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net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.stats.RDFStatistics.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.stats
import java.io.StringWriter
import net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.model._
import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype
import org.apache.jena.graph.{Node, Triple}
import org.apache.jena.sparql.expr.NodeValue
import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.{OWL, RDF, RDFS, XSD}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
* A Distributed implementation of RDF Statisctics.
* @author Gezim Sejdiu
object RDFStatistics extends Serializable {
@transient val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
* Compute distributed RDF dataset statistics.
* @param triples RDF graph
* @return VoID description of the given dataset
def run(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[String] = {
Used_Classes(triples, spark).Voidify()
.union(DistinctEntities(triples, spark).Voidify())
.union(DistinctSubjects(triples, spark).Voidify())
.union(DistinctObjects(triples, spark).Voidify())
.union(PropertyUsage(triples, spark).Voidify())
.union(SPO_Vocabularies(triples, spark).Voidify())
* Voidify RDF dataset based on the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) [[https://www.w3.org/TR/void/]]
* @param stats given RDF dataset statistics
* @param source name of the Dataset:source--usualy the file's name
* @param output the directory to save RDF dataset summary
def voidify(stats: RDD[String], source: String, output: String): Unit = {
val pw = new StringWriter
val prefix = """@prefix rdf: .
@prefix void: .
@prefix void-ext: .
@prefix qb: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix ls-void: .
@prefix ls-qb: .
@prefix ls-cr: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix xstats: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix rdfs: ."""
val src = "\n\n"
val end = "\na void:Dataset ."
val voidify = prefix.concat(src).concat(stats.coalesce(1, true).collect().mkString).concat(end)
println("\n" + voidify)
val vidifyStats = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(pw.toString))
vidifyStats.coalesce(1, shuffle = true).saveAsTextFile(output)
* Prints the Voidiy version of the given RDF dataset
* @param stats given RDF dataset statistics
* @param source name of the Dataset:source--usualy the file's name
def print(stats: RDD[String], source: String): Unit = {
val prefix = """@prefix rdf: .
@prefix void: .
@prefix void-ext: .
@prefix qb: .
@prefix dcterms: .
@prefix ls-void: .
@prefix ls-qb: .
@prefix ls-cr: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix xstats: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix rdfs: ."""
val src = "\n\n"
val end = "\na void:Dataset ."
val voidify = prefix.concat(src).concat(stats.coalesce(1, true).collect().mkString).concat(end)
println("\n" + voidify)
* 6. Property usage distinct per subject criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the usage of properties grouped by subject
def PropertyUsageDistinctPerSubject(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Iterable[Triple], Int)] = {
.map(f => (f._2.filter(p => p.getPredicate.getLiteralLexicalForm.contains(p)), 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
* 7. Property usage distinct per object criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the usage of properties grouped by object
def PropertyUsageDistinctPerObject(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Iterable[Triple], Int)] = {
.map(f => (f._2.filter(p => p.getPredicate.getLiteralLexicalForm.contains(p)), 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
* 4. Class hierarchy depth criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the depth of the graph
def ClassHierarchyDepth(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Node, Int)] = {
val subClassOf = triples
.filter(triple => (triple.predicateMatches(RDFS.subClassOf.asNode()) &&
triple.getSubject.isURI && triple.getObject.isURI))
var root = triples.filter(t => t.getObject.isURI() && t.objectMatches(OWL.Class.asNode()))
val graph = triples.asGraph()
val subClassOfGraph = subClassOf.asGraph()
val hrchyGraph = subClassOfGraph.hierarcyDepth()
.map { case (id, v) => (v._1._2, v._2._2) }
.sortBy(_._2, false)
// graph.inDegrees
* 12. Property hierarchy depth criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the depth of the graph
def PropertyHierarchyDepth(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Node, Int)] = {
val subPropertyOf = triples
.filter(triple => (triple.predicateMatches(RDFS.subPropertyOf.asNode()) &&
triple.getSubject.isURI && triple.getObject.isURI))
var root = triples.filter(t => t.getObject.isURI() && t.objectMatches(OWL.Class.asNode()))
val graph = triples.asGraph()
val subPropertyOfGraph = subPropertyOf.asGraph()
val hrchyGraph = subPropertyOfGraph.hierarcyDepth()
.map { case (id, v) => (v._1._2, v._2._2) }
.sortBy(_._2, false)
* 13. Subclass usage criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the usage of subclasses on the given graph
def SubclassUsage(triples: RDD[Triple]): Long = {
triples.filter(triple => triple.predicateMatches(RDFS.subClassOf.asNode()))
* 14. Triples criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the amount of triples of a given graph.
def Triples(triples: RDD[Triple]): Long =
* 15. Entities mentioned criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return number of distinct entities (resources / IRIs) that are mentioned within a RDF graph.
def EntitiesMentioned(triples: RDD[Triple]): Long = {
triples.flatMap(t => Seq(t.getSubject(), t.getPredicate(), t.getObject())).filter(_.isURI()).distinct().count()
* * 17. Literals criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return number of triples that are referencing literals to subjects.
def Literals(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Triple] =
* 18. Blanks as subject criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return number of triples where blanknodes are used as subjects.
def BlanksAsSubject(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Triple] =
* 19. Blanks as object criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return number of triples where blanknodes are used as objects.
def BlanksAsObject(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Triple] =
* 20. Datatypes criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return histogram of types used for literals.
def Datatypes(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(String, Int)] = {
triples.filter(triple => (triple.getObject.isLiteral && !triple.getObject.getLiteralDatatype.getURI.isEmpty))
.map(triple => (triple.getObject.getLiteralDatatype.getURI, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
* 21. Languages criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return histogram of languages used for literals.
def Languages(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(String, Int)] = {
triples.filter(triple => (triple.getObject.isLiteral && !triple.getObject.getLiteralLanguage.isEmpty))
.map(triple => (triple.getObject.getLiteralLanguage, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
* 22. Average typed string length criterion.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the average typed string length used throughout the RDF graph.
def AvgTypedStringLength(triples: RDD[Triple]): Double = {
.filter(triple => triple.getObject.isLiteral && triple.getObject.getLiteralDatatypeURI.equals(XSD.xstring.getURI))
* 23. Average untyped string length criterion.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return the average untyped string length used throughout the RDF graph.
def AvgUntypedStringLength(triples: RDD[Triple]): Double = {
.filter(triple => triple.getObject.isLiteral && !triple.getObject.getLiteralLanguage.isEmpty) // since RDF 1.1 there is always a datatype, thus, we check for non-empty language tag
* 24. Typed subjects criterion.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return list of typed subjects.
def TypedSubjects(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Node] =
triples.filter(triple => triple.predicateMatches(RDF.`type`.asNode())).map(_.getSubject)
* 24. Labeled subjects criterion.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return list of labeled subjects.
def LabeledSubjects(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Node] =
triples.filter(triple => triple.predicateMatches(RDFS.label.asNode())).map(_.getSubject)
* 25. SameAs criterion.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return list of triples with owl#sameAs as predicate
def SameAs(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[Triple] =
* 26. Links criterion.
* Computes the frequencies of links between entities of different namespaces. This measure is directed, i.e.
* a link from `ns1 -> ns2` is different from `ns2 -> ns1`.
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return list of namespace combinations and their frequencies.
def Links(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(String, String, Int)] = {
.filter(triple => (triple.getSubject.isURI && triple.getObject.isURI) && triple.getSubject.getNameSpace != triple.getObject.getNameSpace)
.map(triple => ((triple.getSubject.getNameSpace, triple.getObject.getNameSpace), 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
.map(e => (e._1._1, e._1._2, e._2))
* 28.Maximum value per property {int,float,time} criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return entities with their maximum values on the graph
def MaxPerProperty(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Node, Node)] = {
// int values (fast)
// triples
// .filter(t => t.getObject.isLiteral && (t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDint || t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDinteger))
// .map(t => (t.getPredicate, t.getObject.getLiteralValue.asInstanceOf[Int]))
// .reduceByKey(_ max _)
// generic (simple)
.filter(t => t.getObject.isLiteral) // && (t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDint || t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDinteger))
.map(t => (t.getPredicate, t.getObject))
.reduceByKey((n1, n2) => {
val ret = NodeValue.compare(NodeValue.makeNode(n1), NodeValue.makeNode(n2))
if (ret > 0) n1 else n2
// generic (accumulator)
// triples
// .filter(t => t.getObject.isLiteral && (t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDint || t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDinteger))
// .map(t => (t.getPredicate, t.getObject))
// .aggregateByKey(new AggMax(null).createAccumulator())(
// (acc, v) => {
// acc.accumulate(BindingFactory.binding(null, v), null)
// acc},
// (acc1, acc2) => {
// acc1.accumulate(BindingFactory.binding(null, acc2.getValue().asNode()), null)
// acc1
// })
// .map(e => (e._1, e._2.getValue.asNode()))
* 29. Average value per numeric property {int,float,time} criterion
* @param triples RDD of triples
* @return properties with their average values on the graph
def AvgPerProperty(triples: RDD[Triple]): RDD[(Node, Double)] = {
.filter(t => t.getObject.isLiteral &&
(t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDint ||
t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDinteger ||
t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDshort ||
t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDdecimal ||
t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDfloat ||
t.getObject.getLiteralDatatype == XSDDatatype.XSDdouble))
.map(t => (t.getPredicate, t.getObject))
.aggregateByKey((0.0, 0))(
(elt, node) => (elt._1 + NodeValue.makeNode(node).getDouble, elt._2 + 1),
(elt1, elt2) => (elt1._1 + elt2._1, elt1._2 + elt2._2))
.map(e => (e._1, e._2._1 / e._2._2))
class Used_Classes(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
// ?p=rdf:type && isIRI(?o)
def Filter(): RDD[Node] = triples.filter(f =>
f.predicateMatches(RDF.`type`.asNode()) && f.getObject.isURI)
// M[?o]++
def Action(): RDD[(Node, Int)] = Filter()
.map(f => (f, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// top(M,100)
def PostProc(): Array[(Node, Int)] = Action().sortBy(_._2, false)
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var triplesString = new Array[String](1)
triplesString(0) = "\nvoid:classPartition "
val classes = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(PostProc())
val vc = classes.map(t => "[ \nvoid:class " + "<" + t._1 + ">; \nvoid:triples " + t._2 + ";\n], ")
var cl_a = new Array[String](1)
cl_a(0) = "\nvoid:classes " + Action().map(f => f._1).distinct().count + ";"
val c_p = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(triplesString)
val c = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(cl_a)
if (classes.count() > 0) {
} else c.union(vc)
object Used_Classes {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): Used_Classes = new Used_Classes(triples, spark)
class Classes_Defined(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
// ?p=rdf:type && isIRI(?s) &&(?o=rdfs:Class||?o=owl:Class)
def Filter(): RDD[Triple] = triples.filter(f =>
(f.predicateMatches(RDF.`type`.asNode()) && f.getSubject.isURI &&
(f.objectMatches(RDFS.Class.asNode()) || f.objectMatches(OWL.Class.asNode()))))
// M[?o]++
def Action(): RDD[Node] = Filter().map(_.getSubject).distinct()
def PostProc(): Long = Action().count()
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var cd = new Array[String](1)
cd(0) = "\nvoid:classes " + PostProc() + ";"
object Classes_Defined {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): Classes_Defined = new Classes_Defined(triples, spark)
class PropertiesDefined(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Triple] = triples.filter(f =>
(f.predicateMatches(RDF.`type`.asNode()) && f.getSubject.isURI &&
(f.objectMatches(OWL.ObjectProperty.asNode()) || f.objectMatches(RDF.Property.asNode()))))
def Action(): RDD[Node] = Filter().map(_.getPredicate).distinct()
def PostProc(): Long = Action().count()
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var cd = new Array[String](1)
cd(0) = "\nvoid:properties " + PostProc() + ";"
object PropertiesDefined {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): PropertiesDefined = new PropertiesDefined(triples, spark)
class PropertyUsage(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Triple] = triples
// M[?p]++
def Action(): RDD[(Node, Int)] = Filter().map(_.getPredicate)
.map(f => (f, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
// top(M,100)
def PostProc(): Array[(Node, Int)] = Action().sortBy(_._2, false)
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var triplesString = new Array[String](1)
triplesString(0) = "\nvoid:propertyPartition "
val properties = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(PostProc())
val vp = properties.map(t => "[ \nvoid:property " + "<" + t._1 + ">; \nvoid:triples " + t._2 + ";\n], ")
var pl_a = new Array[String](1)
pl_a(0) = "\nvoid:properties " + Action().map(f => f._1).distinct().count + ";"
val c_p = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(triplesString)
val p = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(pl_a)
object PropertyUsage {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): PropertyUsage = new PropertyUsage(triples, spark)
class DistinctEntities(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Node] =
.flatMap(t => Seq(t.getSubject, t.getPredicate, t.getObject))
def Action(): RDD[Node] = Filter().distinct()
def PostProc(): Long = Action().count()
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var ents = new Array[String](1)
ents(0) = "\nvoid:entities " + PostProc() + ";"
object DistinctEntities {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): DistinctEntities = new DistinctEntities(triples, spark)
class DistinctSubjects(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Node] = triples.filter(f => f.getSubject.isURI).map(_.getSubject)
def Action(): RDD[Node] = Filter().distinct()
def PostProc(): Long = Action().count()
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var ents = new Array[String](1)
ents(0) = "\nvoid:distinctSubjects " + PostProc() + ";"
object DistinctSubjects {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): DistinctSubjects = new DistinctSubjects(triples, spark)
class DistinctObjects(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Node] = triples.filter(f => f.getObject.isURI).map(_.getObject)
def Action(): RDD[Node] = Filter().distinct()
def PostProc(): Long = Action().count()
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var ents = new Array[String](1)
ents(0) = "\nvoid:distinctObjects " + PostProc() + ";"
object DistinctObjects {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): DistinctObjects = new DistinctObjects(triples, spark)
class SPO_Vocabularies(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession) extends Serializable {
def Filter(): RDD[Triple] = triples
def Action(node: Node): RDD[String] = Filter().map(f => node.getNameSpace).cache()
def SubjectVocabulariesAction(): RDD[String] = Filter().filter(_.getSubject.isURI()).map(f => (f.getSubject.getNameSpace))
def SubjectVocabulariesPostProc(): RDD[(String, Int)] = SubjectVocabulariesAction()
.map(f => (f, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
def PredicateVocabulariesAction(): RDD[String] = Filter().filter(_.getPredicate.isURI()).map(f => (f.getPredicate.getNameSpace))
def PredicateVocabulariesPostProc(): RDD[(String, Int)] = PredicateVocabulariesAction()
.map(f => (f, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
def ObjectVocabulariesAction(): RDD[String] = Filter().filter(_.getObject.isURI()).map(f => (f.getObject.getNameSpace))
def ObjectVocabulariesPostProc(): RDD[(String, Int)] = ObjectVocabulariesAction()
.map(f => (f, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
def PostProc(node: Node): RDD[(String, Int)] = Filter().map(f => node.getNameSpace)
.map(f => (f, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
def Voidify(): RDD[String] = {
var ents = new Array[String](1)
ents(0) = "\nvoid:vocabulary <" + SubjectVocabulariesAction().union(PredicateVocabulariesAction()).union(ObjectVocabulariesAction()).distinct().take(15).mkString(">, <") + ">;"
object SPO_Vocabularies {
def apply(triples: RDD[Triple], spark: SparkSession): SPO_Vocabularies = new SPO_Vocabularies(triples, spark)
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