertyName, task, "requiredProperties")
// add the recommendedProperty property
task.ext.recommendedProperty = { String propertyName, String defaultFile=null ->
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (graph.hasTask(task.path)) {
checkRecommendedProperty(project, propertyName, task, "recommendedProperty", defaultFile)
// now add the one that takes a list...
task.ext.recommendedProperties = { hash ->
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->
if (graph.hasTask(task.path)) {
def propertyNames = hash['names']
def defaultFile = hash['defaultFile']
for ( propertyName in propertyNames ) {
checkRecommendedProperty(project, propertyName, task, "recommendedProperties", defaultFile)
* Helper method to make sure a given property exists
* @param project the project we're dealing with
* @param propertyName the name of the property we want to check
* @param task the task checking the property.
* @param caller the name of the method calling this one. Used to log
* who is doing the work.
* @throws MissingPropertyException if the named property is not in the
* project.
private checkProperty(project, propertyName, task, caller) {
def taskName = task.path
if ( !project.hasProperty(propertyName) ) {
throw new MissingPropertyException("You must set the '${propertyName}' property for the '$taskName' task")
// Now register the property as an input for the task.
def propertyValue =
logger.debug("PropertiesPlugin:${caller} Setting $propertyName as an input to ${taskName} with a value of '$propertyValue'"), propertyValue)
* Helper method to check a recommended property and print a warning if it is
* missing.
* @param project the project we're dealing with
* @param propertyName the name of the property we want to check
* @param task the task checking the property.
* @param caller the name of the method calling this one. Used to log
* who is doing the work.
* @param defaultFile an optional description of where the project will get
* the value if it isn't specified during the build.
private checkRecommendedProperty(project, propertyName, task, caller, defaultFile) {
def taskName = task.path
if ( !project.hasProperty(propertyName) ) {
def message = "WARNING: '${propertyName}', required by '$taskName' task, has no value, using default"
if ( defaultFile != null ) {
message = message + " from '${defaultFile}'"
println message
def propertyValue =
logger.debug("PropertiesPlugin:${caller} Setting $propertyName as an input to ${taskName} with a value of '$propertyValue'"), propertyValue)
* helper method to convert a camel case property name to a dot notated
* one. This is used by the plugin for filtering. For example,
* myPropertyName would become as a token. Property names
* that don't start with a lower case letter are assumed to not be camel case
* and are returned as is. This means that callers will add the same property
* twice, which should be fine.
* @param propertyName the name of the property to convert
* @return the converted property name
private camelCaseToDotNotation(String propertyName) {
if ( !propertyName.charAt(0).isLowerCase() ) {
return propertyName
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( char c : propertyName.getChars() ) {
if ( c.upperCase ) {
} else {
return sb.toString()